How does one decide the final clusters when using the means shift algorthm? - algorithm

I am reading a bit about the means shift clustering algorithm ( and this is what i got so far. For each point in your data set : select all points within a certain distance of it (including the original point), calculate the mean for all these points, repeat until these means stabilize.
What I'm confused about is how does one go from here in deciding what the final clusters are , and on what conditions do these means merge. Also, does the distance used to select the points fluctuate through the iterations or does it remain constant?
Thanks in advance

The mean shift cluster finding is a simple iterative process which is actually guaranteed to converge. The iteration starts from a starting point x, and the iteration steps are (note that x may have several components, as the algorithm will work in higher dimensions, as well):
calculate the weighted mean position x' of all points around x - maybe the simplest form is to calculate the average of positions of all points within d distance from x, but the gaussian function is also commonly used and mathematically beneficial.
set x <- x'
repeat until the difference between x and x' is very small
This can be used in cluster analysis by starting with different values of x. The final values will end up at different cluster centers. The number of clusters cannot be known (other than it is <= number of points).
The upper level algorithm is:
go through a selection of starting values
for each value, calculate the convergence value as shown above
if the value is not already in the list of convergence values, add it to the list (allow some reasonable tolerance for numerical imprecision)
And then you have the list of clusters. The only difficult thing is finding a reasonable selection of starting values. It is easy with one or two dimensions, but with higher dimensionalities exhaustive searches are not quite possible.
All starting points, which end up into the same mode (point of convergence) belong to the same cluster.
It may be of interest that if you are doing this on a 2D image, it should be sufficient to calculate the gradient (i.e. the first iteration) for each pixel. This is a fast operation with common convolution techniques, and then it is relatively easy to group the pixels into clusters.


Clustering while trying to minimise spare capacity

I am trying to cluster ~30 million points (x and y co-ordinates) into clusters - the addition that makes it challenging is I am trying to minimise the spare capacity of each cluster while also ensuring the maximum distance between the cluster and any one point is not huge (>5km or so).
Each cluster is made from equipment that can serve 64 points, if a cluster contains less than 65 points then we need one of these pieces of equipment. However if a cluster contains 65 points then we need two of these pieces of equipment, this means we have a spare capacity of 63 for that cluster. We also need to connect each point to the cluster, so the distance from each point to the cluster is also a factor in the equipment cost.
Ultimately I am trying to minimise the cost of equipment which seems to be an equivalent problem to minimising the average spare capacity whilst also ensuring the distance from the cluster to any one point is less than 5km (an approximation, but will do for the thought experiment - maybe there are better ways to impose this restriction).
I have tried multiple approaches:
Most should know how this works
Average spare capacity of 32
Runs in O(n^2)
Sorted list of a-b distances
I tried an alternative approach like so:
Initialise cluster points by randomly selecting points from the data
Determine the distance matrix between every point and every cluster
Flatten it into a list
Sort the list
Go from smallest to longest distance assigning points to clusters
Assign clusters points until they reach 64, then no more can be assigned
Stop iterating through the list once all points have been assigned
Update the cluster centroid based on the assigned points
Repeat steps 1 - 7 until the cluster locations converge (as in K-means)
Collect cluster locations that are nearby into one cluster
This had an average spare capacity of approximately 0, by design
This worked well for my test data set, but as soon as I expanded to the full set (30 million points) it took far too long, probably because we have to sort the full list O(NlogN) and then iterate over it until all points have been assigned O(NK) and then repeat that until convergence
Linear Programming
This was quite simple to implement using libraries, but also took far too long again because of the complexity
I am open to any suggestions on possible algorithms/languages best suited to do this. I have experience with machine learning, but couldn't think of an obvious way of doing this using that.
Let me know if I missed any information out.
Since you have both pieces already, my first new suggestion would be to partition the points with k-means for k = n/6400 (you can tweak this parameter) and then use integer programming on each super-cluster. When I get a chance I'll write up my other suggestion, which involves a randomly shifted quadtree dissection.
Old pre-question-edit answer below.
You seem more concerned with minimizing equipment and running time than having the tightest possible clusters, so here's a suggestion along those lines.
The idea is to start with 1-node clusters and then use (almost) perfect matchings to pair clusters with each other, doubling the size. Do this 6 times to get clusters of 64.
To compute the matching, we use the centroid of each cluster to represent it. Now we just need an approximate matching on a set of points in the Euclidean plane. With apologies to the authors of many fine papers on Euclidean matching, here's an O(n log n) heuristic. If there are two or fewer points, match them in the obvious way. Otherwise, choose a random point P and partition the other points by comparing their (alternate between x- and y-) coordinate with P (as in kd-trees), breaking ties by comparing the other coordinate. Assign P to a half with an odd number of points if possible. (If both are even, let P be unmatched.) Recursively match the halves.
Let p = ceil(N/64).
That is the optimum number of equipment.
Let s = ceil(sqrt(p)).
Sort the data by the x axis. Slice the data into slices of 64*s entries each (but the last slide).
In each slice, sort the data by the y axis. Take 64 objects each and assign them to one equipment. It's easy to see that all but possibly the last equipment are optimally used, and close.
Sorting is so incredibly cheap that this will be extremely fast. Give it a try, and you'll likely be surprised by the quality vs. runtime trade-off! I wouldn't be surprised if it finds competitive results to most that you tried except the LP approach, and it will run in just few seconds.
Alternatively: sort all objects by their Hilbert curve coordinate. Partition into p partitions, assign one equipment each.
The second one is much harder to implement and likely slower. It can sometimes be better, but also sometimes worse.
If distance is more important to you, try the following strategy: build a spatial index (e.g., k-d-tree, or if you have Haversine, a R*-tree). For each point, find the 63 nearest neighbors and store this. Sort by distance, descending. This will give you a "difficulty" score. Now don't put equipment at the most difficult point, but nearby - at it's neighbor with the smallest max(distance to the difficult point, distance to it's 63 nearest neighbor). Repeat this for a few points, but after about 10% of the data, begin again the entire procedure with the remaining points.
The problem is that you didn't well specify when to prefer keeping the distances small, even when using more equipment... You could incorporate this, by only considering neighbors within a certain bound. The point with the fewest neighbors within the bound is then the hardest; and it's best covered by a neighbor with the most uncovered points within the bound etc.

To make a distance matrix or to repeatedly calculate distance

I'm working on K-medoids algorithm implementation. It is a clustering algorithm and one of its steps includes finding the most representative point in a cluster.
So, here's the thing
I have a certain number of clusters
Each cluster contains a certain number of points
I need to find the point in each cluster that results with the least error if it is picked as a cluster representative
Distance from each point to all the other in the cluster needs to be calculated
This distance calculation could be simple as Euclidean or more complex like DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) between two signals
There are two approaches, one is to calculate distance matrix that will save values between all the points in the dataset and the other is to calculate distances during clustering, which results that distances between some points will be calculated repeatedly.
On one hand, to build distance matrix you must calculate distances between all points in the whole dataset and some of calculated values will never be used.
On the other hand, if you don't build the distance matrix, you will repeat some calculations in certain number of iterations.
Which is the better approach?
I'm also considering MapReduce implementation, so opinions from that angle are also welcome.
A 3rd approach could be a combination of both, and is lazily evaluating the distance matrix. Initialize a matrix with default values (unrealistic values, like negative ones), and when you need to calculate distance between two points, if the values is already present in the matrix - just take it from it.
Otherwise, calculate it and store it in the matrix.
This approach trades calculations (and is optimal in doing the lowest number of possible pair calculations), for more branches in the code, and a few more instructions. However, due to branch predictors, I assume this overhead will not be that dramatic.
I predict it will have better performance when the calculation is relatively expansive.
Another optimization of it could be to dynamically switch for a plain matrix implementation (and calculate the remaining part of the matrix) when the number of already calculated exceeds a certain threshold. This can be achieved pretty nicely in OOP languages, by switching the implementation of the interface when a certain threshold is met.
Which is actually better implementation is going to rely heavily on the cost of the distance function, and the data you are clustering, as some will need to calculate the same points more often than other data sets.
I suggest doing a benchmark, and using statistical tools to evaluate which method is actually better.

How to select points at a regular density

how do I select a subset of points at a regular density? More formally,
a set A of irregularly spaced points,
a metric of distance dist (e.g., Euclidean distance),
and a target density d,
how can I select a smallest subset B that satisfies below?
for every point x in A,
there exists a point y in B
which satisfies dist(x,y) <= d
My current best shot is to
start with A itself
pick out the closest (or just particularly close) couple of points
randomly exclude one of them
repeat as long as the condition holds
and repeat the whole procedure for best luck. But are there better ways?
I'm trying to do this with 280,000 18-D points, but my question is in general strategy. So I also wish to know how to do it with 2-D points. And I don't really need a guarantee of a smallest subset. Any useful method is welcome. Thank you.
bottom-up method
select a random point
select among unselected y for which min(d(x,y) for x in selected) is largest
keep going!
I'll call it bottom-up and the one I originally posted top-down. This is much faster in the beginning, so for sparse sampling this should be better?
performance measure
If guarantee of optimality is not required, I think these two indicators could be useful:
radius of coverage: max {y in unselected} min(d(x,y) for x in selected)
radius of economy: min {y in selected != x} min(d(x,y) for x in selected)
RC is minimum allowed d, and there is no absolute inequality between these two. But RC <= RE is more desirable.
my little methods
For a little demonstration of that "performance measure," I generated 256 2-D points distributed uniformly or by standard normal distribution. Then I tried my top-down and bottom-up methods with them. And this is what I got:
RC is red, RE is blue. X axis is number of selected points. Did you think bottom-up could be as good? I thought so watching the animation, but it seems top-down is significantly better (look at the sparse region). Nevertheless, not too horrible given that it's much faster.
Here I packed everything.
You can model your problem with graphs, assume points as nodes, and connect two nodes with edge if their distance is smaller than d, Now you should find the minimum number of vertex such that they are with their connected vertices cover all nodes of graph, this is minimum vertex cover problem (which is NP-Hard in general), but you can use fast 2-approximation : repeatedly taking both endpoints of an edge into the vertex cover, then removing them from the graph.
P.S: sure you should select nodes which are fully disconnected from the graph, After removing this nodes (means selecting them), your problem is vertex cover.
A genetic algorithm may probably produce good results here.
I have been playing a little with this problem and these are my findings:
A simple method (call it random-selection) to obtain a set of points fulfilling the stated condition is as follows:
start with B empty
select a random point x from A and place it in B
remove from A every point y such that dist(x, y) < d
while A is not empty go to 2
A kd-tree can be used to perform the look ups in step 3 relatively fast.
The experiments I have run in 2D show that the subsets generated are approximately half the size of the ones generated by your top-down approach.
Then I have used this random-selection algorithm to seed a genetic algorithm that resulted in a further 25% reduction on the size of the subsets.
For mutation, giving a chromosome representing a subset B, I randomly choose an hyperball inside the minimal axis-aligned hyperbox that covers all the points in A. Then, I remove from B all the points that are also in the hyperball and use the random-selection to complete it again.
For crossover I employ a similar approach, using a random hyperball to divide the mother and father chromosomes.
I have implemented everything in Perl using my wrapper for the GAUL library (GAUL can be obtained from here.
The script is here:
It accepts a list of n-dimensional points from stdin and generates a collection of pictures showing the best solution for every iteration of the genetic algorithm. The companion script can be used to generate the random points with a uniform distribution.
Here is a proposal which makes an assumption of Manhattan distance metric:
Divide up the entire space into a grid of granularity d. Formally: partition A so that points (x1,...,xn) and (y1,...,yn) are in the same partition exactly when (floor(x1/d),...,floor(xn/d))=(floor(y1/d),...,floor(yn/d)).
Pick one point (arbitrarily) from each grid space -- that is, choose a representative from each set in the partition created in step 1. Don't worry if some grid spaces are empty! Simply don't choose a representative for this space.
Actually, the implementation won't have to do any real work to do step one, and step two can be done in one pass through the points, using a hash of the partition identifier (the (floor(x1/d),...,floor(xn/d))) to check whether we have already chosen a representative for a particular grid space, so this can be very, very fast.
Some other distance metrics may be able to use an adapted approach. For example, the Euclidean metric could use d/sqrt(n)-size grids. In this case, you might want to add a post-processing step that tries to reduce the cover a bit (since the grids described above are no longer exactly radius-d balls -- the balls overlap neighboring grids a bit), but I'm not sure how that part would look.
To be lazy, this can be casted to a set cover problem, which can be handled by mixed-integer problem solver/optimizers. Here is a GNU MathProg model for the GLPK LP/MIP solver. Here C denotes which point can "satisfy" each point.
param N, integer, > 0;
set C{1..N};
var x{i in 1..N}, binary;
s.t. cover{i in 1..N}: sum{j in C[i]} x[j] >= 1;
minimize goal: sum{i in 1..N} x[i];
With normally distributed 1000 points, it didn't find the optimum subset in 4 minutes, but it said it knew the true minimum and it selected only one more point.

Clustering 2d integer coordinates into sets of at most N points

I have a number of points on a relatively small 2-dimensional grid, which wraps around in both dimensions. The coordinates can only be integers. I need to divide them into sets of at most N points that are close together, where N will be quite a small cut-off, I suspect 10 at most.
I'm designing an AI for a game, and I'm 99% certain using minimax on all the game pieces will give me a usable lookahead of about 1 move, if that. However distant game pieces should be unable to affect each other until we're looking ahead by a large number of moves, so I want to partition the game into a number of sub-games of N pieces at a time. However, I need to ensure I select a reasonable N pieces at a time, i.e. ones that are close together.
I don't care whether outliers are left on their own or lumped in with their least-distant cluster. Breaking up natural clusters larger than N is inevitable, and only needs to be sort-of reasonable. Because this is used in a game AI with limited response time, I'm looking for as fast an algorithm as possible, and willing to trade off accuracy for performance.
Does anyone have any suggestions for algorithms to look at adapting? K-means and relatives don't seem appropriate, as I don't know how many clusters I want to find but I have a bound on how large clusters I want. I've seen some evidence that approximating a solution by snapping points to a grid can help some clustering algorithms, so I'm hoping the integer coordinates makes the problem easier. Hierarchical distance-based clustering will be easy to adapt to the wrap-around coordinates, as I just plug in a different distance function, and also relatively easy to cap the size of the clusters. Are there any other ideas I should be looking at?
I'm more interested in algorithms than libraries, though libraries with good documentation of how they work would be welcome.
EDIT: I originally asked this question when I was working on an entry for the Fall 2011 AI Challenge, which I sadly never got finished. The page I linked to has a reasonably short reasonably high-level description of the game.
The two key points are:
Each player has a potentially large number of ants
Every ant is given orders every turn, moving 1 square either north, south, east or west; this means the branching factor of the game is O(4ants).
In the contest there were also strict time constraints on each bot's turn. I had thought to approach the game by using minimax (the turns are really simultaneous, but as a heuristic I thought it would be okay), but I feared there wouldn't be time to look ahead very many moves if I considered the whole game at once. But as each ant moves only one square each turn, two ants cannot N spaces apart by the shortest route possibly interfere with one another until we're looking ahead N/2 moves.
So the solution I was searching for was a good way to pick smaller groups of ants at a time and minimax each group separately. I had hoped this would allow me to search deeper into the move-tree without losing much accuracy. But obviously there's no point using a very expensive clustering algorithm as a time-saving heuristic!
I'm still interested in the answer to this question, though more in what I can learn from the techniques than for this particular contest, since it's over! Thanks for all the answers so far.
The median-cut algorithm is very simple to implement in 2D and would work well here. Your outliers would end up as groups of 1 which you could discard or whatever.
Further explanation requested:
Median cut is a quantization algorithm but all quantization algorithms are special case clustering algorithms. In this case the algorithm is extremely simple: find the smallest bounding box containing all points, split the box along its longest side (and shrink it to fit the points), repeat until the target amount of boxes is achieved.
A more detailed description and coded example
Wiki on color quantization has some good visuals and links
Since you are writing a game where (I assume) only a constant number of pieces move between each clusering, you can take advantage of a Online algorithm to get consant update times.
The property of not locking yourself to a number of clusters is called Nonstationary, I believe.
This paper seams to have a good algorithm with both of the above two properties: Improving the Robustness of 'Online Agglomerative Clustering Method' Based on Kernel-Induce Distance Measures (You might be able to find it elsewhere as well).
Here is a nice video showing the algorithm in works:
Construct a graph G=(V, E) over your grid, and partition it.
Since you are interested in algorithms rather than libraries, here is a recent paper:
Daniel Delling, Andrew V. Goldberg, Ilya Razenshteyn, and Renato F. Werneck. Graph Partitioning with Natural Cuts. In 25th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’11). IEEE Computer
Society, 2011. [PDF]
From the text:
The goal of the graph partitioning problem is to find a minimum-cost partition P such that the size of each cell is bounded by U.
So you will set U=10.
You can calculate a minimum spanning tree and remove the longest edges. Then you can calculate the k-means. Remove another long edge and calculate the k-means. Rinse and repeat until you have N=10. I believe this algorithm is named single-link k-means and the cluster are similar to voronoi diagrams:
"The single-link k-clustering algorithm ... is precisely Kruskal's algorithm ... equivalent to finding an MST and deleting the k-1 most expensive edges."
See for example here:
Consider the case where you only want two clusters. If you run k-means, then you will get two points, and the division between the two clusters is a plane orthogonal to the line between the centres of the two clusters. You can find out which cluster a point is in by projecting it down to the line and then comparing its position on the line with a threshold (e.g. take the dot product between the line and a vector from either of the two cluster centres and the point).
For two clusters, this means that you can adjust the sizes of the clusters by moving the threshold. You can sort the points on their distance along the line connecting the two cluster centres and then move the threshold along the line quite easily, trading off the inequality of the split with how neat the clusters are.
You probably don't have k=2, but you can run this hierarchically, by dividing into two clusters, and then sub-dividing the clusters.
(After comment)
I'm not good with pictures, but here is some relevant algebra.
With k-means we divide points according to their distance from cluster centres, so for a point Xi and two centres Ai and Bi we might be interested in
SUM_i (Xi - Ai)^2 - SUM_i(Xi - Bi)^2
This is SUM_i Ai^2 - SUM_i Bi^2 + 2 SUM_i (Bi - Ai)Xi
So a point gets assigned to either cluster depending on the sign of K + 2(B - A).X - a constant plus the dot product between the vector to the point and the vector joining the two cluster circles. In two dimensions, the dividing line between the points on the plane that end up in one cluster and the points on the plane that end up in the other cluster is a line perpendicular to the line between the two cluster centres. What I am suggesting is that, in order to control the number of points after your division, you compute (B - A).X for each point X and then choose a threshold that divides all points in one cluster from all points in the other cluster. This amounts to sliding the dividing line up or down the line between the two cluster centres, while keeping it perpendicular to the line between them.
Once you have dot products Yi, where Yi = SUM_j (Bj - Aj) Xij, a measure of how closely grouped a cluster is is SUM_i (Yi - Ym)^2, where Ym is the mean of the Yi in the cluster. I am suggesting that you use the sum of these values for the two clusters to tell how good a split you have. To move a point into or out of a cluster and get the new sum of squares without recomputing everything from scratch, note that SUM_i (Si + T)^2 = SUM_i Si^2 + 2T SUM_i Si + T^2, so if you keep track of sums and sums of squares you can work out what happens to a sum of squares when you add or subtract a value to every component, as the mean of the cluster changes when you add or remove a point to it.

3D clustering Algorithm

Problem Statement:
I have the following problem:
There are more than a billion points in 3D space. The goal is to find the top N points which has largest number of neighbors within given distance R. Another condition is that the distance between any two points of those top N points must be greater than R. The distribution of those points are not uniform. It is very common that certain regions of the space contain a lot of points.
To find an algorithm that can scale well to many processors and has a small memory requirement.
Normal spatial decomposition is not sufficient for this kind of problem due to the non-uniform distribution. irregular spatial decomposition that evenly divide the number of points may help us the problem. I will really appreciate that if someone can shed some lights on how to solve this problem.
Use an Octree. For 3D data with a limited value domain that scales very well to huge data sets.
Many of the aforementioned methods such as locality sensitive hashing are approximate versions designed for much higher dimensionality where you can't split sensibly anymore.
Splitting at each level into 8 bins (2^d for d=3) works very well. And since you can stop when there are too few points in a cell, and build a deeper tree where there are a lot of points that should fit your requirements quite well.
For more details, see Wikipedia:
Alternatively, you could try to build an R-tree. But the R-tree tries to balance, making it harder to find the most dense areas. For your particular task, this drawback of the Octree is actually helpful! The R-tree puts a lot of effort into keeping the tree depth equal everywhere, so that each point can be found at approximately the same time. However, you are only interested in the dense areas, which will be found on the longest paths in the Octree without even having to look at the actual points yet!
I don't have a definite answer for you, but I have a suggestion for an approach that might yield a solution.
I think it's worth investigating locality-sensitive hashing. I think dividing the points evenly and then applying this kind of LSH to each set should be readily parallelisable. If you design your hashing algorithm such that the bucket size is defined in terms of R, it seems likely that for a given set of points divided into buckets, the points satisfying your criteria are likely to exist in the fullest buckets.
Having performed this locally, perhaps you can apply some kind of map-reduce-style strategy to combine spatial buckets from different parallel runs of the LSH algorithm in a step-wise manner, making use of the fact that you can begin to exclude parts of your problem space by discounting entire buckets. Obviously you'll have to be careful about edge cases that span different buckets, but I suspect that at each stage of merging, you could apply different bucket sizes/offsets such that you remove this effect (e.g. perform merging spatially equivalent buckets, as well as adjacent buckets). I believe this method could be used to keep memory requirements small (i.e. you shouldn't need to store much more than the points themselves at any given moment, and you are always operating on small(ish) subsets).
If you're looking for some kind of heuristic then I think this result will immediately yield something resembling a "good" solution - i.e. it will give you a small number of probable points which you can check satisfy your criteria. If you are looking for an exact answer, then you are going to have to apply some other methods to trim the search space as you begin to merge parallel buckets.
Another thought I had was that this could relate to finding the metric k-center. It's definitely not the exact same problem, but perhaps some of the methods used in solving that are applicable in this case. The problem is that this assumes you have a metric space in which computing the distance metric is possible - in your case, however, the presence of a billion points makes it undesirable and difficult to perform any kind of global traversal (e.g. sorting of the distances between points). As I said, just a thought, and perhaps a source of further inspiration.
Here are some possible parts of a solution.
There are various choices at each stage,
which will depend on Ncluster, on how fast the data changes,
and on what you want to do with the means.
3 steps: quantize, box, K-means.
1) quantize: reduce the input XYZ coordinates to say 8 bits each,
by taking 2^8 percentiles of X,Y,Z separately.
This will speed up the whole flow without much loss of detail.
You could sort all 1G points, or just a random 1M,
to get 8-bit x0 < x1 < ... x256, y0 < y1 < ... y256, z0 < z1 < ... z256
with 2^(30-8) points in each range.
To map float X -> 8 bit x, unrolled binary search is fast —
see Bentley, Pearls p. 95.
Added: Kd trees
split any point cloud into different-sized boxes, each with ~ Leafsize points —
much better than splitting X Y Z as above.
But afaik you'd have to roll your own Kd tree code
to split only the first say 16M boxes, and keep counts only, not the points.
2) box: count the number of points in each 3d box,
[xj .. xj+1, yj .. yj+1, zj .. zj+1].
The average box will have 2^(30-3*8) points;
the distribution will depend on how clumpy the data is.
If some boxes are too big or get too many points, you could
a) split them into 8,
b) track the centre of the points in each box,
otherwide just take box midpoints.
K-means clustering
on the 2^(3*8) box centres.
(Google parallel "k means" -> 121k hits.)
This depends strongly on K aka Ncluster, also on your radius R.
A rough approach would be to grow a
of the say 27*Ncluster boxes with the most points,
then take the biggest ones subject to your Radius constraint.
(I like to start with a
Minimum spanning tree,
then remove the K-1 longest links to get K clusters.)
See also
Color quantization .
I'd make Nbit, here 8, a parameter from the beginning.
What is your Ncluster ?
Added: if your points are moving in time, see
collision-detection-of-huge-number-of-circles on SO.
I would also suggest to use an octree. The OctoMap framework is very good at dealing with huge 3D point clouds. It does not store all the points directly, but updates the occupancy density of every node (aka 3D box).
After the tree is built, you can use a simple iterator to find the node with the highest density. If you would like to model the point density or distribution inside the nodes, the OctoMap is very easy to adopt.
Here you can see how it was extended to model the point distribution using a planar model.
Just an idea. Create a graph with given points and edges between points when distance < R.
Creation of this kind of graph is similar to spatial decomposition. Your questions can be answered with local search in graph. First are vertices with max degree, second is finding of maximal unconnected set of max degree vertices.
I think creation of graph and search can be made parallel. This approach can have large memory requirement. Splitting domain and working with graphs for smaller volumes can reduce memory need.
