Cascading for Impatient TFIDF example freezing - hadoop

I'm trying to work with Cascading to create and execute complex data processing workflows on a local Hadoop cluster.
I wish to create a TFIDF vector so I can apply Machine Learning algorithms such as NaiveBayes on it using the Apache Spark framework.
The problem is that after I create the jar and I launch it using the following commands the program freezes. Here is the log file.
You can find the sources here. The related source code is in part6.

I have found the problem. The nodes of the cluster were unhealthy but the log doesn't show that and cascading freezes as it's task has been UNASSIGNED.
So to solve the problem you have to correct the nodes health in my case I just had to correct hadoop-yarn containers directory and also it's local namenode directory.
You might run into other errors, So I suggest that you check your hadoop log files and the WebUI admin for Hadoop Nodes.


Jenkins as JobServer on Hadoop EdgeNode

I´m not sure that someone can help me but I´ll take a try.
I´m running Jenkins on an Openshift-Cluster to use it for Deployment and as a jobserver for running ETL-Jobs. These jobs are transferring data from flatfiles to databases and from db to db.
Now, I should expand the system to transfer data to a hadoop cluster using MapR.
What I would like to know is, how can I use a new Jenkins-Slave as a jobserver on an EdgeNode from the hadoop-cluster using MapR. Do I need the Jenkins on the EdgeNode or am I able to use MapR from my existing Jenkins-Jobserver?
Mabye, someone is able to help me or has some informations/links how to solve it.
Thx to all....
"Use MapR" isn't quite clear to me because I just view it as Hadoop at the end of the day, but you can effectively make your Jenkins slave an "edge node" by installing only the Hadoop Java (maybe also MapR) client utilities plus any XML configuration files from the other edge nodes that define how to communicate with the cluster.
Then, Jenkins would be able to run sh("hadoop jar app.jar"), for example
If you're using Openshift, you might also try putting a Hadoop client inside a Docker image that could run in Jenkins, or anywhere else

As a Hadoop Regular User, Is There a Way to See Details about Running Jobs?

I do not have access to any CLI on any of the Hadoop nodes, but I have access to the cluster via Hue and Jupyter. The engineering team has also configured the Hadoop UI that shows New, Running, Submitted, Finish, etc. applications. However, it appears all spark jobs have a generic name, for instance, something like this:
or similar and when I click on the application_id, I get a Failed to read the attempts of the application error. (even for my own jobs). Similarly, spark jobs, which you can normally name using setAppName, are all named generic "Spark-something" because the spark context is already initialized upon bringing up Jupyter on an edge node (i.e. I can't establish a name because one already exists).
Is there a way for a unprivileged Hadoop user to see into what job is actually running (i.e. the Hive query or the Spark / Hadoop command ), without having some sort of CLI privilege?
I have tried using a few urls that I suspect have job information in them, for instance:
http://cluster_master:<portnum>/history/application_1234123412341234_12345/jobs/ or
but neither attempt returns any details about the job itself (even things I named myself within the hive / spark context using setAppName.
Please let me know if there's a better way to ask this question. I am relatively new to Hadoop/Spark. All the reference docs and SO answers I've found assume CLI or privileged access and I can't find any documentation in either Spark or Hadoop that applies to this problem.

Various job statistics using yarn and hadoop 2.2.0

I've recently installed a 2-node hadoop 2.2.0 using the new yarn framework.
The jobs run and everything looks dine, but I wanted to know if there is a way to actually verify both nodes are running the job and not just one (I can't seem to find any relevant information about this matter in the hadoop jar ... commands' output, where the mapreduce completion statistic is displayed.
I've also wanted to know how can I verify both nodes are storing information for the DFS. I ran df and it seems only ONE node is actually storing information (I've hadoop dfs -put big text files).
So, in short:
How can I tell which nodes actually ran a specific job?
How can I tell which datanodes actually hold what information (I use replication = 2 to make sure both nodes share the load of information I've put on the DFS, after reading some tutorials).
It's really hard for me to Google this specifically because Hadoop isn't as covered as other topics I'm used to Google and most threads I end up running into are unanswered or irrelevant.
You'll need to check the Job Tracker Web UI (port 50030) - from here you can list the number of active Task Trackers as well as the number of map tasks they have both run (and completed, failed + errored).
You can use a command line tool to list the blocks and their locations:
hadoop fsck <path> -files -blocks -locations
See this link for more info on the fsck cmd:

Access hdfs from outside hadoop

I want to run some executables outside of hadoop (but on the same cluster) using input files that are stored inside HDFS.
Do these files need to be copied locally to the node? or is there a way to access HDFS outside of hadoop?
Any other suggestions on how to do this are fine. Unfortunately my executables can not be run within hadoop though.
There are a couple typical ways:
You can access HDFS files through the HDFS Java API if you are writing your program in Java. You are probably looking for open. This will give you a stream that acts like a generic open file.
You can stream your data with hadoop cat if your program takes input through stdin: hadoop fs -cat /path/to/file/part-r-* | You could hypothetically create a bridge with this command line command with something like popen.
Also check WebHDFS which made into the 1.0.0 release and will be in the 23.1 release also. Since it's based on rest API, any language can access it and also Hadoop need not be installed on the node on which the HDFS files are required. Also. it's equally fast as the other options mentioned by orangeoctopus.
The best way is install "hadoop-0.20-native" package on the box where you are running your code.
hadoop-0.20-native package can access hdfs filesystem. It can act as a hdfs proxy.
I had similar issue and asked appropriate question. I needed to access HDFS / MapReduce services outside of cluster. After I found solution I posted answer here for HDFS. Most painfull issue there happened to be user authentication which in my case was solved in most simple case (complete code is in my question).
If you need to minimize dependencies and don't want to install hadoop on clients here is nice Cloudera article how to configure Maven to build JAR for this. 100% success for my case.
Main difference in Remote MapReduce job posting comparing to HDFS access is only one configuration setting (check for mapred.job.tracker variable).

Hadoop on Amazon Cloud

I'm trying to get set up on the Amazon Cloud to run some hadoop MapReduce jobs but I'm struggling to successfully create a cluster. I have downloaded the ec2 files, have my certificates and keypair file, but I believe it's the AMIs that are causing me trouble. If I'm trying to run a cluster with a master node and n slave nodes, I start n+1 instances using standard compatible AMIs and then run the code "hadoop-ec2 launch-cluster name n" in the terminal. The master node is successful, but I get an error when the slave nodes start to launch, saying "missing parameter -h (AMI missing)" and I'm not entirely sure how to progress.
Also, some of my jobs will require an alteration in hadoops parameter settings (specifically the mapred-site.xml config file), is it possible to alter this file, and if so, how do I gain access to it? Is hadoop already installed on amazon machines, with this file accessible and alterable?
Have you tried Amazon Elastic MapReduce? This is a simple API that brings up Hadoop clusters of a specified size on demand.
That's easier then to create own cluster manually.
But once the jobflow is finished by default it shuts the cluster down, leaving you with outputs on S3. If what you need is simply to do some crunching, this may be the way to go.
In case you need HDFS contents stored permanently (e.g. if you are running HBase on top of Hadoop) you may actually need own cluster on EC2. In this case you may find Cloudera's distribution of Hadoop for Amazon EC2 useful.
Altering Hadoop configuration on nodes it will start is possible using EC2 Bootstrap Actions:
Q: How do I configure Hadoop settings for my job flow?
The Elastic MapReduce default Hadoop configuration is appropriate for most workloads. However, based on your job flow’s specific memory and processing requirements, it may be appropriate to tune these settings. For example, if your job flow tasks are memory-intensive, you may choose to use fewer tasks per core and reduce your job tracker heap size. For this situation, a pre-defined Bootstrap Action is available to configure your job flow on startup. See the Configure Memory Intensive Bootstrap Action in the Developer’s Guide for configuration details and usage instructions. An additional predefined bootstrap action is available that allows you to customize your cluster settings to any value of your choice. See the Configure Hadoop Bootstrap Action in the Developer’s Guide for usage instructions.
About the way you are starting the cluster, please clarify:
If I'm trying to run a cluster with a master node and n slave nodes, I start n+1 instances using standard compatible AMIs and then run the code "hadoop-ec2 launch-cluster name n" in the terminal. The master node is successful, but I get an error when the slave nodes start to launch, saying "missing parameter -h (AMI missing)" and I'm not entirely sure how to progress.
How exactly you are trying start it? What exactly AMIs are you using?
