How to find screen rotation locked off in windows phone and I'll try to post something legible through my seething anger.
I've seen a couple of posts on here on how to check if the screen rotation is locked off, but none of it has been working for me.
There's an AutoRotationPreferences property which you can set the orientation of the monitor.
private void LockOrientationChange()
DisplayProperties.AutoRotationPreferences = DisplayProperties.CurrentOrientation;
private void UnlockOrientationChange()
DisplayProperties.AutoRotationPreferences =
DisplayOrientations.Landscape |
DisplayOrientations.LandscapeFlipped |
DisplayOrientations.Portrait |
See this posts for more:
I'm trying to make a Proof of Concept (C#) for basic graphical maps, as an alternative to Google Maps for Andriod and iOS devices - because Google started charging fees for their APIs (from my understanding only affecting web right now).
I doesn't need to be particularly advanced, simply a GUI that shows a base map where you can draw:
The only requirements I have is that it should be open-source, or at as low a cost as possible.
What I've done so far is to use data from - and set up a tile-server on a separate linux machine.
Furthermore, it went fairly quick to create a simple web app with OpenLayers.js and Leaflet.js connected to the custom tile-server with the requirments met.
What I need to do now is to find a free or cheap mobile SDK for Xamarin for Android and iOS. I managed to render a map from my own tile-server and add markers by referring .dll's from this zip from 2014 (only tested for Andriod):
using OsmSharp.Android.UI;
using OsmSharp.Android.UI.Data.SQLite;
using OsmSharp.Math.Geo;
using OsmSharp.UI.Map;
using OsmSharp.UI.Map.Layers;
[Activity(Label = "#string/app_name", MainLauncher = true)]
public class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity
private MapView _mapView { get; set; }
private Layer _mapLayer { get; set; }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
_mapView = new MapView(this, new MapViewSurface(this))
MapTilt = 0,
MapCenter = new GeoCoordinate(lat, long),
MapZoom = 16,
Map = new Map()
// create a marker under Resources/drawable/pin.png
using (var bitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources,
var marker = new MapMarker(this, new GeoCoordinate(lat, long), MapMarkerAlignmentType.CenterBottom, bitmap);
_mapLayer = _mapView.Map.AddLayerTile("http://*.*.*.*/{0}/{1}/{2}.png");
catch (Exception ex)
However, these .dlls seemed to lack support for Lines and Polygons. I have tried to get something similar to work with OsmSharp's latest NuGet package (2018-06-04), but my novice Xamarin experiance only gets me so far.
Does anyone have any tips on how to use my own tile-server and render native maps on Android and iOS devices?
PS. It doen't strictly need to be OpenStreetMap with OsmSharp connected to a custom tile-server, that's just something im leaning towards right now. Again, requirents are open-source or at a low cost with the fexebility to add Markers, Lines and Polygons.
I am developing a watch face for Android Wear. In order to have smooth graphics, I switched from conventional canvas drawing to OpenGL (i. e., from CanvasWatchFaceService to Gles2WatchFaceService). For touch input, I was using
public void onTapCommand(int tapType, int x, int y, long eventTime) { ... }
That doesn't seem to work under Gles2WatchFaceService. How can I still get touch input?
I found it. The style of the face watch needs to be set accordingly (setAcceptsTapEvents) in the onCreate function:
public void onCreate(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder) {
setWatchFaceStyle(new WatchFaceStyle.Builder(CronosurfGLWatchFace.this)
.setAcceptsTapEvents(true) // <== HERE!!
It is the same as for CanvasWatchFaceService. For some reason, I lost that style setting while I changed my code from canvas to OpenGL.
I am building a Windows 8.1 Universal app, and at the minute specifically I am working on the Windows Phone side of it. The app is an RT app built using the MVVM pattern, and I am using MVVM Light.
The app is for a financial institunion and exposes payment information. As such, there is a security requirement to log the user out of the app if there is no activity after a period of 2 minutes.
I've searched high and low for a solution to this problem. The only one which really works is to set up gestures in the view, and use a DispatchTimer, which expires and redirects to the app lock screen (not the built-in Windows one) after 2 minutes if no gestures have been detected. A gesture resets the timer. Here is some sample code for the gesture setup:
public MainPage()
//Register the gestures, for the app timeout
this.PointerPressed += MainPage_PointerPressed;
this.PointerMoved += MainPage_PointerMoved;
this.PointerReleased += MainPage_PointerReleased;
gr.CrossSliding += Gr_CrossSliding;
gr.Dragging += Gr_Dragging;
gr.Holding += Gr_Holding;
gr.ManipulationCompleted += Gr_ManipulationCompleted;
gr.ManipulationInertiaStarting += Gr_ManipulationInertiaStarting;
gr.ManipulationStarted += Gr_ManipulationStarted;
gr.ManipulationUpdated += Gr_ManipulationUpdated;
gr.RightTapped += Gr_RightTapped;
gr.Tapped += Gr_Tapped;
gr.GestureSettings = Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings.ManipulationRotate | Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings.ManipulationTranslateX | Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings.ManipulationTranslateY |
Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings.ManipulationScale | Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings.ManipulationRotateInertia | Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings.ManipulationScaleInertia |
Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings.ManipulationTranslateInertia | Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings.Tap;
There are methods for receiving gesture inputs on the page, like this:
private void Gr_Tapped(Windows.UI.Input.GestureRecognizer sender, Windows.UI.Input.TappedEventArgs args)
And here is my timer code:
private DispatcherTimer _timer2 { get; set; }
int ticks = 0;
private void InitializeTimer()
_timer2 = new DispatcherTimer();
_timer2.Tick += timer2_Tick;
_timer2.Interval = new TimeSpan(00, 0, 1);
bool enabled = _timer2.IsEnabled;
void timer2_Tick(object sender, object e)
if (ticks >= 120)
private void Timeout()
_timer2 = null;
private void ResetTimer()
ticks = 0;
This solution is far from perfect. I will have to use it if I can't find a better one, but there are 4 main problems with it;
It breaks the MVVM pattern. All this code has to go in the code behind of the View. I have 7 views which are accessible after the user logs in, so there will be a lot of repitition
It doesn't capture all gestures. For example is seems to ignore when scrolling up and down a listbox full of items
I have to call the ResetTimer() method or _timer2.Stop() from anywhere in the view that might be considered a gesture (even just before navigating away from the view)
It's just a messy and awkward solution
Does anyone know of a better way of achieving this? Surely there's a more elegant solution, maybe something at a higher level, rather than trying to catch every last button press and gesture.
Also, it would be useful if the app could detect whether it was running in the foreground or the background, and auto-navigates to the lock screen if the user navigates away from the app then goes back to it later.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions...
I am trying to display ads from pubcetner in XNA game for WP. I am using DrawableAd class as it is written here:
But I can't see any ads rendering. Is it works? Or is there any other way to display ads? I wanted to try Adrotator, but I can't
get NuGet Package for this
Ok, I had a lot of problems with this in my game.
Without seeing your code, it's hard to actually diagnose, so without posting that from your Game.cs (assuming it's in Game.cs), you will need to make sure to test the following things.
//Global variable area
DrawableAd bannerAd;
string applicationID = "test_client"; //Or insert your actual ID. I recommend you first do with test client
//ie. 1234567-d123-1234-a12b-1a23b4567890
string adUnitID = "Image480_80"; //Or the actual unit ID. ie. 123456
protected override void Initialize(){
AdGameComponent.Initialize(this, applicationId);
AdGameComponent.Current.CountryOrRegion = System.Globalization.RegionInfo.CurrentRegion.TwoLetterISORegionName;
bannerAd = AdGameComponent.Current.CreateAd(adUnitId, new Rectangle(0,400, 480, 80), true);
AdGameComponent.Current.Enabled = true;
AdGameComponent.Current.Visible = true;
The part that got me by surprise was that I got rid of my base.Update(...) and base.Draw(...) calls and it actually prevented anything from ever being updated or called with the Ad. I also remember through my endeavor that the region was apparently important in some cases. Can't find the source for that. You might be able to get rid of it.
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
//Your code here...
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
//Your code here...
Hope that helps! Good luck. I know I had a pretty nasty time figuring out why mine didn't work. Make sure your render order is correct to. I'm not sure, but perhaps you might be drawing everything ON the ad. I haven't looked into whether you could actually do that or if the depth field of the ad was always on top. I just leave my base.Draw(gameTime) at the bottom of everything else.
I'm making a windows phone app which displays where the closest campus shuttles are (among other things). Windows Phone requires apps to allow the users to turn off location services within the app.
So, I added a toggle for it on a settings page, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Here's the viewmodel where I declared the geocoordinatewatcher.
public MainViewModel()
geoWatcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher();
if (geoWatcher.TryStart(false, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) )==false )
{ MessageBox.Show("The location services are disabled for this app. We can't detect the nearby stops. To turn location services back on, go to the settings page.", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); }
private GeoCoordinateWatcher geoWatcher;
public GeoCoordinateWatcher GeoWatcher
return geoWatcher;
if (geoWatcher != value)
geoWatcher = value;
if(geoWatcher.Status== GeoPositionStatus.Disabled)
and here's the bulk of the settings page
public SettingsPage()
if (App.ViewModel.GeoWatcher.Status == GeoPositionStatus.Ready)
locToggle.IsChecked = true;
locToggle.Content = "On";
locToggle.IsChecked = false;
locToggle.Content = "Off";
private void toggleChecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
locToggle.Content = "On";
MessageBox.Show("this is the status " + App.ViewModel.GeoWatcher.Status.ToString(), "Info", MessageBoxButton.OK); //for debugging
private void toggleUnchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
locToggle.Content = "Off";
MessageBox.Show("this is the status " + App.ViewModel.GeoWatcher.Status.ToString(), "Info", MessageBoxButton.OK); //for debugging
When i turn the toggle off and click away from the Settings page, and go back to it, the toggle is re-enabled again.
I tried putting in a message box on the functions to debug but the status always says "Ready" and my app still uses the location services, even when I turn the toggle to "off".
Is there something I should be adding to the code so that the toggle will properly make my app stop using location services across my app if it's disabled on the settings page? Or should I be checking something else besides GeoPositionStatus? I couldn't figure out a way to make my app actually change the location services permissions or PositionStatus.
I looked at this page here, but am still confused since I followed the example at the bottom of the page, to no avail. I searched StackOverflow but I couldn't seem to find a similar question with WP. I also posted this on the AppHub forums though.
In your MainViewModel you need to check if they have allowed location services before you use the geocoordinatewatcher.
{all your code for using location}
You should probably take into account a few factors/points, most of which, you have. Anyway, you might find these helpful.
Your application settings toggle should only show when the location service is switched on on the device
GeoPositionStatus is just an Enum which contains the types of statuses.
StatusChanged is the event which is to be handled to check for changes in the device settings. See this.
You cannot change the device settings from the application.
Add event handlers before you call start on the watcher.