SSIS, what is causing the slow performance? - performance

For Source: OLE DB Source - Sql Command
SELECT -- The destination table Id has IDENTITY(1,1) so I didn't take it here
,24 AS [MigrateTypeId] --This is a static value
FROM [MyDb].[migrate].[MySource] WITH (NOLOCK)
To Destination: OLE DB Destination
Takes 5 or more minutes to insert 1.000.000 data. I even unchecked Check Constraints
Then, with the same SSIS configurations I wanted to test it with another table exactly the same as the Destination table. So, I re-create the destination table (with the same constrains except the inside data) and named as dbo.MyDestination.
But it takes about 30 seconds or less to complete the SAME data with the same amount of Data.
Why is it significantly faster with the test table and not the original table? Is it because the original table already has 107.000.000 data?

Check for indexes/triggers/constraints etc. on your destination table. These may slow things down considerably.
Check OLE DB connection manager's Packet Size, set it appropriately, you can follow this article to set it to right value.
If you are familiar with of SQL Server Profiler, then use it to get more insight especially what happens when you use re-created table to insert data against original table.


Move Range Interval partition data from one table to history table in other database

We have a primary table that is Range partitioned by date with a 1-month interval. It's also a list sub-partitioned with 4 distinct values. So essentially it is one month partition having 4 sub-partitions.
Database: Oracle 19c
I need advice on how to effectively move the partition/sub-partition data from active schema to historical schema in another database.
Also, there are about 30 tables that are referenced partitioned on the primary table for which the data needs to be moved as well. Overall I'm looking to move about 2500 subpartitions
I'm not sure if an exchange partition would be the right approach in this scenario?
You could use exchange to get the data rapidly out of your active table, but you would still then to send that table over the wire to the remote history database to load it in.
In which case, using "exchange" probably is just adding more steps to the process for little gain. (There are still potential uses here depending on how you want to handle indexing etc).
But simplest is perhaps just transferring the data over, assuming a common structure between the two tables, ie
insert /*+ APPEND */ into history_table#remote_db
select * from active_table partition ( myparname )
I can't remember if partition naming syntax is supported over a db link, but if not, then the appropriate date predicates will do the same trick, and then just follow up with:
alter table active_table truncate partition myparname;

SSIS Incremental Load Performace

I have a table with ~800k records and with ~100 fields.
The table has an ID field which is a unique NVACHAR (18) type.
The table has, also, a field called LastModifiedDate which holds the latest changes that were made.
I’m trying to perform an incremental load based on the following:
Initial load of all data (happens once)
Loading, based on LastModifiedDate, only recent changed/added records (~30k)
Based on the key field (ID), performing INSERT/UPDATE on recent data to the existing data
(*) assuming records are not deleted
I’m trying to achieve this by doing the following steps:
Truncate the temp table (which holds the recent data)
Extracting the recent data and storing it in the temp table
Extracting the data from the temp table
Using Lookup with the following definitions:
a. Cache mode = Full Cache
b. Connection Type = OLE DB connection manager
c. No matching entries = Ignore failure
Selecting ID from the final table and linking it to the ID field from temp table and giving the new filed an output alias LKP_ID
Using Conditional Split and checking if ISNULL(LKP_ID) when true means INSERT and false means UPDATE
INSERT means that that the data from temp table will be inserted to the final table and UPDATE means that an SQL UPDATE statement will be executed based on the temp table data
the final result is good BUT the run time is terrible. it takes ~30 minutes or so to complete
The way I would handle this is to use the LastModifiedDate in your source query to get the records from the source table that have changed since the last import.
Then I would import all of those records into an empty staging table on the destination database server.
Then I would execute a stored procedure to do the INSERT/UPDATE of the final destination table from the data in the staging table. A stored procedure on the destination server will perform MUCH faster than using Lookups and Conditional Splits in SSIS.

Delete from table is very slow in oracle standard edition

Delete on table in oracle standard edition(no partition) gets slow with time.
Important Info: I am working on oracle standard edition so partitioning option available.
I have one table with no constraint on it (no PK or anyother key or trigger or index or anything).
More than a million record gets inserted in this table in every 15 min using sql loader.
we need to process this 15 min record in every 15 min and at end of process delete any record older than 30 minute so that at any point of time there is more than 30-40 minute of data in the table.
As time passes due to so frequent insertion and deletion response from the table gets slow.
Data extraction and delete from table takes more time with every passing run.
After a while even a simple select query takes too long.
We cant truncate table as data loader runs continously and we may loose data if truncate and we dont have create table access to drop and create table.
we have to process data in every 15 minute and made it available to downstream for further processing. it just keep getting slow.
Kindly help me with the aforementioned situation.

Delete from temporary tables takes 100% CPU for a long time

I have a pretty complex query where we make use of a temporary table (this is in Oracle running on AWS RDS service).
INSERT INTO TMPTABLE (inserts about 25.000 rows in no time)
SELECT FROM X JOIN TMPTABLE (joins with temp table also in no time)
DELETE FROM TMPTABLE (takes no time in a copy of the production database, up to 10 minutes in the production database)
If I change the delete to a truncate it is as fast as in development.
So this change I will of course deploy. But I would like to understand why this occurs. AWS team has been quite helpful but they are a bit biased on AWS and like to tell me that my 3000 USD a month database server is not fast enough (I don't think so). I am not that fluent in Oracle administration but I have understood that if the redo logs are constantly filled, this can cause issues. I have increased the size quite substantially, but then again, this doesn't really add up.
This is a fairly standard issue when deleting large amounts of data. The delete operation has to modify each and every row individually. Each row gets deleted, added to a transaction log, and is given an LSN.
truncate, on the other hand, skips all that and simply deallocates the data in the table.
You'll find this behavior is consistent across various RDMS solutions. Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, and MySQL will all have the same issue.
I suggest you use an Oracle Global Temporary table. They are fast, and don't need to be explicitly deleted after the session ends.
For example:

Oracle 11g Deleting large amount of data without generating archive logs

I need to delete a large amount of data from my database on a regular basis. The process generates huge volume of archive logs. We had a database crash at one point because there was no storage space available on archive destination. How can I avoid generation of logs while I delete data?
The data to be deleted is already marked as inactive in the database. Application code ignores inactive data. I do not need the ability to rollback the operation.
I cannot partition the data in such a way that inactive data falls in one partition that can be dropped. I have to delete the data with delete statements.
I can ask DBAs to set certain configuration at table level/schema level/tablespace level/server level if needed.
I am using Oracle 11g.
What proportion of the data on the table would be deleted, what volume? Are there any referential integrity constraints to manage or is this table childless?
Depending on the answers , you might consider:
[keep condition]"
Then drop the original table
Then rename keep_table to original table
Rebuild the indexes (again with unrecoverable to prevent redo),constraints etc.
The problem with this approach is it's a multi-step DDL, process, which you will have a job to make fault tolerant and reversible.
A safer option might be to use data-pump to:
Data-pump expdp to extract the "Keep" data
TRUNCATE the table
Data-pump impdp import of data from step 1, with direct-path
At this point I suggest you read the Oracle manual on Data Pump, particularly the section on Direct Path Loads to be sure this will work for you.
MY preferred option would be partitioning.
Of course, the best way would be TenG solution (CTAS, drop and rename table) but it seems it's impossible for you.
Your only problem is the amount of archive logs and database crash problem. In this case, maybe you could partition your delete statement (for example per 10.000 rows).
Something like:
e number;
i number
select count(*) from myTable where [delete condition];
f :=trunc(e/10000)+1;
for i in 1.. f
delete from myTable where [delete condition] and rownum<=10000;
dbms_lock.sleep(600); -- purge old archive if it's possible
end loop;
After this operation, you should reorganize your table which is surely fragmented.
Alter the table to set NOLOGGING, delete the rows, then turn logging back on.
