Images loaded via Joomla Jumi module removed from DOM in Mobile Safari - joomla

I am using the Joomla Jumi module to call an external file script that loads via php a few images.
This in all desktop browsers, but on mobile safari the images are completely removed from the DOM.
I have tested just using the Jumi module to place an image with the "Code written" section of the module and it is removed as well.

Upon further testing I think I have narrowed down the issue. For some reason it is only doing this on jailbroken devices.
Not sure why this is happening, but on any of my devices that are jailbroken the image gets removed, but on non-jailbroken it works just like the desktop browsers.


xamaring Android Webview always trying to load local file

So this is strange, but if I load a local html file into a WebView using LoadUrl it tries to load all resources using file://
So for example this page loads google web fonts as an external resource.
This only happens on Android iOS works fine.
Has anybody had the same issue?
Note: I'm using the HybridWebViewRenderer if that makes a difference, I also do not have control over the source html files.

Chrome 27 not loading background images anymore

This is a really weird problem that appeared in the recent version of Chrome.
I have a huge app that loads hundreds of stylesheets (in dev mode). When the page loads, obviously all styles are applied but background images are missing!
If I just do nothing and wait, suddenly the images start loading randomly...
Using dev tools I checked the network tab to see if the images are requested.. but no, just a few of them appear in contrast to the previous version of Chrome.
Does anyone know if any kind of optimization has been added in Chrome that makes images load lazily? Obviously that implementation is buggy and does not consider a page with a lot of stylesheets!
This problem does not affect the app in production, where all the stylesheets are packed and reduced to just ~10.
Tested on Linux and Windows 7
I had a similar problem with our web site on Chrome 27.0.1453.93 and 27.0.1453.94. It turns out that Chrome seemed to think that all of our .gif images were corrupt. They wouldn't render in Chrome but they would render fine in IE, Firefox, and older Chrome versions.
I'm not sure what the underlying issue was, but I opened the images in Photoshop and re-saved them and now it works fine.

Joomla 2.5 with gantry doesn't work in IE9

Im using Joomla 2.5 with gantry framework and my template doesn't working on IE9. The logo is the only part loaded.
The problem:
Does anyone know what can be?
The problem is with the slideshow the console showing a few errors:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL
from frame with URL
Domains, protocols and ports must match.
Try to remove the VIMEO and YOUTUBE slides.
Load perfectly in IE 9.0.8 on 64bit.
Interestingly enough, I have had an issue where the problem is not with IE itself. But with all the plugins and toolbars installed that it affects the page.

Firefox not displaying embedded youtube iframe within ajax loaded post, working in all other browsers

I am developing a website with Wordpress and just working on the video embedding. It works with Vimeo in all browsers, and Youtube in all browsers except Firefox. It works in the single post view, but not when the posts are loaded with ajax on the main page.
I am running Firefox 10.0.2 in Windows 7 64
Any ideas why this isn't working?
EDIT: the dev site is gone, but the final website is at
In the final version of the website, since a solution was never found, we just eliminated YouTube embedding entirely.

Why the set of plugins can be different between Safari and WebView component?

Our Mac desktop application embeds WebView component from WebKit framework.
Inside WebView we host Flash Player where we render UI.
As far as I know, Safari uses WebKit/WebView to display the content.
We were expecting Safari to host the same WebView component our application hosts.
In other words, if Flash plugin is installed in Safari, than Flash will be available in our WebView.
Unfortunately this appeared to be wrong for one of our users.
On his Mac, Flash runs flawlessly in Safari, but our WebView displays "Missing Plugin" message in place of Flash Player.
Mac OS X 10.5.8
Why this can happen?
Is it possible Safari to use a different WebView (or WebView settings) than our application is using?
I would appreciate any advice that would help us to find the source of the problem.
I have asked the user to run a small script that prints a set of plugins installed for Safari and for our WebView.
There are around 20 plugins installed in Safari, including Flash Player.
But there are only 3 plugins installed for our WebView.
Here they are:
Java Plug-In 2 for NPAPI Browsers
Switchable Java Plug-In for WebKit
RealPlayer Plugin.plugin
Is it possible Safari to use a different WebView (or WebView settings) than our application is using?
Yes, very much so. A WebView is simply a class, and Safari uses one instance of such a class, which doesn't get modified for a plug-in. The Flash plug-in is installed for the browser (as in, Safari keeps track of where it is installed and looks for it as necessary). Cocoa's WebView doesn't get modified whenever a plug-in is installed—that could lead to all sorts of issues.
