flowplayer - Stop video after X seconds and execute javascript code - flowplayer

I need some help with flowplayer…
I want create player like this: moviechannel.pl/player/
So, i want like this: Someone go to page, click on the play button and video start and after X seconds stop and execute javascript code. how create something like this??

You can use cue points or content plugin in flowplayer, below is link:
but the function which is called on that cuepoint, you need to pause the video and after completion of javascript you need to resume your video
Use $f().pause(); to pause
and $f().resume(); to resume video in your function


I'm creating a little sound that plays when your mouse hovers over the button "White team" but nothing really happens. I'm using the MouseEnter event

I have been trying to create a sound every time your mouse leaves and enters this button. The code doesn't really work. I have tried this on a local script and a normal script:
local sound = script.Parent.Parent.hit
local soundTwo = script.Parent.Parent.hitS
```[enter image description here][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/5niz4.png -- The explorer of the game (I used script and local script btw and none of them changed anything, but i do think local script would work better for a gui)
You can try adding the following lines at the top of your code.
if not sound.IsLoaded then sound.Loaded:Wait() end
if not soundTwo.IsLoaded then soundTwo.Loaded:Wait() end
Also, both of your functions are for MouseEnter. Try changing one to MouseLeave.

How To Play MP4 With The Processbar Invisible

I want to play a file called startup.mp4 in command prompt but without the pause/play and the process bar of the video like in the chilledwindows.exe virus it plays a video but the user cannot notice that its a video. Is it possible if it is how?
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --kiosk --no-first-run --edge-kiosk-type=fullscreen --kiosk-idle-timeout-minutes=1 "https://ia800907.us.archive.org/9/items/Chillled_Windows/chilledwindows.mp4"
I added --kiosk-idle-timeout-minutes=1 in case anyone gets into panic mode and hits every key apart from the close combination, just wait 60 seconds for a choice to appear.
For more options see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-configure-kiosk-mode#use-kiosk-mode-features

Change video player position with AppleScript?

I have got a problem and I really don’t know how to solve it: I would like to change the player position of this / this video while it is opened in the background (so that another tab or application can be active at the same time). I can’t find anything helpful in the sourcecode and GUI scripting is not an option.
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: I came up with an idea: I changed the user agent to iOS 10 (iPhone) although I’m not sure if this makes the whole thing easier.
You can do this with AppleScript and JavaScript if the video player is using the HTML5 video tag. Like you said, changing your user agent to an iOS device increases your chances of being served this instead of a flash player.
First, you need to search for the correct window by URL. Then, the script will run some Javascript in the window to update the time of the video. Change the properties to fit your usage. If the page has multiple video tags, you can change the [0] to which one by order on the DOM, or target by ID instead.
property checkURL : "vimeo.com"
property changeTime : 90
tell application "Safari"
set theTab to first tab of window 1 whose URL contains checkURL
do JavaScript "document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].currentTime = " & changeTime in theTab
end tell
on error
display dialog "That site is not loaded"
end try

How to overwrite clipboard every five seconds?

I'm trying to prevent users to copy some sensitive data from my internal portal. I have disabled copy paste everything, but I cant disable print screen so I decided to empty clipboard every five seconds so that contents copied will be useless but cant use zeroclipboard.swf without a button trigger
Here is the code
setInterval ("doSomething()", 1000);
function doSomething()
copy:"This is arasu"
If I click the button it works, but it isn't working, when it is triggered with coding
Thanks in advance.
Screw that. I didn't see that it was in html.
However you know that you are just increasing the difficulty of taking snapshots since programs like snagit don't need the clipboard to take screenshots.

How do I close a form when windows media player finishes video playlist?

I have a form where a button opens a dialogue box and the user can select multiple videos to play. The code puts the videos into a playlist and opens a new form with axwindowsmediaplayer embedded to play the video.
I am trying to close the player form when the playlist ends. I can close the form using a playstate change event if I only select one video, but can't figure out how to close the form for multiple video files in the playlist.
I have tried using timers to keep checking the play list, but have not had any luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction in closing a form after the video playlist ends?
