Spring how to get Maven artifact name in runtime - spring

I have a Spring Integration requirement , where I need to externalize the libraries and properties file from my war file. I am able to achieve this through Maven assembly plugin, where i create a zip file which may contain
The reason I am adding the artifact Id to the path is, I will be creating 100s of wars in future and would need to distinguish between them.
This wars will not contain Web.xml and the Initializer is part of one of my libraries file.
THe Initializer should know the artifactId in order to load the correct properties.
With maven, the maven artifact details gets published to
If I could move these files to
My application would be able to read the artifact id from pom.properties.
I need help in achieve this.
Or if there are any other approach please help in solving the issue.

The Maven archiver component does that: see here at addMavenDescriptor element. It doesn't seem to be possible to customize the paths of these files.
But I guess every property you need can just be placed in a specific file and so you just have to create a resource file (properties like) containing all the information you want and let Maven filter that file for you.


Assembling a jar using Maven containing only files in a specified folder

I have the following Maven project structure.
-- src
-- main
-- java
-- models
-- resources
I want to create and deploy a jar project-models.jar containing everything inside the folder models and nothing else. Since I'm not very familiar with Maven, I'd really appreciate if you could provide me some example.
models belongs to resources (They should neither be compiled nor tested, should they?)
See How to create an additional attached jar artifact from the project:
Specify a list of fileset patterns to be included or excluded by adding <includes>/<include> or <excludes>/<exclude> and add a classifier in your pom.xml.
Note: the jar-plugin must be defined in a new execution, otherwise it will replace the default use of the jar-plugin instead of adding a second artifact. The classifier is also required to create more than one artifact.

How to download all available artifacts from a specific repository url in build.gradle

I'm working on a multi-module build which is needed to create an artifact from all WSDLs available on an internal repository. But they are a lot and I don't want to make a list of it, because it might be possible that later another WSDL project is created and needs to be included in the list, if that doesn't happen then the final artifact will be incomplete.
So I need to know if there's any way I can tell gradle to fetch artifacts present on a certain path like domain.com/path/to/repo/wsdls/ and fetch all available artifacts from this path.
I was thinking of creating a configuration which then has this specific repository to download from but it seems configuration does not include a repository and will use defined in build.gradle.
Any way to define a download-everything-pattern in dependencies block?
EDIT: Note: WSDL project means soap services in a zip archive

Maven filter src/main/resources of a JAR dependency

My maven top level project refers to a common-db project. In this project I have a spring file which defines the DB parameters.
However, I want the top-level project to define the DB parameters through the profile and inject these into the spring config file in /src/main/resources.
The top-level project only does the filtering on its own /src/main/resources files and ignores those located in the JAR dependencies.
How can I do this?
So you want to depend on common-db but then modify its contents to change the parameters in the config file? Ok, if you really want to do that, you could do something convoluted where you use dependency:unpack to expand the common-db jar, then overwrite / filter its contents, and then use a custom jar:jar execution to re-jar up the dependency and ship it with your application.
But, wow - why would you jump through all these hoops? Like #hoaz suggested, just place your application-specific config in the same classpath location so that it is loaded before common-db's default configuration. This is the convention followed by many, many Java libraries.

How to share configuration files across modules in Maven

I am working on a java maven project with several modules.
I am facing issues with sharing configuration files from one module to its dependency.
For instance i have a module named utils which holds a log.properties file and i would like to use it in another module named gui. What is the best practice to do this ?
Currently we put the log.properties in a config directory as Maven standard layout suggest it, and it is not included in the jar file. Is it correct ? Should I put it in resources instead ?
I use assembly plugin to copy it to a common config directory, this works well, but when I try to build each module individually the config file cannot be reached. How can i solve this ?
Thanks for your help,
You should put your configuration in src/main/resources/config/. This way it will be included in the jar by default. The maven convention is that only src/main/java and src/main/resources are contained in the final jar by default.
Making property files directly accessible to other modules is not a good practice. You should provide a service in the module owning the configuration that is the only place where those files are accessed. This service will be able to give configurations to other modules. Otherwise you violate the single responsibility principle.
You can configure maven to include the src/main/config directory in the built artifact by specifying it in the resources section of the pom as described here.

cxf webservice in standalone spring application packaged as jar-with-dependencies using maven

When running the packaged app like "java -jar my-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar", I get the following error:
org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line 47 in
XML document from URL [jar:file:/.../cxf/javafirst/target/my-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/application-context.xml]
is invalid; nested exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 47;
columnNumber: 61; cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'sendServerVersion'
is not allowed to appear in element 'httpj:engine'.
This is due to an outdated http-jetty.xsd schema published at apache.org. And that is NOT my problem. My problem is that this does not happen in cases like:
maven jetty:run
maven exec:java
where the service runs directly against the unpacked binary directories and obviously finds the updated and correct http-jetty.xsd schema file.
I want to do basically one thing:
put the webservice into one jar including dependencies. That should also include all XML schema files because, obviously, it is not a good idea to make a web service dependent on outside resources.
What's the best way to do that using maven?
My possibly naive solution would be to copy the XML schema files manually into the resources directory and tell CXF to resolve them in the jar file. Therefore I have two more specific questions:
1.) Is it possible to let maven find the XML schema files and copy them into appropriate places?
2.) What's the recommended way to make CXF look up the schema files in the jar file?
3.) Is there any better, best-practice solution to that problem?
My maven configuration regarding the maven assembly plugin is the direct combination of the last two sections at http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/usage.html.
Spring has a very good mechanism to resolve the schema files that it requires - it typically does not download it from the web at all, instead using locally available files within jar files to get the schema and validate the xml, for eg. consider the context custom namespace schema in Spring, if you look at the META-INF/spring.schemas file in spring-context.jar file, you will see an entry along these lines:
basically what it is saying is to resolve the spring-context-3.1.xsd files from the classpath org.springframework.context.config.spring-context-3.1.xsd file
This applies for any third party library also, which in your case is http-jetty.xsd.
I think what I would recommend is to simply create a spring.schemas file in your jar file in META-INF/ folder, put an entry for the full path to the schema and replace it with a classpath version of http-jetty.xsd.
