Magento connect : Connection Error try again later - magento

I am trying to install one extension using magento connect but the error I am getting :
Connection Error try again later.
I am using extension key

I was just hit with this error - turns out the live server I had just moved the site too didn't have DOMDocument support in PHP. A quick yum install php-xml and restart of Apache fixed it!

Check the compatibility of the extension
Flush the cache in magento connect and check

Installing yum install php-xml and restarting nginx worked for me.


Laravel error - Class setEventDispatcher does not exist

Short version
I'm getting this error, when I run php artisan serve and visit my home page:
ReflectionException (-1)
Class setEventDispatcher does not exist
Laravel version: 5.6.39
Environment: local
OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.2
It started, when I got an error using npm (in another project), so I reinstalled Node (this way).
After doing that, then this project (in question) couldn't be started. I was getting this error, when running php artisan serve:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libpng16.16.dylib with anything php related
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/php
Reason: image not found
That error was resolved by updating and upgrading brew.
Then I was capable of starting the project (php artisan serve). But when I visit the home page, this error was shown:
ReflectionException (-1)
Class setEventDispatcher does not exist
If I follow the stack trace, then I can see that it was this line (from my homeController) that triggered the error:
if( ! Auth::check() ){
return view( 'pages.home' );
If I commented that out, then the same error occured from another place, where the Auth-module was being used.
Here's the stack trace:
Does anyone know how to resolve this? I can't find any promising results on Google, - and I have no idea why this happens... :-/
I tried composer clear-cache and deleting the vendor-folder, and then doing a composer install and the problem still occured.
I also checked my Service Providers, as Marcus suggested, - but I don't really know what to look for in there. It all looks pretty regular (no fancy if-statements or anything).
I realized, that I couldn't connect to my database using Sequel Pro. And it was because Brew had updated my MySQL-version from 5.5 to 8.0.
That was resolved by doing something along these lines (I did a bunch of stuff, so I might be missing a coulple of steps):
brew unlink mysql
brew install mysql#5.7
brew switch mysql 5.7.21
brew link mysql
and I could then verify the version with mysql --version. I also had some permission issues with that MySQL-version-change, but I'm emitting that, so this doesn't get too long.
I tried disabling the Laravel Debugbar (by deleting it from composer.json, deleting composer.lock and vendor and then running composer install). And that fixed it!! ... But!
When I later tried to install Barryvdh's IDE Helper, then the exact same error came back!?
I performed these three steps, to install the IDE Helper (and re-introduce the error):
Run this command from the root of my directory: curl -o _ide_helper.php
Add these lines to app/Provider/AppServiceProvider.php:
if ($this->app->environment() !== 'production') {
Run this command: composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
So I'm back at this error:
ReflectionException (-1)
Class setEventDispatcher does not exist
... The stack trace is identical to the one shown previously (sprung from Container.php).
Tried every solution, none of them worked.
Finally, i realised that when trying to upgrade php to 7.3.3 it was infact a network error that caused the fail. Read the logs, tried again, restarted valet and tried again.
It works now.
Upgrading to 7.3.3 was the solution indeed.
Thank you!
So this is what usually fixes it for me
Reinstall composer dependencies by removing vendor folder and composer.lock. Then run composer clear-cache and then composer install (this is usually the problem)
Check that all service providers are imported correctly in app.php under directory config
Make sure that your service providers are not importing something that does not exist, for example if you register a service provider in production but is only installed as dev:
if (env('APP_DEBUG')) {
If you use valet, I solved it running
valet restart and all works fine.
The fix for me was to update PHP to 7.3.3 and then restart valet. Apparently this was a bug with php 7.3
Hope this helps
I got some idea... I've just run into this problem after reconfiguring my apache virtual host ports, so I restarted apache/httpd again, and the problem went away. Might it be related with the server environment?
I am facing the same issue in mac book pro. My system configuration is PHP 7.3, MySQl and I use SQL Pro. I have implemented all the above methods but nothing gets worked.
The issue is still a mystery for me but for temporary I have solved this issue using
artisan command as bellow.
php artisan serve
Its Allow me to run the project on http://localhost:8000
Hope this can help to solve this issue.
Try to restart PHP. When I reboot my Mac, then this happens. After restarting PHP everything starts to work.
sudo brew services restart nginx

hInterface 'Throwable' not found

when querying the database with sql error laravel throws Throwable interface not found instead of the query exception.
i have a same trouble yestoday with 'laravel new demo', meybe the repository server has error before. i rebuild my laravel project with 'composer create-project laravel/laravel=5.4 demo --prefer-dist' this afternoon, it work! do like this.
In my last project, I got this error too. I used php 5.6.30 version. When i upgrade to 7.0.1 version, everything is fine.
I was using php5.6 and got this after I did composer update.
So I installed the php7.1 following this answer
Then I disabled php5.6 using
sudo a2dismod php5.6
and then I ran the following to enable 7.1
sudo a2enmod php7.1
and finally restarted apache2 using.
sudo service apache2 restart
and it worked.
I fixed mine when I did a netstat -tln and found out the mysql is running 0:0:0:0:3306, and on my .env file is set to DB_HOST= I changed it to DB_HOST=localhost and is working fine right now.

Install Laravel behind proxy

Im trying to install Laravel on a windows machine.
I followed this guide up to point 11.
I also ran two commands already (which I got from
set http_proxy=<your_http_proxy:proxy_port>
set https_proxy=<your_https_proxy:proxy_port>
But on running composer install i am met with a message
C:\wamp\www\LARAVEL>composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
The "" file could not be downloaded: SSL
: The specified procedure could not be found.
failed to open stream: Cannot connect to HTTPS server through proxy
How can I get past the proxy to install Laravel 4.
Here in lay the solution
C:\wamp\www\LARAVEL>set http_proxy=http://mnel:******#
C:\wamp\www\LARAVEL>set https_proxy=https://mnel:******#
I then ran the install composer command again and presto!
Thanks #mneute
Here in lay the solution
C:\wamp\www\LARAVEL>set http_proxy=http://mnel:******#
C:\wamp\www\LARAVEL>set https_proxy=https://mnel:******#
I then ran the install composer command again and presto!
Thanks #mneute
I got this same issue when I ran composer -vvv install. I did it in windows7 computer behind a company firewall. I search and tried every possible answer but didn't work. Then I tried following and it did work

Cant' get MongoDB PHP Extension to work

I've been following this tutorial to try to install the PHP MongoDB extension but unfortunately haven't been able to get it working.
I can access the collections in the terminal, the database is properly installed but I didn't manage to get the extension working.
I have the following problem:
Sinan-MBP:mongo-php-driver-master Sinan$ cd
Sinan-MBP:~ Sinan$ sudo pecl install mongo
pecl/mongo is already installed and is the same as the released version 1.4.1
install failed
I've been trying several times so that's probably why I get this message. However, even after adding "" to the php.ini, I can't use MongoDB in my PHP code.
Thank you for your help.
This is likely a case of modifying the wrong php.ini for the environment, or PHP not being able to find the in its directory. If you have separate php.ini files for CLI and web environments, PECL might have installed the compiled extension to a different directory.
If you run through the installation docs, there are instructions for grepping extension_dir from php -i and ensuring that is present in that directory. If your web environment has a separate php.ini file, then grepping output from php -i likely won't help. You may need to view phpinfo(); output through your web server and check for the extension directory there.
One additional test that PECL installation succeeded would be attempting to view reflection information for one of the driver classes from the CLI environment. You can do so with php --rc MongoClient, which should print info on the methods of the MongoClient class.
I don't know why it was not working but I found a workaround late last night.
I uninstalled the php extension and then installed it again and made sure the extension was loaded in the php.ini
sudo pecl uninstall mongo
sudo pecl install mongo

Errors while installing Magento on Cent OS with Nginx and PHP-FPM

I have been fighting this for hours now and finally found a resolution so I wanted to share it with anyone else who has trouble.
If you receive the following errors while installing Magento on Linux while running Nginx and PHP-FPM then try the answer below:
PHP extension "dom" must be loaded.
PHP extension "mcrypt" must be loaded.
PHP extension "gd" must be loaded.
Try running:
yum install php-xml php-gd php-mcrypt
I was wondering why this wasn't working and I was dumbfounded for hours.
The trick is to restart php-fpm once you have everything installed. I kept restarting Nginx.
Run the following:
service php-fpm restart
Hope this helps someone!
