Is it dangerous to run git push heroku master too many times in a short period - heroku

I have been testing some viewport issues for mobile and probably ran
git push heroku master
about 50 times in the last 3 hours. I am now seeing from the google speed tests that:
Reduce server response time In our test, your server responded in 8.9
seconds. There are many factors that can slow down your server
response time. Please read our recommendations to learn how you can
monitor and measure where your server is spending the most time. Hide
This wasn't popping up earlier this morning and was under .5 seconds. Did I damage one of my dynos on the heroku servers?= My site isn't really getting any traffic yet so I haven't been doing any stage testing.
What is the best way to test production?
I was reading through this but was wondering if there is a better way to test production quickly.

There's nothing wrong with pushing many times in a row, but every time you push, your dynos will cycle. This takes something like 5 to 15 seconds depending on the size of your slug.
Generally this means that the first query sent to your app at the moment your dynos are cycling might hang for about that long. If Google checked your server's speed at that time, then that explains the response time. However, there shouldn't be any lasting effects after you finish pushing repeatedly.
If I recall correctly there is a Heroku labs option to cycle dynos to eliminate this pause, basically taking down some of your dynos and then cycling them while the other ones are still up, but I do not recommend using it as it makes code pushes very unpredictable and can result in two versions of your app being live at the same time.


Inconsistent crashes on Heroku app: where to look?

Disclaimer: Please tell me if the question is too broad, and I will do my best to narrow it down.
We have an Heroku app which is running 2 web 1X dynos. This infrastructure has been running for the last 9 months.
However, in the last few weeks, we had several episodes where the app would see its response times skyrocketing for about an hour, before returning to normal without us doing anything about it.
On the pictures below, you can find an extract of Heroku Metrics during one of these "episodes", which happened yesterday afternoon.
As you can see, response time is going up and eventually, almost any request made to the server gets a timeout. During the event, it was barely possible to even load the home page of our website, hosted on this app. Most of the times, we would get the "Application Error" Heroku page.
What I see is:
The amount of requests to the server (failed or not) was not crazily high (less than 1000 every 10 minutes). For this reason, I think a DDOS attack is out of the picture.
Everything that is shown by Heroku Logs is that the failed request get a 503 (Service Unavailable) error, which would make me think about an overload.
The dynos do not seem overloaded. The memory usage is low, and the dyno load is reasonable, nothing unusual.
Heroku reported no issue during our crash event, as states (last incident was on the 1st of July).
Restarting the dynos through several methods (from the interface, a command line or triggering an automatic deployment via our Gitlab repository) had no effect.
I am quite unsure as to how to interpretate these metrics, and what would be the solution to ensure this kind of episode does not happen again.
So my question is: where should I look? Is there some kind of documentation about how to investigate crashes on Heroku apps?

How much user traffic/day each heroku dyno should attend?

I'm thinking about launching an web app with heroku but I have no idea to calculate the performance cost. According to their website 1 dyno to professional support is at least $ 25 /month gives a machine with "512MB or 1GB RAM".
If my website has a standard load assets and I have 1,000 people everyday access, how many "dynos" should be recommended to have a reasonable good speed for users?
This will likely get shut down as it's not a 'programming' question. I'll try to answer quickly.
It all depends on how fast your page executes on the server, if it's slow then you run the risk of requests being timed out before they can be served by the app server. Adding more dyno's does not make your application faster though, changing the dyno type, standard-1x, 2x, PM, PL does as it makes more resources available however, slow code will always be slow code - throwing more resources at it is like a band-aid for a period of time.
In short, it's very application dependent both from a code point of view and traffic point of view - do those 1000 users arrive at the same time or are they spreadout?

How many dynos would require to host a static website on Heroku?

I want to host a static website on Heroku, but not sure how many dynos to start off with.
It says on this page: that the number of requests a dyno can serve, depends on the language and framework used. But I have also read somewhere that 1 dyno only handles one request at a time.
A little confused here, should 1 web dyno be enough to host a static website with very small traffic (<1000 views/month, <10/hour)? And how would you go about estimating additional use of dynos as traffic starts to increase?
Hope I worded my question correctly. Would really appreciate your input, thanks in advance!
A little miffed since I had a perfectly valid answer deleted but here's another attempt.
Heroku dynos are single threaded, so they are capable of dealing with a single request at a time. If you had a dynamic page (php, ruby etc) then you would look at how long a page takes to respond at the server, say it took 250ms to respond then a single dyno could deal with 4 requests a second. Adding more dynos increases concurrency NOT performance. So if you had 2 dynos, in this scenario you be able to deal with 8 requests per second.
Since you're only talking static pages, their response time should be much faster than this. Your best way to identify if you need more is to look at your heroku log output and see if you have sustained levels of the 'queue' value; this means that the dynos are unable to keep up and requests are being queued for processing.
Since most HTTP 1.1 clients will create two TCP connections to the webserver when requesting resources, I have a hunch you'll see better performance on single clients if you start two dynos, so the client's pipelined resources requests can be handled pipelined as well.
You'll have to decide if it is worth the extra money for the (potentially slight) improved performance of a single client.
If you ever anticipate having multiple clients requesting information at once, then you'll probably want more than two dynos, just to make sure at least one is readily available for additional clients.
In this situation, if you stay with one dyno. The first one is free, the second one puts you over the monthly minimum and starts to trigger costs.
But, you should also realize with one dyno on Heroku, the app will go to sleep if it hasn't been accessed recently (I think this is around 30 minutes). In that case, it can take 5-10 seconds to wake up again and can give your users a very slow initial experience.
There are web services that will ping your site, testing for it's response and keeping it awake. for example.

Heroku FREE DB and Dyno "power"

Can anyone have an estimate of how much data can be inserted in a 5MB database?
Also, would 1 Dyno handle a slashdot,hackernews, etc frontpage?
Quiet a surprising amount... well enough to get you started thats for sure.
I use 1 dyno all the time for low traffic (like my personal website and a few xml servers, but obviously the great thing is if you start getting loads of visitors to your site and are having performance issues all it takes is one little click to add extra dynos.
You should also consider the worker hours, not sure about what you are doing, but a lot of apps could need background process.
This service could be interesting if you are using Ruby, it scales dynos on Heroku:

Why are my basic Heroku apps taking two seconds to load?

I created two very simple Heroku apps to test out the service, but it's often taking several seconds to load the page when I first visit them:
Cropify - Basic Sinatra App (on github)
Textile2HTML - Even more basic Sinatra App (on github)
All I did was create a simple Sinatra app and deploy it. I haven't done anything to mess with or test the Heroku servers. What can I do to improve response time? It's very slow right now and I'm not sure where to start. The code for the projects are on github if that helps.
If your application is unused for a while it gets unloaded (from the server memory).
On the first hit it gets loaded and stays loaded until some time passes without anyone accessing it.
This is done to save server resources. If no one uses your app why keep resources busy and not let someone who really needs use them ?
If your app has a lot of continous traffic it will never be unloaded.
There is an official note about this.
You might also want to investigate the caching options you have on Heroku w/ Varnish and Memcached. These are persisted independent of the dynos.
For example, if you have an unchanging homepage, you can cache that for extended periods in Varnish by adding Cache-Control headers to the response. Then your users won't experience the load hit until they want to "do something" rather than when they arrive.
You should check out Tom Robinson's answer to "Scalability: How Does Heroku Work?" on Quora:
Heroku divides up server resources among many different customers/applications. Your app is allotted blocks of computing power. Heroku partitions based on resource demand. When you have a popular application that demands more power, you can pay for more 'dynos' (application containers) and then get a larger chunk of the pie in return.
In your case though, you are running a free app that few people--if any outside of you--are visiting/using. Therefore, Heroku cuts down on the resources you're getting by unloading your app--putting it in hibernation essentially--until there is a request made to your address. When that happens, and your app has been idling for a long time, it takes time to reload.
Add 1 extra dyno to keep your app from falling asleep, if that reload time is important.
I am having the same problem. I deployed a Rails 3 (1.9.2) app last night and it's slow. I know that 1.9.2/Rails 3 is in BETA on Heroku but the support ticket said it should be fine using some instructions they sent me.
I understand that the first request after a long time takes the longest. Makes sense. But simply loading pages that don't even connect to a DB taking 10 seconds sometimes is pretty bad.
Anyway, you might want to try what I'm going to do. That is profile my app and see how long it takes locally. If it's taking 400ms then something is wrong. But if I get 50ms locally and it still takes 10 seconds on Heroku then something is definitely wrong.
Obviously, caching helps but you only get 5MB for free and once again, with ONE person using the site, it shouldn't be that slow.
I had the same problem with every app I have put on via heroku's free account. Now there are options of adding dynos so that your app does not get offloaded while it is not being used for a while, you can also try using redis or memcached for caching. But I used a hacky solution for my small scale project, I basically built web scraper put it inside an infinite loop with sleep and tada the website actually had much better response times(I guess it was not getting offloaded because of the script).
