The Tableau server is running on the EC2 instance - amazon-ec2

I have a Tableau server running on EC2 instance followed steps from this documentation
Tableau Server & Amazon AWS - Installation Walkthrough
What additional information or what things i require to connect to that tableau server from a remote desktop?
please somebody guide me on this!
I am not able to understand that how would a remote computer connect to the tableau server running on EC2 instance?

Steps 3 and 4 involve creating a static EIP address and then assigning that to your AWS instance. This static EIP address is the one you use to access your Tableau Server from a remote computer.


Setup VPN to connect VPC to home network?

I'm not clear if this is possible, but here is what I'd like to do:
Set up a VPN between my home network and my AWS VPC. A use case I'd like to have working:
Have a Lambda function write to a database, e.g. Postgres running on my home network behind my router. Think of some machine with 192.168.. address on my home network running Postgres
I have read the documentation and I wanted to confirm what it would require to make this happen. Assume I have a VPC with a Lambda deployed to it.
Create a Virtual Private Gateway for the VPC
Create a Customer Gateway for my home network.
Configure the Customer Gateway machine in my home network (e.g. Raspberry PI) after downloading the vpn connection file from AWS.
I'm looking at this article for reference:
setup raspberry PI3 as AWS VPN Customer Gateway
Is this all that I would need to do? Do I need to use some 3rd party software in addition to this? Or is this not even possible?
You can setup an OpenVPN server on an EC2 instance and change your SG inside your VPC resources to only allow access from your VPC CIDR block.
AWS provide an AMI for OpenVPN server :

EC2- connecting to an independently installed SQL Server Express

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an RDS or a prepackaged EC2 with SQL Server solution. I installed an express copy independently after setting up the EC2 instance.
I am evaluating a free tier instance of AWS EC2. Several months in, I decided to install SQL Server 2014 express on the instance on my own. However I cannot connect to the SQL Server instance via SSMS from another server box local to us.
The following is a checklist of what I have done so far:
SQL Server Configuration Manager
Configured to run SQL Browser
Enabled TCP on the SQL Server instance
Windows Firewall
Created an inbound rule to allow communication on TCP port 1433 and 1434
Created an inbound rule to allow communication on UDP port 1434
AWS security group of EC2 instance where SQL Instance resides
Mirrored the rules above in the Windows firewall for inbound traffic from the local server I'm trying to access the EC2 instance from
Successfully tested if RDP and ICMP work on the instance
I believe my issue lies in the how I am referring to the SQL instance:\INSTANCE_NAME
I've also noticed that when I log in on the EC2 instance's copy of SSMS, there is a two part name like so:
Please help as I feel I've exhausted all options. This shouldn't be that impossible.

Amazon Redshift ODBC connection EC2

I'm not able to connect to my Redshift cluster through ODBC from an EC2 instance. However, I'm able to connect to it from an outside computer (for eg My Macbook) using the ODBC connector. I have been trying and trying but in vain. How can I make my EC2 instance connect to Redshift? The Error I get is:
Is the Server running on host .................and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5439?
I'm really confused as I can connect form outside but not from an EC2.
Thanks for the help.
Add the security group of your EC2 machine to the list of Ingress rules of the security group in your Redshift VPC.
Basically, you need to allow your EC2 machine to connect to the Redshift cluster.
If you have the instance in the same VPC, public hostname of redshift might not work.

Deploy application on AWS VPC

I am planning to migrate from Ec2 classic to EC2 VPC. My application reads messages from SQS, download assets from S3 and perform actions mentioned in the SQS messages and then updates RDS. I have following queries
Is it beneficial for me to migrate to Amazon VPC from Classic
I create my EC2 machines using ruby scripts, and deploy code on them using capistrano. In classic mode I used the IP address to deploy code using capistrano. But in VPC there is a concept of private IP address and you cannot access a machine inside a subnet.So my question is:
How should I deploy code on the EC2 instances or rather how should I connect to them?
Thank You.
This questions is pretty broad but I'll take stab at it:
Is it beneficial for me to migrate to Amazon VPC from Classic
It's beneficial if you care about security of your data in transit and at rest. In a VPC none of your traffic is exposed to the outside and you can chose which components you want to expose in case you want to receive traffic/data from the outside. i.e Your ELB or ELBs.
I create my EC2 machines using ruby scripts, and deploy code on them using capistrano. In classic mode I used the IP address to deploy
code using capistrano. But in VPC there is a concept of private IP
address and you cannot access a machine inside a subnet. So my question
is: How should I deploy code on the EC2 instances or rather how should
I connect to them?
You can actually assign a public IP to your EC2 machines in a VPC if you choose to. You can use that IP to deploy your code from the outside.
You can read about it here:
If you want more security you can always deploy from a machine in your VPC (that has SSH access to the outside). You can ssh to that machine and then run cap deploy from there.

Using Amazon EC2 as a webserver with a specific IP address

I'm trying to create a personal/professional website within a college-domain. From the university I've requested a static-IP address which is directed to a website-name "". I would like to setup an Amazon EC2 instance to host a website.
I know how to create/administer the website on the EC2 instance I just don't know how to get the EC2 instance to talk to the university (and vice-versa). The IT person at the university wasn't terribly helpful.
i know how to setup a local machine to run as the webserver just not how to get the Amazon EC2 instance to 'sit inside" the university.
Thanks for the help,
If you want the Amazon EC2 instance "to sit inside your university" you may want to establish a VPN connection by using the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud service.
This service is still in beta, but it has been publicly available for about a year. A connection currently costs $0.05 per hour (circa $36.5 per month) and you also pay for data transfer.
Check out Amazon Virtual Private Clouds. I think it is exactly what you are asking for.
You will need to work with your "IT person" to setup a VPN connection between your premises and the EC2 cloud. In practice you will likely need to:
1) Define a subnet for your EC2 connections (ie. 10.10.10.x).
2) Build a VPN tunnel between your university and Amazon (Virtual Private Cloud).
3) Enable any routing or firewall changes at the university.
You know you've got it working when you can 'ping' the EC2 host from within your premises.
BTW, I have recently released a new service that specifically runs on Amazon EC2. About 20% of people are now asking for VPC in order to use our service (Virtual Lab Management), and so I can attest that it's a solution that has raised interest in a lot of large organizations.
