How to save an object using Spring Data ElasticSearchTemplate - spring

How do I save an entity using Spring Data ElasticSearchTemplate? Can't find it in the documentation.

I believe index() is the method for saving an entity in Elasticsearch using the template.
Take a look at this sample application that uses .index() to prepare a JUnit test:
public void before() {
elasticsearchTemplate.refresh(Article.class, true);
IndexQuery article1 = new ArticleBuilder("1").title("article four").addAuthor(RIZWAN_IDREES).addAuthor(ARTUR_KONCZAK).addAuthor(MOHSIN_HUSEN).addAuthor(JONATHAN_YAN).score(10).buildIndex();
IndexQuery article2 = new ArticleBuilder("2").title("article three").addAuthor(RIZWAN_IDREES).addAuthor(ARTUR_KONCZAK).addAuthor(MOHSIN_HUSEN).addPublishedYear(YEAR_2000).score(20).buildIndex();
IndexQuery article3 = new ArticleBuilder("3").title("article two").addAuthor(RIZWAN_IDREES).addAuthor(ARTUR_KONCZAK).addPublishedYear(YEAR_2001).addPublishedYear(YEAR_2000).score(30).buildIndex();
IndexQuery article4 = new ArticleBuilder("4").title("article one").addAuthor(RIZWAN_IDREES).addPublishedYear(YEAR_2002).addPublishedYear(YEAR_2001).addPublishedYear(YEAR_2000).score(40).buildIndex();
elasticsearchTemplate.refresh(Article.class, true);
You can, also, use bulkIndex for multiple indexes making use of Elasticsearch's bulk index feature.

Employee employee = new Employee(1,"Mike");
IndexQuery indexQuery = new IndexQueryBuilder()


Spring Data elastic search with out entity fields

I'm using spring data elastic search, Now my document do not have any static fields, and it is accumulated data per qtr, I will be getting ~6GB/qtr (we call them as versions). Lets say we get 5GB of data in Jan 2021 with 140 columns, in the next version I may get 130 / 120 columns, which we do not know, The end user requirement is to get the information from the database and show it in a tabular format, and he can filter the data. In MongoDB we have BasicDBObject, do we have anything in springboot elasticsearch
I can provide, let say 4-5 columns which are common in every version record and apart from that, I need to retrieve the data without mentioning the column names in the pojo, and I need to use filters on them just like I can do in MongoDB
List<BaseClass> getMultiSearch(#RequestBody Map<String, Object>[] attributes) {
Query orQuery = new Query();
Criteria orCriteria = new Criteria();
List<Criteria> orExpression = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map<String, Object> accounts : attributes) {
Criteria expression = new Criteria();
accounts.forEach((key, value) -> expression.and(key).is(value));
orQuery.addCriteria(orCriteria.orOperator(orExpression.toArray(new Criteria[orExpression.size()])));
return mongoOperations.find(orQuery, BaseClass.class);
You can define an entity class for example like this:
public class GenericEntity extends LinkedHashMap<String, Object> {
To have that returned in your calling site:
public SearchHits<GenericEntity> allGeneric() {
var criteria = Criteria.where("fieldname").is("value");
Query query = new CriteriaQuery(criteria);
return, GenericEntity.class, IndexCoordinates.of("indexname"));
But notice: when writing data into Elasticsearch, the mapping for new fields/properties in that index will be dynamically updated. And there is a limit as to how man entries a mapping can have ( So take care not to run into that limit.

Nest ElasticClient with multiple indexes to index a document

At first I had 1 index and my elasticclient was setup like below in my startup.cs
public static IServiceCollection AddElasticClient(this IServiceCollection services)
var elasticSettings = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetService<IOptions<ElasticSettings>>().Value;
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(elasticSettings.Uri));
.BasicAuthentication(elasticSettings.Username, elasticSettings.Password)
.DefaultMappingFor<CorrelationContext>(ms => ms.Ignore(p => p.DgpHeader));
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
return services;
My writer looks like
public class ElasticWriter : IElasticWriter
private readonly IElasticClient _elasticClient;
public ElasticWriter(IElasticClient elasticClient)
_elasticClient = elasticClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(elasticClient));
public void Write(AuditElasticDoc doc)
var indexResponse = _elasticClient.IndexDocument(doc);
if (!indexResponse.IsValid)
throw indexResponse.OriginalException ?? new Exception("Invalid Elastic response when writing document.");
Now there is a new requirement by which they can provide the name of the index to write to.
All authentication data of the different indexes are provided through config settings, so I have everything available at startup.
The document type is always the same.
I found examples of specifying the index when querying but not when indexing.
Can I provide multiple indexes in my ElasticClient and specify the index when executing the IndexDocument?
Or do I need a separate client for each index?
If the latter, is there a way I can still use DI to inject the client in my writer or do I have to create one there at the spot?
I'm using Nest 7.6.1
Instead of using IndexDocument, you can use IndexAsync method which will allow you to control additional request parameters
var indexResponse = await _elasticClient.IndexAsync(doc, descriptor => descriptor.Index("other"));
IndexDocument is a wrapper method, hiding the complexity of indexing documents from the clients. Have a look.
Request auth configuration
var indexResponse = await _elasticClient.IndexAsync(doc,
descriptor => descriptor
.RequestConfiguration(rq => rq.BasicAuthentication("user", "pass")));

how to write like facet.method=enum in query with spring solr

in solr query...
how spring data solr can do like above.
SimpleFacetQuery facetQuery = new SimpleFacetQuery(new Criteria(CrawlDocument.FIELD_CONTENT).contains(searchStr));
facetQuery.setFacetOptions(new FacetOptions().addFacetOnField(CrawlDocument.FIELD_CONTENT).setFacetLimit(20));
please give tips
It's depends on solrj-1.1.0 and spring-data-4.6.1.
public void testFacetMethodEnum() throws SolrServerException {
SimpleFacetQuery query = new SimpleFacetQuery();
query.addCriteria(new Criteria("coumn_name1").is("value1"));
query.addCriteria(new Criteria("coumn_name2").is("value2"));
FacetOptions facetOptions = new FacetOptions("facet_field");
QueryParsers queryParsers = new QueryParsers();
SolrQuery solrQuery = queryParsers.getForClass(query.getClass()).constructSolrQuery(query);
solrQuery.setParam(FacetParams.FACET_METHOD, FacetParams.FACET_METHOD_enum);
QueryResponse reponse = Your_SolrTemplate.getSolrOperations().getSolrServer().query(solrQuery);

saving & updating full json document with Spring data MongoTemplate

I'm using Spring data MongoTemplate to manage mongo operations. I'm trying to save & update json full documents (using String.class in java).
String content = "{MyId": "1","code":"UG","variables":[1,2,3,4,5]}";
String updatedContent = "{MyId": "1","code":"XX","variables":[6,7,8,9,10]}";
I know that I can update code & variables independently using:
Query query = new Query(where("MyId").is("1"));
Update update1 = new Update().set("code", "XX");
getMongoTemplate().upsert(query, update1, collectionId);
Update update2 = new Update().set("variables", "[6,7,8,9,10]");
getMongoTemplate().upsert(query, update2, collectionId);
But due to our application architecture, it could be more useful for us to directly replace the full object. As I know:
implements saveOrUpdate functionality, but this creates two objects, do not update anything.
I'm missing something? Any approach? Thanks
You can use Following Code :
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
Iterator<String> iterator = json.keys();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
String key =;
if(!key.equals("MyId")) {
Object value = json.get(key);
update.set(key, value);
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, entityClass);
There may be some other way to get keyset from json, you can use according to your convenience.
You can use BasicDbObject to get keyset.
you can get BasicDbObject using mongoTemplate.getConverter().

How do I update Object with Spring Data and MongoDB?

How do I update Object with Spring Data and MongoDB?
do I just do a
public Person update( String id, String Name )
logger.debug("Retrieving an existing person");
// Find an entry where pid matches the id
Query query = new Query(where("pid").is(id));
// Execute the query and find one matching entry
Person person = mongoTemplate.findOne("mycollection", query, Person.class);
* How do I update the database
return person;
If you read the javadoc for MongoOperations/MongoTemplate you will see that
performs an:
So yes you can just update your object and call save.
You could probably do both 'find' and 'update' operations in one line.
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query,Update.update("Name", name),Person.class)
You can find some excellent tutorials at
Spring Data MongoDB Helloworld
You can just use or methods for this. But mongo has also Update object for this operations.
For example:
Update update=new Update();
Below code is the equivalent implementation using MongoTemplate for update operation.
public Person update(Person person){
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
update.set("name", person.getName());
update.set("description", person.getDescription());
return mongoTemplate.findAndModify(query, update, Person.class);
