Display File from Google Drive in our Website in gmail-styled UI - google-api

I want to display a file from google drive to the user on my website.I have already searched and found that we can use the link of google drive file with corresponding {FILE_ID} to use it on our site.But I want to display the file to user in Gmail-Styled UI where the file contents can be viewed on the page itself.Do Google provide any API for this kind of display? Or is there any other way to do it? Please Help me.Any suggestions would be highly helpful.


open drive picker with a known fileId selected

In my webapp it can happen that a user imported an owned drive file through a copy-pasted link. At that point I already know the fileId from the link, but I need to ask the user to go through the picker in order to make that file available within the app (I'm using drive.file scope only).
I tried using the View.setQuery(string) api, but I'm not sure it can help.
Is it possible to set a query for a specific fileId? Is there some other way to achieve it?

Google Drive API - how many times a file has been downloaded?

I have been trying hard to find any information on how to see how many times a file in Google Drive has been downloaded. I have tried looking into Drive API, Google Activity API and a number of forums, but I can only find info about how to download a file, nowhere about download stats, i.e. number of downloads.
Any suggestions or hints will be greatly appreciated.
You can't.
But you can use Google URL Shortener and cut short the original link of this file then give the link to your friends; after this you will be able to see how many clicks are clicked at that link. You can also view any other details you need like Countries, Referrers, Browsers, Platforms and more!
At this time (2015-11-07), I don't think there's any way to do this via any Google API. Google's server logs would let you answer this, but I don't believe you can get access to them.

Realtime drive javascript example not working - Google API

I set up the Realtime drive example shown here: https://developers.google.com/drive/realtime/realtime-quickstart
On this site: http://shuub.com
But the thing is, that when I access the link from a different browser (logged in a different Google account), it won't load the file.
All I need is to edit some plain text with another user, without needing to access a google account, it doesn't even need to be saved after closing the site. Is it possible?
Thanks for reading.
But the thing is, that when I access the link from a different browser
(logged in a different Google account), it won't load the file.
Probably you need to share the file with the other user first.
Open Google Drive in your Browser. If you did not modify the example code, your file should be located in the root folder. It's probably named "New Realtime Quickstart File". Right-click on the file and share it with the other user by adding his account to the list and granting all permissions.
All I need is to edit some plain text with another user, without
needing to access a google account, it doesn't even need to be saved
after closing the site. Is it possible?
The website you have linked is not reachable so I don't know what you want to do exactly.
Probably you could also use other and (in that use case without saving and login) simpler techniques like Mozillas TogetherJS (you can try it on jsfiddle.net) or you could use a tool like Etherpad.

Does Google read a CodeIgniter view displayed as a sitemap?

I have created a view that displays a sitemap with codeigniter when you access into www.domain.com/sitemap.xml, but there is any real sitemap.xml file.
My question is if google will read this or if i need to create a real sitemap.xml file on my site.
Thank you very much.
You can try to use Google webmaster tools
Here you find a function (fetch as google) where you can see your page in the way google see it.

Adding image to the GDrive document header

I've got web-application that works with google docs. App is uploading docs to GDrive with convertation and then i need to add image into converted document's header. How can i do this using GDrive API? I can't download full document or some converted formats, so i need to do this on google server. I am using SDK for PHP.
Google Drive API doesn't provide features to manipulate Google Docs files. What you can do is to modify the original file and upload again with conversion switched on. You can also use Google Apps Script. Please check out Document.header-section for more details.
