how to increment the number in the filename - shell

all the files in my folder are named like this:
aodv-0-0.pcap aodv-1-0.pcap aodv-2-0.pcap aodv-3-0.pcap
Is there any chance to rename them so as they become:
1.pcap 2.pcap 3.pcap 4.pcap
aodv-0-0 ------> 1
aodv-1-0 ------> 2
i tried using "rename" but i don't know how to increment the number in the filename.
#RENAMING the files
printf "...RENAMING the files to get proper a nodeID...\n"
cd /home/marcin/workspace/bake/source/ns-3.19/RESULTS/TRAFFIC_LIGHTS/
rename aodv- "" *.pcap
After using it i get:
aodv-0-0.pcap ---> 0-0.pcap (and i need 1.pcap)
aodv-1-0.pcap ---> 1-0.pcap (and i need 2.pcap)
and then maybe i could use the number(just the number) as a variable "nodeID".
I used "basename" function to get the filename as a variable before but i don't need ".pcap" extension as a variable anymore.
Thanks in advance

ls aodv* | sed -e "p;s/aodv-//" -e "s/-.//" |xargs -n2 mv
For counter increase:
ls aodv*|awk -F\. 'split($1,a,"-"){print $0,a[2]+1""FS""$2}'|xargs -n2 mv
The ls output is piped to sed , then we use the p flag to print the argument without modifications, in other words , the original name of the file .
The next step is use the substitute command to change file extension.
The result is a combined output that consist of a sequence of old_file_name -> new_file_name.
Finally we pipe the resulting feed through xargs to get the effective rename of the files.


bash change absolute path in file line by line for script creation

I'm trying to create a bash script based on a input file (list.txt). The input File contains a list of files with absolute path. The output should be a bash script ( which moves the files to another location, preserve the folder structure, but changing the target folder name slightly before.
the Input list.txt File example looks like this :
The output file ( should looks like this after creation :
mv "/In/Folder_1/SomeFoldername1/somefilename_x.mp3" /gain/Folder_1/
mv "/In/Folder_2/SomeFoldername2/somefilename_y.mp3" /gain/Folder_2/
mv "/In/Folder_3/SomeFoldername3/somefilename_z.mp3" /gain/Folder_3/
The folder structure should be preserved, more or less.
after executing the created bash script (, the result should looks like this :
What I've done so far.
1. create a list of files with absolute path
find /In/ -iname "*.mp3" -type f > /home/maars/mp3/list.txt
2. create the script
cp -a /home/maars/mp3/list.txt /home/maars/mp3/
# read the list and split the absolute path into fields
while IFS= read -r line;do
fields=($(printf "%s" "$line"|cut -d'/' --output-delimiter=' ' -f1-))
done < /home/maars/mp3/
# add the target path based on variables at the end of the line
sed -i -E "s|\.mp3|\.mp3"\"" /gain/"${fields[1]}"/|g" /home/maars/mp3/
sed -i "s|/In/|mv "\""/In/|g" /home/maars/mp3/
The script just use the value of ${fields[1]}, which is Folder_1 and put this in all lines at the end. Instead of Folder_2 and Folder_3.
The current result looks like
mv "/In/Folder_1/SomeFoldername1/somefilename_x.mp3" /gain/Folder_1/
mv "/In/Folder_2/SomeFoldername2/somefilename_y.mp3" /gain/Folder_1/
mv "/In/Folder_3/SomeFoldername3/somefilename_z.mp3" /gain/Folder_1/
rsync is not an option since I need the full control of files to be moved.
What could I do better to solve this issue ?
EDIT : #Socowi helped me a lot by pointing me in the right direction. After I did a deep dive into the World of Regex, I could solve my Issues. Thank you very much
The script just use the value of ${fields[1]}, which is Folder_1 and put this in all lines at the end. Instead of Folder_2 and Folder_3.
You iterate over all lines and update fields for every line. After you finished the loop, fields retains its value (from the last line). You would have to move the sed commands into your loop and make sure that only the current line is replaced by sed. However, there's a better way – see down below.
What could I do better
There are a lot of things you could improve, for instance
Creating the array fields with mapfile -d/ fields instead of printf+cut+($()). That way, you also wouldn't have problems with spaces in paths.
Use sed only once instead of creating the array fields and using multiple sed commands. You can replace step 2 with this small script:
cp -a /home/maars/mp3/list.txt /home/maars/mp3/
sed -i -E 's|^/[^/]*/([^/]*).*$|mv "&" "/gain/\1"|' /home/maars/mp3/
However, the best optimization would be to drop that three step approach and use only one script to find and move the files:
find /In/ -iname "*.mp3" -type f -exec rename -n 's|^/.*?/(.*?)/.*/(.*)$|/gain/$1/$2|' {} +
The -n option will print what will be renamed without actually renaming anything . Remove the -n when you are happy with the result. Here is the output:
rename(/In/Folder_1/SomeFoldername1/somefilename_x.mp3, /gain/Folder_1/somefilename_x.mp3)
rename(/In/Folder_2/SomeFoldername2/somefilename_y.mp3, /gain/Folder_2/somefilename_y.mp3)
rename(/In/Folder_3/SomeFoldername3/somefilename_z.mp3, /gain/Folder_3/somefilename_z.mp3)
It's not builtin to bash, but the mmv command is nice for this kind of mv where you need to use wildcards in paths. Something like the following should work:
mmv "in/*/*/*" "#1/#3"
Note that this won't create the directories for you - but in your example above it looks like these already exist?

How to delete files from directory using CSV in bash

I have 600,000+ images in a directory. The filenames look like this:
The first number is a unique ID and the second number is an index.
How would I load the unique-id's in from a .CSV file and remove each file whose Unique ID matches the Unique ID's in the .CSV file?
The CSV file looks like this:
... or I can have it separated by semicolons like so (if necessary):
You can set the IFS variable to ; and loop over the values read into an array:
#! /bin/bash
while IFS=';' read -a ids ; do
for id in "${ids[#]}" ; do
rm $id-*.jpg
done < file.csv
Try running the script with echo rm ... first to verify it does what you want.
If there's exactly one ID per line, this will show you all matching file names:
ls | grep -f unique-ids.csv
If that list looks correct, you can delete the files with:
ls | grep -f unique-ids.csv | xargs rm
Caveat: This is a quick and dirty solution. It'll work if the file names are all named the way you say. Beware it could easily be tricked into deleting the wrong things by a clever attacker or a particularly hapless user.
You could use find and sed:
find dir -regextype posix-egrep \
-regex ".*($(sed 's/\;/|/g' ids.csv))-[0-9][0-9]*\.jpeg"
replace dir with your search directory, and ids.csv with your CVS file. To delete the files you could include -delete option.

How do I write a bash script to copy files into a new folder based on name?

I have a folder filled with ~300 files. They are named in this form I need about 40 of them, and I have a list of usernames (saved in a file called names.txt). Each username is one line in the file. I need about 40 of these files, and would like to copy over the files I need into a new folder that has only the ones I need.
Where the file names.txt has as its first line the username only:
(eg, eternalmothra), the PDF file I want to copy over is named
while read p; do
ls | grep $p > file_names.txt
done <names.txt
This seems like it should read from the list, and for each line turns username into Unfortunately, it seems like only the last one is saved to file_names.txt.
The second part of this is to copy all the files over:
while read p; do
mv $p foldername
done <file_names.txt
(I haven't tried that second part yet because the first part isn't working).
I'm doing all this with Cygwin, by the way.
1) What is wrong with the first script that it won't copy everything over?
2) If I get that to work, will the second script correctly copy them over? (Actually, I think it's preferable if they just get copied, not moved over).
I would like to add that I figured out how to read lines from a txt file from here: Looping through content of a file in bash
Solution from comment: Your problem is just, that echo a > b is overwriting file, while echo a >> b is appending to file, so replace
ls | grep $p > file_names.txt
ls | grep $p >> file_names.txt
There might be more efficient solutions if the task runs everyday, but for a one-shot of 300 files your script is good.
Assuming you don't have file names with newlines in them (in which case your original approach would not have a chance of working anyway), try this.
printf '%s\n' * | grep -f names.txt | xargs cp -t foldername
The printf is necessary to work around the various issues with ls; passing the list of all the file names to grep in one go produces a list of all the matches, one per line; and passing that to xargs cp performs the copying. (To move instead of copy, use mv instead of cp, obviously; both support the -t option so as to make it convenient to run them under xargs.) The function of xargs is to convert standard input into arguments to the program you run as the argument to xargs.

Rename multiple files, but only rename part of the filename in Bash

I know how I can rename files and such, but I'm having trouble with this.
I only need to rename test-this in a for loop.
If you have all of these files in one folder and you're on Linux you can use:
rename 's/test-this/REPLACESTRING/g' *
The result will be:
rename can take a command as the first argument. The command here consists of four parts:
s: flag to substitute a string with another string,
test-this: the string you want to replace,
REPLACESTRING: the string you want to replace the search string with, and
g: a flag indicating that all matches of the search string shall be replaced, i.e. if the filename is test-this-abc-test-this.ext the result will be REPLACESTRING-abc-REPLACESTRING.ext.
Refer to man sed for a detailed description of the flags.
Use rename as shown below:
rename test-this foo test-this*
This will replace test-this with foo in the file names.
If you don't have rename use a for loop as shown below:
for i in test-this*
mv "$i" "${i/test-this/foo}"
I'm on OSX and my bash doesn't come with rename as a built-in function. I create a function in my .bash_profile that takes the first argument, which is a pattern in the file that should only match once, and doesn't care what comes after it, and replaces with the text of argument 2.
rename() {
for i in $1*
mv "$i" "${i/$1/$2}"
Input Files
rename test-this hello-there
Without using rename:
find -name test-this\*.ext | sed 'p;s/test-this/replace-that/' | xargs -d '\n' -n 2 mv
The way it works is as follows:
find will, well, find all files matching your criteria. If you pass -name a glob expression, don't forget to escape the *.
Pipe the newline-separated* list of filenames into sed, which will:
a. Print (p) one line.
b. Substitute (s///) test-this with replace-that and print the result.
c. Move on to the next line.
Pipe the newline-separated list of alternating old and new filenames to xargs, which will:
a. Treat newlines as delimiters (-d '\n').
b. Call mv repeatedly with up to 2 (-n 2) arguments each time.
For a dry run, try the following:
find -name test-this\*.ext | sed 'p;s/test-this/replace-that/' | xargs -d '\n' -n 2 echo mv
*: Keep in mind it won't work if your filenames include newlines.
to rename index.htm to index.html
rename [what you want to rename] [what you want it to be] [match on these files]
rename .htm .HTML *.htm
renames index.htm to index.html
It will do this for all files that match *.htm in the folder.
thx for your passion and answers. I also find a solution for me to rename multiple files on my linux terminal and directly add a little counter. With this I have a very good chance to have better SEO names.
Here is the command
count=1 ; zmv '(*).jpg' 'new-seo-name--$((count++)).jpg'
I also do a live coding video and publush it to YouTube

Removing last n characters from Unix Filename before the extension

I have a bunch of files in Unix Directory :
I need to rename these files as
I am using Ksh on AIX .Please let me know how i can accomplish the above using a Single command .
In this case, it seems you have an _ to start every section you want to remove. If that's the case, then this ought to work:
for f in *.txt
echo mv "${f}" "${g}"
Remove the echo if the output seems correct, or replace the last line with done | ksh.
If the files aren't all .txt files, this is a little more general:
for f in *
echo mv "${f}" "${g}"
If this is a one time (or not very often) occasion, I would create a script with
$ ls >
$ vi
:%s/\(.*\)/mv \1 \1/
(edit manually to remove all the XXXXX from the second file names)
$ source
If this need occurs frequently, I would need more insight into what XXXXX, YYY, and ZZZZZZZZZZZ are.
Modify this to your liking:
ls | sed "{s/\(.*\)\(............\)\.txt$/mv \1\2.txt \1.txt/}" | sh
It transforms filenames by omitting 12 characters before .txt and passing the resulting mv command to a shell.
Beware: If there are non-matching filenames, it executes the filename—and not a mv command. I omitted a way to select only matching filenames.
