Normalize heavily skewed array of numbers? - normalize

I get an array of hashtags back from a web service, that I'm using to build a tag cloud. My issue is with assigning font weights to the tags, because the most popular tag is soooo popular compared to the remaining tags. I get something like this:
total count: 17000
tag1 count 15000
tag2 count 800
tag3 count 150
If I assign size by percentage I get one huge font, and a bunch of min value fonts. Which is true scale, but it doesn't look right. If I evenly distribute font size - by just dividing max font size by the number of tags then I don't get the disparity that really shows the tag popularity.
Looking for a happy medium where I can easily see tag1's popularity but not have the rest too small to even see.
Hope this makes sense.

Using log(count) should do the job. A logarithm to a value would increase by one when the input increases one order of magnitude. This means that log(100) = 2, log(1000) = 3, log(1000000) = 6, etc if logarithm with base 10 is used.
Another way of putting it is that logarithms are the inverse function of exponention.
But Khan probably does a better job explaining it than I do :)

You could try dividing each value by 100. That would allow you to show size differences, but might allow you to have a lower level of disparity.


Algorithm to find areas of support in a candlestick chart

I am in the process of designing an algorithm that will calculate regions in a candlestick chart where strong areas of support exist. An "area of support" in this case is defined as an area in the chart where the price of a stock rises by a large amount in a short period of time. (Please see the diagram below, the blue dots represent these strong areas of support)
The data I am working with is a list of over 6000 TOHLC (timestamp, open price, high price, low price, close price) values. For example, the first entry in this list of data is:
[1555286400, 83.7, 84.63, 83.7, 84.27]
The way I have structured the algorithm to work is as follows:
1.) The list of 6000+ TOHLC values are split into sub-lists of 30 TOHLC values (30 is a number that I arbitrarily chose). The lowest low price (LLP) is then obtained from each of these sub-lists. The purpose behind using this method is to find areas in the chart where prices dip.
2.) The next step is to determine how high the price rose from each of these lows. For this, I take the next 30 candlestick values from the low and determine what the highest high price (HHP) is. Then, if HHP / LLP >= 1.03, the low price is accepted, otherwise it is discarded. Again, 1.03 is a value that I arbitrarily chose, by analysing the stock chart manually and determining how much the price rose on average from these lows.
The blue dots in the chart above represent the accepted areas of support by the algorithm. It appears to be working well, in terms of that I am trying to achieve.
So the question I have is: does anyone have any improvements they can suggest for this algorithm, or point out any faults in it?
I may have understood wrong, however, from your explanation it seems like you are doing your calculation in separate 30-ish sub lists and then combining them together.
So, what if the LLP is the 30th element of sublist N and HHP is 1st element of sublist N+1 ? If you have taken that into account, then it's fine.
If you haven't taken that into account, I would suggest doing a moving-window type of approach in reading those data. So, you would start from 0th element of 6000+ TOHLC and start with a window size of 30 and slide it 1 by 1. This way, you won't miss any values.
Some of the selected blue dots have higher dip than others. Why is that? I would separate them into another classifier. If you will store them into an object, store the dip rate as well.
Floating point numbers are not suggested in finance. If possible, I'd use a different approach and perhaps classifier, solely using integers. It may not bother you or your project as of now, but surely, it will begin to create false results when the numbers add up in the future.

How to convert raw score to standardized score "sensibly"?

I want to convert about 7,000 raw scores (0 to 20,000) to a standardized score (0 to 100).
The distribution of the scores is not normal. The median is 270 but the top dozen scores are:
How do I do this conversion in a "sensible" way such that the standardized scores (from 0 to 100) both reflect the raw scores AND the fact that half of the scores are below 270?
I don't have a definition of "sensible" and want to have your suggestions as to what is sensible in this case.
I would suggest doing a histogram. It is basically bin numbers together to get the frequency. Here is the link to the Wiki If you google histogram, there are links to several other site which may be helpful.
Given the range of the data, you may want to take to log of each number and used that for the historgram. That may help decrease the range and then scale that between 0 and 100.

Estimating number of results in Google App Engine Query

I'm attempting to estimate the total amount of results for app engine queries that will return large amounts of results.
In order to do this, I assigned a random floating point number between 0 and 1 to every entity. Then I executed the query for which I wanted to estimate the total results with the following 3 settings:
* I ordered by the random numbers that I had assigned in ascending order
* I set the offset to 1000
* I fetched only one entity
I then plugged the entities's random value that I had assigned for this purpose into the following equation to estimate the total results (since I used 1000 as the offset above, the value of OFFSET would be 1000 in this case):
The idea is that since each entity has a random number assigned to it, and I am sorting by that random number, the entity's random number assignment should be proportionate to the beginning and end of the results with respect to its offset (in this case, 1000).
The problem I am having is that the results I am getting are giving me low estimates. And the estimates are lower, the lower the offset. I had anticipated that the lower the offset that I used, the less accurate the estimate should be, but I thought that the margin of error would be both above and below the actual number of results.
Below is a chart demonstrating what I am talking about. As you can see, the predictions get more consistent (accurate) as the offset increases from 1000 to 5000. But then the predictions predictably follow a 4 part polynomial. (y = -5E-15x4 + 7E-10x3 - 3E-05x2 + 0.3781x + 51608).
Am I making a mistake here, or does the standard python random number generator not distribute numbers evenly enough for this purpose?
It turns out that this problem is due to my mistake. In another part of the program, I was grabbing entities from the beginning of the series, doing an operation, then re-assigning the random number. This resulted in a denser distribution of random numbers towards the end.
I did a little more digging into this concept, fixed the problem, and tried it again on a different query (so the number of results are different from above). I found that this idea can be used to estimate the total results for a query. One thing of note is that the "error" is very similar for offsets that are close by. When I did a scatter chart in excel, I expected the accuracy of the predictions at each offset to "cloud". Meaning that offsets at the very begging would produce a larger, less dense cloud that would converge to a very tiny, dense could around the actual value as the offsets got larger. This is not what happened as you can see below in the cart of how far off the predictions were at each offset. Where I thought there would be a cloud of dots, there is a line instead.
This is a chart of the maximum after each offset. For example the maximum error for any offset after 10000 was less than 1%:
When using GAE it makes a lot more sense not to try to do large amounts work on reads - it's built and optimized for very fast requests turnarounds. In this case it's actually more efficent to maintain a count of your results as and when you create the entities.
If you have a standard query, this is fairly easy - just use a sharded counter when creating the entities. You can seed this using a map reduce job to get the initial count.
If you have queries that might be dynamic, this is more difficult. If you know the range of possible queries that you might perform, you'd want to create a counter for each query that might run.
If the range of possible queries is infinite, you might want to think of aggregating counters or using them in more creative ways.
If you tell us the query you're trying to run, there might be someone who has a better idea.
Some quick thought:
Have you tried Datastore Statistics API? It may provide a fast and accurate results if you won't update your entities set very frequently.
I did some math things, I think the estimate method you purposed here, could be rephrased as an "Order statistic" problem.
For example:
If the actual entities number is 60000, the question equals to "what's the probability that your 1000th [2000th, 3000th, .... ] sample falling in the interval [l,u]; therefore, the estimated total entities number based on this sample, will have an acceptable error to 60000."
If the acceptable error is 5%, the interval [l, u] will be [0.015873015873015872, 0.017543859649122806]
I think the probability won't be very large.
This doesn't directly deal with the calculations aspect of your question, but would using the count attribute of a query object work for you? Or have you tried that out and it's not suitable? As per the docs, it's only slightly faster than retrieving all of the data, but on the plus side it would give you the actual number of results.

Statistical estimation algorithm

I'm not sure if this question is appropriate for Stack Overflow but I'll give it a try anyway.
I have some data as follows:
I also have another set of data that I believe follows a similar distribution but I only know the total percent (e.g. 30% rather than 17%.) Can anyone suggest an algorithm to estimate the %s for each individual tier based on the new total % and the original distribution?
You question is unclear. If you want to estimate a new total percent by including the additinal data you are getting you must have quantity associated with your percentage so that you can create a meaninful weighted average.
If you want to determine if the new set of data has a different distribution than the historical data there are several tests mostly doing obtuse calculations on cummulative actual vs. expected percentages of values falling underneath a particular value. There is a lot of literature on the subject on comparing the distributions of two populations.
For paired samples Wilcoxon-Rank is a standard method if you can make no assumptions about the distribuion of the data. For non paired data non-parametric statistics exist but they require some in depth study.
Step-1: If your overall percentage 17% → 30% then, Actual (total) 105 → ~189.
Step-2: This number needs to be distributed over all elements in Actual column
From here things become non-linear, and we need some formula for arriving at Actual from POssible. And this needs to be a function of total.
i.e., function (possible, total (actual)) = actual.
If we can arrive at the above, then it might work ;)
If your new total is x, then put (22/627)*x as possible for tier 1, and (21/627)*x as actual for tier 1, which will give you the same percentage as before for tier 1. Then do the same thing for the other tiers (so possible for tier 2 is (45/627)*x, etc.).

Algorithm to score similarness of sets of numbers

What is an algorithm to compare multiple sets of numbers against a target set to determine which ones are the most "similar"?
One use of this algorithm would be to compare today's hourly weather forecast against historical weather recordings to find a day that had similar weather.
The similarity of two sets is a bit subjective, so the algorithm really just needs to diferentiate between good matches and bad matches. We have a lot of historical data, so I would like to try to narrow down the amount of days the users need to look through by automatically throwing out sets that aren't close and trying to put the "best" matches at the top of the list.
Ideally the result of the algorithm would be comparable to results using different data sets. For example using the mean square error as suggested by Niles produces pretty good results, but the numbers generated when comparing the temperature can not be compared to numbers generated with other data such as Wind Speed or Precipitation because the scale of the data is different. Some of the non-weather data being is very large, so the mean square error algorithm generates numbers in the hundreds of thousands compared to the tens or hundreds that is generated by using temperature.
I think the mean square error metric might work for applications such as weather compares. It's easy to calculate and gives numbers that do make sense.
Since your want to compare measurements over time you can just leave out missing values from the calculation.
For values that are not time-bound or even unsorted, multi-dimensional scatter data it's a bit more difficult. Choosing a good distance metric becomes part of the art of analysing such data.
Use the pearson correlation coefficient. I figured out how to calculate it in an SQL query which can be found here:
In finance they use Beta to measure the correlation of 2 series of numbers. EG, Beta could answer the question "Over the last year, how much would the price of IBM go up on a day that the price of the S&P 500 index went up 5%?" It deals with the percentage of the move, so the 2 series can have different scales.
In my example, the Beta is Covariance(IBM, S&P 500) / Variance(S&P 500).
Wikipedia has pages explaining Covariance, Variance, and Beta:
Look at statistical sites. I think you are looking for correlation.
As an example, I'll assume you're measuring temp, wind, and precip. We'll call these items "features". So valid values might be:
Temp: -50 to 100F (I'm in Minnesota, USA)
Wind: 0 to 120 Miles/hr (not sure if this is realistic but bear with me)
Precip: 0 to 100
Start by normalizing your data. Temp has a range of 150 units, Wind 120 units, and Precip 100 units. Multiply your wind units by 1.25 and Precip by 1.5 to make them roughly the same "scale" as your temp. You can get fancy here and make rules that weigh one feature as more valuable than others. In this example, wind might have a huge range but usually stays in a smaller range so you want to weigh it less to prevent it from skewing your results.
Now, imagine each measurement as a point in multi-dimensional space. This example measures 3d space (temp, wind, precip). The nice thing is, if we add more features, we simply increase the dimensionality of our space but the math stays the same. Anyway, we want to find the historical points that are closest to our current point. The easiest way to do that is Euclidean distance. So measure the distance from our current point to each historical point and keep the closest matches:
for each historicalpoint
distance = sqrt(
pow(currentpoint.temp - historicalpoint.temp, 2) +
pow(currentpoint.wind - historicalpoint.wind, 2) +
pow(currentpoint.precip - historicalpoint.precip, 2))
if distance is smaller than the largest distance in our match collection
add historicalpoint to our match collection
remove the match with the largest distance from our match collection
This is a brute-force approach. If you have the time, you could get a lot fancier. Multi-dimensional data can be represented as trees like kd-trees or r-trees. If you have a lot of data, comparing your current observation with every historical observation would be too slow. Trees speed up your search. You might want to take a look at Data Clustering and Nearest Neighbor Search.
Talk to a statistician.
They do this type of thing for a living.
You write that the "similarity of two sets is a bit subjective", but it's not subjective at all-- it's a matter of determining the appropriate criteria for similarity for your problem domain.
This is one of those situation where you are much better off speaking to a professional than asking a bunch of programmers.
First of all, ask yourself if these are sets, or ordered collections.
I assume that these are ordered collections with duplicates. The most obvious algorithm is to select a tolerance within which numbers are considered the same, and count the number of slots where the numbers are the same under that measure.
I do have a solution implemented for this in my application, but I'm looking to see if there is something that is better or more "correct". For each historical day I do the following:
function calculate_score(historical_set, forecast_set)
double c = correlation(historical_set, forecast_set);
double avg_history = average(historical_set);
double avg_forecast = average(forecast_set);
double penalty = abs(avg_history - avg_forecast) / avg_forecast
return c - penalty;
I then sort all the results from high to low.
Since the correlation is a value from -1 to 1 that says whether the numbers fall or rise together, I then "penalize" that with the percentage difference the averages of the two sets of numbers.
A couple of times, you've mentioned that you don't know the distribution of the data, which is of course true. I mean, tomorrow there could be a day that is 150 degree F, with 2000km/hr winds, but it seems pretty unlikely.
I would argue that you have a very good idea of the distribution, since you have a long historical record. Given that, you can put everything in terms of quantiles of the historical distribution, and do something with absolute or squared difference of the quantiles on all measures. This is another normalization method, but one that accounts for the non-linearities in the data.
Normalization in any style should make all variables comparable.
As example, let's say that a day it's a windy, hot day: that might have a temp quantile of .75, and a wind quantile of .75. The .76 quantile for heat might be 1 degree away, and the one for wind might be 3kmh away.
This focus on the empirical distribution is easy to understand as well, and could be more robust than normal estimation (like Mean-square-error).
Are the two data sets ordered, or not?
If ordered, are the indices the same? equally spaced?
If the indices are common (temperatures measured on the same days (but different locations), for example, you can regress the first data set against the second,
and then test that the slope is equal to 1, and that the intercept is 0.
Otherwise, you can do two regressions, of the y=values against their indices. You'd still want to compare slopes and intercepts.
If unordered, I think you want to look at the cumulative distribution functions
One relevant test is Kolmogorov-Smirnov:
You could also look at
Student's t-test,
or a Wilcoxon signed-rank test
to test equality of means between the two samples.
And you could test for equality of variances with a Levene test
Note: it is possible for dissimilar sets of data to have the same mean and variance -- depending on how rigorous you want to be (and how much data you have), you could consider testing for equality of higher moments, as well.
Maybe you can see your set of numbers as a vector (each number of the set being a componant of the vector).
Then you can simply use dot product to compute the similarity of 2 given vectors (i.e. set of numbers).
You might need to normalize your vectors.
More : Cosine similarity
