Spring Jdbc embedded database lifecycyle - spring

I am using spring embedded jdbc database configuration in spring context file for Junit testing. I am using in memory database for testing. I am trying to unit test only DAO layer and for unit testing I am using spring container's in memory database.
When I am running Junit test case I am not seeing first test case values in second test case (testAddressCreate in testAddressUpdate test case). I am not using #Before or #After in my Junit for now. I am not sure how spring is creating in memory database and starting it. According to behavior it seems that it is creating or resetting before each test case. Does anyone know about it? Also how can we connect to spring created in memory database. Please suggest.
Spring Configuration is :
<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="HSQL">
<jdbc:script location="classpath:createdb.sql" />
Junit test case is :
public class GenericDaoImplTest extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests {
private GenericDao<Address, Long> addressDao;
public void testAddressCreate() {
Address address = new Address();
address.setAddress1("first address");
address.setCity("First City");
address.setCountry("First one");
boolean result = addressDao.create(address);
Assert.assertEquals(true, result);
List<Address> listOfAddress = addressDao.findAll();
for(Address addressTemp : listOfAddress){
public void testAddressUpdate(){
Address address = new Address();
address.setAddress1("second address");
address.setCity("Second City");
address.setCountry("Second one");
boolean result = addressDao.create(address);
Assert.assertEquals(true, result);
address.setAddress1("Updated Second Address");
List<Address> listOfAddress = addressDao.findAll();
for(Address addressTemp : listOfAddress){

By default, a #Transactional test method will rollback any changes made to the database during the test method. If you want to change this behavior you need to annotate your method with #Rollback(false). I don't think the documentation is specific about the default behavior, but the Javadocs mentions this here:
Retrieves the TransactionConfigurationAttributes for the specified class which may optionally declare or inherit #TransactionConfiguration. If TransactionConfiguration is not present for the supplied class, the default values for attributes defined in TransactionConfiguration will be used instead.
And the default value defined in TransactionConfiguration for rollback is "true".
These being said, you need something like this to be able to keep the values from the first #Test method in the second one:
public void testAddressCreate() {
Address address = new Address();
For connecting at the in-memory HSQLDB, take a look at this post on Stackoverflow.


Spring boot change connection schema dynamically inside transaction

In my Spring boot application i need to read data from a specific schema and write on another one, to do so i follow this guide (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-examples/tree/main/jpa/multitenant/schema) and i used this answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/47776205/10857151) to be able to change at runtime the schema used.
But if this works fine inside a service without any transaction scope, this doesn't works on a more complex architecture (exception: session/EntityManager is closed) where there are couple of service that share transaction to ensure rollback.
//simple jpa repository
private FirstRepository repository;
private SecondRepository secondRepository;
private Mapper mapper;
private SchematUpdater schemaUpdater;
public void entrypoint(String idSource,String idTarget) {
//copy first object
firstCopyService(idSource, idTarget);
//copy second object
secondCopyService(idSource, idTarget);
public void firstCopyService(String idSource,String idTarget) {
//change schema to the source default
Object obj=repository.get(idSource);
//convert obj before persist - set new id reference and other things
//change schema to the target default
public void secondCopyService(String idSource,String idTarget) {
Object obj=secondRepository.get(idSource);
//convert obj before persist
//change schema to the target default
I need to know what could be the best solution to ensure this dynamical switch and maintain the transaction scope on each service, without causing problems connected to restore and clean entity manager session.

Spring H2 Test DB does not reset before each test

EDIT: As C. Weber suggested in the comments, the solution is to add #Transactional to the test class.
I have some tests that use an H2 in-memory DB. I need to reset the DB before each test. Although my SQL scripts are run each a test is executed, the DB is not properly reset, resulting in a missing needed entry after a delete test.
Test class:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace=Replace.ANY, connection=EmbeddedDatabaseConnection.H2)
public class RepositoryTests {
private Repository repository;
private DataSource dataSource;
public void populateDb() {
Resource initSchema = new ClassPathResource("database/schema.sql");
Resource initData = new ClassPathResource("database/data.sql");
DatabasePopulator dbPopulator = new ResourceDatabasePopulator(initSchema, initData);
DatabasePopulatorUtils.execute(dbPopulator, dataSource);
public void testMethod1() {
// ...
public void testMethod2() {
// ...
Object test = repository.get("testdata");
// is null but should be an instance
schema.sql drops all tables before recreating them. data.sql inserts all needed test data into the DB.
Running the testMethod2 alone succeeds. However, running all tests makes the test fail with a NullPointerException.
I have successfully tried to use #DirtiesContext, however this is not an option because I can't afford to have a 20 second startup for each 0.1 second test.
Is there another solution?
The Spring Test Framework provides a mechanism for the behaviour you want for your tests. Simply annotate your Test class with #Transactional to get the default rollback behaviour for each test method.
There are ways to configure the transactional behaviour of tests and also some pitfalls (like using RestTemplate inside test method), which you can read more about in the corresponding chapter of the Spring manual.
Spring Test Framework

Spring boot #Transactional doesn't rollback

I am using Spring boot application, on that i am trying to achieve Transactional management. But Spring doesn't rollback the data which saved in same method.
Code base: https://github.com/vinothr/spring-boot-transactional-example
Can any one help me?
This is my repository class for 'Test' entity.
public interface TestRepository extends CrudRepository<com.example.demo.Test, Long> {
I have created one end-point which used to save the data to 'Test' entity. After save happen, I thrown RunTimeException, but it is not rollbacking the saved value
public void create() {
final Test p = createTest();
final Test p1 = createTest();
throw new RuntimeException();
It works fine after I changed into 'InnoDB' engine because I was using 'MyISAM' engine which doesn't support transaction.
Try indicate #Transactional(rollbackFor = RuntimeException.class)

Spring Boot equivalent to XML multi-database configuration

I would like to port two projects to Spring Boot 1.1.6. The are each part of a larger project. They both need to make SQL connections to 1 of 7 production databases per web request based region. One of them persists configuration setting to a Mongo database. They are both functional at the moment but the SQL configuration is XML based and the Mongo is application.properties based. I'd like to move to either xml or annotation before release to simplify maintenance.
This is my first try at this forum, I may need some guidance in that arena as well. I put the multi-database tag on there. Most of those deal with two connections open at a time. Only one here and only the URL changes. Schema and the rest are the same.
In XML Fashion ...
public class CommonController {
private CommonService CommonService_i;
#RequestMapping(value = "/rest/Practice/{enterprise_id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody List<Map<String, Object>> getPracticeList(#PathVariable("enterprise_id") String enterprise_id){
CommonService_i = new CommonService(enterprise_id);
return CommonService_i.getPracticeList();
public class CommonService {
private ApplicationContext ctx = null;
private JdbcTemplate template = null;
private DataSource datasource = null;
private SimpleJdbcCall jdbcCall = null;
public CommonService(String enterprise_id) {
ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("database-beans.xml");
datasource = ctx.getBean(enterprise_id, DataSource.class);
template = new JdbcTemplate(datasource);
Each time a request is made, a new instance of the required service is created with the appropriate database connection.
In the spring boot world, I've come across one article that extended TomcatDataSourceConfiguration.
http://xantorohara.blogspot.com/2013/11/spring-boot-jdbc-with-multiple.html That at least allowed me to create a java configuration class however, I cannot come up with a way to change the prefix for the ConfigurationProperties per request like I am doing with the XML above. I can set up multiple configuration classes but the #Qualifier("00002") in the DAO has to be a static value. //The value for annotation attribute Qualifier.value must be a constant expression
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "Region1")
public class DbConfigR1 extends TomcatDataSourceConfiguration {
#Bean(name = "dsRegion1")
public DataSource dataSource() {
return super.dataSource();
#Bean(name = "00001")
public JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate(DataSource dsRegion1) {
return new JdbcTemplate(dsRegion1);
On the Mongo side, I am able to define variables in the configurationProperties class and, if there is a matching entry in the appropriate application.properties file, it overwrites it with the value in the file. If not, it uses the value in the code. That does not work for the JDBC side. If you define a variable in your config classes, that value is what is used. (yeah.. I know it says mondoUrl)
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.mongo")
public class MongoConnectionProperties {
private String mondoURL = "localhost";
public String getMondoURL() {
return mondoURL;
public void setMondoURL(String mondoURL) {
this.mondoURL = mondoURL;
There was a question anwsered today that got me a little closer. Spring Boot application.properties value not populating The answer showed me how to at least get #Value to function. With that, I can set up a dbConfigProperties class that grabs the #Value. The only issue is that the value grabbed by #Value is only available in when the program first starts. I'm not certain how to use that other than seeing it in the console log when the program starts. What I do know now is that, at some point, in the #Autowired of the dbConfigProperties class, it does return the appropriate value. By the time I want to use it though, it is returning ${spring.datasource.url} instead of the value.
Ok... someone please tell me that #Value is not my only choice. I put the following code in my controller. I'm able to reliably retrieve one value, Yay. I suppose I could hard code each possible property name from my properties file in an argument for this function and populate a class. I'm clearly doing something wrong.
private String url;
//private String propname = "${spring.datasource.url}"; //can't use this
public void setUrl( String val) {
this.url = val;
System.out.println("==== value ==== " + url);
This was awesome... finally some progress. I believe I am giving up on changing ConfigurationProperties and using #Value for that matter. With this guy's answer, I can access the beans created at startup. Y'all were probably wondering why I didn't in the first place... still learning. I'm bumping him up. That saved my bacon. https://stackoverflow.com/a/24595685/4028704
The plan now is to create a JdbcTemplate producing bean for each of the regions like this:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "Region1")
public class DbConfigR1 extends TomcatDataSourceConfiguration {
#Bean(name = "dsRegion1")
public DataSource dataSource() {
return super.dataSource();
#Bean(name = "00001")
public JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate(DataSource dsRegion1) {
return new JdbcTemplate(dsRegion1);
When I call my service, I'll use something like this:
public AccessBeans(ServletRequest request, String enterprise_id) {
ctx = RequestContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(request);
template = ctx.getBean(enterprise_id, JdbcTemplate.class);
Still open to better ways or insight into foreseeable issues, etc but this way seems to be about equivalent to my current XML based ways. Thoughts?

JUnit 4 - create HSQLDB tables programmatically before running unit tests

I am using HSQLDB for unit testing, I have bunch of Test classes which all extends one Abstract class MyAbstractTestBase.
class abstract MyAbstractTestBase
public static void setUpDBTables()
context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[]{
//InputStream inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("db/MY_TABLE.sql");
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource)context.getBean("MyDataSource");
namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource);
Major problem with this approach is entityManager created by spring,
#PersistenceContext(unitName = MyConstants.ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY_UNIT_NAME)
protected EntityManager entityManager;
doesn't persist data and no exception is thrown either, but if I try to read some data using "select" it works.
Here is my question, How do I create tables before starting unit-tests? So that my entityManager will work as expected.
Also, why did my entityManager did not persist any record even though it did not throw any exception.
If you're using spring test, I strongly suggest using the approach from this answer: How to load DBUnit test data once per case with Spring Test
