Convert ODT to PDF with Openoffice on Windows - windows

I have many .odt files in my Windows system. I would like to convert these files to PDF. I tried that in command line
soffice.bin --headless -convert-to pdf:"writer_pdf_Export" c:\MyOdtFile.odt
But, It does not work. This method can only open file, does not convert!
How can I do this?

With LibreOffice, the following command should work:
soffice.exe --headless -convert-to pdf --outdir <output directory> <file1.odt> <file2.odt>
When converting to pdf, -convert-to pdf is sufficient. The --outdir parameter is optional; if you don't use it, the PDF will be created in the current working directory. Using soffice.bin didn't work for me (missing sal3.dll), but soffice.exe works (LibreOffice, Win 7). If soffice.exe isn't in your path, you would have to set the PATH explicitly or add the complete path to the command above:
' "C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\program\soffice.exe" --headless -convert-to pdf --outdir C:\temp test1.odt`
Make sure that LO isn't running when issuing the convert command - otherwise the conversion will fail without an error message.

To add to #tohuwawohu's answer... he wrote:
Make sure that LO isn't running when issuing the convert command - otherwise the conversion will fail without an error message.
This can be eliminated by adding another parameter to the command line:
This creates a new environment for ${USER}'s headless instance of LibreOffice, should he have already a not-headless, GUI one running.
This way, the headless instance will not conflict with the already running instance.


How to run PSPP syntax file from the command line (CMD)?

I have the following syntax written in PSPP .sps file:
GET FILE = '... result.sav'
save translate
/outfile = '... data.csv'
/type = CSV
where ... stand for the path of the files.
The Script works as expected, so when I open PSPP and run it, it opens the first file and saves it as another CSV file. However, I would like to do two more things:
Call this file from CMD (in Windows) so it will execute all command automatically and silently, without showing the PSPP windows.
Add a line to the syntax to terminate PSPP after execution.
Right now I can only type the name of the .sps file in the CMD and it opens it but does nothing else. I have looked in the official docs but couldn't find any solution for that.
Well, I found the answer myself:
In CMD I had to type:
"C:\Program Files\PSPP\bin\pspp.exe" C:\Users\...\Dropbox\MATLAB\atid\convert_to_csv.sps
And that's all. It runs PSPP in silent mode and creates the file as needed.
What I didn't know was that I need to first write the path of PSPP .exe file ("C:\Program Files\PSPP\bin\pspp.exe") before the name of the syntax file. All the rest just worked.

How to open a file in a specified program using window comand prompt

How can I open a file from the command prompt in a specified program rather than the default program for opening the file.
like in MAC terminal
open main.js -a "Sublime Text"
currently I only do
start filename.extension
which opens the file in the default program.
please what command can I use to achieve this?
With Windows, you type application first.
So with Notepad, which is on the Windows path, you can type
notepad filename.extension
By 'Windows Path' I mean a list of directories that Windows looks in for your application. If your app is in one of those folders, then you only have to type the application name. If your app isn't, then you need the full path to the application.
Most of the Windows native apps (like Notepad, MSPaint, etc) are automatically on the path. However apps that are installed afterwards sometimes don't update the path and you need the full path. You can usually get this by right-clicking on the application and getting properties. Often you'll need quote marks - specifically if there are spaces in the path, which there usually are because "Program Files", so:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" filename.extension
Note the quote marks go around the path to the application file itself - not all the way to the end of the line. An easy way to check that you've got the full path to the file is with the dir command:
dir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
Some applications expect instructions about what to do with the file, and you may need to figure out what else to put on the command line. Usually google will tell you this.
For example, to execute an SQL script, with one tool I use, just putting the filename on the command line won't work, you do something like:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin\psql.exe" -U user -d dbName -f filename.extension

How do I convert .doc files to .txt using LibreOffice from the command line?

I have a folder of .doc files I would like to convert to .txt format. How can I do that using LibreOffice's command line mode in Windows 7? The files are located in C:\Temp\Test.
Here is how I handled this task using Windows PowerShell
Note: before using LibreOffice from the command line you need to close all existing instances of Libreoffice. This means closing all GUI sessions of LibreOffice as well as inspecting TaskManager for soffice.exe or a LibreOffice process running the background.
One Item:
PS &("C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\program\soffice.exe") -headless -convert-to txt:Text -outdir C:\Temp C:\Temp\test\sample.doc
This created a file sample.txt in C:\Temp from the document sample.doc
Multiple Items:
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem C:\Temp\test)
&("C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\program\soffice.exe") -headless -convert-to txt:Text -outdir C:\Temp C:\Temp\test\$file | Out-Null
This created a .txt file for every file in the folder C:\Temp\test
Again: Use task manager to ensure that a previous version of soffice.exe is not running. This means closing existing GUI versions of LibreOffice.
Here is the documentation regarding Starting LibreOffice Software With Parameters. This will explain the soffice.exe command executed above.
Headless mode starts the LibreOffice software without a GUI. What I refer to in the question as 'command line mode'.
-convert-to is an important parameter in this example. When using -convert-to you need to know what the output_filter_name is (Text in the example above). A reference for those names can be found here. The output_filter_name will be the name of the files in that list that have the suffix .xcu
For example, if I wanted to convert my .doc files to .pdf I would use the parameter -convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export (untested)
Here is a reference I used when answering this question.
For some reason .exe processes need to pipe to Out-Null to avoid overlapping one another. Go figure.
The solution above was close, but required some alteration on LibreOffice 4.2 / Linux:
soffice --headless --convert-to txt:Text /path_to/file_to_convert.odt
(I did it with odt, the example I followed used doc:
An additional and important thing to add to #kevinaskevin 's answer is - the workaround is:
From the devs via IRC:
LO's "user installation" (i.e., ~/config/libreoffice) isn't designed to be accessed simultaneously by multiple processes; so when one soffice.bin is already running for a specific user installation, additional soffice.bin just forward their cmd line args to the first one and terminate immediately again (i.e., they shouldn't "fail" in the sense of exiting with a non-zero exit value)
if you want an independent headless LO, you can start it with an own user installation, -env:UserInstallation=<file URL to dir>

Download zip file from web, unzipped and import to data set using sas

I want to download one zip file from web and unzipped and import that file to sas data set for further use.
For unzipping i use below sas code.. But result is nothing with no error.
data _null_;
x "cd C:\Program Files\7-Zip ";
X "7z.exe e C:\Users\Ravinder\Downloads\Compressed\*.zip -o C:\sasdata\New";
Please help to do the same.
ravinder kumar
Have you tried running your command from a command prompt? Did it work? I would recommend running the command like this rather than changing the folder first:
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" e C:\Users\Ravinder\Downloads\Compressed\*.zip -o C:\sasdata\New
When you run the above command from SAS use single quotes as your string delimiter for the command like so:
data _null_;
X '"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" e C:\Users\Ravinder\Downloads\Compressed\*.zip -o C:\sasdata\New';
If it is still not working as expected from SAS, then the easiest way to debug IMO is to put the command in a batch file (.bat), and then at the end of the file put a line that simply says pause. The pause command will tell windows to keep the batch file window open until you close it. The window will give you full visibility of what happened when you ran the command. Try running the batch file from SAS instead of running the command directly.
Note that you may also need to specify the following SAS options if you want SAS to wait for the unzip to finish before your SAS program continues processing:
options noxwait xsync;
noxwait tells SAS to close the command window automatically once the command has run, and xsync tells SAS to wait for the command to finish running before continuing to process. Note that sometimes when extracting files, the command can finish but the file will still not exist on disk due to either network copying and/or caching. If you want to be absolutely sure, you should probably check for the existence of the file and/or tell sas to sleep() for a certain amount of time.
here is my problem solution.. File download to c:\sasdata location.
data _null_;
x "cd c:\sasdata";
x "curl -A 'Mozilla/4.0' -O";

Command works if run through the command prompt but not in a script..?

I'm trying to script the installation of a number of patches using a batch file since powershell doesn't properly install the patches. The command I'm running is this:
dism /online /add-package /PackagePath:"C:\<path>\5cbb03ca-7a2a-4326-952f-80ad8052a886\"
That works perfectly when run directly from the command line. But if I put it in a file called example.bat it fails with the following message:
'þd' is not recognized as an internal or external command
I think your batch file is saved as Unicode.
Re-open it in Notepad and re-save it, making sure the Encoding field is set to ANSI.
