Multiple “from:” keywords in Outlook advanced search - outlook

Re: Desktop client
I've tried this every way I can think of. Scenario: you have an inbox with five emails, each from a different person: personA, personB, ... personE. My goal is to write a search query that excludes people and shows the remaining emails.
I can write positive queries like from:personA OR from:personB, and the query returns a mixed bag of emails from personA and personB.
I've written the converse query NOT (from:personA OR from:personB) and the query returns all emails including personA and personB. I've tried variants like NOT from:personA AND NOT from:personB, NOT from:personA OR NOT from:personB and nothing works.
If I reduce the query to exclude only one person, it works as expected. However, if I try to expand scope to exclude more than one it doesn't returned desired results. What am I missing?

If you are using the search box above the Inbox switch to Advanced Find.
Select the Advanced Tab, filter by From does not contain. Enter any number of names or name fragments separated by a space.


Google Search Appliance sort by metadata content

I'm trying to refine the search results received by my application by including the sort parameter in my HTTP requests. I've combed through the documentation here, but I can't find exactly what I'm looking for.
I'm searching for DOC filetypes, and I am able to sort by date or sort by metadata, as in alphabetizing by title, author, etc. I can also filter by whether or not the title contains certain keywords. What I want to do is to sort by whether or not the title contains certain keywords (these documents appearing first in the results), but to still keep the other results.
For example, with keywords [winter, Christmas, holiday] I could do a descending sort by the sum of inmeta:title~winter, inmeta:title~Christmas, inmeta:title~holiday and the top result might be
Winter holidays other than Christmas
followed by documents with one or two of the keywords, followed by documents that meet the other search parameters but contain no keywords.
Is this possible in GSA?
I finally achieved what I was trying to do, so figured I'd post in case it helps anyone else.
As far as I know, it is impossible to create a query with this capability, but with Google's Custom Search API, you can create a search engine with the desired keywords in the context file (by editing the XML file directly or by adding keywords through the CSE console). Then you can formulate the query as usual, but perform the search on your personalized engine.

Good way to exclude records in SOLR or Elasticsearch

For a matchmaking portal, we have one requirement where in, if a customer viewed complete profile details of a bride or groom then we have to exclude that profile from further search results. Currently, along with other detail we are storing the viewed profile ids in a field (Comma Separated) against that bride or groom's details.
Eg., if A viewed B, then in B's record under the field saw_me we will add A (comma separated).
while searching let say the currently searching members id is 123456 then we will fire a query like
Select * from profiledetails where (OTHER CON) AND 123456 not in saw_me;
The problem here is the saw_me field value is growing like anything, is there any better way to handle this requirement? Please guide.
If this is using Solr:
first, DON'T add the 'AND NOT ...' clauses along with the main query in q param, add them to fq. This have many benefits (the fq will be cached)
Until you get to a list of values that is maybe 1000s this approach is simple and should work fine
After you reach a point where the list is huge, maybe it time to move to a post filter with a high cost ( so it is looked up last). This would look up docs to remove in an external source (redis, db...).
In my opinion no matter how much the saw_me field grows, it will not make much difference in search time.Because tokens are indexed inversely and doc_values are created at index time in column major fashion for efficient read and has support for caching from OS. ES handles these things for you efficiently.

Query multiple strings in a field in kibana3?

I am using Logstash 1.4.1, elasticsearch 1.1.1, kibana 3.1 for analyzing my logs. I get the parsed fields (from log) in Kibana 3.
Now, I have often query on a particular field for many strings. Eg: auth_message is a field and I may have to query for like 20 different strings (all together or separately).
If together:
auth_message: "login failed" OR "user XYZ" OR "authentication failure" OR .........
If separate queries:
auth_message: "login failed"
auth_message: "user XYZ"
auth_message: "authentication failure"
So user cannot remember 20 strings for a field to be searched for. Is there a way to store or present it to user to select the strings he wants to search for.
Can this be done using ELK ?
First, "pin" your query. Meaning that once you have made a query you are statisfied with, click the small colored circle, make the drop-down menu appear and click the "pin" button.
Then in every panel of your interface, go to Configure -> Queries, and in the dropdown list chose which query should be charted in this panel, you can select either all, pinned, unpinned, or select particular queries among the pinned ones and you can save your dashboard with the pinned queries
If I understand correctly, you would like users to be able to select any of your queries or all. I don't see an easy way you could do that but I think that you can save all of your criteria either as a single pinned global query or as multiple pinned separate queries, then configure all of your panels to display only unpinned data, finally have your users reload the whole interface and in case you chose the global query solution: unpin it and edit it to remove unwanted terms, and in case you chose to have a subquery by criteria, unpin every required one.
Alternatively, if some combinations of terms are often needed, you could save one kibana dashboard for each.

Sphinx reverse search - when new item is added, execute searches on existing stored keywords

I have an app where people can list stuff to sell/swap/give away, with 200-character descriptions. Let's call them sellers.
Other users can search for things - let's call them buyers.
I have a system set up using Django, MySQL and Sphinx for text search.
Let's say a buyer is looking for "t-shirts". They don't get any results they want. I want the app to give the buyer the option to check a box to say "Tell me if something comes up".
Then when a seller lists a "Quicksilver t-shirt", this would trigger a sort of reverse search on all saved searches to notify those buyers that a new item matching their query has been listed.
Obviously I could trigger Sphinx searches on every saved search every time any new item is listed (in a loop) to look for matches - but this would be insane and intensive. This is the effect I want to achieve in a sane way - how can I do it?
You literally build a reverse index!
Store the 'searches' in the databases, and build an index on it.
So 't-shirts' would be a document in this index.
Then when a new product is submitted, you run a query against this index. Use 'Quorum' syntax or even match-any - to get matches that only match one keyword.
So in your example, the query would be "Quicksilver t-shirt"/1 which means match Quicksilver OR t-shirt. But the same holds with much longer titles, or even the whole description.
The result of that query would be a list of (single word*) original searches that matched. Note this also assumes you have your index setup to treat - as a word char.
*Note its slightly more complicated if you allow more complex queries, multi keywords, or negations and an OR brackets, phrases etc. But in this case the reverse search jsut gives you POTENTIAL matches, so you need to confirm that it still matches. Still a number of queries, but you you dont need to run it on all
btw, I think the technical term for these 'reverse' searches is Prospective Search

Save queries from AJAX autosuggest search

I want to save search queries from an AJAX autosuggest search textbox. When the user types in a character the search results are immediately shown.
The problem is to decide when a string is considered to be a query. When searching for "Lemon" it's not desirable to log L, Le, Lem, Lemo, Lemon. In this case only Lemon should be saved.
Also, sometimes a misspelled word is also of interest. "Lemmon" would be desirable to save since it would give the website owner valuable feedback about search queries that result in no items, when the user probably was expecting some.
Any ideas?
You cannot programmatically decide, when it is a query, but the user can. You have to take the user-actions and save when he consideres it a real query.
For example:
You display some autosuggest, and the user clicks on it. Now you only save this click as his search query (and maybe what he wrote into the searchbox)
When the user submits the form, you save his query as a "Searchable World" and compare it to your autosuggest list.
You have a Database of useful words, and when he types in one of these, you save this (by a counter?)
You should combine the first 2 Solutions to get a quite intelligent Database, but then you'll get intelligent data!
