I want to read from a text file paragraph by paragraph and since the content of the file is in German language the file contains special characters and I understood I have to use class utf8 in order to read the character properly into the script.
I face the problem if I use the suggested command
set txt to paragraphs of (read foo for (get eof foo)) as «class utf8»
I get the error
error "Can’t make {\"\tDate:\t10. J√§nner 2006 20:53\", \"\tTags:\tHase, Muffin, Paul\", \"\tLocation:\tM√ºhlgasse, Wiener Neudorf, Lower Austria, Austria\", \"\tWeather:\t-7¬∞ Clear\", \......
If I read the file without the «class utf8» no error occurs.
I use the following code:
set theFile to readFile("/Users/Muffin/Documents/DayOne-Export/DayOne.md")
-- set Shows to read theFile using delimiter return
repeat with nextLine in theFile
<text processing>
end repeat
on readFile(unixPath)
-- prepare text file to read
set foo to (open for access (POSIX file unixPath))
set txt to paragraphs of (read foo for (get eof foo)) as «class utf8»
-- set txt to paragraphs of (read foo) as «class utf8»
close access foo
return txt
end readFile
The text file looks like this:
Date: 10. Jänner 2006 20:53<br>
Tags: Hase, Muffin, Paul<br>
Location: Mühlgasse, Wiener Neudorf, Lower Austria, Austria<br>
Weather: -7° Clear<br>
1st Sign of Paul’s arrival
.... Actually it was a normal morning and as usual I got up at 6 am start preparing the breakfast.
The error occurs directly in the set txt command.
Any idea why I run into errors?
Your brackets are placed incorrectly:
set txt to paragraphs of (read foo for (get eof foo) as «class utf8»)
Otherwise you would try to convert a list into utf8.
for (get eof foo) is unnecessary.
set textFile to "/Users/whomever/Desktop/TEXT.txt"
Doesn't create a text file anymore. What do I do to make this function work. There is no error.
This following AppleScript code is a basic template demonstrating how to create a text file then write to it.
property textFile : (path to desktop as text) & "TEXT.txt"
set randomText to "Blah Blah Blah"
writeToSomeFile(textFile, randomText) -- Will Create File "TEXT.txt" If Not Exists
-- Additional Code Here
-- More Code Here
tell application "Finder"
reveal textFile
end tell
----- Place Handler Definitions Beneath This Line At Bottom Of Script -----
on writeToSomeFile(pathToFileToWriteTo, someText)
set writeToFile to open for access pathToFileToWriteTo with write permission
write someText & linefeed to writeToFile as text starting at eof
close access writeToFile
on error errMsg number errNum
close access alias pathToFileToWriteTo
end try
end writeToSomeFile
However, if you prefer a different option using much less code, this following AppleScript code will achieve the same results.
property textFile : (path to desktop as text) & "TEXT.txt"
set randomText to "Blah Blah Blah"
(* If textFile Does Not Exist Yet, This Will Create The File And Write
randomText To It. Otherwise it will append randomText to the file *)
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of randomText & " >> " & ¬
quoted form of POSIX path of textFile
I have a script that starts like this:
tell application "Finder"
set theFolder to (choose folder)
set theFile to POSIX path of ((theFolder as string) & "words.txt")
set fileHandle to open for access theFile
set nameArray to paragraphs of (read fileHandle for (get eof fileHandle) as «class utf8»)
close access fileHandle
end tell
File words.txt is there and contains one word per line.
theFile is a valid path to words.txt, something like /Users/myself/Desktop/folder/words.txt.
nameArray comes empty.
If instead of letting the user choose the folder, I hardcode the path, like
set theFile to "/Users/myself/Desktop/folder/words.txt"
everything works fine.
First of all, you do not need Finder as the necessary commands are just basic AppleScript commands and or are all a part of Standard Additions.
The following three lines, by themselves, will do what you are trying to do:
set theFolder to (choose folder)
set theFile to POSIX path of ((theFolder as string) & "words.txt")
set nameArray to paragraphs of (read theFile as «class utf8»)
Something to keep in mind, if the last line in the file ends with a line feed then the last item in the list will be "" and you can either account for this in your code as you use each item of the list or add the following example to remove it if it exists:
if last item of nameArray is equal to "" then ¬
set nameArray to items 1 thru -2 of nameArray
I am trying to do below in AppleScript.
Concatenate/Merge all *.xxx files found in a particular folder into one new file
Each file contains a header. Strip header from all but 1st file before merging.
Add a footer text to the merged file.
This sounds relatively simple in other languages but I am a beginner to applescript. Any help to find a direction would be appreciated.
Try this, you are prompted to choose a base folder and a destination file name.
Important: Use a destination location outside the base folder to avoid the file to be included in the merging process.
I assume that your tsv file type is a typo and you mean csv.
If not, change all occurrences of csv in the script.
The text delimiter is linefeed (0A), if you need return (0D) change the occurrence of linefeed to return.
set baseFolder to choose folder
set destinationFile to choose file name with prompt "Choose destination file name" default name "merged.csv"
tell application "Finder" to set tsvFiles to (files of baseFolder whose name extension is "csv") as alias list
set text item delimiters to linefeed
set fileDescriptor to open for access destinationFile with write permission
repeat with i from 1 to (count tsvFiles)
set theFile to item i of tsvFiles
set theText to paragraphs of (read theFile as «class utf8»)
if i = 1 then
write (theText as text) to fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
write ((items 2 thru -1 of theText) as text) to fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
end if
end repeat
close access fileDescriptor
on error
close destinationFile
end try
end try
set text item delimiters to {""}
I have an AppleScript that runs as part of a Hazel routine monitoring a folder. When the script runs, it picks apart the file targeted by the Hazel routine and then attaches the file to an email and addresses the email with information from the name of the file. Unfortunately, it seems there is an error somewhere in the script, but I cannot seem to locate it.
The only semi-useful information from Console is in the title (i.e., "Can't get last text item of alias"). Here is the script:
on hazelProcessFile(theFile)
set theAttachment1 to (POSIX path of theFile)
set FileName to theFile
--remove trailing slash
set SansSlash to quoted form of text 1 through -2 of FileName
set FileName to SansSlash as text
-- remove path from FileName
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set SansPath to last text item of FileName
set FileName to SansPath as text
-- remove extension
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set SansExtension to every text item of FileName
set last text item of SansExtension to ""
set FileName to SansExtension as text
-- parse using —
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "—"
set clientName to first text item of FileName
set clientEmail to last text item of FileName
tell application "Airmail 2"
set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"New Invoice from ", content:"Please find attached, infra, the current month's invoice. If you have any questions, please feel free to respond to this email. One-time payments may be made using the following secure form on our website: https://. Thank you for your continued business."}
tell theMessage
set sender to "billing#example.com"
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:clientName, address:clientEmail}
make new mail attachment with properties {filename:theAttachment1}
end tell
end tell
end hazelProcessFile
The code is commented, so it should be obvious what each section is supposed to do. I would imagine the issue is in the "remove path from FileName" section, as that is the section that has been giving me the most trouble.
theFile is obviously an alias specifier.
text item and text thru – as the name implies – expects plain text
You have to coerce the alias first to text before dealing with text and remove quoted form of, that's only needed in conjunction with do shell script.
--remove trailing slash
set FileName to theFile as text
set SansSlash to text 1 through -2 of FileName
set FileName to SansSlash
but there is no trailing slash in a HFS path
To strip the file name without extension from an alias this is much easier
tell application "System Events" to set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to theFile
set baseName to text 1 thru ((get offset of "." & Ex in Nm) - 1) of Nm
Try this optimized code, the Airmail 2 part is skipped and I don't know if the EM Dash character is treated correctly in case you'll copy and paste the code.
on hazelProcessFile(theFile)
set theAttachment1 to (POSIX path of theFile)
tell application "System Events" to set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to theFile
set FileName to text 1 thru ((get offset of "." & Ex in Nm) - 1) of Nm
-- parse using —
set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, "—"}
set clientName to text item -2 of FileName
set clientEmail to text item -1 of FileName
set text item delimiters to TID
-- tell application "Airmail 2"
-- ...
end hazelProcessFile
I'm trying to read an html file into a variable in AppleScript, I have the following code.
tell application "Finder"
set theItems to every file of folder folderName
repeat with theFile in theItems
open for access theFile
set fileContents to (read theFile)
end repeat
end tell
Now I get an error like:
Finder got an error: Can’t make document file "index.html" of folder
[...] of startup disk into type «class fsrf».
What am I doing wrong? I followed this example. Are HTML files not recognized as text?
You have to convert the Finder file objects to aliases or text.
read can be used without separate open or close commands. It reads files as MacRoman without as «class utf8» though. (as Unicode text is UTF-16.)
tell application "Finder" to files of folder "HD:Users:lauri:Sites" as alias list
repeat with f in result
read f as «class utf8»
end repeat
tell application "Finder" to set theItems to every file of folder folderName
repeat with theFile in theItems
set aFile to POSIX path of (theFile as text)
set fileContents to do shell script "cat " & quoted form of aFile
end repeat
Starting from your original code, this should do it:
set folderPath to choose folder
set someData to ""
tell application "Finder"
set theItems to every file of folder folderPath as list
repeat with theFile in theItems
set theFilePath to theFile as text
if characters -5 thru -1 of theFilePath as string is ".html" then
set theFileHandle to (open for access file theFilePath)
set fileContents to (read theFileHandle)
-- for testing, call some function
set someData to someData & return & processHtml(fileContents) of me
close access theFileHandle
end if
end repeat
-- do something with someData here
return someData
end tell
on processHtml(theData)
-- do something with theData here
return theData
end processHtml
As Lauri wrote, you can add "as «class utf8»" to read the file as UTF8. You could also use "as Unicode text" for UTF16. Personally, I like this, because it is vanilla AppleScript and doesn't need shell scripting.
Using open for access is really doing it the hard way.
If you want to read an HTML file with AppleScript, then the best way to do that is to use AppleScript to tell an HTML editor to read the HTML file for you. That is the fundamental way that AppleScript works. That’s why “tell” is the most important command. That’s why you can accomplish your goal of reading an HTML file into a variable in just 3 lines:
tell application "BBEdit"
open (choose file)
set theHTMLSource to the text of document 1
close document 1
end tell
The following script expands on the above to read an arbitrary number of HTML files from a chosen folder. It works with BBEdit 9, and should also work with BBEdit’s free version, which is called “TextWrangler” and is available in Mac App Store. Or you can fairly easily adapt this script for use with HyperEdit or TextEdit or whatever AppleScript-aware HTML/text editor you prefer to use.
tell application "Finder"
set theFolder to (choose folder)
set theFiles to every file of folder theFolder
set theHTMLSourceList to {}
repeat with theFile in theFiles
if the kind of theFile is equal to "HTML document" then
set theName to the name of theFile
tell application "BBEdit"
open file (theFile as text)
set theSource to the text of document 1
copy {theName, theSource} to the end of theHTMLSourceList
close document 1
end tell
end if
end repeat
end tell
When the above script is finished, the variable “theHTMLSourceList” is populated with the names and source code of the entire folder of HTML documents, like so:
{{name of file 1, source of file 1}, {name of file 2, source of file 2}, {name of file 3, source of file 3}}
… and so on up to an arbitrary number of files. But of course you can have the script return the HTML source to you in whatever way you like. The key point is that an AppleScript-aware HTML editor can both read HTML and set AppleScript variables, so you don’t have to write (and debug and maintain) your own HTML reader in tiny AppleScript.