How to use inject resource from server (like ManagedExecutorService) in Junit-Test of Spring - spring

I use ManagedExecutorService for concurrency in my code like this:
private ManagedExecutorService defaultManagedExecutorService;
It works fine if I build them and deploy them on my server, because the i reference the resource ManagedExecutorService on the server:
<managed-executor-service name="default" jndi-name="java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/default" context-service="default" hung-task-threshold="60000" core-threads="5" max-threads="25" keepalive-time="5000"/>
But I have my Junit test based on Spring. And to run this test I don't need any server. So I got the following exception:
Injection of resource dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {#javax.annotation.Resource(mappedName=, shareable=true, description=, name=, type=class java.lang.Object, authenticationType=CONTAINER, lookup=)}
It seems that the spring can not find my resource from the server.
What can I do now?
Thank you!

You need to "mock" that functionality, meaning simulate the real deal with a similar implementation that doesn't actually go to the server and retrieve the JNDI resource, but uses a fake result.
There is a package in Spring that offers some functionality for testing JNDI resources, you can find its source code here.
To get started with using classes in that package, I would look at Spring's own testing classes where those JNDI mocking classes are used. For example, see here how those classes are used to test a JTA transaction manager.
I haven actually used this, but I would try something like this:
import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.*;
ManagedExecutorService mes = mock(ManagedExecutorService.class);
ExpectedLookupTemplate jndiTemplate = new ExpectedLookupTemplate();
jndiTemplate.addObject("java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/default", mes);
Or you can take a look at this for another testing class that needs to mock a ManagedExecutorService.


springboot app looking for GenericResponseService bean

I am new to springboot.
Doing a migration of my service (kotlin)following a guide written at work.
Got this weird exception and cannot find any documentation.
Parameter 3 of method multipleOpenApiResource in org.springdoc.webflux.core.MultipleOpenApiSupportConfiguration required a bean of type 'org.springdoc.core.GenericResponseService' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'org.springdoc.core.GenericResponseService' in your configuration.
Should I define this bean at my #Configuration?
Is this a symptom of dependency missing or bad dependency wiring?
One of my beans was called ResponseBuilder and it conflicted with spring boot.
Sorry for the trouble

How to autowire a spring DAO repository in its unit test?

I am experimenting Spring's reactive support for DB operations. So I have created a repository as:
public interface FeatureRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Feature, UUID> {}
Now I want to test it through a unit test.
So my test is:
public class FeatureRepositoryTest {
FeatureRepository featureRepository;
But I get error:
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of
type 'x.y.z.FeatureRepository' available: expected at least 1 bean which
qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations:
How can I solve this issue?
Your DAO is managed as any other tested class, so without defining a specific ApplicationContext in your test runtime, Spring do nothing and the FeatureRepository bean is not known.
2 approaches :
Your test is more about integration test, so your test runtime need to be specify.
Your test is more about unit test, I suggest you to mock your repository (pragrammatically or using framework like Mockito)

Unable to Autowire brave.Tracer inside Spring boot Application

I am working on Spring boot application and I tried to Autowire Tracer object to get the traceId, but its raised the following exception. why??
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'brave.Tracer' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {#org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)}
I used the Tracer in a lot of projects and its always working with no issues!!
Spring boot container is not able to resolve the implementation of your autowired interface in this case. Please annotate your implementation class with spring stereotype annotations.
For e.g We provide #Reposiory for dao classes, #Service for service classes & #Component as a generic one. This will solve your problem. If you still face any issues, Just share your code snippet.

External Java Library issue with Autowiring and injecting bean

I have created a Spring Boot application managed by Maven.
I'm retrieving an company's library from our Maven repository.
In this library, we have a service interface, not being annotated with '#Service':
public interface MyService {
This service has only one implementation :
public class DefaultMyService implements MyService {
This library context is managed the old Spring way (in applicationContext.xml file).
I read that normally, Spring Boot is able to find the implementation if there's only one in the scope.
When I try to run "spring-boot:run" on my project, it will fail with the following error :
No qualifying bean of type 'com.pharmagest.saml.SAMLService'
available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire
candidate. Dependency annotations:
I tried:
To add a #ComponentScan on the configuration class, including packages in error : #ComponentScan(basePackages={"com.mycompany.web", "com.mycompany.thelibrary.client.*", "*"})
To add the bean definition in applicationContext.xml (if I add the interface it tells me it can define it, thus I heard that Spring can find the default implementation if there is only one ?)
To add library at "runtime" in projects options
To add the library as external resource not via maven
In all cases I just can maven build but can't run the project.
Do you have any advice to help me ? thanks!
Won't work as the DefaultMyService has no #Component (or #Service) annotation will not be detected.
Bean definition has to be a concrete instance so use DefaultMyService instead of the interface. Spring will not detect anything for you your understanding is wrong
and 4. Will not change anything only adding dependencies without proper 1. or 2. will do nothing.
Just add a #Bean to your configuration
public DefaultMyService myService() {
return new DefaultMyService();
Or import the other libraries applicatiponContext.xml which is what you probably should do.
Add this next to the #SpringBootApplication.

Integration Akka with Spring and OSGI (No configuration setting found for key 'akka')

I'v added one Akka actor to my app that works with Spring and OSGI.
I try to use Actor from Spring #Component bean like this:
private final ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("actor-system");
private ActorRef managerActorRef = system.actorOf(Props.create(ManagerActor.class), "ldapManagerActor");
When I start the app it throws an exception (No configuration setting found for key 'akka'):
Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.
beans.BeanInstantiationException: Could not instantiate bean class [com.myconpany....ByBean]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No configuration setting found for key 'akka'
I've look at this: doc. And seems the root of my problem is related to class loader that I should pass to/for akka-system and application.conf file that describes this.
But I could not find appropriate stets to make it all working so far.
Could someone help?
My tries:
Flowing this article.
When I put:
<bean id="actorSystem" class="" factory-method="create" scope="singleton"></bean>
I have the similar error:
Could not autowire field: private
com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No configuration setting fou
nd for key 'akka'
If you just want to use Akka actors you don't need to pass in application.conf settings. You can just use the default. Make sure you have the config library on your class path.
You didn't mention what version of Akka youre using, however if you grab the latest Akka 2.2 RC you can use an IndirectActorProducer to handle the spring wiring.
See this article on how to do that;
You should also tell Spring to call shutdown on the ActorSystem to cleanly shutdown. There is also an updated guide on how to integrate the ActorSystem into Spring or a web app here
