How to run internal Powershell script function from cmd.exe with arguments - windows

I want to use a powershell (.ps1) script in the command prompt without using this commands
Powershell.exe -noexit Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -file "C:\Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1"
Currently this command opens powershell windows. I want direct cmd to use this script and giving me output. Is it possible?
Below is my Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1 script. please guide me is there any way to use it directly?
function Get-NetworkStatistics {
Display current TCP/IP connections for local or remote system
Display current TCP/IP connections for local or remote system. Includes the process ID (PID) and process name for each connection.
If the port is not yet established, the port number is shown as an asterisk (*).
.PARAMETER ProcessName
Gets connections by the name of the process. The default value is '*'.
The port number of the local computer or remote computer. The default value is '*'.
Gets connections by the IP address of the connection, local or remote. Wildcard is supported. The default value is '*'.
The name of the protocol (TCP or UDP). The default value is '*' (all)
Indicates the state of a TCP connection. The possible states are as follows:
Closed - The TCP connection is closed.
Close_Wait - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the local user.
Closing - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for an acknowledgement of the connection termination request sent previously.
Delete_Tcb - The transmission control buffer (TCB) for the TCP connection is being deleted.
Established - The TCP handshake is complete. The connection has been established and data can be sent.
Fin_Wait_1 - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the remote endpoint or for an acknowledgement of the connection termination request sent previously.
Fin_Wait_2 - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the remote endpoint.
Last_Ack - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for the final acknowledgement of the connection termination request sent previously.
Listen - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is listening for a connection request from any remote endpoint.
Syn_Received - The local endpoint of the TCP connection has sent and received a connection request and is waiting for an acknowledgment.
Syn_Sent - The local endpoint of the TCP connection has sent the remote endpoint a segment header with the synchronize (SYN) control bit set and is waiting for a matching connection request.
Time_Wait - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for enough time to pass to ensure that the remote endpoint received the acknowledgement of its connection termination request.
Unknown - The TCP connection state is unknown.
Values are based on the TcpState Enumeration:
Cookie Monster - modified these to match netstat output per here:
.PARAMETER ComputerName
If defined, run this command on a remote system via WMI. \\computername\c$\netstat.txt is created on that system and the results returned here
.PARAMETER ShowHostNames
If specified, will attempt to resolve local and remote addresses.
Temporary file to store results on remote system. Must be relative to remote system (not a file share). Default is "C:\netstat.txt"
Get-NetworkStatistics | Format-Table
Get-NetworkStatistics iexplore -computername k-it-thin-02 -ShowHostNames | Format-Table
Get-NetworkStatistics -ProcessName md* -Protocol tcp
Get-NetworkStatistics -Address 192* -State LISTENING
Get-NetworkStatistics -State LISTENING -Protocol tcp
Author: Shay Levy, code butchered by Cookie Monster
Shay's Blog:
Cookie Monster's Blog:
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName='name')]
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName='address')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[validatescript({test-connection -count 2 -buffersize 16 -quiet -ComputerName $_})]
[switch]$ShowProcessNames = $true,
[System.String]$tempFile = "C:\netstat.txt"
#Define properties
$properties = 'Protocol','LocalAddress','LocalPort','RemoteAddress','RemotePort','State','ProcessName','PID'
#Collect processes
Try {
$processes = get-process -computername $computername -ErrorAction stop | select name, id
Catch {
Write-warning "Could not run Get-Process -computername $computername. Verify permissions and connectivity. Defaulting to no ShowProcessNames"
$ShowProcessNames = $false
#store hostnames in array for quick lookup
$dnsCache = #()
#Handle remote systems
if($computername -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME){
#define command
[string]$cmd = "cmd /c c:\windows\system32\netstat.exe -ano >> $tempFile"
#define remote file path - computername, drive, folder path
$remoteTempFile = "\\{0}\{1}`${2}" -f "$computername", (split-path $tempFile -qualifier).TrimEnd(":"), (Split-Path $tempFile -noqualifier)
#delete previous results
$null = Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList "cmd /c del $tempFile" -ComputerName $computername -ErrorAction stop
Write-Warning "Could not invoke create win32_process on $computername to delete $tempfile"
#run command
$processID = (Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $cmd -ComputerName $computername -ErrorAction stop).processid
#If we didn't run netstat, break everything off
Throw $_
#wait for process to complete
while (
#This while should return true until the process completes
get-process -id $processid -computername $computername -ErrorAction Stop
) {
start-sleep -seconds 2
#gather results
if(test-path $remoteTempFile){
Try {
$results = Get-Content $remoteTempFile | Select-String -Pattern '\s+(TCP|UDP)'
Catch {
Throw "Could not get content from $remoteTempFile for results"
Remove-Item $remoteTempFile -force
Throw "'$tempFile' on $computername converted to '$remoteTempFile'. This path is not accessible from your system."
#gather results on local PC
$results = netstat -ano | Select-String -Pattern '\s+(TCP|UDP)'
#initialize counter for progress
$totalCount = $results.count
$count = 0
#Loop through each line of results
foreach($result in $results) {
$item = $result.line.split(' ',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if($item[1] -notmatch '^\[::'){
#parse the netstat line for local address and port
if (($la = $item[1] -as [ipaddress]).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetworkV6'){
$localAddress = $la.IPAddressToString
$localPort = $item[1].split('\]:')[-1]
else {
$localAddress = $item[1].split(':')[0]
$localPort = $item[1].split(':')[-1]
#parse the netstat line for remote address and port
if (($ra = $item[2] -as [ipaddress]).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetworkV6'){
$remoteAddress = $ra.IPAddressToString
$remotePort = $item[2].split('\]:')[-1]
else {
$remoteAddress = $item[2].split(':')[0]
$remotePort = $item[2].split(':')[-1]
#parse the netstat line for other properties
$procId = $item[-1]
$proto = $item[0]
$status = if($item[0] -eq 'tcp') {$item[3]} else {$null}
#Display progress bar prior to getting process name or host name
Write-Progress -Activity "Resolving host and process names"`
-Status "Resolving process ID $procId with remote address $remoteAddress and local address $localAddress"`
-PercentComplete (( $count / $totalCount ) * 100)
#If we are running showprocessnames, get the matching name
#handle case where process spun up in the time between running get-process and running netstat
if($procName = $processes | ?{$ -eq $procId} | select -ExpandProperty name ){ }
else {$procName = "Unknown"}
else{$procName = "NA"}
#if the showhostnames switch is specified, try to map IP to hostname
$tmpAddress = $null
if($remoteAddress -eq "" -or $remoteAddress -eq ""){
$remoteAddress = $computername
elseif($remoteAddress -match "\w"){
#check with dns cache first
if($tmpAddress = $dnsCache -match "`t$remoteAddress$"){
$remoteAddress = ( $tmpAddress -split "`t" )[0]
write-verbose "using cached REMOTE '$tmpADDRESS'"
#if address isn't in the cache, resolve it and add it
$tmpAddress = $remoteAddress
$remoteAddress = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByAddress("$remoteAddress").hostname
$dnsCache += "$remoteAddress`t$tmpAddress"
write-verbose "using non cached REMOTE '$remoteAddress`t$tmpAddress"
catch{ }
if($localAddress -eq "" -or $localAddress -eq ""){
$localAddress = $computername
elseif($localAddress -match "\w"){
#check with dns cache first
if($tmpAddress = $dnsCache -match "`t$localAddress$"){
$localAddress = ( $tmpAddress -split "`t" )[0]
write-verbose "using cached LOCAL '$tmpADDRESS'"
#if address isn't in the cache, resolve it and add it
$tmpAddress = $localAddress
$localAddress = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByAddress("$localAddress").hostname
$dnsCache += "$localAddress`t$tmpAddress"
write-verbose "using non cached LOCAL '$localAddress'`t'$tmpAddress'"
catch{ }
#Define the object
$pso = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
PID = $procId
ProcessName = $procName
Protocol = $proto
LocalAddress = $localAddress
LocalPort = $localPort
RemoteAddress =$remoteAddress
RemotePort = $remotePort
State = $status
} | Select-Object -Property $properties
#Filter and display the object
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'port'){
if($pso.RemotePort -like $Port -or $pso.LocalPort -like $Port){
if($pso.Protocol -like $Protocol -and $pso.State -like $State){
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'address'){
if($pso.RemoteAddress -like $Address -or $pso.LocalAddress -like $Address){
if($pso.Protocol -like $Protocol -and $pso.State -like $State){
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'name'){
if($pso.ProcessName -like $ProcessName){
if($pso.Protocol -like $Protocol -and $pso.State -like $State){
#Increment the progress counter

Dito to what #Kayasax said so picturesquely - you cannot run a powershell script without powershell, period. An alternative to your command is the following, executes and exits:
#powershell C:\Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1

In response to your comment, " main purpose it to run this function Get-NetworkStatistics -computername Gbi1 | Format-Table -autosize..."
You can add these two lines to the end of Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1
(This is a hack to get your purpose met, negates most of the power of Shay's script):
$ARG_COMPNAME = $args[0]
Get-NetworkStatistics -computername $ARG_COMPNAME | Format-Table -autosize
Then you call the Powershell script along the lines of:
C:\>powershell.exe -noprofile -file Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1 Gbi1
The script runs and dumps a netstat table to screen and dumps a file c:\netstat.txt


Have I written this PowerShell script well enough to balance simplicity and performance?

I have a script that checks remote servers for tomcat and the associated java versions. It takes about 60 seconds to run against a list of about 16 servers. I'm just curious if the script is as efficient as realistically possible. I'm far from a PowerShell pro but I'm satisfied with the outcome. Just checking for where there is room for improvement.
$Servers = 'server1','server2','etc'
$Output = #()
foreach ($Server in $Servers)
$SName = gwmi -Class Win32_Service -ComputerName $Server -Filter {Name LIKE 'Tomcat%'}
IF ($SName -ne $null) {
$Output += [PSCustomObject]#{
Server_name = $SName.PSComputerName
Service_name = $SName.Name
Service_status = $SName.State
Tomcat_version = "$(Get-Content -Path ("\\"+$SName.PSComputerName+"\"+"$($SName.PathName.ToString())".Substring(0,$SName.Pathname.LastIndexOf("\")-3)+"\webapps\ROOT\RELEASE-NOTES.txt" -replace ":", "$") | Select-String -Pattern 'Apache Tomcat Version ')".TrimStart()
Java_Version = (Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {(GCI -Path "$((Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\Tomcat9\Parameters\Java').Jvm)").VersionInfo.ProductName})
Else {}
$Output | Select Server_name, Service_name,Service_status, Tomcat_Version, Java_Version | Format-Table -AutoSize
Can I simplify things anymore?
Is the time to completion decent for what is being performed?
Invoke-Command allows you to connect with multiple computers at the same time which should be more efficient.
+= is pretty bad, please read: Why should I avoid using the increase assignment operator (+=) to create a collection
You're querying WMI first and then if service is there you are using Invoke-Command, mind as well, connect once to the remote host and check everything.
I personally would do something like this
$Servers = 'server1','server2','etc'
$scriptBlock = {
# Since you're querying each server, and then if the service is there you Invoke-Command,
# mind as well Invoke-Command at first and if the service is there enter the If condition,
# else close the connection.
$tomcatServ = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name LIKE 'Tomcat%'"
##### This part is pretty confusing for someone reading your code, if you show us how does
##### RELEASE-NOTES.txt looks we may be able to improve it and simplified it a bit
$path = $tomcatServ.PathName.Substring(0,$tomcatServ.PathName.LastIndexOf("\")-3)
$path = Join-Path $path -ChildPath "webapps\ROOT\RELEASE-NOTES.txt"
$tomCatVer = ((Get-Content $path) -replace ":", "$" | Select-String -Pattern 'Apache Tomcat Version ').TrimStart()
##### This part is a bit confusing too
$key = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\Tomcat9\Parameters\Java'
$javaVer = GetChild-Item -Path ((Get-ItemProperty -Path $key).Jvm).VersionInfo.ProductName
Server_name = $env:ComputerName
Service_name = $tomcatServ.Name
Service_status = $tomcatServ.State
Tomcat_version = $tomCatVer
Java_Version = $javaVer
$Output = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servers -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -HideComputerName
$Output | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty RunspaceID | Format-Table -AutoSize

Adding printer to print Server via powershell

Im wanting to add a printer and its port to the print server only if either that printer name and printer port isn't already taken.
I have this so far
$prnt = Import-Csv C:\scripts\printer.csv
foreach ($printer in $prnt) {
$var = Get-Printer
If (($ -contains $printer.Printername) -and ($var.portname -contains
Write-Host "$printer exist!" -ForegroundColor Blue
Add-PrinterPort -ComputerName Printsrv01 -Name $printer.IPAddress -
PrinterHostAddress $printer.IPAddress
Add-Printer -ComputerName Printsrv01 -Name $printer.Printername -
DriverName $printer.Driver -PortName $printer.IPAddress -Location
Problem is mainly with my 'if' statement. It catches the printer name but not the portnumber/ip. (The portnumber is the ip). And I also think my if statement is comparing the whole array of values from the csv file, and not just the specific value in the array like I want. Any help would be appreciated.
Csv file is setup like this
enter image description here
Try this:
$prnt = Import-Csv C:\scripts\printer.csv
$printers = (Get-Printer).Name
$ports = (Get-PrinterPort).PrinterHostAddress
foreach ($printer in $prnt)
If (($printers -contains $printer.Printername) -or ($ports -contains $printer.IPAddress))
Write-Host "$printer exist!" -ForegroundColor Blue
Add-PrinterPort -ComputerName Printsrv01 -Name $printer.IPAddress -PrinterHostAddress $printer.IPAddress
Add-Printer -ComputerName Printsrv01 -Name $printer.Printername -DriverName $printer.Driver -PortName $printer.IPAddress -Location $printer.Location

find process that is blocking a port on windows

I am trying to connect remote mssql server, but something on my machine is blocking the required 1433 port.
How to find what process/program is blocking outgoing traffic on that port.
All firewall/antiviruses are disabled.
From the command line:
netstat -a -b
..will show you which exe 'owns' a port.
In PowerShell, Get-NetworkStatistics:
#dot source the script (or add to your profile or a custom module):
. "\\path\to\Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1"
#Run Get-NetworkStatistics against exampleComputer, format results in an autosized table
Get-NetworkStatistics -computername exampleComputer | Format-Table -autosize
#Get help on Get-NetworkStatistics
Get-Help Get-NetworkStatistics -Full
#Run get-networkstatistics against k-it-thin-02. Show only results for the Chrome process. If possible, show host names rather than IP addresses. Format in a table.
Get-NetworkStatistics chrome -computername k-it-thin-02 -ShowHostNames | Format-Table
#Get all processes in the listening state using TCP
Get-NetworkStatistics -State LISTENING -Protocol tcp
Code for Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1 below:
function Get-NetworkStatistics {
Display current TCP/IP connections for local or remote system
Display current TCP/IP connections for local or remote system. Includes the process ID (PID) and process name for each connection.
If the port is not yet established, the port number is shown as an asterisk (*).
.PARAMETER ProcessName
Gets connections by the name of the process. The default value is '*'.
The port number of the local computer or remote computer. The default value is '*'.
Gets connections by the IP address of the connection, local or remote. Wildcard is supported. The default value is '*'.
The name of the protocol (TCP or UDP). The default value is '*' (all)
Indicates the state of a TCP connection. The possible states are as follows:
Closed - The TCP connection is closed.
Close_Wait - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the local user.
Closing - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for an acknowledgement of the connection termination request sent previously.
Delete_Tcb - The transmission control buffer (TCB) for the TCP connection is being deleted.
Established - The TCP handshake is complete. The connection has been established and data can be sent.
Fin_Wait_1 - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the remote endpoint or for an acknowledgement of the connection termination request sent previously.
Fin_Wait_2 - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the remote endpoint.
Last_Ack - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for the final acknowledgement of the connection termination request sent previously.
Listen - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is listening for a connection request from any remote endpoint.
Syn_Received - The local endpoint of the TCP connection has sent and received a connection request and is waiting for an acknowledgment.
Syn_Sent - The local endpoint of the TCP connection has sent the remote endpoint a segment header with the synchronize (SYN) control bit set and is waiting for a matching connection request.
Time_Wait - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for enough time to pass to ensure that the remote endpoint received the acknowledgement of its connection termination request.
Unknown - The TCP connection state is unknown.
Values are based on the TcpState Enumeration:
Cookie Monster - modified these to match netstat output per here:
.PARAMETER ComputerName
If defined, run this command on a remote system via WMI. \\computername\c$\netstat.txt is created on that system and the results returned here
.PARAMETER ShowHostNames
If specified, will attempt to resolve local and remote addresses.
Temporary file to store results on remote system. Must be relative to remote system (not a file share). Default is "C:\netstat.txt"
.PARAMETER AddressFamily
Filter by IP Address family: IPv4, IPv6, or the default, * (both).
If specified, we display any result where both the localaddress and the remoteaddress is in the address family.
Get-NetworkStatistics | Format-Table
Get-NetworkStatistics iexplore -computername k-it-thin-02 -ShowHostNames | Format-Table
Get-NetworkStatistics -ProcessName md* -Protocol tcp
Get-NetworkStatistics -Address 192* -State LISTENING
Get-NetworkStatistics -State LISTENING -Protocol tcp
Get-NetworkStatistics -Computername Computer1, Computer2
'Computer1', 'Computer2' | Get-NetworkStatistics
Author: Shay Levy, code butchered by Cookie Monster
Shay's Blog:
Cookie Monster's Blog:
ValueFromPipeline = $True,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[switch]$ShowProcessNames = $true,
[System.String]$TempFile = "C:\netstat.txt",
[string]$AddressFamily = '*'
#Define properties
$properties = 'ComputerName','Protocol','LocalAddress','LocalPort','RemoteAddress','RemotePort','State','ProcessName','PID'
#store hostnames in array for quick lookup
$dnsCache = #{}
foreach($Computer in $ComputerName) {
#Collect processes
Try {
$processes = Get-Process -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction stop | select name, id
Catch {
Write-warning "Could not run Get-Process -computername $Computer. Verify permissions and connectivity. Defaulting to no ShowProcessNames"
$ShowProcessNames = $false
#Handle remote systems
if($Computer -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME){
#define command
[string]$cmd = "cmd /c c:\windows\system32\netstat.exe -ano >> $tempFile"
#define remote file path - computername, drive, folder path
$remoteTempFile = "\\{0}\{1}`${2}" -f "$Computer", (split-path $tempFile -qualifier).TrimEnd(":"), (Split-Path $tempFile -noqualifier)
#delete previous results
$null = Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList "cmd /c del $tempFile" -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction stop
Write-Warning "Could not invoke create win32_process on $Computer to delete $tempfile"
#run command
$processID = (Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $cmd -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction stop).processid
#If we didn't run netstat, break everything off
Throw $_
#wait for process to complete
while (
#This while should return true until the process completes
get-process -id $processid -computername $Computer -ErrorAction Stop
) {
start-sleep -seconds 2
#gather results
if(test-path $remoteTempFile){
Try {
$results = Get-Content $remoteTempFile | Select-String -Pattern '\s+(TCP|UDP)'
Catch {
Throw "Could not get content from $remoteTempFile for results"
Remove-Item $remoteTempFile -force
Throw "'$tempFile' on $Computer converted to '$remoteTempFile'. This path is not accessible from your system."
#gather results on local PC
$results = netstat -ano | Select-String -Pattern '\s+(TCP|UDP)'
#initialize counter for progress
$totalCount = $results.count
$count = 0
#Loop through each line of results
foreach($result in $results) {
$item = $result.line.split(' ',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if($item[1] -notmatch '^\[::'){
#parse the netstat line for local address and port
if (($la = $item[1] -as [ipaddress]).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetworkV6'){
$localAddress = $la.IPAddressToString
$localPort = $item[1].split('\]:')[-1]
else {
$localAddress = $item[1].split(':')[0]
$localPort = $item[1].split(':')[-1]
#parse the netstat line for remote address and port
if (($ra = $item[2] -as [ipaddress]).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetworkV6'){
$remoteAddress = $ra.IPAddressToString
$remotePort = $item[2].split('\]:')[-1]
else {
$remoteAddress = $item[2].split(':')[0]
$remotePort = $item[2].split(':')[-1]
#Filter IPv4/IPv6 if specified
if($AddressFamily -ne "*")
if($AddressFamily -eq 'IPv4' -and $localAddress -match ':' -and $remoteAddress -match ':|\*' )
#Both are IPv6, or ipv6 and listening, skip
Write-Verbose "Filtered by AddressFamily:`n$result"
elseif($AddressFamily -eq 'IPv6' -and $localAddress -notmatch ':' -and ( $remoteAddress -notmatch ':' -or $remoteAddress -match '*' ) )
#Both are IPv4, or ipv4 and listening, skip
Write-Verbose "Filtered by AddressFamily:`n$result"
#parse the netstat line for other properties
$procId = $item[-1]
$proto = $item[0]
$status = if($item[0] -eq 'tcp') {$item[3]} else {$null}
#Filter the object
if($remotePort -notlike $Port -and $localPort -notlike $Port){
write-verbose "remote $Remoteport local $localport port $port"
Write-Verbose "Filtered by Port:`n$result"
if($remoteAddress -notlike $Address -and $localAddress -notlike $Address){
Write-Verbose "Filtered by Address:`n$result"
if($status -notlike $State){
Write-Verbose "Filtered by State:`n$result"
if($proto -notlike $Protocol){
Write-Verbose "Filtered by Protocol:`n$result"
#Display progress bar prior to getting process name or host name
Write-Progress -Activity "Resolving host and process names"`
-Status "Resolving process ID $procId with remote address $remoteAddress and local address $localAddress"`
-PercentComplete (( $count / $totalCount ) * 100)
#If we are running showprocessnames, get the matching name
if($ShowProcessNames -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey -eq 'ProcessName'){
#handle case where process spun up in the time between running get-process and running netstat
if($procName = $processes | Where {$ -eq $procId} | select -ExpandProperty name ){ }
else {$procName = "Unknown"}
else{$procName = "NA"}
if($procName -notlike $ProcessName){
Write-Verbose "Filtered by ProcessName:`n$result"
#if the showhostnames switch is specified, try to map IP to hostname
$tmpAddress = $null
if($remoteAddress -eq "" -or $remoteAddress -eq ""){
$remoteAddress = $Computer
elseif($remoteAddress -match "\w"){
#check with dns cache first
if ($dnsCache.containskey( $remoteAddress)) {
$remoteAddress = $dnsCache[$remoteAddress]
write-verbose "using cached REMOTE '$remoteAddress'"
#if address isn't in the cache, resolve it and add it
$tmpAddress = $remoteAddress
$remoteAddress = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByAddress("$remoteAddress").hostname
$dnsCache.add($tmpAddress, $remoteAddress)
write-verbose "using non cached REMOTE '$remoteAddress`t$tmpAddress"
catch{ }
if($localAddress -eq "" -or $localAddress -eq ""){
$localAddress = $Computer
elseif($localAddress -match "\w"){
#check with dns cache first
$localAddress = $dnsCache[$localAddress]
write-verbose "using cached LOCAL '$localAddress'"
#if address isn't in the cache, resolve it and add it
$tmpAddress = $localAddress
$localAddress = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByAddress("$localAddress").hostname
$dnsCache.add($localAddress, $tmpAddress)
write-verbose "using non cached LOCAL '$localAddress'`t'$tmpAddress'"
catch{ }
#Write the object
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
ComputerName = $Computer
PID = $procId
ProcessName = $procName
Protocol = $proto
LocalAddress = $localAddress
LocalPort = $localPort
RemoteAddress =$remoteAddress
RemotePort = $remotePort
State = $status
} | Select-Object -Property $properties
#Increment the progress counter

'Run a program' option in windows service pannel for failure recovery

I am trying to run a perl script whenever there is a service crash. The perl script intends to restart the service and send a mail to all the developers.
I have used windows recovery options for that, where it has an option to run a program . I have filled the required details in the command line option but the script doesn't seem to get executed. Can you please help me by sharing your knowledge on this?
Recovery tab configuration
I have tried with Restart service option and that is working fine but the run a program isn't executing the script. Am I missing something?
Any comment on this will be helpful.
I recently implemented a recovery option to run a powershell script that attempts to restart the service a defined number of times and sends an email notification at the conclusion, it also attaches a txt file with recent relevant logs.
After several attempts (and despite all the other things I have seen) The configuration of fields on the recovery tab in services is as follows:
Program: Powershell.exe
**Not C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Powershell.exe
Command line parameters: -command "& {SomePath\YourScript.ps1 '$args[0]' '$args[1]' '$args[n]'}"
eg: -command "& {C:\PowershellScripts\ServicesRecovery.ps1 'Service Name'}"
**The $args are parameters that will be passed to your script. These are not required.
here is the powershell script:
cd $PSScriptRoot
$n = $args[0]
function CreateLogFile {
$events = Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source SomeSource -Newest 40
if (!(Test-Path "c:\temp")) {
New-Item -Path "c:\temp" -Type directory}
if (!(Test-Path "c:\temp\ServicesLogs.txt")) {
New-Item -Path "c:\temp" -Type File -Name "ServicesLogs.txt"}
$events | Out-File -width 600 c:\temp\ServicesLogs.txt
function SendEmail {
$EmailServer = "SMTP Server"
$ToAddress = ""
$FromAddress = ""
$Retrycount = $Retrycount + 1
send-mailmessage -SmtpServer $EmailServer -Priority High -To $ToAddress -From $FromAddress -Subject "$n Service failure" `
-Body "The $n service on server $env:COMPUTERNAME has stopped and was unable to be restarted after $Retrycount attempts." -Attachments c:\temp\ServicesLogs.txt
Remove-Item "c:\temp\ServicesLogs.txt"
function SendEmailFail {
$EmailServer = "SMTP Server"
$ToAddress = ""
$FromAddress = ""
$Retrycount = $Retrycount + 1
send-mailmessage -SmtpServer $EmailServer -Priority High -To $ToAddress -From $FromAddress -Subject "$n Service Restarted" `
-Body "The $n service on server $env:COMPUTERNAME stopped and was successfully restarted after $Retrycount attempts. The relevant system logs are attached." -Attachments c:\temp\ServicesLogs.txt
Remove-Item "c:\temp\ServicesLogs.txt"
function StartService {
$Stoploop = $false
do {
if ($Retrycount -gt 3){
$Stoploop = $true
$i = Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.Name -imatch $n} | select Name, State, StartMode
if ($i.State -ne "Running" -and $i.StartMode -ne "Disabled") {
sc.exe start $n
Start-Sleep -Seconds 35
$i = Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.Name -imatch $n} | select State
if ($i.state -eq "Running"){
$Stoploop = $true
else {$Retrycount = $Retrycount + 1}
While ($Stoploop -eq $false)
[int]$Retrycount = "0"

PowerShell Closing open sessions

I'm working on a large script where I run a Foreach loop, define variables in that loop and afterwards check if the $Server variable is pingable and if it is remotely accessible.
For this I use the following functions coming from the PowerShell help:
# Function to check if $Server is online
Function CanPing ($Server) {
$tmp = Test-Connection $Server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($?) {
Write-Host "Ping succeeded: $Server"; Return $true
else {
Write-Host "Ping failed: $Server."; Return $false
# Function to check if $Server is remotely accessible
Function CanRemote ($Server) {
$s = New-PSSession $Server -Authentication Credssp -Credential $Credentials -Name "Test" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($s -is [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]) {
Enter-PSSession -Session $s
Write-Host "Remote test succeeded: $Server."; Return $true
else {
Write-Host "Remote test failed: $Server."; Return $false
# Execute functions to check $Server
if ($Server -ne "UNC") {
if (CanPing $Server) {
if (-Not (CanRemote $Server)) {
Write-Host "Exit loop REMOTE" -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
Write-Host "Exit loop PING" -ForegroundColor Yellow
continue # 'continue' to the next object and don't execute the rest of the code, 'break' exits the foreach loop completely
Every time when I run this code, there is a process created on the remote server called wsmprovhost.exe. This process represents the PowerShell session, if the info I found on the web is correct. However, when doing Get-PSSession $Server there are no open sessions displayed in the PowerShell ISE, even though the processes are visible on the remote server and can only be killed with the Task Manager.
When I run this code often the limit of open sessions is reached because every time a new process wsmprovhost.exe is added to the $Server and the command errors out. I've tried to solve this by adding Exit-PSSessionto the code, but it doesn't close the session.
Any help or ideas are more than welcome.
The problem is that Enter-PSSession. Enter-PSSession can only be used interactively, you can't use it in a script. I'd suggest something more like this:
# Function to check if $Server is remotely accessible
Function CanRemote ($Server) {
Try {
$s = New-PSSession $Server -Authentication Credssp -Credential $Credentials -Name "Test" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "Remote test succeeded: $Server."
Remove-PSSession $s
Catch {
"Remote test failed: $Server."
If I have understood correctly, Your remote ps-session are not getting closed.
To my understaning, Get-PSSession will show the session till your local session
is alive (I mean the session you created the remote ps-session) but once your local session
ends Get-PSSession will not show them cause they are no more live on your computer
rather on the remote system (or) they are no more in local session scope.
You can get the session using the command
Get-PSSession -ComputerName server_name
If you want to remove them you can do like
Get-PSSession -ComputerName server_name | Remove-PSSession
Even After executing the below command also, if you are not able to create session
Get-PSSession -ComputerName server_name | Remove-PSSession
Please, Restart the service Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) in the target machine.
