Firefox ignoring response header content-range and playing only the sample sent - firefox

I have built an audio stream for mp3 files, and each time client hits the audio it receives something like this:
But what it does is just plays 1 minute sample instead of 120 minute
What am I doing wrong here?

Not 100% sure because you didn't provide code or an example stream to test, but your handling of HTTP range requests is broken.
In your example request, the client sends Range: bytes=0-, and your server responds with a 1MiB response:
Content-Length: 1048576 (aka. 1 MiB)
Content-Range: 0-1048575/...
This is wrong, the client did not request this! It did request bytes=0-, meaning all data from position 0 to the end of the entire stream (See the http 1.1 RFC), i.e. a response equal to one without any Range. (IIRC, Firefox still sends the Range: bytes=0- to detect if the Server handles ranges in the first place).
This, combined with the Content-Length, leads the client (Firefox) to think the whole resource is just 1MiB in size, instead of the real size. I'd imagine the first 1 MiB of your test stream comes out as 1:06 of audio.
PS: The Content-Duration header (aka. RFC 3803) is something browsers don't usually implement at all and just ignore.

Just an idea. Did you tried some of the http 3xx header like:
'308 Resume Incomplete' or '503 Service Temporarily Unavailable' plus 'retry-after:2' or '413 Request Entity Too Large' plus 'retry-after:2'


ChromeCast - Stream Calls Failing when Stalled for long time

I'm attempting to play a live stream on ChromeCast. The stream is thrown fine and starts playback appropriately.
However when I play the stream longer: somewhere between 2-15 minutes, the player stops playing and I get MediaStatus.IDLE_REASON_ERROR in my RemoteMediaClient.Callback.
When looking at the console logs from ChromeCast I see that 3-4 calls are failed. Here are the logs:
14:50:26.931 GET https://... 0 ()
14:50:27.624 GET https://... 0 ()
14:50:28.201 GET https://... 0 ()
14:50:29.351 GET https://... 0 ()
14:50:29.947 media_player.js:64 [1381.837s] [cast.player.api.Host] error: cast.player.api.ErrorCode.NETWORK/3126000
Looking at Cast MediaPlayer.ErrorCode Error 312.* is
Failed to retrieve the media (bitrated) playlist m3u8 file with three retries.
Developers need to validate that their playlists are indeed available. It could be the case that a user that cannot reach the playlist as well.
I checked, the playlist was available. So I thought perhaps the server wasn't responding. So I looked at the network calls response logs.
Successful Request
Stalled Request
Note that the stall time far exceeds the usual stall time.
ChromeCast isn't making these calls at all, the requests are simply stalled for a long time until they are cancelled. All the successful requests are stalled for less than 14ms (mostly under 2ms).
The Network Analysis Timing Breakdown provides three reasons for stalling
There are higher priority requests.
There are already six TCP connections open for this origin, which is the limit. Applies to HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 only.
The browser is briefly allocating space in the disk cache
While I do believe the first one should not be the case, the later two can be. However in both cases I believe the fault lies with cast.player.
Am I doing something wrong?
Has anyone else faced the same issue? Is there any way to either fix it or come up with a work-around.

JMeter - Java HTTP Client implementation show 0 connect time and sent bytes

I wonder about the differences I found regarding HTTP Client implementation,
There's options to choose HTTPClient 4 or Java
But for a simple case ( Java implementation always show 0 in connect time and sent bytes Sampler results:
Connect Time: 0
Sent bytes:0
While HTTPClient 4 return different values each time as:
Connect Time: 100
Sent bytes:117
Request body is the same
GET data:
[no cookies]
But Request Header differ while HttpClient sends also Host and User-Agent
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.5 (Java/1.8.0_25)
Is there a valid reason for these differences?
Just to make it more confusing, when choosing empty implementation (should use default) the connect time is always 0 but Sent bytes is never 0
Connect Time: 0
Sent bytes:117
Java and HttpClient are 2 different implementations that can be used by HTTP Request.
The java one is less rich than hc4 and for example it does not implement :
sent bytes metric computation
connection time metric
kerberos authentication
There are also other features missing in Java implementation.
When you select empty, the value in property «jmeter.httpsampler »  is used, by default it’s hc4.

ZMQ data transfer latency from one process to another?

when using ZMQ transfer data, the transmitted port is fast and the data is huge, but the receive port processing is slow and the data is accumulated between the two processes. Does any one know how to solve this problem? Thanks.
Instead of sending all the data at once, send in chunks instead. Somethings like this...
Client requests file 'xyz' from server
Server responds with file size only, ex: 10Mb
Client sets chunk size accordingly, ex: 1024b
Client sends read requests to server for chunks of data:
client -> server: give me 0 to 1023 bytes for file 'xyz'
server -> client: 1st chunk
client -> server: give me 1024 to 2047 bytes for file 'xyz'
server -> client: 2nd chunk
...and so on.
For each response, client persists chunk to disk.
This approach allows the client to throttle the rate at which data is transmitted from the server. Also, in case of network failure, since each chunk is persisted, there's no need to read file from beginning; the client can start requesting more chunks from the point before the last response failed.
You mentioned nothing on language bindings, but this solution should be trivial to implement in just about any language.

jmeter response code 204 and can't get content

I am doing a websocket stress test through jmeter2.9.
When I send a request and response with a "light" json. the result is ok.
But when the response json contains a base64 png(about 360kb) . jmeter return code 204 No content (probably timeout).
Is my jmeter need some config here, or something else wrong.
If someone know something about this please teach me.
complete info:
Thread Name: threadgroup 1-1
Sample Start: 2013-07-17 15:36:06 CST
Load time: 20000
Latency: 0
Size in bytes: 0
Headers size in bytes: 0
Body size in bytes: 0
Sample Count: 1
Error Count: 1
Response code: 204
Response message: No content (probably timeout).
Response headers:
SampleResult fields:
Check if you are using Cache manager, there seems to be a (bug) in Jmeter that sets the response code to HTTP Code '204' ("No Response") while, there is no outgoing request, the information is retrieved from the Cache, try disabling cache manager and lets see if you can reproduce it then.
This could be because of the unhandled exception, response being larger than the maximum message size specified in the plugin code, etc. The exception which you see will be thrown if no response has been received from the server after predefined timeout.
Here is another WebSocket plugin for JMeter which might work for you
Supports HTTS/HTTPS (ws/wss) version of the WebSocket protocol
Option to ignore SSL certificate errors
Streaming allows for a single connection to remain open for the duration of the test
Response has to match predefined regular expression
Response timeout
Response message back log (build the Sampler response from multiple server messages)
Connection could be closed if server sends a mesage matching predefined regular expression

COSM feed receiving updates but graph is flatlined at zero

My first project with COSM is recording datapoints from my electric meter. When I look at the graph of the feed, it's flatlined at zero even though the datapoints appear to be correctly received.
Any idea what's wrong, or things I should look for in order to debug it?
more info:
When I debug my feed, I see it receiving approximately eight API requests per minute expected.
Here's an instance of a received datapoint as viewed by COSM's 'debug feed' interface. Note in particular that the response is 200 [ok], and the request body has a sensible timestamp and a non-zero value:
200 POST /api/v2/feeds/129722/datastreams/1/datapoints 06-05-2013 | 08:16:54 +0000
Request Headers
Version HTTP/1.0
X-Request-Start 1367828214422267
X-Apikey <expunged>
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, compress
Accept */*
User-Agent python-requests/1.2.0 CPython/2.7.3 Linux/3.6.11+
Request Body
{"at": "2013-05-06T08:16:57", "value": 164.0}
Response Headers
X-Request-Id 245ee3ca6bd99efd156bff2416404c33f4bb7f0f
Cache-Control max-age=0
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length 0
Response Body
[No Body]
Even though the docs specify that JSON is the default, I explicitly added a ".json" to the POST URL (/api/v2/feeds/129722/datastreams/1/datapoints.json) but that didn't appear to make any difference.
update 2
I enclosed the "value" value in strings, so the request body now reads (for example):
{"at": "2013-05-06T15:37:06", "value": "187.0"}
Still behaving the same: I see updates in the debug view, but only zeros are reported in the graph view.
update 3
I tried looking at the data using the API rather than the COSM-supplied graph. My guess is that the datapoints are not being stored for some reason (despite the 200 OK return status). If I put this URL in the web browser:
I get this in response:
"title":"Rainforest Automation RAVEn",
Note that the status is listed as "frozen" (last update received > 15 minutes ago) despite the fact that the debug tool is showing seven or eight updates per minute. Where are my datapoints going?
Resolved. As #Calum at support kindly pointed out, I wasn't sending a properly formed request. I was sending the following JSON:
{"at": "2013-05-06T08:16:57", "value": 164.0}
when I should have be sending:
{"at": "2013-05-06T08:16:57", "value": 164.0}
Calum also points out that I could batch up several points at a time to cut down the number of transactions. I'll get to that, but for now, suffice it to say that fixing the body of the request made everything start working.
That sounds like a bug in the graphs, I have seen something very similar a few times.
I often use Cosm Feed Viewer Chrome extension, which displays the latest values in real-time using the WebSocket endpoint.
It should be not too hard to put together custom graphs with Rickshaw and CosmJS.
