I'm trying to take some user input defined variables to decide whether or not to enter the loop and execute a copy and rename followed by deletion of the original file as it will no longer be needed.
set /p multiTune="Does your tune file need to be shared with multiple
Element sequences? (y/n) "
Echo Multi Tune is %multiTune%
if "%multiTune%"=="y" (set /p tuneCount="How many sequences will need to share your tune file? ")
Echo Tune count is %tuneCount%
if "%multiTune%"=="y" (SET /p tuneName="Enter the file letter/number combination for the R quant of your tune file. ") else (#ECHO The user specified there is no need for a second tune.)
Echo Tune Name is %tuneName%
if "%multiTune%"=="y" (SET /a tuneCount+=1) else(set /a tuneCount-=tuneCount)
Echo Tune count is now %tuneCount%
if "%tuneCount%"=="0" goto exitloop
Set /p seqNumber="Enter the number for one of the sequences."
copy %tuneName%.D.pdf "S%seqNumber%-TUN1_%tuneName%.D.pdf"
echo %tuneName%.D.pdf renamed to S%seqNumber%-TUN1_%tuneName%.D.pdf
Set /a tuneCount-=1
if "%tuneCount%"=="1" DEL "%tuneName%.D.pdf"
if "%tuneCount%"==1 goto exitloop
Echo %tuneCount%
goto loop
All of the echos and pauses are just for testing purposes to make sure I have the correct values in my variables.
The batch file runs fine with the variables containing the correct strings and values up until the line:
if "%multiTune%"=="y" (SET /a tuneCount+=1) else(set /a tuneCount-=tuneCount)
The file says something is unexpected and closes at this point so i havent gotten a chance to figure out if the looped portion even works. The point of the +1 is so that it enters the loop and executes the commands until it gets to 1 and skips the loop if it equals 0.
I read a bunch of information about setlocal delayedexpansion and using !'s around variables instead of %'s. I'm not sure how to implement this or if this applies to my problem at all. I know there is probably an easier way to do the if statements but I'm a novice and that was the easiest way for me to understand it as I've been learning on the fly through trial and error, and everything you see is the results of a single day of learning.
Any help would be much appreciated. I tried to be as detailed as possible about what it is I'm trying to do but if you have any questions I will do my best to answer.
I really think you are making the things so MUCH complicated...
Have a corrected piece of the code you provided us (Note: I did not touch the loop subroutine to be on-topic):
#echo off
choice /m "Does your tune file need to be shared with multiple element sequences? (y/n) " /C:yn /N
rem Echo Multi Tune is %errorlevel%
rem If errorlevel equals to 1 user input is "Y", it is 2 it is "N". (I commented the "echo" command as it changes the errorlevel value).
if errorlevel 2 goto question_N
if errorlevel 1 goto question_Y
set /p tuneCount="How many sequences will need to share your tune file? "
set /p tuneName="Enter the file letter/number combination for the R quant of your tune file. "
SET /a "tuneCount+=1"
goto loop
set /p tuneCount="How many sequences will need to share your tune file? "
ECHO The user specified there is no need for a second tune.
set /a "tuneCount-=tuneCount"
goto loop
rem [Code you provided above]
I hope you are fine with this, testing it and it works!
I am using a Batch File to search a list of functions for an exact match, wondering if its possible to do a key word search, so right now i have to type "open cmd"
(variations on spacing and capital letters are accounted for)
Id like to switch it over to a system that can look for "cmd" and perform the action so "hey, open cmd please" would yield the same result as the old system
Old system:
set speech=start scripts\nircmd.exe speak text
set TALK=TypeSomething
set TALK=%TALK:?=%
call :%TALK: =% 2>NUL
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto begin
exit /B 0
echo Old function no longer supported
echo Command Prompt has now been opened in a new window, sir.
%speech% "Command Prompt has now been opened in a new window, sir."
start scripts\cmd.bat
exit /B 0
It is based of a chat bot i tried to make in middle school so the %speech% is not an important item, i can add that and the echo later. I just need a system that works like the old one if possible. The other i can have any number of functions with
start cmd
Exit /B 0
start http://www.reddit.com/
exit /B 0
at these need to be able to stack. I can transition to having scripts for each function in a separate batch files if needed. Ive tried trying findstr but it wasn't giving the desired results. Ive exhausted my knowledge on what i might be able to do but I've come up short lol, If you are having trouble understanding what i'm asking don't hesitate to let me know
I learn by taking things apart so partial code is appreciated but will not be much help until after I've figured out what does what .
Here's a sample of how you might approach it using ECHO, FINDSTR, and CALL (This is a modified example from the original per your request to be able to process multiple keywords):
#echo off
set /P TST_USRANS=Enter keywords:
if "%TST_USRANS%" == "" goto ENDIT
echo %TST_USRANS% | findstr /i "CMD" >NUL 2>&1
call :DOCMD
echo %TST_USRANS% | findstr /i "REDDIT" >NUL 2>&1
call :DORED
echo %TST_USRANS% | findstr /i "GOOGLE" >NUL 2>&1
call :DOGOO
if [%TST_FNDFLG%] == [FALSE] echo.
echo CMD was found in "%TST_USRANS%"
goto :EOF
if [%TST_FNDFLG%] == [FALSE] echo.
echo REDDIT was found in "%TST_USRANS%"
goto :EOF
if [%TST_FNDFLG%] == [FALSE] echo.
echo GOOGLE was found in "%TST_USRANS%"
goto :EOF
if [%TST_FNDFLG%] == [TRUE] echo No more keywords found
if [%TST_FNDFLG%] == [FALSE] echo Did not find any known keywords
goto ENDIT
What I want is a command (or series of commands) that works with Windows 7, 8.1, and 10. It needs to collect user input at any time during the execution of the batch file it's in, only to checked and interpreted later. I do not mind using an input text file.
I've already searched for an answer, but the closest I've come to it is <nul set /p "input=", but it requires the user to press a key and hit enter at the exact moment the command is run. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This method utilizes GOTO to create a loop which checks the first line of input.txt every 6 seconds or so. You could replace the content of :DOSTUFF with anything you want. Let me know if you have questions.
#echo off
for /f %%a in (input.txt) do (
if %%a NEQ "" (
set "input=%%a"
exit /b
echo Thanks for the input!
echo Here is what you entered:
echo %input%
echo I could be doing other things here, but instead I'm just waiting for input...
PING -n 6 >nul
While this was running in one window, I just ran echo test>input.txt in another command prompt.
To make this more robust you might want to overwrite the file after you check it. This can easily be done with echo.>input.txt
I am running a batch script and somewhere the user has to access a database.
At this moment, a window made in vbscript would prompt asking the user to type in the login and password. (OK, Cancel buttons)
If the credentials are correct after the OK, the batch would continue according to planA, otherwise the batch would do something else going to planB. If (Cancel), it would return to the batch and the main menu.
#echo off
echo [1] Access database
echo [2] Main menu
set /p Quest= What do you prefer (1 / 2)?
if not '%Quest%'=='' set Quest=%Quest:~0,1%
if '%Quest%'=='1' goto VBS
if '%Quest%'=='2' goto BATCH
echo Invalid option, please try again
goto Ini
echo Heading for main menu ...
goto Main
:wscript.echo InputBox("Enter your password","VBScript-Batch")
findstr "^:" "%~sf0" | findstr /i /v ":Label" >temp.vbs
for /f "delims=" %%N in ('cscript //nologo temp.vbs') do set pass=%%N
del temp.vbs
If %pass%=="okay" echo Valid Password ! & goto PLAN-A
If not %pass%=="okay" echo Invalid Password !! & goto PLAN-B
echo continue from here
echo do something else
-- How to capture the user information, validate it and go back to the batch for the planA or planB ??
As you see, if we eliminate the "& goto PLAN" stuff the script works. It sends the VBS input "pass" to the batch and the batch echoes "continue from here" or "do something else", from where the rest of your code should continue in the same batch.
However, it is not working ... Any help to make this really work ?
Your primary issue was you didn't set up the file properly to facilitate extracting the VBS from the batch file. Your VBS looks no different than a batch label. You filter out "Label" labels, but you still include lines like :ini, :BATCH, etc. Obviously those will trip up VBS. I solved the problem by prefixing your VBS with ::: and adapting your filter. There is no need to explicitly filter out any labels. I chose 3 colons because a single colon is used for a label, and 2 colons is frequently used for comments. You could have multiple independent VBS scripts embedded within your batch simply by varying the number of preceding colons.
I also restructured the code a small amount, and sprinkled in some EXIT /B statements so that code does not fall through. Also your :MAIN is not defined so I commented out the GOTO and replaced it with EXIT /B.
#echo off
echo [1] Access database
echo [2] Main menu
set /p Quest= What do you prefer (1 / 2)?
if not '%Quest%'=='' set Quest=%Quest:~0,1%
if '%Quest%'=='1' goto VBS
if '%Quest%'=='2' goto BATCH
echo Invalid option, please try again
goto Ini
echo Heading for main menu ...
::goto Main
exit /b
:::wscript.echo InputBox("Enter your password","VBScript-Batch")
findstr "^:::" "%~sf0" >temp.vbs
for /f "delims=" %%N in ('cscript //nologo temp.vbs') do set pass=%%N
del temp.vbs
If "%pass%"=="okay" (
echo Valid Password !
goto PLAN-A
) else (
echo Invalid Password !!
goto PLAN-B
echo continue from here
exit /b
echo do something else
exit /b
I have a batch file that automates copying a bunch of files from one place to the other and back for me. Only thing is as much as it helps me I keep accidentally selecting that command off my command buffer and mass overwriting uncommitted changes.
What code would I need for my .bat file to make it output "Are you sure?", and make me type Y before it ran the rest of the file?
If anything other than Y is typed, it should exit execution on that line.
When I call exit, it closes cmd.exe which is not what I want.
You want something like:
#echo off
SET /P AREYOUSURE=Are you sure (Y/[N])?
echo ... rest of file ...
try the CHOICE command, e.g.
CHOICE /C YNC /M "Press Y for Yes, N for No or C for Cancel."
There are two commands available for user prompts on Windows command line:
set with option /P available on all Windows NT versions with enabled command extensions and
choice.exe available by default on Windows Vista and later Windows versions for PC users and on Windows Server 2003 and later server versions of Windows.
set is an internal command of Windows command processor cmd.exe. The option /P to prompt a user for a string is available only with enabled command extensions which are enabled by default as otherwise nearly no batch file would work anymore nowadays.
choice.exe is a separate console application (external command) located in %SystemRoot%\System32. File choice.exe of Windows Server 2003 can be copied into directory %SystemRoot%\System32 on a Windows XP machine for usage on Windows XP like many other commands not available by default on Windows XP, but available by default on Windows Server 2003.
It is best practice to favor usage of CHOICE over usage of SET /P because of the following reasons:
CHOICE accepts only keys (respectively characters read from STDIN) specified after option /C (and Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Break) and outputs an error beep if the user presses a wrong key.
CHOICE does not require pressing any other key than one of the acceptable ones. CHOICE exits immediately once an acceptable key is pressed while SET /P requires that the user finishes input with RETURN or ENTER.
It is possible with CHOICE to define a default option and a timeout to automatically continue with default option after some seconds without waiting for the user.
The output is better on answering the prompt automatically from another batch file which calls the batch file with the prompt using something like echo Y | call PromptExample.bat on using CHOICE.
The evaluation of the user's choice is much easier with CHOICE because of CHOICE exits with a value according to pressed key (character) which is assigned to ERRORLEVEL which can be easily evaluated next.
The environment variable used on SET /P is not defined if the user hits just key RETURN or ENTER and it was not defined before prompting the user. The used environment variable on SETÂ /P command line keeps its current value if defined before and user presses just RETURN or ENTER.
The user has the freedom to enter anything on being prompted with SET /P including a string which results later in an exit of batch file execution by cmd because of a syntax error, or in execution of commands not included at all in the batch file on not good coded batch file. It needs some efforts to get SET /P secure against by mistake or intentionally wrong user input.
Here is a prompt example using preferred CHOICE and alternatively SET /P on choice.exe not available on used computer running Windows.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
echo This is an example for prompting a user.
if exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe" goto UseChoice
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "UserChoice="
set /P "UserChoice=Are you sure [Y/N]? "
set "UserChoice=!UserChoice: =!"
if /I "!UserChoice!" == "N" endlocal & goto :EOF
if /I not "!UserChoice!" == "Y" goto UseSetPrompt
goto Continue
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C YN /N /M "Are you sure [Y/N]?"
if not errorlevel 1 goto UseChoice
if errorlevel 2 goto :EOF
echo So you are sure. Okay, let's go ...
rem More commands can be added here.
Note: This batch file uses command extensions which are not available on Windows 95/98/ME using command.com instead of cmd.exe as command interpreter.
The command line set "UserChoice=!UserChoice: =!" is added to make it possible to call this batch file with echo Y | call PromptExample.bat on Windows NT4/2000/XP and do not require the usage of echo Y| call PromptExample.bat. It deletes all spaces from string read from STDIN before running the two string comparisons.
echo Y | call PromptExample.bat results in YSPACE getting assigned to environment variable UserChoice. That would result on processing the prompt twice because of "Y " is neither case-insensitive equal "N" nor "Y" without deleting first all spaces. So UserChoice with YSPACE as value would result in running the prompt a second time with option N as defined as default in the batch file on second prompt execution which next results in an unexpected exit of batch file processing. Yes, secure usage of SET /P is really tricky, isn't it?
choice.exe exits with 0 in case of the user presses Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break and answers next the question output by cmd.exe to terminate the batch job with N for NO. For that reason the condition if not errorlevel 1 goto UserChoice is added to prompt the user once again for a definite answer on the prompt by batch file code with Y or N. Thanks to dialer for the information about this possible special use case.
The first line below the batch label :UseSetPrompt could be written also as:
set "UserChoice=N"
In this case the user choice input is predefined with N which means the user can hit just RETURN or ENTER (or Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break and next N) to use the default choice.
The prompt text is output by command SET as written in the batch file. So the prompt text should end usually with a space character. The command CHOICE removes from prompt text all trailing normal spaces and horizontal tabs and then adds itself a space to the prompt text. Therefore the prompt text of command CHOICE can be written without or with a space at end. That does not make a difference on displayed prompt text on execution.
The order of user prompt evaluation could be also changed completely as suggested by dialer.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
echo This is an example for prompting a user.
if exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe" goto UseChoice
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "UserChoice="
set /P "UserChoice=Are you sure [Y/N]? "
set "UserChoice=!UserChoice: =!"
if /I not "!UserChoice!" == "Y" endlocal & goto :EOF
goto Continue
%SystemRoot%\System32\choice.exe /C YN /N /M "Are you sure [Y/N]?"
if not errorlevel 2 if errorlevel 1 goto Continue
goto :EOF
echo So you are sure. Okay, let's go ...
This code results in continuation of batch file processing below the batch label :Continue if the user pressed definitely key Y. In all other cases the code for N is executed resulting in an exit of batch file processing with this code independent on user pressed really that key, or entered something different intentionally or by mistake, or pressed Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break and decided next on prompt output by cmd not terminating the batch job.
For even more details on usage of SET /P and CHOICE for prompting user for a choice from a list of options see answer on How to stop Windows command interpreter from quitting batch file execution on an incorrect user input?
Some more hints:
IF compares the two strings left and right of the comparison operator with including the double quotes. So case-insensitive compared is not the value of UserChoice with N and Y, but the value of UserChoice surrounded by " with "N" and "Y".
The IF comparison operators EQU and NEQ are designed primary for comparing two integers in range -2147483648 to 2147483647 and not for comparing two strings. EQU and NEQ work also for string comparisons, but result on comparing strings in double quotes after a useless attempt to convert left string to an integer. EQU and NEQ can be used only with enabled command extensions. The comparison operators for string comparisons are == and not ... == which work even with disabled command extensions as even command.com of MS-DOS and Windows 95/98/ME supported them. For more details on IF comparison operators see Symbol equivalent to NEQ, LSS, GTR, etc. in Windows batch files.
The command goto :EOF requires enabled command extensions to really exit batch file processing. For more details see Where does GOTO :EOF return to?
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
choice /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
goto /?
if /?
set /?
setlocal /?
See also:
This answer for details about the commands SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL.
Why is no string output with 'echo %var%' after using 'set var = text' on command line?
It explains the reason for using syntax set "variable=value" on assigning a string to an environment variable.
Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file for details on if errorlevel X behavior and operator &.
Microsoft documentation for using command redirection operators explaining the redirection operator | and handle STDIN.
Wikipedia article about Windows Environment Variables for an explanation of SystemRoot.
DosTips forum topic ECHO. FAILS to give text or blank line - Instead use ECHO/
The choice command is not available everywhere. With newer Windows versions, the set command has the /p option you can get user input
SET /P variable=[promptString]
see set /? for more info
Here a bit easier:
#echo off
set /p var=Are You Sure?[Y/N]:
if %var%== Y goto ...
if not %var%== Y exit
#echo off
echo Are You Sure?[Y/N]
choice /c YN
if %errorlevel%==1 goto yes
if %errorlevel%==2 goto no
echo yes
goto :EOF
echo no
Here's my go-to method for a yes/no answer.
It's case-insensitive also.
This just checks for the errors given by the input and sets the choice variable to whatever you require so it can be used below in the code.
#echo off
choice /M "[Opt 1] Do you want to continue [Yes/No]"
if errorlevel 255 (
echo Error
) else if errorlevel 2 (
set "YourChoice=will not"
) else if errorlevel 1 (
set "YourChoice=will"
) else if errorlevel 0 (
goto :EOF
echo %YourChoice%
You can also use 'Choice' command
#echo off
echo Sure?
echo hi
If you want to the batch program to exit back to the prompt and not close the prompt (A.K.A cmd.exe) you can use "exit /b".
This may help.
set /p _sure="Are you sure?"
::The underscore is used to ensure that "sure" is not an enviroment
if /I NOT "_sure"=="y" (
::the /I makes it so you can
exit /b
) else (
::Any other modifications...
Or if you don't want to use as many lines...
Set /p _sure="Are you sure?"
if /I NOT "_sure"=="y" exit /b
::Any other modifications and commands.
Hope this helps...
Here is a simple example which I use in a backup (.bat / batch) script on Windows 10, which allows me to have different options when making backups.
set /P c=Do you want to rsync the archives to someHost[Y/N]?
if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :syncthefiles
if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :doonotsyncthefiles
goto :choice
echo rsync files to somewhere ...
bash -c "rsync -vaz /mnt/d/Archive/Backup/ user#host:/home/user/Backup/blabla/"
echo done
echo Backup Complete!
You can have as many as you need of these blocks.
You can consider using a UI confirmation.
With yesnopopup.bat
#echo off
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('yesnopopup.bat') do (
set "result=%%#"
if /i result==no (
echo user rejected the script
exit /b 1
echo continue
rem --- other commands --
the user will see the following and depending on the choice the script will continue:
with absolutely the same script you can use also iexpYNbutton.bat which will produce similar popup.
With buttons.bat you can try the following script:
#echo off
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('buttons.bat "Yep!" "Nope!" ') do (
set "result=%%#"
if /i result==2 (
echo user rejected the script
exit /b 1
echo continue
rem --- other commands --
and the user will see:
I would do it in the following way to make sure the testing and variables are correct during looping etc..
:: rem at the top of the script
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: choice example
CHOICE /C YNC /M "Continue? Press Y for Yes, N for No or C for Cancel."
If /I "[!errorlevel!]" NEQ "[1]" ( GOTO START_OVER )
There are so many answers, but none of them seems to be simple and straight forward. This is the code I am using:
choice /M "Do you want to continue?"
if %errorlevel% EQU 1 (
... run your code lines here
First, open the terminal.
Then, type
cd ~
touch .sure
chmod 700 .sure
Next, open .sure and paste this inside.
#!/bin/bash --init-file
PS1='> '
alias y='
alias n='Taskkill /IM %Terminal% /f'
echo ''
echo 'Are you sure? Answer y or n.'
echo ''
After that, close the file.
This will give you a prompt of are you sure before continuing the command.
Open terminal. Type the following
chmod 700 sure.sh
Paste this inside sure.sh
echo -n 'Are you sure? [Y/n] '
read yn
if [ "$yn" = "n" ]; then
exit 1
exit 0
Close sure.sh and type this in terminal.
alias sure='~/sure&&'
Now, if you type sure before typing the command it will give you an are you sure prompt before continuing the command.
Hope this is helpful!