How to compile for 32bit on Qt 5.3.0 - windows

I have a question: how can i compile the program to work for 32bit using Qt creator 5.3.0. My windows is win 7 eterprise 64bit. (Please give full explanation because i`m not that good at operating systems, i only like algorithmics :D ). Thanks alot.


How to compile C/C++ for Windows 32 using MinGW?

I can compile C/C++ code using MinGW for Windows 64-bit.
But how can I compile C/C++ code using MinGW for Windows 32-bit?
Do I need to install 32-bit version of MinGW? If I do, where can I download it?
But as far as I know, mingw-w64 for win32 and win64, or not?
Hope for your help!
MinGW-w64 exists for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
My personal build at provides separate standalone downloads for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Please see the site for instructions on how to use. It also includes instructions on how to configure Code::Blocks IDE to have both compilers available.

Compiling Fortran Code on OSX for Windows 64

I am trying to compile some Fortran files into a Windows 64-bit executable on a Mac with macOS Sierra. I have already succesfully compiled the Fortran code to run on OSX with GFortran, but now also want to do it for a computer running Windows 64-bit.
I am really not very familiar with compilers, so am finding the documentation out there quite confusing. I understand that some cross-compilers exist and that MinGW could possibly help me achieve my goal.
Any advice on specifically how I should go about this and whether it is even possible would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

Setting up QtCreator cross compiler for ARM on Windows

I need to develop Qt and command line software for the BeagleBone Black and Raspberry Pi-2. Ideally I wish to use QtCreator as I am accustomed to it, but in any case I need to use QtDesigner for GUI work.
I have spent days trawling through articles, going around in circles and getting nowhere.
The Raspberry Pi-2 has Raspbian/Jessie installed together with Qt 5.2.3. I can design, compile and run Qt desktop applications on this. Of course compilation is slow and not really usable for development work.
To try and keep matters simple, I downloaded qt-opensource-windows-x86-android-5.3.2.exe and installed that on my Windows 7 (64-bit) system. My belief is that this Qt install is the same version as the Qt on the Pi-2 and already contains the ARM7 library files required for cross-compiling. All that should be needed is a cross-compiler for Windows/ARM?
Windows/QtCreator complained in Tools > Options > Qt Versions about the Qt 5.3 for Android armv7 stating "No compiler can produce code for this Qt version...".
For a Windows/ARM cross-compiler I downloaded and installed Yagarto (yagarto-bu-2.23.1_gcc-4.7.2-c-c++_nl-1.20.0_gdb-7.5.1_eabi_20121222.exe). I figured I then just need to set the QtCreator compiler path in Tools > Options > Compilers and then things would start working. This is not the case.
Clearly I am missing something important and have managed to become confused by the number of not-quite-relevant articles I have read.
Is Yagarto the cross-compiler I need in this situation?
How do I define the compiler in QtCreator and get rid of the error?
Is there an easier way to set-up this stuff?
Thank you.
QtCreator 3.2.1 (Qt 5.3.2)
Windows 7 64-bit service pack 1
I have just tried again using the GCC ARM Embedded ToolChain and GNU Make for Windows. The result is the same in that I cannot seem to configure the settings for QtCreator ARM7 and make it happy.

question on turbo c

Can anyone tell me which version of turbo c will work on windows 7 and from where to download it free...
You can download it here. This is from the Embarcadero site; it does require registration before you can download it.
I do not know if you will be able to use this on Windows 7. I recently installed Borland Pascal 7 on a DOS 6.22 VM, just for kicks; the BP7 cannot be run on 64 bit Windows 7.
If you are targeting the windows platform have you considered looking at Visual C++ Express? It is free and quite functional.
Turbo C can not be used to target Windows 7. You may be able to run your Turbo C program in a compatibility mode but, unless there's a newer version I'm unaware of, you won't even be able to do that on Windows 7 64-bit.
Turbo C will work up to Vista. It will also work in 32 bit editions of Windows 7, in XP or 98 compatibility mode. It will not work on any 64-bit versions of Windows.
For 64 bit Windows I recommend DOSBox.
I don't recommend Turbo C. It's obsolete.
Produces 16bit applications which dosen't work in modern OS.
The code is DOS specific.
Autocomplete not supported.
Dosen't support modern C++ syntax.
The project is discontinued.
I recommend Visual Studio. It's good for programming.
That said, Turbo C is still downloadable.

qt application 64 bit windows

Is it possible to compile a 64 bit executable in qt windows?
Is it the same process as with 32 bit or any different?
Have a look at this wiki page. I describes how to build the Qt binaries from source for different configurations.
I'm not sure if I understand your question completely, but I can tell you about my project and see if it helps your situation.
We have:
Visual Studio 2008 C++ project
Contains both Win32 and x64 platforms (in other words, it can be 32-bits or 64-bits)
We save the original Qt libraries that came with the Qt installer in one directory (e.g. Qt/lib/x32), and re-built Qt as 64-bits and save that in another directory (e.g. Qt/lib/x64).
When it comes to linking, we just ensure that we link with the correct library (32-bit platform links to 32-bit Qt, and so on).
This has worked quite well for us.
So if I had to guess the answer to your question.
Yes, it's possible to compile a 64-bit executable in Qt on Windows. It's the same process, except you have to tell the qmake a little bit different parameter. See Frank Bollack link above on how to build it.
Note, if you app is 64-bit (x64), and you try to link 32-bit Qt (the one that came with the installer), it will not link.
Hope this helps.
There is also an (inofficial) installer of the qt-libraries etc. for 64-bit Windows. You might want to have a look at that:
(Just in case you don't want to spend a few hours compiling qt yourself... :D)
