Visual Studio local workspace + Enable Nuget Package Restore (disableSourceControlIntegration) - visual-studio

I was happy with disableSourceControlIntegration = true (and /packages/ not checked-in to TFS) in server workspace.
Now I decided to try local workspace and boom - it finds thousands of 'Detected Changes' in /packages/, which should be ignored because of disableSourceControlIntegration = true in my NuGet.Config
Anyone got local workspace and package restore working together?
I believe that adding .tfignore is a really bad option.
Btw, I'm using VS13.

In your solution directory root, create a folder called .nuget and add a nuget.config with the following contents.
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
Additional configuration settings can be found here:
You might also need to close/reopen Visual Studio and have to revert pending changes in TFS Source Control for your \packages folder (if you have pending additions).


What are the steps to exclude Nuget packages from TFVC Source Control?

I have existing .NET solution that is in TFVC source control. When I added a nuget package, the packages folder and all it's contents were added to the project in source control. In the future, how can I ensure that NuGet packages will not be added?
Add a “.nuget” folder to the folder where the .sln file resides. Open up Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio, browse to that folder, right-click and choose New Folder.
Inside this folder, add a file named NuGet.Config. To do this you’ll need to open up File Explorer and browse to the .nuget folder you just created, and create the file. Add this to the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
Add a .tfignore file to the folder where the .sln file resides. You need to do this in File Explorer as well. It’s a little tricky to add a file with only an extension like that. You have to name it with a trailing dot like “.tfignore.”.
Finally, you need to add the .tfignore and the NuGet.Config files to TFVC. To do this, open up Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio, browse to the proper locations, right-click and choose Add items to folder.
Note: The best practice is to not store the actual packages in source control. Only the packages.config file should be checked in. The packages.config file will allow any fellow developers who download the solution to restore the packages from the package source.

Install NuGet packages to Project Dirs instead of Solution Dir?

I have a solution in Visual Studio 2015 with about 40 projects in it. Some of these projects have some NuGet packages referenced.
Due to a combination of our branching strategy (where each project folder is branched individually) and our security requirements (that the NuGet binaries are actually checked into TFS) I would like the NuGet packages for each Project to be installed into each Project's folder, not in the solution's folder. Space usage is not a concern here.
I've looked at:
And they've helped my understanding of how the config files work... but I can't seem to get it to do what I want.
I've tried this in my config file:
<add key="repositoryPath" value="$(ProjectDir)\Nuget\" />
But it creates a folder in the solution folder actually called '$(ProjectDir)'.
And I can't hardcode the path to the project folders (i.e. 'C:\myteam\teampackages' in the NuGet docs) as pretty much everyone in the team have different paths to their local workspaces!
How can I do this?
Firstly, you should not check in NuGet packages into TFS Version Control. As one of the advantages of using NuGet is that you can use it to avoid checking in binaries to your version control system.
Instead, you need to restore NuGet packages during TFS build process and the required packages will be downloaded. In VS2015, you need to follow steps in this blog:
Some key steps are (assume you're working with XAML build):
Add following items to the solution. (Content of the nuget.config and .tfignore file can be found here)
Add one build.proj file under the root path of the solution folder. (Content of the build.proj file can be found here)
Create one folder named tools under the root path of the solution folder. Create NuGet sub-folder under tools folder, download and save nuget.exe under tools\NuGet path.
Check in nuget.config, .tfignore, build.proj and tools\NuGet\nuget.exe into TFS version control.
Modify the build definition to choose to build the build.proj file.
Then you will have NuGet packages restored successfully during the TFS build process.
The Nuget docs mentions specifying package folder location is to have many different solutions share the same package. This is an opposite scenario as your. Repository path setting only allows you to install the NuGet packages in the specified folder (like C:\teampackages ) or for relative path (like ../Nuget).
To make installing package in different repositoryPath, you can try:
<add key="repositoryPath" value="../Nuget" />
Check case: Is it possible to change the location of packages for NuGet?

Nuget package restore on Team Foundation 2013 Build Server not using repositoryPath from nuget.config file

Problem: TFS Build Server (v2013.4) is not honoring the repositoryPath setting in the nuget.config file.
I have nuget auto restore enabled with a custom repository folder. On my local dev PC this works perfectly using Visual Studio 2013.4. I am not using the old auto restore (with nuget targets file, nuget.exe and build directives), instead I am using the new way with Nuget 2.7+. My custom folder "nuget-packages" is excluded from source control with a .tfignore file. All packages get auto downloaded to this folder.
Local folder paths:
c:\ source \ nuget-packages\
c:\ source \ Solution Dir \ .nuget \ nuget.config :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
<add key="repositoryPath" value="..\..\nuget-packages" />
I can view my TFS build log and I see that the build process is calling nuget restore command, and downloading the packages, but in looking at the build server local source directory, the nuget packages are downloading into the default folder ( \Solution Dir\packages ) so my builds are failing with assembly reference errors.
It could be this bug. Updating NuGet to 2.8 will fix the issue.

TFS/VS 2013 - Ignore ALL NuGet packages [duplicate]

I'm trying to get TFS (2013) to ignore my packages folder. I passionately don't want it source controlled as I'm using NuGet and it's great!
I've tried cloaking (doesn't seem to work), I've tried adding .tfignore files - nothing is ignored. Why don't the TFS team just add an option to permanently ignore a folder or file like lots of the Subversion clients do?!
Here's the deal: We have to tell both NuGet and TFS to ignore the packages, because NuGet is trying to do source-control related stuff that it absolutely shouldn't be doing (bad form, Microsoft!). So you have to do two things.
First, add a file named .tfignore to the solution folder (note the lack of s after the tf). Its contents should be as follows:
That tells TFS to ignore your packages folder. Now, you would think that this would also ignore the repositories.config file. But it won't. Why? Who knows, the ways of Microsoft are strange and mysterious. Actually, I think it's part of the NuGet stuff I outline below, but if that ever gets fixed in the future and you want to keep the repositories.config file instead of letting VS regenerate it, you should be able to use this:
OK, so now thanks to our .tfignore file, TFS is ignoring your packages. Everything is fine, right? WRONG, because NuGet is mucking around with your source control and adding the packages to your pending changes. So now let's tell NuGet to cut it out already.
Create a folder called .nuget in the root of your solution folder.1 Now, create a file called NuGet.config, and put it in this new folder2. Its contents should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
And now your packages should stay out of source control. Just remember to add the NuGet.config and .tfignore files to source control so they never get lost.
EDIT: If you're having issues, you may want to delete your packages folder, check in that change, and then go through the steps above.
ALSO EDIT: It looks like this won't happen with newer versions of Nuget. So maybe if you switch to VS/TFS 2017 this issue will clear up without jumping through the above hoops.
1. Add the folder using Source Control Explorer; right-click the solution->Add folder->.nuget
2. When I figured this out using VS 2013, I found the NuGet.config had to go in the .nuget folder. Even if you already have a NuGet.config file in the root of your solution folder (because, say, your company has an internal nuget feed). However, some in the comments have indicated that it works fine in the solution root in VS 2015. Personally, I switched to using TFS in git mode, so I can't test. Additionally, if you do have a custom feed, ensure that you have both the custom feed and as keys in the Nuget.config file, or sometimes TFS will randomly decide it can't restore the packages.
An alternative solution to the above is the following.
Add the packages folder to TFS (without any files or sub-folders)
Right Click the Packages Folder
Left Click Advanced
Click Cloak
It is worth noting that this solution would need to be applied per TFS workspace. It has worked far more reliably for me rather than using the .tfignore file.
You can read more about this approach in the blog article Prevent TFS from adding installed NuGet packages to source control.
for people reporting that the .tfignore option wasn't working with the nuget.config setting it might be of interest - these steps finally worked for me:
Delete everything in my packages folder
Make sure TFS doesn't have any changes around that folder pending
Close VS
Re-open VS, and reload solution - using Nuget restore to re-populate
packages Note no changes are pending for TFS source control
Add a nuget.config file in a .nuget folder in your solution.
Add the following to the nuget.config file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
The disableSourceControlIntegration is what makes the trick for TFS Version Control.
You need to be using local workspaces for .tfignore to work. The .tfignore file must be in the folder that contains the files or folders you want to ignore.
So if your solution structure looks like this:
You'd put your .tfignore file in \Project:
The contents of the .tfignore in your case would be:
Here's some documentation for you:
You can permanently set this once-off in your AppData\Roaming for all solutions (old & new)!
In your %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.Config file, add the following just before the </configuration> XML tag...
<add key="repositoryPath" value="C:\NuGetPackages" />
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
</solution> can specify any path you want - the important thing is putting it OUTSIDE your TFS workspace!
Now you never have to worry about that stuff again. Your solution folder will not contain any packages anymore; all solutions will default to using your custom packages location instead.
NOTE - This works is on a per-user basis.
Set your solution to restore on build, the package folder and packages file will be checked in but the packages won't.
If you are using Git with TFS you need to add a ".gitignore" file. You can do this in "team project | Settings | 'add ignore file'". Then open the file and uncomment the built in ignore statement for Nuget Packages.
If you are using TFVC and you have Local Workspaces configured you can use the ".tfignore" file that honours an identical format to the Git file. I think you need "packages/".
This didn't work for me quite on visual studio online and VS2013.
Right Click Solution > Enable NuGet Package Restore. This will add the Nuget.config file to solution
Add the .tfignore. I normally do this by adding a text file to the solution root, letting it detect that and then exclude by clicking 'detected add' > right click ignore.
Add the packages to .tfignore and tell it to include repositories.config
From the other comments it seems your milage may vary at this point. This is what I do:
Check everything in, including any packages.
Delete all packages in your solution and then check in this change (this will remove the packages from TFS)
Open the solution and build which will add the packages to the project but TFS will not pick them up.
The solution that worked for me was to create both a .tfignore and the following setting in the Nuget.Config:
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
My .tfignore contains this line:
[I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Update 2]
This is not ideal, and is currently logged as an open issue on github/nuget:
Make it easier to omit packages from TFVC #493
Terje's answer doesn't work all the time for me, sometimes it will work for a while, but then it will pend a load of "adds" for me all over again.
The only way I have found to solve this permanently is to Cloak the packages folder in my Workspace.
For example:
Type Server Local
Active $/Work/Main C:\Code\Main
Cloaked $/Work/Main/Packages
I had the same issue. /packages should work but didn't for me. packages*.* did work.

Nuget files are locked every time Gated Checkin Build fails

I know that NuGet restoration could place checkout locks on the package folder and the contained files. But why does TFS Build not release those locks in the event of Gated Checkin Build failing due to compilation errors?
When Gated Checkin Build fails, Visual Studio does not allow to unshelve changes because files are locked by TFS service on the build server.
TFS Sidekick shows multiple files being locked by TFS service account.
If your solution is set to restore NuGet Packages you don't need to check packages into TFS as they will be restored on the build, Setting your solution to Restore packages will stop TFS from trying to add packages to the packages folder.
As MrHinsh says, Your packages folder within TFS should contain nothing more than the Config file
Option 1: You need to adds .tfignore to the packages folder with "*/" as a filter. You effectively don't ever want to check anything in under this folder other than the config file.
Option 2: (Better) Add a nuget.config file to your solution, convention is to place it under a folder named .nuget - but it can stay at root too. Content should be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
That will exclude the packages folder, you don't need anything in there. NOTE: If you're using NuGet 2.7 or above, automatic restore is on by default. Don't use the "Enable NuGet Restore" in your solution, it adds the old way of doing this. See
