How to better split FAKE build script for Teamcity - teamcity

Without Teamcity I would put everything into one big .fsx script and just "fire and forget" it. It would be OK to have a single script for the build, doing all the work.
But when we put .fsx script into Teamcity, everything changed. Teamcity has nice build log and build steps features, but putting all logic into the same script and build step resulted in HUGE build log.
We have build and tests in a single .fsx script, and I was going to place distributive building into it either. But now I don't think that this is a great idea. Perhaps it would be better to split this build script into several build scripts and run them in several build steps?
But with several scripts it's not too convenient to run build locally, without Teamcity if we need to. Or we can have several small build scripts for every task ans one build script for the local build calling all these small scripts.
What is the best solution for this?

This is my personal opinion and not a "best solution": I would not use multiple build steps or build pipelines in Teamcity since this will lead to vendor lock in.
That said if you still want to use build pipelines then use a single build file and make heavy use of FAKE's build targets and conditional dependencies.
if isLocalBuild then
==> B
==> C
So you can still run it locally like before.
In TeamCity define a build pipeline which calls only one target in every build step (using FAKE.exe target=A).

Well, I suppose I've done something similar to #forki23 suggestion. I've put everything into a single .fsx, defined several target's chains not related to each other, like this:
Clean ==> Build
BuildTests ==> RunTests
SignExes ==> PackDistr
and on each build step I call one "leaf" target, i.e.
Step1: fake build.fsx target=Build
Step2: fake build.fsx target=RunTests
Step3: fale build.fsx target=PackDistr
Locally, I created several .bat files for building locally, and I've defined target's call order in these .bat files. But I suppose it would really be better to use the isLocalBuild value as #forki23 suggested. This would make build logic more encapsulated into single .fsx script and that's great!


Is there a build step in TeamCity that exits the build successfully without performing additional build steps?

I have a project that needs to execute either three or four build steps depending on the branch in source control. More specifically, if I'm merging in a PR and running the build (for GitHub status notifications) I have one extra build step that is required.
It's that last build step that I need to omit if it's a non-PR branch.
Is there a way to add a build step that checks the trigger and exits the build successfully? Or a way to exclude a build step based on a branch filter?
You can check the condition and modify the step logic inside the build script. See the related ticket and an example of the script.
BTW, It is not a good practice to change the logic of the build inside build script. In this case you no longer "compare" builds in the build configuration: they start to form multiple unrelated sequences. Also the statistics of the builds will be uninformative. The recommended setup is to create several build configurations based on template.
Depending on which type of runner you are launching, but you can, in some cases, add few lines of code to get your current branch name with the property :
In my case, I just add this as an extra parameter for powershell scripts and if this is a number, do something, else, do other stuff. ;)

Scheme Script vs. Build Phase Script

After I make a build I want to copy some files into my Xcode project.
I discovered that I could do this either in
In "Build Phases" with a custom build step.
I can also execute scripts before and after the different "tasks" in the Scheme editor:
Build (This is where I could add my script)
I don't completely understand the differences / possible implications between the two approaches and I am wondering when to choose either approach. Thanks for clarification.
After I make a build I want to copy some files into my Xcode project.
I assume you want to copy files to your build product, not the Xcode project.
There are several subtle differences between scheme and build phase scripts. Here are some of them:
Scheme scripts are part of the scheme, so sharing with other developers is more configurable. Build phase scripts on the other hand are part of the target and cannot be skipped simply by choosing another scheme.
Scheme scripts can run before the dependency checking. So you can use them to modify source files and get up to date results. This is not possible with build phase scripts.
The information passed to the script in environment variables differs slightly. Depending on what information you need you sometimes have to choose right kind of script.
Build phase scripts are run conditionally only if the build process succeeds until their place in the target.
Build phase scripts can be configured to only run when input files changed.
There isn't much difference between the two, however you have more control where, in the build sequence, the build phases scripts are run and so this is preferable (for example you could modify files that have already been copied by standard Xcode build phases).
I always use Build Phases scripts myself and have never used Scheme scripts. They are more visible and more manageable.

How to add some prebuild steps to jenkins?

I am a Jenkins newbie and need a little hand holding because we only maintain parts of our app in SVN. I have basic Jenkins install setup.
This is what I do to get a local DEV environment setup and need that translated to Jenkins in order to make a build:
DO SVN checkout (and get the 2 folders that are under SVN)
Delete the folders
Copy over the full app from FTP location
Do SVN restore
download sql file
Import into MySQL
How would I get the above mentioned steps in Jenkins? I know there are some post build steps that I can use. Just not sure how to put it all together. Any help will be much appreciated.
Tell Jenkins about the SVN repository and it will check it out automatically when a new build is started. That should take care of 1. 2-5 would be build steps (i.e. execute shell commands). Basically, you can set up Jenkins to do exactly what you do on the command line, except that the first step is taken care of automatically if you tell Jenkins about the repository.
Rather than trying to do these sort of things in Jenkins, you'll likely save yourself some trouble if you make use of something like Ant or NAnt to handle the complexities for your build.
I've found that doing my builds this way gives me added flexibility (ie, if it can be done via the command-line, I can use it in my build, rather than needing a Jenkins plugin to support it), and makes maintenance easier as well (since my NAnt scripts become part of the project and are checked into the VCS system, I can go back if I make a change that doesn't work out.
Jenkins has some build-history plugins, but over time I've found it easier to keep the majority of my 'build' logic and complexity outside of the CI environment and just call into it instead.

How to recombine builds in TeamCity?

We have a lot of tests. I can break these up so that they run on seperate agents after an initial compile build happens, but is there a way I can recombine these results? Having 8 build configurations that all need to be green makes it hard to see if you've got one ubergreen build.
Is there a way in TeamCity to recombine / join builds once we've split them out? TW-9990 might help - allowing ANDs in the dependencies.
We found the answer which certainly works from TeamCity 5:
One compile build,
N test only builds that take!** and copy to where the compile output would normally be. (via a template)
Consolidated finish:
Finish Build Trigger: Wait for a successful build in: ...
Snapshot Dependencies: Do not run new build if there is a suitable one
Only use successful builds from suitable ones
This all seems to work nicely and the whole shbang is easily copied for branches etc. Am very happy - this has worked well for us for many months now.
No idea how to do that natively. Here's my first thoughts on how I would try and tackle such a thing though:
Saving test results to files
Publishing the test result files as build artifacts
Creating a 'Merge build'
Adding artifact dependency onto the individual test projects
Writing a custom 'build' script using something like (N)Ant. This would parse the individual test results and publish the results as per the TC KB
Good luck!
Thinking outside the box you could have an overall build which doesn't really do anything (or use one of your test build configs as your 'master'), with snapshot dependencies on each of your split test builds. That way if any of them fail, the 'master' will fail because one the dependent build failed.
TW-9990 looks to be concerned with build triggering rather than dependencies.

TeamCity Multi-Part Build - How to checkout the code just once

I am trying to create 1 package with multiple build configurations. The first will checkout the code, build it (Solution File configuration), and run nunit tests. If that succeeds, another will then build in release mode. If that succeeds, a final script witll package up the output, and mark it as an artifact.
The problem I'm having is that I don't know how to tell TeamCity not to create new directories for each step, and as a result, the steps are failing. Is there a setting for this? It seems like the dependencies tab would be an appropriate place to look, but I don't seem to understand the instructions, and my tinkering so far has been fruitless.
I basically skipped most of the TeamCity workflow, and instead used a scripting language to handle all of this. (I used Rake and Albacore, which I highly recommend for .net projects)
I'd caution you not to use powershell w/ TeamCity. You have to wrap everything in .bat file, which is fairly excruciating.
So the result, is that I have 1 checkout, and everything builds from this point. It's drastically cut down the amount of time required for the builds, though perhaps that wouldn't be the case if I had a lot of agents available.
