Maven: release single file, set line endings - maven

I would like to release single file to Nexus repo (deploy script, sh) and for that purpose I am using
Unlike Maven Assembly Plugin, it hasn't explicit option to set line ending of the deployed file. How can I solve the task using this or other plugin.
Important: I need file deployed as .sh and not as archive. Otherwise it's possible to switch to Maven Assembly Plugin.

Let me share final solution. I hope it would help someone one day...
<assembly xmlns=""

The maven-assembly-plugin has a format dir which is simply a folder structure on the hard drive which you can use to copy the sh script to that folder and convert linenendings and use build-helper-maven-plugin to attach that artifact afterwards.


maven assembly plugin: descriptorRef not using basedir

I am using maven assembly plugin to zip my web application dist folder.
I use this descriptorRef file:
and I use it as a dependency in a parent pom like this:
Depending on the child using this parent pom, I would like to tell in which directory, the maven assembly plugin has to use the webapp-build assembly descriptor. I tried with <basedir> attribute but it is not using it. Any ideas ?
The descriptorRef is intended to load assembly descriptors from classpath or using predefined descriptors. If you like to use the given descriptor you have to use descriptors instead like this:
Furthermore a basedir configuration element does not exist for maven-assembly-plugin:single
<basedir> isn't a parameter of assembly:single. There's descriptorSourceDirectory:
Directory to scan for descriptor files in. NOTE: This may not work correctly with assembly components.

Create a tar with maven generated jar with dependenceis and few other files

I'm new to maven and its interesting subject to learn.
Succeed to create a jar with dependencies, using:
Now, i have to include few shell scripts and generated jar to a tar.
To achieve this, i ve tried the following way:
to the above script.
In hadoop-job.xml i'm including required files into tar.
The problem is tar is generated first and says no *.jar found in target.
Is there a way to schedule jar creation first and tar next, since both the configurations reside in assembly plugin.
Is there a command to execute and generate a jar first and then a command to generate a tar ?
By the way i'm executing mvn clean assembly:assembly -Dbinary=true.
Help me to resolve. Thanks.
Here is an example of assembly building the jar-with-dependencies and after that a tar that includes this jar-with-dependencies (built by the maven-assembly-plugin just before). In the tar I also includes the shell script files in .sh from the folder src/main/bin.
First, the plugin configuration :
The order of the executions is important because if I want to include the jar-with-dependencies into my tar I need to have it built before.
I put all the assemblies in the same folder, that's why I have a global configuration tag additionally to the configuration tag of the executions
And then the content of my assembly file all.xml :
The includeBaseDirectory is here to avoid my tar containing the root folder with the name of the project with the version.
If you don't specify the outputDirectory tags, the folder structure into your archive will begin from the root of the project, for example it will include your jar with the path target/your-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
EDIT : The plugin configuration that I did before could be simplified with just the following :
The reason is because in the maven-assembly-plugin the descriptorId is read before the descriptors so that's good for our case but if not, we would need two executions as done higher with care about the order.
The same attention have to be done for the order of the descriptors, they are performed in the reading order (it can seems logic but I think it might be useful to indicate it).

Maven: Build tar.gz file with externally downloaded files

What I'm trying to do with maven is build a project.tar.gz file with some data in the ./data folder downloaded from some location on the web.
Currently I'm trying to approach this using the assembly plugin, so far without much success.
So far the following works: I download a file to target/data
But now I need that file packaged in a tar file.
I ended up using
<version>2.2-beta-5</version> <!-- Old -->
<execution> <!-- Build tar.gz archive. -->
</execution> <!-- /NewStuff -->
using tar.xml:
I personally wouldn't use Maven for this; Maven is a tool for standard processes. What you want to do is very special.
Have a look at the Maven AntRun Plugin or use Ant directly. That way, you can create a script which does exactly what you want without fighting with Maven's conventions all the time.

Maven doesn't attach non-archived files with mavenAssemblyPlugin

I have some list of files (.jil).
I'd like to attach them to the build using maven-assembly-plugin.
I have no difficulty deploying these with the "zip"
However, the "dir" format throw an exception:
[WARNING] Assembly file: C:\Branches\project-branch\target\project\output\directory is not a regular file (it may be a directory). It cannot be attached to the project build for installation or deployment.
pom file:
assembly descriptor:
<assembly xmlns=""
To add separate files you should use the build-helper-maven-plugin which offers such options to you.
<!-- add configuration for antrun or another plugin here -->
<file>some file</file>
<type>extension of your file </type>
With the dir format you can't attach these files to your project.
BTW: The current up-to-date version of maven-assembly-plugin is 2.4.
According to Maven doc, the accepted formats are:
dir - Creates a directory zip
Creates a ZIP file format tar
Creates a TAR format tar.gz
Creates a gzip'd TAR format tar.bz2
Creates a bzip'd TAR format

Packing one tar created using maven assembly into another tar using maven assembly

I have created a tar(say project.tar) using maven assembly descriptor.
I need to create one more tar(say final.tar) file which would contain the previously created tar (project.tar) along with one script file.
To do this 'm trying using two descriptors specified in pom.xml. One descriptor is for project.tar and second for final.tar .
While doing so I'm facing the following error.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (default-cli) on project ede: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive bin: A tar file cannot include itself. -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (default-cli) on project ede: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive bin: A tar file cannot include itself. "
My pom.xml file is
I've also tried using pom.xml file as
In this way, it's not able to locate the descriptors files.
Could anyone please guide me if 'm doing anything wrong?
I know that this post is very old but I think it might need some explanations.
In my opinion, the best way for what you want to do is to use two executions of the maven-assembly-plugin. The first will generate your project tar and the second you final tar. (please read all the answer before saying that there is more simple)
Here is what I would do (and it works of course).
As I like to have the assemblies in different folders (because I think it is easier like that), I declare properties in my pom with the directories paths :
Then in the maven-assembly-plugin I configure the executions (never forget that the order of the executions is very important because they will be executed in the declaration order if they are binded on the same phase) :
(you can see that the tars will be in different folders and that the project tar will not have the assembly id appended to its name so it will look like myproject-1.0.tar)
Now concerning the assemblies definitions.
For the project-tar.xml, I just include the jars in it, you can do whatever you want :
And for the final-tar.xml, I include the project tar and the scripts I have in my folder src/main/scripts :
And there we are, you have your two tars.
There is a solution more simple which is as you did at the beginning :
The descriptors order is very important of course.
The only difference with your initial solution is that I keep the property appendAssemblyId set to true because if not, the two assemblies will have the same name and when the maven-assembly-plugin will try to build the final assembly it will detect that there is a file which is already having this name and will fail saying that it cannot include itself...
With my solution in two executions, you can set the appendAssemblyId to false.
Part of the answer is to use the descriptorRef as outlined in the assembly plugin examples.
Hopefully that will give you something to get started with.
