How to search the associated model values using 'dusen' gem - ruby

In rails 4.0.2, I am trying to use a search plugin called dusen. Using this, I can search same model's values but I am not able to search other(associated) model values. How can I achieve this for single association(has_one / belongs_to) & multi association(has_many) model values?
Reference link:
Gem which I am using is dusen (0.4.10)
In controller,
#query = params[:query] || ""
In model,
belongs_to :city, :class_name=>"City"
search_syntax do
search_by :text do |scope, phrases|
columns = [:name, :contact_number, :email]
scope.where_like(columns => phrases)
Here, It will search only :name, :contact_number, :email fields, if i try to add below piece of code then it will show an error like undefined method 'search_text' for #<Dusen::Description:0xb438a248>
search_text do
Please suggest a solution for this issue.

Assuming your model name is 'User', you'd set it up as follows:
# User.rb
belongs_to :city, :class_name=>"City"
search_syntax do
search_by :text do |scope, phrases|
# namespaced fields to search by.
columns = ["", "users.contact_number", "", ""]
# specify association to City in scope.
scope.joins(:city).where_like(columns => phrases)
I hope this helps!


Rails Newby: Strong parameters in Rails 5 not letting specified parameter Through - HABTM

I'm new to rails, and I'm currently trying to develop an API based app using Rails 5, on one of my controllers I have a function to filter the allow parameters like so
def provider_params
params.require(:provider).permit(:name, :phone, :email, :website, :address, :provider_id, :bio, :specialty_ids => [])
Then posting from Paw I noticed that the arguments that are not attributes of the table are no included in provider_params, the parameter I'm supposed to receive is an array, which is defined by a HABTM relation-ship.
This is how my models look like
class Specialty < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :providers
class Provider < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :specialties
And this is how the join table was created via migration
class CreateProvidersSpecialties < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
def change
create_table :providers_specialties, :id => false do |t|
t.integer :provider_id
t.integer :specialty_id
add_index :providers_specialties, :provider_id
add_index :providers_specialties, :specialty_id
The JSON I'm posting
"name": "the name",
"specialty_ids": [
So as I mentioned, the array specialty_ids doesn't seem to be coming through, and even if it did, I suspect there's still something else I need to do in order for rails to insert the content of specialty_ids in the ProvidersSpecialties Table
So the problem was finally solved by removing the requir call from the method provider_params, since I wasn't wrapping the json-payload in a provider key. Apparently once you add the require(:key) call you would only be able to add parameters that belong to the Model, which is weird since an error should be raised when the key is not present, what was the case with my payload, lacking the provider key.

Drying up Models for Solr Sunspot searchable with Concerns

I want to dry up my models; but Sunspot only allows one(1) "searchable" block in a model. making 2 just ignores the second one. Failed Example below:
class Digital < ActiveRecord::Base
include BaseConcerns
belongs_to :digitable, polymorphic: true
searchable do
string :url
text :url
string :remark
text :remark
module BaseConcerns extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
before_create{ = UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create().to_s.downcase if id.blank?
self.primary_key = 'id'
searchable do
text :id
time :created_at
time :updated_at
I want to DRY up my models using some concern and want some similarly named columns to be searchable; while others I can just specify; how can I do this?

How to verify if an embedded field changed on before_save?

I am running Ruby 2.1 and Mongoid 5.0 (no Rails).
I want to track on a before_save callback whether or not an embedded field has changed.
I can use the document.attribute_changed? or document.changed methods to check normal fields, but somehow these don't work on relations (embed_one, has_one, etc).
Is there a way of detecting these changes before saving the document?
My model is something like this
class Company
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Attributes::Dynamic
field :name, type: String
embeds_one :address, class_name: 'Address', inverse_of: :address
before_save :activate_flags
def activate_flags
if self.changes.include? 'address'
#self.changes never includes "address"
if self.address_changed?
#This throws an exception
One example of how I save my document is:
company.address = AddressUtilities.parse address
#After this, the callback is triggered, but self.changes is empty...
I have read the documentation and Google the hell out of it, but I can't find a solution?
I have found this gem, but it's old and doesn't work with the newer versions of Mongoid. I want to check if there is another way of doing it before considering on trying to fix/pull request the gem...
Adding these two methods to your Model and calling get_embedded_document_changes should provide you an hash with the changes to all its embedded documents:
def get_embedded_document_changes
data = {}
relations.each do |name, relation|
next unless [:embeds_one, :embeds_many].include? relation.macro.to_sym
# only if changes are present
child = send(name.to_sym)
next unless child
next if child.previous_changes.empty?
child_data = get_previous_changes_for_model(child)
data[name] = child_data
def get_previous_changes_for_model(model)
data = {}
model.previous_changes.each do |key, change|
data[key] = {:from => change[0], :to => change[1]}
[ source: ]

Ruby datamapper associations

I am just learning Ruby and datamapper, I have read the docs about associations from the official DataMapper site, but I still have two problems.
First whenever I add associated object, I can not see it when displaying all objects.
I have test class like:
class Test
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String
has 1, :phonen, :through => Resource
And then phonen class like:
class Phonen
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :number, String
belongs_to :test
Then I am creating those 2 objects
#test = Test.create(
:name => "Name here"
#phone = Phonen.create(
:number => "Phone number"
#test.phonen = #phone
And I want to display them like that (I want to return json)
get '/' do
What am I doing wrong? maybe its something with the to_json...
I honestly don't know..
But I have one additional question to this topic, lets say I managed to connect those two classes, if I display JSON will I get Phonen { } or just inside class { }?
I know its probably very easy question, but I can't figure it out. That's why I decided to ask you guys. Thanks for help
Is returning an active record association in array form, not a hash, when you try to convert to json it's failing.
You can try:
render json: Test.all
As asked in this question:
Ruby array to JSON and Rails JSON rendering

Mongoid model with hardcoded data

I have a mongoid model
class MyMongoidModel
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
field :name, :type => String
field :data_id, :type => Integer
has_and_belongs_to_many :the_other_model, :class_name => 'class_name_model'
has_many :model2
def self.all
#.... the hardcoded data that will never be changed
it's used by the other model and it uses them as well. However, it contains the data that won't be changed for a very long time, let's say, at all. Thus, I don't want to retrieve it from db, I want it to be hardcoded and, at the same time, I want it acts like a normal mongoid model. Using caching is not what I'm looking for.
I hope you understand what I mean.
How do accomplish it?
There's a great gem called active_hash that provides this functionality for ActiveRecord: defining a fixed set of data as models you can reference/relate to normal models, but have it defined in code and loaded in memory (not stored/retrieved from DB).
Interestingly, since Mongoid and ActiveRecord both share common ActiveModel basis, you may be able to use active_hash with a Mongoid document now.
For example:
class Country < ActiveHash::Base = [
{:id => 1, :name => "US"},
{:id => 2, :name => "Canada"}
class Order
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
has_one :country
