How to find line that is causing the error - laravel

I have just started using Laravel and cannot get my head around how it throws errors. It doesn't show the line where the error is so I don't know how to locate it. Can anyone help?
htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given (View:
This file is incredibly long and I cannot see where this array is being sent.
It's obviously coming from a Form::text() but I am passing a null as the second param in all that I can see. Why doesn't Laravel simply tell me the line that is erroring. The error it puts out is no use to me.

check the error file:
you can watch changes in the file (on Mac and *NIX) using command line:
tail -f app/storage/logs/laravel.log
remember that the storage directory must be writable by the webserver/PHP process because it's used as scratch space (for blade views, logs, etc.)


Sketchware: Error in/storage/emulated/0/.sketchware/mysc/602/app/src/main/java/com/DbEditor/VictorChannel/ line 83)

I am creating an apk in Sketchware. I am trying to create a .db file editor, but this apk requires me to create a file manager within it so that I can browse the .db file. I was guided by this tutorial: https:/ /youtu .be/OkiBwSrT5WY
But when compiling in my project it gives me an error
enter image description here
Error in /storage/emulated/0/.sketchware/mysc/602/app/src/main/java/com/DbEditor/VictorChannel/ (at line 83)
Syntax error in token "","", #expected
Error in /storage/emulated/0/.sketchware/mysc/602/app/src/main/java/com/DbEditor/VictorChannel/ (at line 83)
String literal is not properly closed with a double quote
I tried to look in the code what the problem was, I tried to remove the quotes, it didn't work, then I removed the parentheses in the code, that didn't work either.
It doesn't work for me when trying to compile the apk directly from Sketchware it puts back quotes and parentheses it seems that it doesn't change anything.
enter image description here
I don't know what to do please
Can someone please help me?

Reading valid rsyslog configurations from /etc/rsyslog.d/project.conf drops syntax errors?

I have a few lines of configurations that I need in my rsyslgog.
if $programname == 'project' then /var/log/file.log
When added to the end of the main rsyslog configuration file, /etc/rsyslog.conf, this configuration appears to be valid and functional.
However, when using the rsyslog.d directory I get a syntax error.
error during parsing file /etc/rsyslog.d/project.conf, on or before line 2: syntax error on token '==' [v8.32.0 try ]
Is there anything in the main config that has to be parsed in advance, or is this a bug that should be reported to Fedora 27 developers?
As rsyslog author, I would assume that there is some include right in front of it that somehow renders your (valid) construct invalid. Red Hat unfortunately tends to stick to obsolete legacy format, and things like these can easily happen when this is used (after all, this was why we obsoleted it).
To hunt this down, I would check the config include that is included immediately in front of your own. If included via wildcards, the include order is sorted by filename.
Sorry, it was my bad. The configuration for my rsyslog config file was rewritten by my installer bash script, and that interpreted the $ sign as variable within the string. I should have double-checked the correctness of my config file.

Biopython: SeqIO.parse() FileNotFoundError

I'm new in Bioinformatics and Biopython, so I have some difficulties with it.
I was reading the Biopython (SeqIO) documentation, but when I try to execute some SeqIO.parse() commands I get FileNotFoundError.
For example, I want to get "example.fasta" file (which I don't have it on my PC). I try to do it with this command:
for record in SeqIO.parse("example.fasta", "fasta"):
But, all I get is FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Can someone help me with this?
My understanding is that FileNotFoundError occurs when the code tries to open a file on your computer and does not find it.
This can happen either because you simply do not have this file, or you gave the name with a typo, or the path to the file is not correct (This is an important notion: the path to the file should be absolute, or relative to the current working directory (usually the one from which you executed the python script)).
As suggested in the comments to your question, you seem to be expecting SeqIO.parse to get the file for you. This is not the case. The first argument you give to this function (in the example "example.fasta") is the path to an existing file that you want to "parse", that is, interpret its information content and make this content available to the rest of your program in a convenient form.
So in order to get this example working, you first need to get a fasta file. If you do not already have one, you can download some manually from genbank, or find one in the biopython installation (if you installed it from source and know where the source code is located), for instance in Tests/Quality/example.fasta.

mkdir on windows - CAKEPHP

Hi I am searching for a good solution since a while and I found nothing to help me on google.
I got an error on my website with the function mkdir, but only when I set the debug at 2.
Here is the error
Warning (2): mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Invalid argument
[CORE\cake\libs\folder.php, line 498]
Im on windows server 2003 and every permission are given to all my folder.
The path that is given to the function is
C:\Inetpub\vhosts[DOMAIN NAME]\subdomains[SUBDOMAIN
I notice the last C: at the end of the path but don't know where it come from nor does I know what the function is trying to create.
mkdir() should ideally take the path to directory and should not include the file name. The invalid argument warning seems to suggest the same. Try passing the argument without filename.

Bro IDS Signature file error

I am trying to run bro in my bash terminal. I have got a duplicate local.bro file which i renamed as localv2.bro, and put it in my working directory /home/bibin, so its not in default path. I am just trying to do a simple signature match, therefore i have created a signature.sig file in the directory. In my localv2.bro file i have tried using both ways:
#load-sigs ./signature
redef signature_files += "signature.sig
The signature.sig file has the signature my-first-sig example from site.
In the terminal when i try to execute this command:
bro -r traffic.pcap localv2.bro
I get an error message saying:
line 27: unrecognized character -
I have also tried doing it in a different route:
bro -r traffic.pcap -s signature.sig
This also gives me the same unrecognized character error.
Am i doing something wrong, please can you guide me to a solution ?
