The script below works in finding duplicates.
But most of the files i'm reading follow this format:
ServerName(1) = "Example1"
ServerName(2) = "Example1"
ServerName(3) = "Example3"
ServerName(4) = "Example4"
ServerName(5) = "Example5"
The 'cut' variable in the code below is supposed to cut the string at the "=" delimiter and return the value that comes after the "=" delimeter.
It should write to the duplicate file "Example1" but instead writes nothing. How would I make it so that the script below reads a file and only finds the duplicate in values after the "=" delimeter.
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FileName = "Test.txt"
PathToSave = "C:"
Path = (PathToSave & FileName)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Path, ForReading)
Set objOutputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(PathToSave & "Noduplicates.txt", 2, True)
Set objOutputFile2 = objFSO.OpenTextFile(PathToSave & "Duplicates.txt", 2, True)
objOutputFile.WriteLine ("This document contains the " & path & " file without duplicates" & vbcrlf)
objOutputFile2.WriteLine ("This document contains the duplicates found. Each line listed below had a duplicate in " & Path & vbcrlf)
Dim DuplicateCount
DuplicateCount = 0
Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Do until objFile.atEndOfStream
strCurrentLine = LCase(Trim(objFile.ReadLine))
Cut = Split(strCurrentline,"=")
If not Dict.Exists(LCase(Trim(cut(strCurrentLine)))) then
objOutputFile.WriteLine strCurrentLine
Dict.Add strCurrentLine,strCurrentLine
Else Dict.Exists(LCase(Trim(cut(strCurrentLine))))
objOutputFile2.WriteLine strCurrentLine
DuplicateCount = DuplicateCount + 1
End if
If DuplicateCount > 0 then
wscript.echo ("Number of Duplicates Found: " & DuplicateCount)
wscript.echo "No Duplicates found"
End if
Cut is your array, so Cut(1) is the portion after the =. So that's what you should test for in your dictionary.
If InStr(strCurrentline, "=") > 0 Then
Cut = Split(strCurrentline,"=")
If Not Dict.Exists(Cut(1)) then
objOutputFile.WriteLine strCurrentLine
Dict.Add Cut(1), Cut(1)
objOutputFile2.WriteLine strCurrentLine
DuplicateCount = DuplicateCount + 1
End if
End If
I makes no sense at all to ask Split to return an array with one element by setting the 3rd parameter to 1, as in
Cut = Split(strCurrentline,"=",1)
>> WScript.Echo Join(Split("a=b", "=", 1), "*")
>> WScript.Echo Join(Split("a=b", "="), "*")
BTW: ServerName(5) = "Example5" should be splitted on " = "; further thought about the quotes may be advisable.
Update wrt comments (and downvotes):
The semantics of the count parameter according to the docs:
Optional. Number of substrings to be returned; -1 indicates that all substrings are returned. If omitted, all substrings are returned.
Asking for one element (not an UBound!) results in one element containing the input.
Evidence wrt the type mismatch error:
>> cut = Split("a=b", "=", 1)
>> WScript.Echo cut
Error Number: 13
Error Description: Type mismatch
So please think twice.
This is the middle of the code I'm trying to work with. Is there a way to make the file it's reading open and read from line 2 to line 97? Where I need the correction is starred (****). What I'm trying to do is get the data from lines 2 through 97 to compare to another file I'll have to open from the same lines. The beginning and ends of each file are different but the middle information should match thus I need these specific lines.
' Build Aliquot file name
strFile = aBarcodeExportDir & "A-" & yearStr & "-" & splitStr2(0) & ".csv"
'msgbox("open file: " & strFile)
If (objFS.FileExists(strFile)) Then
' Open A file
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFile)
' Build string with file name minus extension - used later to determine EOF
strFileNameNoExtension = "A-" & yearStr & "-" & splitStr2(0)
' Create dictionary to hold key/value pairs - key = position; value = barcode
Set dictA = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Begin processing A file
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream(*****)
' Read a line
strLine = objFile.ReadLine(*****)
' Split on semi-colons
splitStr = Split(strLine, ";")
' If splitStr array contains more than 1 element then continue
If(UBound(splitStr) > 0) Then
' If barcode field is equal to file name then EOF
If(splitStr(6) = strFileNameNoExtension) Then
' End of file - exit loop
Exit Do
' Add to dictionary
' To calculate position
' A = element(2) = position in row (1-16)
compA = splitStr(2)
' B = element(4) = row
compB = splitStr(4)
' C = element(5.1) = number of max positions in row
splitElement5 = Split(splitStr(5), "/")
compC = splitElement5(0)
' position = C * (B - 1) + A
position = compC * (compB - 1) + compA
barcode = splitStr(6) & ";" & splitStr(0) & ";" & splitStr(1) & ";" & splitStr(2)
'msgbox(position & ":" & barcode)
' Add to dictionary
dictA.Add CStr(position), barcode
End If
End If
' Close A file
To give the exact answer, we may have to look at your text files(I mean with all the split functions you are using). But, If you just want to compare lines 2-97 of two text files, you can get a hint from the following piece of code:
strPath1 = "C:\Users\gr.singh\Desktop\abc\file1.txt" 'Replace with your File1 Path
strPath2 = "C:\Users\gr.singh\Desktop\abc\file2.txt" 'Replace with your File2 Path
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile1 = objFso.OpenTextFile(strPath1,1)
Set objFile2 = objFso.OpenTextFile(strPath2,1)
blnMatchFailed = False
Do Until objFile1.AtEndOfStream
If objFile1.Line=1 Then
objFile1.SkipLine() 'Skips the 1st line of both the files
ElseIf objFile1.Line>=2 And objFile1.Line<=97 Then
strFile1 = objFile1.ReadLine()
strFile2 = objFile2.ReadLine()
If StrComp(strFile1,strFile2,1)<>0 Then 'textual comparison. Change 1 to 0, if you want binary comparison of both lines
blnMatchFailed = True
intFailedLine = objFile1.Line
Exit Do 'As soon as match fails, exit the Do while Loop
blnMatchFailed = False
End If
Exit Do
End If
If blnMatchFailed Then
MsgBox "Comparison Failed at line "&intFailedLine
MsgBox "Comparison Passed"
End If
Set objFile1 = Nothing
Set objFile2 = Nothing
Set objFso = Nothing
I have a problem in that I need to read a specified quantity of characters from a text file, but the specified quantity varies so I cannot use a constant EG:
variable = WhateverIsSpecified
strText = objFile.Read (variable) ' 1 ~ n+1
objOutfile.write strText
strText = objFile.Read (n) ' n = any constant (interger)
When using the first way, the output is blank (no characters in the output file)
Thanks in advance
These are the main snippets in a bit longer code
Set file1 = fso.OpenTextFile(file)
Do Until file1.AtEndOfStream
line = file1.ReadLine
If (Instr(line,"/_N_") =1) then
line0 = replace(line, "/", "%")
filename = file1.Readline
filename = Left(filename, len(filename)-3) & "arc"
Set objOutFile = fso.CreateTextFile(destfolder & "\" & filename)
For i = 1 to 5
line = file1.Readline
nBytes = line 'this line contains the quantity needed to be read eg 1234
Do until Instr(line,"\") > 0
line = file1.ReadLine
StrData = ObjFile.Read (nBytes)
objOutFile.Write StrData
End if
My own stupid error,
StrData = ObjFile.Read (nBytes)
should be
StrData = file1.Read (nBytes)
Can someone look at the below script and tell me why it's throwing this error subscript out of range error in vbscript ..In the text file there are two entries it writes to the file correctly but then it throws an error while exiting the loop so it never calls the other function..I think it's trying to run 3 times but there are just 2 entries in the text file
The text file is in this format
Format.css Shared
Design.css Shared
Dim strInputPath1
Dim txsInput1,txsOutput
Dim Filename
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strOutputPath = "C:\txt3.txt"
Set txsOutput = FSO.CreateTextFile(strOutputPath)
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "\s+"
re.Global = True
Set f = FSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Users\spadmin\Desktop\Main\combination.txt")
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
tokens = Split(Trim(re.Replace(f.ReadLine, " ")))
extension = Split(tokens(0),".")
strInputPath1 = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Test\files\" & tokens(1) & "\" & extension(1) & "\" & tokens(0)
Set txsInput1 = FSO.OpenTextFile(strInputPath1, 1)
WScript.Echo strInputPath1
txsOutput.Writeline txsInput1.ReadAll
WScript.Echo "Calling"
Call CreateCSSFile()
' Merge Css Files
Sub CreateCSSFile()
WScript.Echo "Called"
Dim FilenameCSS
Dim strInputPathCSS
Dim txsInputCSS,txsOutputCSS
Set FSOCSS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strOutputPathCSS = "C:\txt4.txt"
Set txsOutputCSS = FSOCSS.CreateTextFile(strOutputPath)
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "\s+"
re.Global = True
Set fCSS = FSOCSS.OpenTextFile("C:\Users\spadmin\Desktop\TestingTheWebService\combination.txt")
Do Until fCSS.AtEndOfStream
tokensCSS = Split(Trim(re.Replace(fCSS.ReadLine, " ")))
extensionCSS = Split(tokensCSS(0),".")
strInputPathCSS = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\EpsShared\c\" & tokensCSS(1) & "\" & extensionCSS(1) & "\" & tokensCSS(0)
Set txsInputCSS = FSOCSS.OpenTextFile(strInputPathCSS, 1)
txsOutputCSS.Writeline txsInputCSS.ReadAll
Set FSOCSS = Nothing
End Sub
If your file contains trailing blank lines, applying Split() may return arrays with less than 2 elements. In that case token(1) should throw a 'subscript out of range' error.
You should always check, if Split() workes as expected:
tokens = Split(Trim(re.Replace(f.ReadLine, " ")))
If 1 = UBound(tokens) Then
extension = Split(tokens(0),".")
If 1 = UBound(extension) Then
strInputPath1 = "..." & tokens(1) & "..."
... parse error ...
End If
... parse error or just trailing blank lines? ...
End If
Set objReadFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFile.Path, ForReading)
strAll = Split(objReadFile.ReadAll, vbCrLf, -1, vbTextCompare) 'Gets each line from file
i = LBound(strAll)
Do While i < UBound(strAll)
If (InStr(1, strAll(i), "DAU SNo.-C0", vbTextCompare) > 0) Then
i = i + 4 'Skip 4 lines to get to first SN
Do Until InStr(1, strAll(i), "+", vbTextCompare) > 0 'Loop until line includes "+"
strSNO = Split(strAll(i), "|", -1, vbTextCompare)
'put strSNO into next cell in column A
**objSheet.Cells.Offset(1,0).Value = Trim(strSNO(1))**
i = i + 1
End If
i = i + 1
This code splits a text file successfully and puts the two values I want in strSNO(1) and strSNO(2). I want to write them into column A row 2 and column B row 2, then put the next value in row 3 in the next iteration of the loop. I tried the offset method and it gave errors. All the help I am finding is for VBA. Can anyone tell me what to put where the code is in bold to fix it?
Solved it.This is what I did:
strAll = Split(objReadFile.ReadAll, vbCrLf, -1, vbTextCompare) 'Gets each line from file
i = LBound(strAll)
Do While i < UBound(strAll)
If (InStr(1, strAll(i), "DAU SNo.-C0", vbTextCompare) > 0) Then
i = i + 4 'Skip 4 lines to get to first SN
Do Until InStr(1, strAll(i), "+", vbTextCompare) > 0 'Loop until line includes "+"
strSNO = Split(strAll(i), "|", -1, vbTextCompare)
i = i + 1
objSheet.Cells(c,1).Offset(1,0).Value = Trim(strSNO(1))
objSheet.Cells(c,2).Offset(1,0).Value = Trim(strSNO(2))
End If
i = i + 1
objSheet.Cells.Offset(1,0).Value = Trim(strSNO(1))
objSheet.Cells(i,1).Value = Trim(strSNO(1))
objSheet.Cells(i,2).Value = Trim(strSNO(2))
Edit: Are you certain you want the fields 1 and 2 of strSNO? VBScript arrays are 0-based, so the first index is 0, not 1.
To locate an error add some debugging code:
On Error Resume Next
objSheet.Cells(i,1).Value = Trim(strSNO(1))
If Err Then
WScript.Echo i & ": " & strAll(i)
WScript.Echo "strSNO(1) = " & strSNO(1)
WScript.Echo "strSNO(1) is of type " & TypeName(strSNO(1))
End If
objSheet.Cells(i,2).Value = Trim(strSNO(2))
If Err Then
WScript.Echo i & ": " & strAll(i)
WScript.Echo "strSNO(2) = " & strSNO(2)
WScript.Echo "strSNO(2) is of type " & TypeName(strSNO(2))
End If
On Error Goto 0
If the problem turns out to be that strAll(i) doesn't contain a | for some i, so the Split() produces an array with just one element, you can work around that by something like this:
strSNO = Split(strAll(i) & "|", "|", -1, vbTextCompare)
I have a text file that I want to read. It looks like this
Error: Deadlock
Param 0 = xyx
Param 1 = 22332244
Param 2 =
Param 3 = 1
Param 4 =
I need to search for String "Deadlock" and spit out output for Param 0 and Param 1. Right now I am able only able to read line that contains text deadlock :(
Const ForReading = 1
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.Pattern = "deadlock"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\1\Retrieve.log", ForReading)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strSearchString = objFile.ReadLine
Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(strSearchString)
If colMatches.Count > 0 Then
For Each strMatch in colMatches
Wscript.Echo strSearchString
End If
Marc B's idea in simple code:
Option Explicit
Function qq(sTxt) : qq = """" & sTxt & """" : End Function
Const csFind = "Error: Deadlock"
Dim nLines : nLines = 3
Dim bFound : bFound = False
Dim tsIn : Set tsIn = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("..\data\Text-1.txt")
Do Until tsIn.AtEndOfStream
Dim sLine : sLine = tsIn.ReadLine()
If bFound Then
WScript.Echo sLine, "=>", qq(Trim(Split(sLine, "=")(1)))
nLines = nLines - 1
If 0 = nLines Then Exit Do
bFound = sLine = csFind
End If
type ..\data\Text-1.txt
Error: Deadlock
Param 0 = xyx
Param 1 = 22332244
Param 2 =
Param 3 = 1
Param 4 =
Error: This is no Deadlock
Param 0 = abc
Param 1 = def
Param 2 =
Param 3 = ghi
Param 4 =
DNV35 E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\9812373\vbs
cscript 00.vbs
Param 0 = xyx => "xyx"
Param 1 = 22332244 => "22332244"
Param 2 = => ""
"simple" means "exactly what is needed to solve the problem - no more, no less".
A decent script needs "Option Explicit" to guard against typos in
variable names.
If you don't use the create and format parameters of the .OpenTextFile method, you don't need the iomode parameter ForReading (it's the default).
If you search for constant/fixed strings, RegExps are just an error prone overhead.
If you want to match "Deadlock" using the pattern "deadlock", you need .IgnoreCase (proves 3)
If you don't want to match "Error: This is no Deadlock", you need a more elaborate pattern (proves 3 again)
There in no need for the objFSO variable, if you use the object just once; same holds for strSearchString (why emphasize 'string' twice but hode the 'search in' vs. 'search for' difference?)
In your case, .Count is either 0 or 1 - I assume the there are no lines like "Error: Deadlock 1, Deadlock 2, and another deadlock"; to deal with more than one match, you'd have to specify .Global.
Looping over the matches collection makes no sense for your problem - either you got the triggering "deadlock" line or not.
A script to search for a triggering line and then do something needs at least one state (bFound and nLines in this case) to do different actions for the lines depending on properties of lines seen before and now long forgotten.
After the 'something' there is no need to process the file further.