track active item in solution explorer ONLY on demand - visual-studio

I'm using VS 2010, 2012 & 2013.
Usually I don't want the IDE to auto-focus on the item in solution explorer but sometimes it's useful.
Is there any keyboard shortcut or a menu option to navigate to the file in solution explorer on demand?
Thanks :)

For VS 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2017:
"Sync with Active Document" (default shortcut: Ctrl+[, S).

I know your question refers to 2010, 2012 & 2013, but VS 2017 has a button on the solution explorer to sync with active document:

Go to Tools/Options/Enviroment/keyboard look for View.TrackActivityinSolutionExplorer and assign the shortcut that you want.
Here I needed to remove the shortcut first, because the ctrl+shift+t was already assigned.
Of course, you can assign other shortcut.


How can I select a word on Visual Studio 2017 with a shortcut

I remember I can do that in the previous version of Visual Studio, but now I can select a word using a shortcut. It helps me to be more productive.
My Keyboard setting looks ok, but the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+W doesn't work.
I have Resharper (version 2018.1) installed, but it doesn't look is affecting the shortcut:
I really don't know what happened to my Visual Studio, but to solve this problem I had to go to Tools > Options > Keyboard and chose all the keyboard mapping scheme and made sure the command was set correctly. After that, the command CTRL+SHIFT+W starts to work.
I hope it can help someone in the future.
Have you tried using: CTRL+SHIFT+W
In Visual Studio 2017 15.7.6, the shortcut is: Ctrl + W.
Here's a link that I've found it useful which list all Visual Studio 2017 shortcuts Visual Studio shortcuts

Visual Studio 2015 shortcut for check in

What is visual studio 2015 shortcut for check in? I want to select the solution, and click on a shortcut to check it in to source control.
Is it like a team function you are looking for? Ctrl+0
You might find it here:

Visual Studio 2013 Find and Replace in Current Selection

I can't seem to find the find and replace in a current selection in Visual Studio 2013 - Community Edition.
Does it have this kind of functionality?
The only choices when I press Ctrl+Shift+F are the following-
Try selecting some text (ie. your current selection), and pressing Ctrl + h (find and replace shortcut). Below is a VS 2010 screenshot, however VS 2013 works the same; the only major difference is the dialog box.

Visual Studio 2013 Solution Explorer REFRESH

Is there a way to refresh VS 2013 Solution Explorer?
I modify files outside of VS, usually with Dream Weaver, but when I reopen VS Solution Explorer it remains unchanged.
The MS docs say there is/was a refresh button for VS 2010 but I cannot find it in VS 2013
Do you mean this refresh button?
If you can't find it, maybe your solution explorer pane is too narrow and the button is hidden? Note that it's only available in "Show All Files" mode (the button outlined in blue on the picture).

How to bring back a deleted tab in visual studio 2010

I accidentally deleted data tab in visual studio 2010 design mode. How can i bring it back??
You can retrieve any window under the View tab in VS, you're probably looking for the Solution Explorer
Right-click in your toolbox and select Show all or Reset toolbox
