How to make mouswheel switch tabs slower in sublimetext - sublimetext

I searched already for this for some time, but could not find a solution.
I have mouse_wheel_switches_tabs set to true, but on my system and with my mouse, when I scroll the minimal amount possible on the mousewheel, already 2 tabs are switched.
Is there a setting to make the amount, that the mousewheel advances (or goes back) in the open tabs smaller?
I do not want to change my mouse settings, because they are already adjusted to everything else.
I believe this should be adjustable, because you can never garanty that on all systems the mouse wheel has a similar pace.
I also tried to set the scroll_speed setting to values above or below 1, and also to 0, but this did not change anything.
I am on windows and I am not adding a version number, because I will happily switch to any version that can do this.

Mouse wheel is not something that is calculated in small steps, but rather it has a concrete amount of events fired for each scroll step, thus SublimeText can't do anything but receive 2 steps each time you do a scroll, this is controlled by system or your mouse, but I doubt that your mouse vendor has built a hardware that does fires two steps for this minimum amount.
So I highly doubt it's possible without changing your mouse settings. At least without tweaking the core of SublimeText, which is not possible as it's code is not open-source.


SwapMouseButton does not "resist" a reboot

I am SwapMouseButton function to change the primary mouse button from right to left.
It seems work, the mouse buttons are swapped, and I can go check in the settings and see that they are indeed swapped...
If I reboot the computer, the setting goes back to the original setting, undoing my programmatic swap.
Any clue as to what might be going wrong there?
Swapping the mouse buttons via code is not a permanent operation. As you have already discovered, it is reset on the next OS restart. If the user wants the buttons swapped permanently, they should be setting that in the Control Panel, not in your code.
That said, if you really want to handle this in code, then every time your app is run, have it use GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON) to check if the mouse buttons are currently swapped, and if not then swap them.

Can I improve upon window redraw and if so how can I?

Some years ago (2008) I wrote an online Child Support Calculator using PHP/Javascript/Ajax/css Advanced Child Support Calculator - May help to explain what I am replicating.
Some time after (2009 I think) I started writing an equivalent for Windows and am now revisiting this. The fundamentals of this version are working.
However, I have an issue with the window noticeably flickering/changing when controls are dynamically added and the window is redrawn/rebuilt.
Note! This calculator is specific to Australia.
In short I'm looking for a way, if possible, to only refresh/re-display/redraw the window after all components have been added.
Basically, the windows controls need to be dynamically added/removed depending upon the scenario (number of adults and children involved).
Adding or removing a child or adult or performing the calculation, results in a complete rebuild of the window. That is, all existing controls are destroyed and then all valid controls are added (this could perhaps be minimised via complex logic).
The issue is that controls are removed but briefly reappear (in an ordered fashion) causing the display to flicker (for want of a better description).
The following screen shots demonstrate the complexity factor (such as a child has a drop down for each defined adult), but not the flicckering(sic).
Here's a screen shot of the Initial display (OK pretty ugly at present) :-
And then if an Adult is added (note that the child now has an extra dropdown for Adult 3, the new adult):-
And now, an Adult (as above) and a Child:-
Coding wise, there is a RebuildAll function. This has two main stages. (1) The removal of the controls. (2) The rebuild (recreation) of the appropriate of the controls (Create Window, SendMessage's and then ShowWindow)
At a minimum there are 61 controls. The number of controls is
23 + ((#children * 12) - 2) + (#children * (#Adults * 8 )) + ((#adults * 10) -4). It's likely suffice to say that the number of controls increases rapidly/exponentially.
I suspect that it might be possible to postpone the ShowWindow untill after all of the builds have been done. Is the solution, as simple (theoretically) as this, assuming that this is feasible or is there another way that would circumvent the need to change all the code to remove the 'ShowWindow' and add a ShowWindow at the end of the builds?
Note replacing the individual ShowWindow's with one significantly reduced the "flicker" but didn't eliminate it. (as per Update below).
As an endnote I'm pretty sure that something should be feasible as the
windows program I have to date is a very poor reflection of the speed
of the browser/javascript version, which basically does the same thing
on windows (albeit 64bit).
I went through and commented out the ShowWindows in all the AddItem???? functions and added a ShowWindows to the function that calls all the functions. This has improved matters. However, the numerous DestroyWindow calls still causes flickering when removing all of the controls. So now I guess that I'm looking for something that can disable them apparently doing an equivalent of ShowWindow.
Update 2
I have found SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); (TRUE to turn drawing back on). However, this appears to supress the DestroyWindow in that the display aspect of the control remains (the controls themselves don't appear to respond though).
By a process of elimination I have cured the flicker with a combination of ShowWindow's and WM_SETREDRAW's at pertinent points.
To briefly re-describe the issue. When adding a child or adult, or performing a calculation. The entire display is rebuilt. The rebuild basically consists of 2 phases. First, destroying the existing control windows and then adding the new/replacement set of window's controls.
The resolution was to :-
Issue a ShowWindow(hwnd,SW_SHOW); (for the main/containing
window) after all the pre-existing windows control's had been
Issue a WM_SETREDRAW FALSE message as per SendMessage(hwnd,
WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); before rebuilding the windows controls.
Without any ShowWindow's being used.
Build the windows controls via the various functions.
Finally, when all the windows controls have been built, issue a
ShowWindow(hwnd,SW_SHOW); (for the main/containing window).
Rather than seeing the controls appear and then disappear, "the flickering". The window is blank for a while and then the controls are displayed all at once.
I'm still confused about what is actually going on though, due to:-
After some thought I decided to use a MessageBox after all the destroys. When the message was displayed the window was blank. However, when the button was clicked and processing resumed then, in situations when the number of controls was relatively high, controls would appear and then disappear in an orderly fashion, albeit it momentarily.
My guess, is that creating a control in an area where an existing
control had been, was causing that previous control to momentarily

Visual Studio 2010 multi-screen layout keeps resetting

I started a new job a few weeks ago.
In my previous job, I was working with 2 screens. I know have 3 screens here (what an upgrade!)
I have always been bothered by a small bug, and since today I don't have a lot of code to do, I decided to finally try to solve this problem. The layout I want to achieve is pretty simple (see screenshots below): One file on the left screen, and another one on the right.
What happens is the following:
When I enter debug mode, the layout stays the same except one thing... the separation between two files (which is usually right between the two screens). Annoying for breakpoints and stuff, so I resize it, debug, and...
When I leave debug mode and go back to debug, the layout go back to what it was... except the separation which moved as well!
And last but not least, if I close Visual Studio and open it again, my two file views are now expanded on both screens, separated horizontally (<- this one is new, I had never seen that before).
Every time I go to debug mode, or go back to design, I would resize it to fit my two screens. And then it would shift again at the next debug. After some time it shifts with a smaller amount of pixels. Then, it just stops shifting, as if it learned that it shouldn't change. Until at some point, it goes back to normal and forces me to resize again.
I tried to use add-ons such as Perspectives or Layout O Rama , but they didn't keep any information about the two Code windows. No matter how I was saving them (let's say, one would be 20% of the left screen, and the other would expand on 2 screens), it would ANYWAY go back to the strange, shifted layout.
I also tried Visual Studio Productivity Power Tool and it's terrible. If I dock a code tab as a Window on my second screen, and dock for example the Find Results on it, it would be separated or reorganized every time I switch to Debug/Design
Has anyone experienced that yet? Am I the only one feeling that my Visual Studio is a pet who will learn how to do his own layout as time goes?
Thank you!
Also, as an image is always better than a description, here are a few screenshots:
Here, the normal, regular layout, with the red line being where my screens stop. Perfect, al dente layout allowing me to use the best of my two screens
Here, the one happening every time I go to debug. Notice how ONLY the code windows shifted (the bottom part with error list on the left and find results on the right didn't change at all )
And this is the one I get when I restart my IDE, forcing me to recreate my layout all the time
Thanks a lot!

InvalidateRect called too frequently blocks other windows from redrawing

I develop audio plugins, which are run inside their hosts and work realtime. Each plugin has its own window with controls, which often contains some kind of analysis pane, a pretty big rectangle that gets repeatedly painted (e.g. 20-50x per second). This is all working well.
The trouble comes when the user adjusts a parameter - the plugin uses WM_MOUSEMOVE to track mouse movements and on each change calls ::InvalidateRect to make the relevant portion of the window be redrawn. If you move quickly enough, the window really gets quickly repainted, however there seems no time for the host and other windows to be redrawn and these usually perform some kind of analysis feedback too, so it is really not ideal.
No my questions:
1) Assuming the host and other window are using ::InvalidateRect too, why mine is prioritized?
2) How to make ::InvalidateRect not prioritized, meaning the window needs to be invalidated, but it may be later, the rest of the system must get time for their redrawing too.
Thanks in advance!

Is there anything like Winsplit Revolution for Mac OS X?

Is there anything like Winsplit Revolution for Mac OS X?
Try these:
Zooom/2 ($15) has been my favorite since I installed it. Fast, flexible, and minimizes the number of key combinations I need to remember
Divvy ($15) might soon replace Zoom/2 for me. It's closer to Winsplit. You can arrange windows on a grid, define your own grid arrangements, and define your own shortcuts. It also minimizes the number of keystroke combinations you need to remember. BONUS: There are Mac and Windows versions, which means if you use both platforms you can use the same window management method across all your machines.
Breeze ($8) makes it easy to make windows fullscreen, split left, or split right. It also lets you save screen states (generic) and for specific apps.
Moom ($5) is a more recent entry. It supports both keyboard shortcuts and mouse shortcuts. For the mouse shortcuts, moving the cursor over the greeen zoom button displays a popup list of different layout options: full screen, left/right half, top/bottom half, or any of the corners.
SizeUp ($10) mimics various aspects of WinSplit functionality, but it relies on many keystroke combinations that take time to learn. The advantage is quickly moving windows. The drawback is that it uses up a lot of global keyboard shortcuts, and there are so many I couldn't remember them all.
Cinch ($7) is a mouse-driven app by the makers of SizeUp. Drag your window to various hot zones on the screen edges and the window will "cinch" to that edge and resize to fill half the screen. Similar to the built-in resizing feature in Windows 7.
MercuryMover ($20) is quite powerful and offers fine-grained control. However, there are a lot of different key combinations and, overall, I didn't find it as easy to learn or as elegant as WinSplit. I uninstalled it almost immediately. It struck me as powerful, but inefficient and unwieldy.
The DIY approach (free) mentioned in another post is to combine some applescripts and bind them to quicksilver triggers. I haven't tried this. But it is a free solution.
I found the weak window management one of the hardest things to cope with when I started using a Mac.
Why go beyond spaces and expose?
Winsplit significantly adds to what spaces and expose can do. I didn't understand the appeal until I actually used it. Before that, I thought virtual desktops (ie, like spaces) was enough. Now I consider it must-have functionality, especially on large monitors and multi-mon setups.
On my Windows machine running 3 monitors, I would rank the importance of these different apps in the following order:
Winsplit-like window rearranging
Spaces-like virtual desktops
Expose-like application switching
On my MacBook, I've learned to approach it the other way.
Expose-like application switching
Winsplit-like window rearranging
Spaces-like virtual desktops
From the Winsplit website I understand more or less the functionality; in the past I actually used to have my window manager (Waimea) configured to do exactly that in linux.
You may try using Quicksilver to trigger one of a custom set of applescripts; each applescript would resize and move the currently focused window to a predefined location.
See this macosxhints post for inspiration...
ShiftIt is a free option. Assignable hotkeys to resize to different portions of the screen (Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Full Screen and Center with current size)
Link to ShiftIt on github
Just click on the big download button towards the right of the screen.
Spectacle is a good option, its free and open source. And easy to use with keyboard shortcut :
Windows can be moved to a number of predefined regions of the screen:
Move to the left half ⌥⌘←
Move to the right half ⌥⌘→
Move to the top half ⌥⌘↑
Move to the bottom half ⌥⌘↓
Move to the upper left ⌃⌘←
Move to the lower left ⌃⇧⌘←
Move to the upper right ⌃⌘→
Move to the lower right — ⌃⇧⌘→
Another question on StackOverflow adresses the same issue
One answer provided links to an app called TwoUP. It's free, and does the job on OSX!
Thanks to Dong Hoon's answer, I have developed a hybrid solution. Using the AppleScript Editor, you can create scripts to resize the current window, like this:
tell application "System Events"
set _everyProcess to every process
repeat with n from 1 to count of _everyProcess
set _frontMost to frontmost of item n of _everyProcess
if _frontMost is true then set _frontMostApp to process n
end repeat
set _windowOne to window 1 of _frontMostApp
set position of _windowOne to {5, 0}
set size of _windowOne to {1150, 735}
end tell
such a script will work on a 13" MacBook. Using subtle variations of this script saved to /Users/[YourUserNameHere]/Library/Scripts, you can have configure the AppleScript Editor to show itself in the menu bar, where it will allow you to select a script to run.
Using several different scripts, I'm able to resize and reposition any window with only two clicks.
Hope this helps.
It looks like TwoUp is dead, but here are some other options:
Cinch ($7) is like Aero Snap for Mac.
Breeze ($8) allows you to save window states and restore them like a template to another window.
Divvy ($14) shows a grid on the screen where you can select boxes to indicate how you want the window to fill your screen.
I haven't used Winsplit, so I don't know how it compares, but an app I developed, Optimal Layout, offers very flexible window tiling, as well as moving and resizing from the keyboard:
You can also try Arrange application which features resize and reposition with keyboard shortcuts, on screen menu and by dragging window.
You should also try out secondbar. gives you an extra menubar at the second display + re-arrange options. See this link.
You can even try It allows you to resize Mac Windows in many ways including full split, half split, drag and snap, etc.
I doubt it. Between Spaces and Expose, there's not much need for a third-party app to help manage multiple windows.
