How to display teamcity android lint results xml file generated by build - teamcity

one of my teamcity builds generates an xml file and I am wondering if there is a plugin to display the file generated against the build.
This file happens to be the android lint results of my android application project but I couldn't find an android lint specific plugin to handle the whole process so I am trying to make the same thing on my own by running the mvn android:lint command of the android maven plugin and then access the xml file somehow.
UPDATE: with regards to the android lint stuff, Teamcity has integrated the Intellij inspections that include lint checks (i think) so I think I should be ok with that.
Overall though, and mostly just out of plain curiosity do you reckon there is a way to display generated files against a build, rather than manually accessing the folder where they got generated?

You can use Build Artifacts or you can use the Teamcity Reporting feature.


Unable to find Groovy method when building Rhino with Intellij IDEA

While trying to build, I'm getting Unable to find method on org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StringGroovyMethods.
so the build fails, and I'm unable to test Rhino built from source code, which is the goal.
Steps Taken
From the opening screen in IntelliJ, I check out the project:
I get this error Unable to find method ''java.lang.String org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StringGroovyMethods.capitalize(java.lang.String)'' right away, which I have not been able to fix:
There are two suggestions in the above Re-download dependencies and sync project and Stop Gradle build processes. I have tried both with no improvement.
When I look at the build.gradle file, I see another suggestion ...configure Gradle wrapper to use distribution with sources.... This also does not get past the missing Groovy method problem.
I have looked on S.O. for similar issues and tried various things under File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment, but I realized I'm over my head since, conceptually, I'm not sure what I need and where that would go in the settings.
The command line items from the readme work as expected, but going back to File > Build still fails (added after tim_yates comment).
What changes are required to the IDE or to the build definitions to allow Mozilla Rhino to build properly?
I installed the latest (2022.1) version of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. During the install, it asked if you wanted this IDE to be associated with Groovy file types, and I answered in the affirmative.
On this new install, the Unable to find method on org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StringGroovyMethodserror did not appear, so the problem was solved by upgrading the IDE (and also that required updating GIT).

How to do dynamic reporting in TeamCity

I have a TeamCity project that runs Jmeter via Maven in a build called "PerfRunner" under the project "Audit-Service-Performance". When it runs Jmeter produces a target dir with a report html file, index.html.
I want TeamCity to create a report tab with the latest report from the latest successful.
Folder structure relative to artifact:
The problem is that the time_stamp in meter-deng-audit-standalone_time_stamp is auto generated and therefore changes with each build.
When I try to create a report tab I do a project or build report tab I tried:
target/jmeter/**/index.html. But it doesn't generate the report tab.
The only way I can get it to work is if I address a static file for a particular build which of course wont be the latest once a new build is run.
The MVN command runs clean. How can I make it dynamic?
You need to publish this index.html page as the build artifact. If you want to share the page with the others you can go for one of the following patterns of accessing build artifacts:
You can also consider using JMeter Teamcity Plugin - it adds Performance Statistics tab where you can observe performance trend for last builds
Check out How to Run JMeter Tests with TeamCity for Continuous Integration article for more information on how to configure JMeter to work with Teamcity

TeamCity Dependency not sticking around

I'm sure this is a dumb mistake on my part but I can't find the right answer.
I have a project that has a snapshot dependency on another project. For sake of discussion website is dependent on toolkit.
Monitoring the build folder:
I see the toolkit get built and the folders all exist as expected:
Then the website build kicks off and the folder above gets deleted before the website build starts.
This results in the website saying the reference couldn't be found. What setting am I missing?
Using TeamCity 7.1.2, working on getting it upgraded to 8.1 but it requires some internal evaluation first.
Don't think its a version issue. How do both of your builds know where to put the artefacts at . For ex teamcity normally builds stuff at c:\programs\teamcity\buildagent\work****\toolkit , not at c:\programs\teamcity\buildagent\work\toolkit ?
Also, if your targets are dependent upon each other across builds, (1) have you setup any artefact dependencies or (2) any process that does not read of a shared agent workspace ? or (3) forcing both builds to run from the same directory
See if both your builds are running on the same target "folder name". In case they are , deselect any option that "cleans up build targets" before they run.
Also, you might want to check your build files to see if they have any code to clean directories before they start to run

TeamCity Using OctoPack - Isn't Excluding Superfluous Files

I'm just looking at streamlining the nuget packages that are coming out of my build system and I'm stuck on how to only package the files that are required.
I have several configurations sharing a Root VCS checkout. I have a configuration that runs a debug build with unit tests. I also have a release configuration that does a release build, this configuration then also uses the TeamCity OctoPack plugin to create the nuget packages.
What I want to achieve is the building of nuget packages that don't contain the *.pdb and *.xml documentation files as these aren't required for the release deployment.
I've looked through this page on the OD site:
And according to this page OctoPack should only package up the required files by default. I'm not entirely clear on how or what needs to be done to get around this problem as it doesn't appear to be working as described.
It seems that one solution would be to provide a nuspec file for the projects I'm looking to deply but I'm also wondering if there is something I'm missing before I head off down that route.
I also have some MEF plugins that are copied in post build events and these aren't included in the nuget packages when in fact they are needed for the application to run. I think I need to get explicit with a nuspec file but would like to confirm this.
What is the simplest way of achieving what I need?
Assuming you're running the later versions of OctoPack, in your release build you can set a system parameter system.DebugType = None which will get passed to the OctoPack build scripts and prevent the PDB's being created.
This simply overrides the setting defined in your csproj msbuild file (assuming C#), so you can use it wherever you want to prevent PDB's being created at the build configuration level (not just OctoPack). I generally prefer this approach as it prevents side-effects in your build from changes by developers in the project file.
As for the xml files, I haven't actually tried this, but you can try a similar approach and create a system parameter system.DocumentationFile = "" to blank out the output.
If you really want to make sure that the files have been removed there are a couple of ways you can do this. Modify your deployment process to:
Execute your own custom PowerShell script in that removes the files
Include a script module from the Octopus Library to the same. Check out the File System - Clean Directory from the Octopus Library

Validate C# project file against a template during build

I know that you can create a template project to ensure that certain required settings (for ex: code analysis, treat warnings as errors, platforms, etc.) are set in a new project.
I want to enforce this as a part of the CI process i.e. in the build I want to validate the C# project files against a template (or an XML file) and cause a build failure if the project files don't conform to it. I need suggestions and ideas on how this can be achieved.
I want to try this with TFS 2010 and VS 2010.
I am writing a custom task to search for all the C# project files and compare the Xml structure of the Template project file with the Actual project file and report any difference as error.
I usually tackle this by customizing my build process to run Code Analysis/StyleCop/etc against all projects regardless of project settings.
Likewise for Treat Warnings as Errors. I just override the proejct settings at the build-level so that no matter what people do to the projects I know that everything I want to run is being run at build time.
