I am trying to store password in an Oracle Wallet file which I will retrieve from the code and use.
I tried to create a wallet and save a credential there:-
$ mkstore -wrl <wallet_location> -createCredential sid scott tiger
Oracle Secret Store Tool : Version
Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Enter wallet password:
Create credential oracle.security.client.connect_string1
The creation does not give any error but when I try to list the credential, I don’t get anything.
$ mkstore -wrl -listCredential
Oracle Secret Store Tool : Version
Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved
Also, how to retrieve this password using java?
For connecting the Oracle DB using wallet requires the following changes.
you need to create a wallet store, you need to also choose a password for the wallet and you need to use this password while modifying the wallet
OracleClientHome/bin/mkstore -wrl Where you want to store your wallet -create
e.g. C:\Oracle_11.2.0\product\client_1\bin\mkstore -wrl C:\Users\sample\app\wallet
you need to add the tns entries in tnsnames.ora (OracleClientHome/network/admin/tnsnames.ora) and same tns entry name will be used us wallet connect string
e.g. C:\Oracle_11.2.0\product\client_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
you need to create wallet entry for the above tns entry with credentials, you also need to provide the wallet password which you have given while creating the wallet.
OracleClientHome/bin/mkstore -wrl Where you want to store your wallet -createCredential TNS_Entry_Name/Wallet_Entry_name DB_Username DB_Password
e.g. C:\Oracle_11.2.0\product\client_1\bin\mkstore -wrl C:\Users\sample\app\wallet -createCredential SAMPLEDB_RO sample sample
you need to add the sqlnet.ora file to update the wallet location and wallet override flag to true
WALLET_LOCATION =(SOURCE=(METHOD=FILE)(METHOD_DATA=(DIRECTORY=Where you want to store your wallet)))
test the db connection using wallet and oracle client to make sure the wallet configurations are correct
OracleClientHome/bin/sqlplus /nolog
connect DB_Username/DB_Password#TNS_Entry_Name
connect /#TNS_Entry_Name
connect sample/sample#SAMPLEDB_RO
connect /#SAMPLEDB_RO
you need to make the java application ready to use the wallet and run the java program with the below JVM Parameters
Add the following jars to the application classpath.
Change application configuration thin url to use the wallet
Also add the following properties as JVM Parameters, this help the library to find the oracle wallet
-Doracle.net.tns_admin=OracleClientHome/network/admin -Doracle.net.wallet_location=Where you want to store your wallet
e.g. -Doracle.net.tns_admin=C:\Oracle_11.2.0\product\client_1\network\admin -Doracle.net.wallet_location=C:\Users\sample\app\wallet
You are all set!!
For listing the existing credentials in the wallet you can use the below command, but you need to provide the wallet password which you have given while creating the wallet.
OracleClientHome/bin/mkstore -wrl Where you want to store your wallet -listCredential
e.g. C:\Oracle_11.2.0\product\client_1\bin\mkstore -wrl C:\Users\sample\app\wallet -listCredential
One important thing you must have in mind is, that the alias you choose for the createCredential command must be identical to the URL you are using for the connection.
When your JDBC connection string looks like jdbc:oracle:thin:/#dbsrv:1521/orcl you must use the command
mkstore -wlr /foobar -createCredential dbsrv:1521/orcl USER PASSWORD
I have created a Jenkins pipeline for PLSQL base code deployment. This works find on the Dev or Test databases as we know the Oracle password.
But, for production Oracle database we do not want to enter the password. Hence, is there any way we can deploy the passwordless Oracle release from Jenkins pipeline i.e. by SSH public/private key pair? Certificate - a PKCS#12 certificate file and optional password? or if via Oracle wallet?
I am going to guess you have a Jenkins pipeline which is running shell scripts, and in those shell scripts you are running sqlplus. If you want to avoid passwords in connections by sqlplus, Oracle Wallet is the answer.
In my current Jenkins configuration SSH connections are done by SSH-key between the servers, and connections to the database are using Oracle Wallet.
Remember that if you use Oracle Wallet, you need to setup the TNS_ADMIN variable to the location where your tnsnames.ora file contains the wallet details. Also remember to modify your sqlnet.ora to include all wallet details.
A good article on how to setup the wallet
In the screenshot below you can see how I can successfully connect to the database but the command is rejected because... I'm not connected to the database...
I login into SQL*Plus and I receive the confirmation I'm connected: Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version
Just to be sure I re-enter the connection: connect SYSTEM/SYSTEM#localhost:1521/ORCLCDB and I receive as a response Connected.
I follow the official instruction of Oracle Database Sample Schemas and I run #/home/oracle/db-sample-schemas-master/mksample.sql systempw syspw hrpw oepw pmpw ixpw shpw bipw users temp /var/opt/oracle/log/ localhost:1521/ORCLCDB and here is when things start to get nasty.
First I receive an ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied.
Then a Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE. SP2-0640: Not connected
How can it be, that is the Administrator password.
Should I grant anything else to this user?
The "no longer connected" warning is simply because the script issued its own connect that failed with ORA-01017. A connect attempt necessarily disconnects the current session first, so when the new connection fails there is no active connection at all. You have to reconnect successfully to be able to do anything useful.
The documentation you linked to says:
Start SQL*Plus and run the top level installation script as discussed in README.txt:
sqlplus system/systempw#connect_string
#mksample systempw syspw hrpw oepw pmpw ixpw shpw bipw users temp /your/path/to/log/ connect_string
Note: Use an absolute path and also append a trailing slash to the log directory name.
Use your current SYSTEM and SYS passwords, and also your actual default and temporary tablespace names. The passwords for the new HR, OE, PM, IX, SH and BI users will be set to the values you specify.
You have to supply your actual current password for the SYSTEM and SYS accounts, not the examples in that command; and sensible password for the new sample-schema accounts that will be created. For example, from your successful connect, the first argument to #mksample should be SYSTEM rather than the example systempw.
I was trying to load the sample schemas inside oracle database inside the docker container using the guide. What worked for me was to use localhost:1521/ORCLPDB1 as connection string in place of the SID. After this all of the tables got loaded.
I just installed Oracle 12C on my home machine and didn't remember it asking to create any credentials during installation. Now, when I'm trying to connect to sample ORCL database, it's prompting one and not letting me in without!
Log on to the Oracle DB server machine as a user who installed it, so that you can access the db as SYS using:
sqlplus / as sysdba
When you get connected, you will be able to reset password for all the other users, including SYSTEM and the other “built-in” users as bellow:
ALTER USER user_name IDENTIFIED BY new_password;
I am using OCI lib to connect a client application to Oracle database. I would like to use Wallet to store the keys but it looks like the only way to store the key in Wallet is by using mkstore or orapki.
Those tools are available when installing Oracle Client but I don't want my customers to download Oracle Client on their machine.
Is there any way that I can create and store the credentials in a Wallet without installing Oracle Client? Can I redistribute orapki or mkstore? Is there any API?
How do I use Windows Authentication to connect to an Oracle database?
Currently, I just use an Oracle Username and password, however, a requirement is to give the user on install the option of selecting Windows Authentication since we offer the same as SQL.
You need to modify the AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES entry in SQLNET.ORA to this:
As well, you will need to setup the accounts in Oracle to match the Windows accounts. Have a look at http://www.dba-oracle.com/bk_sqlnet_authentication_services.htm for more details.