When does writing isEqual make sense in Swift? - cocoa

"Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective C" makes it pretty clear you should define isEquals for things that inherit from NSObject, but following that, I'm not sure when I need to write it. It says:
“Because you can pass Swift objects (including ones not derived from NSObject) to Objective-C APIs, you should implement the isEqual: method for these classes if you want the Objective-C APIs to compare the contents of the objects rather than their identities.”
But, how can we know when the Cocoa APIs are going to be using the isEquals method?

The documentation you quoted doesn't suggest you should try guessing whether or not the Cocoa API will use isEqual: or not. The documentation you quoted suggested that any time you're going to pass an object to an Objective-C API, it should implement this method.
So, for ANY object you pass to ANY Cocoa API, you should implement the isEqual: method just in case the Cocoa API you're using makes use of this method.


What is the purpose of protocols if all methods are optional?

I understand what purpose protocols serve (to have a type conform to a set list of methods or/and properties), but I don't understand what the purpose is of a protocol with all optional methods. One example would be UITextFieldDelegate.
If all methods are optional in a protocol, why would you conform to the protocol instead of just writing the methods from scratch in your class? I don't see what the benefit or purpose of conforming to the protocol is in this case.
Are the optional methods there just as suggestions of functionality that could be implemented?
Historically, for delegates and data sources in Cocoa, informal protocols were used. Informal protocol was implemented trough a category for NSObject class:
#interface NSObject (NSTableViewDelegate)
- (int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView;
// ...
Later, optional methods in protocols were introduced. This change leads to better documenting of class responsibilities. If you see in code, that class conforms to NSTableViewDelegate, you suspect that somewhere exists a table view, that managed by instance of this class.
Also, this change leads to stronger checks in compile time. If programmer accidentally assign wrong object to delegate or dataSource properties, compiler will warn.
But your assumption is also correct. Optional methods are also suggestions for possible functionality.
By default, all methods in a protocol are required. Each method has to be marks as optional if the nor required for everything to function correctly.
If all methods are optional in a protocol, why would you conform to the protocol instead of just writing the functions from scratch in your class?
Conforming to a protocol allow your class to tell another object the methods it has without the other object needing to know about your class. This is really useful when using Delegation as it allows the delegate to decide what information they wish to receive/provide to another class.
For example,the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol only defines optional methods. Lets say we have a class Foo that we want to know when things change with a UIScrollView.
If we decided to throw that protocol away and implement the functions from scratch, how would we tell UIScrollView which methods we implement and which methods to call when certain event occur? There is no good way it could find out. When UIScrollView was built, it didn't know about Foo so it can't know what methods it implements. Also, Foo has no way of knowing what methods can be called on it by the UIScrollView.
However, when UIScrollView was built, it did know about UIScrollViewDelegate. So if Foo conforms the the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol, there is now a common definition that both Foo and UIScrollView can follow. So Foo can implement any methods it cares about, like scrollViewDidScroll: and the UIScrollView just needs to check if the delegate implemented the methods in UIScrollViewDelegate.
The protocol establishes a contract for the interface between one object and another. The fact that the methods are optional simply says that you don't have to implement that particular method, but you can if your app calls for it.
Generally, if you're conforming to a protocol for which all of the methods are optional, though, you're doing that for a reason, namely that you plan on implementing one or more of those methods. Just because all of the protocol's methods are optional doesn't mean you will not implement any of them, but rather simply that you can elect which are relevant in your particular situation.
For example, consider the UITextFieldDelegate protocol. You'd generally conform to that because you want to specify, for example, whether certain characters should be allowed to be inserted into the text field or what to do when the return key is pressed. Sometimes you only want to implement the former. Sometimes you only want to implement the latter. Sometimes you do both. But just because you choose to implement one or the other doesn't mean you necessarily want to do other one (but you can if you want). Frankly, though, if you really didn't want to implement any of the methods, you probably wouldn't even bother to specify the delegate of the text field, nor bother to specify that you're conforming to the protocol.
Bottom line, the protocol that consists solely of optional methods basically says "if you need it, this is the documented interface for the methods you may elect to implement". The protocol still is very useful to establish the possible interfaces, but doesn't force you to implement those methods you do not need.

delegates in ruby explained from a Cocoa developer background

I really hope someone can answer this one. I think I am definitely not the only one confused about this and I wasn't able to find anything that clearly explains this concept.
My understanding of the delegation pattern comes from studying the Cocoa framework. To me, the Cocoa implementation is very clear. But I am having a very hard time understanding it in Ruby (standard library's Delegator, SimpleDelegator vs. ActiveSupport's Delegate). It makes little sense to me. Mostly because one is type safe the other is duck type. You can see my point already, but allow me to expand... Here is my summary of how to use the delegate pattern in Cocoa:
Our "ingredients" are: 2 classes, A and B and a protocol, which is Cocoa for a pre-defined set of methods to use for delegation.
The implementation of the pattern is basically as follows:
A defines the set of methods to delegate to B.
B's delegate is set to be A
=> B can now call delegated methods like so: #delegate.send(a_delegated_method)
What I am not tying together is the fact that Ruby uses duck typing, so you can send any method call to any object, right? So using the pattern I just explained, as long as the 2 objects are in the same domain you can say while in A #b.send(:a_delegated_method) and vice versa while in B #a.send(:another_delegated_method).
Could it be that the point with delegates in Ruby is where the delegated method is defined? Meaning that we send from within class A to property #b (#b(:delegated_method)) a :delegated_method defined within A itself?
Hope this isn't too confusing. I myself am confused about why delegates even exist in a duck typing language and what the differences are between Delegator, SimpleDelegator and ActiveSupport's Delegate.
It isn't clear to me that you have understood how delegation works in Cocoa. It is true that the common variety of the delegation pattern in Cocoa involves a protocol, but that's just a way of quieting the compiler.
So let's talk first about quieting the compiler. You can't send the woohoo message to an object in Objective-C unless one of two things is true:
The compiler has reason to believe that this object might respond to the woohoo message.
The compiler is made to suspend judgment.
Nowadays, the first approach is usually used - that's what a protocol is for. But this was not always the case. It used to be that delegation depended mostly on informal protocols. And there still are informal protocols in Cocoa. The idea is that either the method is injected into NSObject by a category, or else you are careful to type the object as id so that it can be sent any message at all.
Now let's talk about dynamism. The reason informal protocols are no longer used is that a feature was introduced allowing protocols to declare optional members. But dynamism is still needed! We may satisfy the compiler, one way or another, but at runtime we have to make sure that it is safe to send a certain message to a certain object. Your app delegate may adopt UIApplicationDelegate, but Cocoa is not going to send it the applicationDidBecomeActive: message unless your app delegate class implements applicationDidBecomeActive: - if it did, you'd crash, and that wouldn't be very nice.
Moreover, if you can just get past the compiler, you can perform delegation in Objective-C even more dynamically than that, as explained here:
The idea is that we go right ahead at runtime and send the object the message anyway! If a message arrives that Object A can't handle, it can see if Object B handles it. If it does, it passes the message along to Object B. So we might not crash after all!! I use that approach in one of my apps:
- (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
if ([self.originalDataSource respondsToSelector: aSelector])
return self.originalDataSource;
return [super forwardingTargetForSelector:aSelector];
In that code, I'm saying that if a message arrives and I can't handle it, I should try to get it sent on to another object, called self.originalDataSource.
If you think about it, that is almost identical to Ruby delegation. I have a helper object, and messages that I can't handle are passed on to it.
Another common use of this pattern is when wrapping a Cocoa collection. You can't subclass, say, NSArray, because it's a class cluster, so the proper approach is to wrap it. You then just forward everything to the NSArray, and presto, you are duck-typed as an NSArray! You look like an NSArray as far as your methods are concerned. Then you introduce some difference in behavior, and now you are duck-typed as a customized NSArray.

Understanding and Reproducing the KVC Hillegass Way to Insert/Remove Objects in/from Controllers

In Aaron Hillegass' Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, the Raiseman application connects a button in Interface Builder (IB) to an NSArrayController with sent action -remove:. In the MyDocument class he implements two KVC methods:
- (void)insertObject:(Person *)p inEmployeesAtIndex:(int)index;
- (void)removeObjectFromEmployeesAtIndex:(int)index;
When this button is pressed, the -removeObjectFromEmployeesAtIndex: method is called and the currently selected Person (Model) object is removed from the array.
How does the remove: method used in IB cause the -removeObjectFromEmployeesAtIndex: method to be called?
How do I reproduce this effect with an NSTreeController?
If you want a simple built-in option, then it's only going to create an instance of the class you specified in IB. To create another instance, you're going to need to code it yourself. You should have all the information you need from the Tree Controller to insert the new class into the proper place in the hierarchy. Some diligent searching should give you the code you need.
To attempt to help you understand how the NSArrayController mechanism works, I'll explain the best I can from my knowledge of Objective-C and the runtime. Objective-C is a very dynamic language, and you can dynamically call selectors (methods). Since the NSArrayController knows the name of your class (e.g. "Employee"), its internal implementation probably looks something like the following (or easily could):
NSString *removeSelectorName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"removeObjectFrom%#sAtIndex:",
SEL removeSelector = NSSelectorFromString(removeSelectorName);
[dataRepresentation performSelector:removeSelector
withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:self.selectionIndex];
There are examples of this elsewhere in KVO, as with the +keyPathsForValuesAffecting<Key> method (documentation here), which describes which keys cause another key to be updated. If your key is named fullName and it updates whenever the first or last name changes, you would implement this in your class:
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingFullName {
return [NSSet setWithObjects:
Further searching (and this question) turned up this documentation page, which explains the semantics of how that method gets called.

Why does cocoa use delegates rather than inheritance?

Why does cocoa use delegates rather than inheritance?
With delegates, you can have one object be the delegate of many other objects. For example, you can have your MyController instance be the delegate of an NSTableView, an NSTextField, an NSWindow, and any other objects that compose your interface. This gives a compact place to put all of your user interface code related to one section of your UI.
If you'd done that with subclassing, you'd have to create one subclass every object you wanted callbacks from.
Also, this is a classic inheritance vs composition question
In general creating a subclass can be a time consuming process, requiring a lot of groundwork, and overriding various template methods.
Meanwhile, using a delegate allows you to create a simple object that answers a few specific question or reacts in various ways.
Now when you combine this with the dynamism that you can achieve by swapping out delegates on the fly it can create a very flexible robust system that promotes more code reuse.
There is some general discussions regarding these things here and here. You can also find some older SO questions here and here.
Discussed at length here:
And Java guys know this too:

Why would I make an all-optional message protocol?

I'm writing a Cocoa API for a project and the API takes a delegate. The protocol that I came up with declares all the methods as optional, but why would I do that instead of just documenting the delegate methods in a header file and taking a plain id as a parameter?
For the benefit of your users. If the object takes delegates conforming to some protocol and they pass something else in, the compiler can tell them. That isn't possible if you take an id and use a category as the delegate method interface.
Because having "all of these methods" optional isn't quite the same as permitting "anything you care to send".
It also produces code that is more usable in the IDE. For example if I'm looking at
#interface MyController : NSObject <FooBarDelegate> {
I can command+double click in Xcode to jump to the definition of FooBarDelegate. With a category there's no formal declaration of intent to be a delegate.
Also, #required can be a problem for future plans with regard to backward binary compatibility and a new preferred method signature.
