golang - Pointer idiosyncrasies - go

Need help understanding why this breaks. PrintFoo can be called using either pointer or value. Why not NumField?
type A struct {
foo string
func (a *A) PrintFoo(){
fmt.Println("Foo value is " + a.foo)
func main() {
a := &A{foo: "afoo"}
(*a).PrintFoo() //Works - no problem
a.PrintFoo() //Works - no problem
reflect.TypeOf(*a).NumField() //Works - no problem - Type = main.A
reflect.TypeOf(a).NumField() //BREAKS! - Type = *main.A

From the documentation :
// NumField returns the number of fields in the struct v.
// It panics if v's Kind is not Struct.
func (v Value) NumField() int
You are calling it on a pointer, you have to call it on a struct instead, for example :
When you're not sure if your value is a pointer or not, use reflect.Indirect:
Indirect returns the value that v points to. If v is a nil pointer,
Indirect returns a zero Value. If v is not a pointer, Indirect returns
NumField gets called on Value, not your actual object, for example of you do:
func main() {
a := &A{foo: "afoo"}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", reflect.TypeOf(*a))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", reflect.TypeOf(a))
You will get :
&reflect.rtype{size:0x8, ...... ptrToThis:(*reflect.rtype)(0xec320)}
&reflect.rtype{size:0x4, ...... ptrToThis:(*reflect.rtype)(nil)}
As you can tell, it's a completely different beast.
The first one holds information about the pointer, hence ptrToThis points to the actual struct.
The second holds info about the struct itself.


Ensuring a parameter must be pointer (or interface, which internally a pointer)

Sometimes we make a function that like C#'s out in the parameter, just like json.Unmarshal or any kind of unmarshal function.
How in Go compile time (instead of runtime) we can make sure that the variable that being passed is a pointer or an interface?
In runtime I can do something like this:
func mustStructPtr(f interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(f)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic(fmt.Errorf("not a pointer: %T", f))
v = v.Elem() // dereference the pointer
if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct { // TODO: non null map or slice also ok
panic(fmt.Errorf("not struct; is %T", f))
How to enfoce this on compile time in Golang? so something like this are allowed
var myStruct MyStruct
myFunc(&myStruct) // ok, because pointer
myFunc(myStruct) // <-- not ok, because this cannot receive
var x interface{} = &mystruct
myFunc(x) // ok, because interface to pointer
x = myStruct
myFunc(x) // <-- not ok, because interface to non pointer
var y map[string]interface{}
myFunc(y) // ok, because map internally a pointer
var z = []myStruct{}
myFunc(&z) // ok, because a pointer
You can't really ensure that. If you really want a pointer I guess you could make your function generic and have it accept *T, but then you still don't know that T is a struct and it won't work with an interface.
You can catch this with linters (at least for json.Unmarshal) and otherwise, unit testing.
One of the approaches to increase type safety in your case would be to declare a new type and enforce the check on creation.
type PointerOrInterface struct {
val interface{}
func NewPointerOrInterface(val interface{}) PointerOrInterface {
// check
return PointerOrInterface{
val: val,

I don't understand when to use pointers on go [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pointers vs. values in parameters and return values
(5 answers)
When to use pointers [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Difference between returning a pointer and a value in initialization methods [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Why should constructor of Go return address?
(2 answers)
Why should I use a pointer ( performance)?
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am doing a tour of go language, and I have a question about pointers.
Example code (https://tour.golang.org/methods/19):
package main
import (
type MyError struct {
When time.Time
What string
func (e *MyError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("at %v, %s",
e.When, e.What)
func run() error {
return &MyError{
"it didn't work",
func main() {
if err := run(); err != nil {
In this case it is using *MyError and &MyError, but I try to remove the * and & and it works correctly. Why are they using pointers in this example? What is the difference with normal variables? When should I use pointers or not?
"When should I use pointers?" is a very large question without a simple answer. Pointers are a way of passing a reference to a value, rather than a value itself, around, allowing you to modify the original value or "see" modifications to that value. It also prevents copying, which can be a performance improvement in very limited circumstances (do not pass pointers around all the time because it might be a performance improvement). Finally, pointers also let you represent "nothingness", which each pointer being able to be nil. This is both a blessing and a curse as you must check if each pointer is nil before accessing it, though.
In your specific example, the reason why returning &MyError works is because your Error() function operates on a value of *MyError (a pointer to MyError), rather than on a value of MyError itself. This means that *MyError implements the Error interface and is thus assignable to the error type, and so it can be returned from any function that expects an error as a return value.
Returning MyError wouldn't work on its own because MyError is not a *MyError. Go does some helpful things when dealing with function receivers: It will let you call any method on a MyError or *MyError if the receiver is *MyError, but it will only let you call methods on a *MyError if the type is *MyError - That is, Go will not "create" a pointer for you out of thin air.
If you were to remove * from func (e* MyError), you would be telling Go that Error() works on any instance of a MyError, which means that both *MyError and MyError would fulfill that contract. That's why both of the following are valid when you don't use a pointer receiver:
func (e MyError) Error() string {}
var _ error = MyError{} // Valid
var _ error = &MyError {}
In this particular case, using pointers will not make a difference. Here's one way to look at it:
In Go, all variables are passed by value. That means:
type T struct {...}
func f(value T) {..}
Above, t is passed as value. That means when f is called, the compiler creates a copy of t and passed that to f. Any modifications f makes to that copy will not affect the t used to call f.
If you use pointers:
func f(value *T) {...}
Above, the compiler will create a pointer pointing to t, and pass a copy of that to f. If f makes changes to value, those changes will be made on the instance of t used to call f. In other words:
type T struct {
x int
func f(value T) {
func main() {
This will print 0, because the modifications made by f is done on a copy of t.
func f(value *T) {
func main() {
Above, it will print 1, because the call to f changes t.
Same idea applies to methods and receivers:
type T struct {
x int
func (t T) f() {
func main() {
Above program will print 0, because the method modifies a copy of t.
func (t *T) f() {
func main() {
Above program will print 1, because the receiver of the method is declared with a pointer, and calling t.f() is equivalent to f(&t).
So, use pointers when passing arguments or when declaring methods if you want to modify the object, or if copying the object would be too expensive.
This is only a small part of the story about pointer arguments.

Is empty interface in golang as function argument is Pass by Value or pointer

If I have function like this
func TestMethod ( d interface{} ) {
If I am calling this as
Is this pass by value or pass by pointer ?
To summarise some of the discussion in the comments and answer the question:
In go everything in Go is passed by value. In this case the value is an interface type, which is represented as a pointer to the data and a pointer to the type of the interface.
This can be verified by running the following snippet (https://play.golang.org/p/9xTsetTDfZq):
func main() {
var s string = "syz"
func read(i interface{}) {
which will return (0x999c0,0x41a788), one pointer to the data and one pointer to the type of interface.
Updated: Answer and comments above are correct. Just a lite bit of extra information.
Some theory
Passing by reference enables function members, methods, properties,
indexers, operators, and constructors to change the value of the
parameters and have that change persist in the calling environment.
Little code sniped to check how function calls work in GO for pointers
package main_test
import (
func MyMethod(d interface{}) {
// assume that we received a pointer to string
// here we reassign pointer
newStr := "bar"
d = &newStr
func TestValueVsReference(t *testing.T) {
data := "foo"
dataRef := &data
// sending poiner to sting into function that reassigns that pointer in its body
// check is pointer we sent changed
if *dataRef != "foo" {
t.Errorf("want %q, got %q", "bar", *dataRef)
// no error, our outer pointer was not changed inside function
// confirms that pointer was sent as value

Using reflection to populate a pointer to a struct

I'd like to iterate over the fields in a struct and prompt for string values to string fields, doing this recursively for fields that are pointers to structs.
Currently this is what I've tried, but I get an error when trying to set this value in the pointer's string field.
package main
import (
type Table struct {
PK *Field
type Field struct {
Name string
func main() {
func PopulateStruct(a interface{}) interface {} {
typeOf := reflect.TypeOf(a)
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(a)
for i := 0; i < typeOf.Elem().NumField(); i++ {
switch typeOf.Elem().Field(i).Type.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
var s string
fmt.Scanf("%s", &s)
case reflect.Ptr:
ptr := reflect.New(valueOf.Elem().Field(i).Type())
Expecting the return value to include an initialised struct with the pointers string field set.
Getting an error when setting the pointer's string field.
panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Field on zero Value
I dropped your code as-is into the Go Playground and it doesn't build because PopulateStruct is declared as returning interface{} but does not actually return anything. Removing the declared return type produces the panic you mention.
This is because at entry to the outer PopulateStruct call, you have a valid pointer, pointing to a zero-valued Table. A zero-valued Table has one element: a nil pointer in it of type *Field. Your loop therefore runs once and finds a reflect.Ptr, as you expected. Adding more diagnostic print messages helps see what's happening:
fmt.Printf("PopulateStruct: I have typeOf=%v, valueOf=%v\n", typeOf, valueOf)
for i := 0; i < typeOf.Elem().NumField(); i++ {
switch typeOf.Elem().Field(i).Type.Kind() {
// ... snipped some code ...
case reflect.Ptr:
ptr := reflect.New(valueOf.Elem().Field(i).Type())
fmt.Println("after allocating ptr, we have:", ptr.Type(), ptr,
"but its Elem is:", ptr.Elem().Type(), ptr.Elem())
This prints:
PopulateStruct: I have typeOf=*main.Table, valueOf=&{<nil>}
after allocating ptr, we have: **main.Field 0x40c138 but its Elem is: *main.Field <nil>
Given the way PopulateStruct itself is constructed, we must actually allocate a real Field instance now, before calling PopulateStruct. We can do this with:
p2 := ptr.Elem()
(code borrowed from json.Unmarshal). Now we can fill in this Field, which has one field named Name of type String.
The overall strategy here is not that great, in my opinion: filling-in probably should take a generic pointer, not specifically a pointer-to-struct pointer. You can then emulate the indirect function in the json unmarshaller. However, the addition of these two lines—creating the target object and making the allocated pointer point to it—suffices to make your existing code run.
(Alternatively, you could just create and return a whole instance from scratch, in which case all you need is the type—but I'm assuming you have a pattern in which only some fields are nil.)
Here's the complete Go Playground example. I made a few other changes as there's nothing to scan from when using the playground.

Strange behavior for a pointer of an interface

I wrote 3 similar functions to figure out a strange behavior of Go's pointer reflection.
package main
import (
var i interface{} = struct {}{} // i is an interface which points to a struct
var ptr *interface{} = &i // ptr is i's pointer
func f(x interface{}) { // print x's underlying value
func main1() { // f is asking for interface? OK, I'll use the struct's interface
structValue := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Elem().Interface()
func main2() { // Error? Let me try the struct's pointer
structPtr := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Interface()
func main3() { // Why this one could succeed after New() ?
typ := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Elem().Type()
newPtr := reflect.New(typ).Elem().Addr().Interface()
func main() {
//main1() // panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Elem on struct Value
//main2() // panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Elem on struct Value
main3() // OK. WHY???
Only main3 is working, the other 2 would panic. Why?
The key difference of 3 is that it creates a New Value.
As to main2, I think ValueOf().Elem().Interface() has already reconstructed a interface which points at the struct{}{}, just don't understand why it would fail.
The value returned from reflect.ValueOf holds the concrete value stored in the argument. If the argument is nil, the zero reflect.Value is returned.
To put this another way, the reflect.Value and the interface passed to reflect.Value have the same underlying value.
The functions main1 and main2 will work as I think you expect if you f change to:
func f(x interface{}) { // print x's underlying value
The argument to f in main3 is a *struct{}. The function f dereferences the pointer (with the call to Elem()) and prints the reflect value for the struct{}.
One point that might be confusing is that reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Elem().Interface() and reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Interface() return an interface with the same concrete value.
The expression reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem() is the reflect value corresponding to i. The call to Interface() on this value returns an interface with the concrete value in i.
The expression reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Elem() is the reflect value corresponding to i's concrete value. The call to Interface() on this value returns an interface containing that concrete value.
