Generate Timestamp in Ruby - ruby

I am getting a timestamp value in an xml request as the following format.
I need to form the xml response with this kind of time format in ruby. How do I get this format for the corresponding time?
I wanted to know the name of this format.

Try this:
t = Time.utc(2010,3,30, 5,43,"25.123456789".to_r)
This produces:

require 'date'
datetime = DateTime.parse('2014-06-27T12:41:13.0000617Z')
repr = datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%7NZ')
puts repr
#=> 2014-06-27T12:41:13.0000617Z


Specific Values in Json Parse

I am having difficulty getting to specific values when I parse a JSON file in Ruby. My JSON is based off of this link
No matter what I try I cannot pull the values I want, which is the "addressLine1" field. I get the following error:
`[]': no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError)
require 'json'
file ='MCD.json')
data_hash = JSON.parse(file)
print data_hash.keys
print "\n"
print data_hash['features']['addressLine1']
data_hash['features'] is an array. Depending on what do you actually need, you might either iterate over it, or call:
Note 'properties' there, since addressLine1 is not a direct descendant of 'features' elements.

Correct strptime format for Input Type Time on Rails 4

Want to use the
<input name=attendance[something] type="time">
For time input. However cant make it seem to match with a Datetime object; for manipulation before insertion to ActiveRecord
myTimeIn = Time.strptime(params[attendance][something],"%H:%M")
keeps getting
invalid strptime format - `%H:%M'
What is the correct format for a input type=time field?
Looks like the value of params[attendance][something] may be blank or not of the correct format. You could do something like below to avoid the error:
t = params[attendance][something]
myTimeIn = Time.strptime(t,"%H:%M") if t =~ /\d{1,2}:\d{2}/
As per this HTML example, the value produced by <input/> of type time is HH:MM

Cannot convert Hash to String?

I am trying to parse the JSON response from Wordnik's API. This is built with Sinatra. I keep getting the error "TypeError at /word" "can't convert Hash into String". Am I using the json parser incorrectly?
Here's my code:
get '/word' do
resp = Wordnik.words.get_random_word(:hasDictionaryDef => 'true', :maxCorpusCount => 20, :minLength => 10)
result = JSON.parse(resp)
word = result.word
return word.to_s
You are probably getting a hash. To convert it use to_json:
You have not given what's the JSON response that you are parsing. But assuming it is something of the form
you need to do result["word"] to get the value after parsing the JSON response.

How do I extract a value from a JSON response?

I am writing some tests in Ruby using RestClient. The test is working fine and the response is in JSON however when I parse the JSON and try to extract the values I am looking for I get an error saying IndexError: key not found
IMO, my code should work. The JSON is:
{"user":{"#xmlns":{"dvi":"http:\/\/xxxx","a":"http:\/\/xxxx","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},"link":[{"#rel":"self","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},{"#rel":"user","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},{"#rel":"usage","$":"xxxx"},{"#rel":"repositories","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},{"#rel":"shares","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"},{"#rel":"shareMemberships","$":"http:\/\/xxxx"}],"phone":{"$":"3518012343001"},"email":{"$":""},"firstName":{"$":"Jim"},"lastName":{"$":"Joe"},"uid":{"$":"91bc7a72bc724e5e9b53e688dd105ed4"},"accountName":{"$":"3518012343001"},"notificationMethod":{"$":"email sms"},"accountStatus":{"$":"Active"},"serviceLevel":{"$":"5"},"repositoryCount":{"$":"1"},"usage":{"allowed":{"$":"5368709120"},"total":{"$":"1024"}},"contactEmail":{"$":""}}}
and my code is:
result = jsonabove
jdoc = JSON.parse(result)
notificationMethod = jdoc.fetch("notificationMethod")
return notificationMethod
That's happening because the notificationMethod key isn't the first level key in your hash. After preparing theJSON#parse method, you have a hash with only one key called user. You should get the value by this key and then apply your notificationMethod key. It looks like this:
require 'json'
result = <<HERE
jdoc = JSON.parse(result)
notificationMethod = jdoc.fetch("user").fetch("notificationMethod")
puts notificationMethod

Ruby - convert string to date

I have a string like "2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30".
I want to convert it to date format and need to parse only the date, "2011-06-02".
For Ruby 1.9.2:
require 'date' # If not already required. If in Rails then you don't need this line).
puts DateTime.parse("2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30").to_date.to_s
require 'date'
d = Date.parse("2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30")
Simplies way is
require 'date'
date = "2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30".gsub(/T.*/, '')
Time.parse() should allow you to parse the whole date time. Then you can use time.strftime( string ) to format that as just a date in a string.
date = Time.parse("2011-06-02T23:59:59+05:30")
date_string = time.strftime("%y-%m-%d")
date_string = time.strftime("%F")
(see Ruby Doc for Time for more output string formats)
The above should work if you want a string; if you want a date object to handle then the ruby Date class can help you handle it but I belive that everything still needs to be done with Time objects; see Ruby Doc for Date for details of the Date class.
Hope that helps, let me know if I have headed off in the wrong direction with my answer.
