we have application which is accessed worldwide. and we set the default date format. The server set the time zone of the San Fransisco. Here the control used to display date in mm/dd/yyyy
<telerik:RadDatePicker Width="90" x:Name="dtpCashflowDate" Height="18" DateTimeText="{Binding Path=NewTransferDetail.TransferDate,Mode=TwoWay,ValidatesOnDataErrors=True,StringFormat=\{0:d\}}" InputMode="DatePicker">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="GotFocus">
<ei:CallMethodAction MethodName="NewRecord_GotFocus" TargetObject="{Binding}" ></ei:CallMethodAction>
Now one of the organization office in Bangkok show the date in dd/mm/yyyy. How its possible.
With StringFormat=\{0:d\} you set the control to show the short date pattern.
If your application is set in another culture the short date will change accordingly.
Please control which format you need in this microsoft article, then change the StringFormat or the Culture property in the way you need.
Remember: you can also set the format in all the istances of your application by specifying a custom format, regardless of the culture of your application, by setting StringFormat=\{0:mm/dd/yyyy\}.
This is because of the culture that is set to the DatePicker..
<telerik:RadDatePicker culture="jap">
or the culture for bangkok(japanese in this case), Uses the default format used by that culture.
Need to switch off auto correct and spell check on the Entry component in Xamarin Forms(UITextField equivalent of Cocoa)
Is there any property to do this?
Set IsTextPredictionEnabled property to False
<Entry Text="YOUR TEXT" IsTextPredictionEnabled="False"/>
Can be done by setting the Keyboard property
selectedEntry.Keyboard = Keyboard.Create(KeyboardFlags.CapitalizeSentence | KeyboardFlags.Spellcheck);
Depending on what you need to achieve, you may also set the Keyboard property of the Entry tag to Chat, Email, Numeric, Plain, Telephone, Text, and Url. Example:
<Entry Text="{Binding EmailAddressInput}" Keyboard="Email"/>
I am using SyncFusion for graphics. For that purpose, I am specifically using SfChart component. In this component, I want to be able to format dates as following:
MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT,SUN (That means that show only days with capital letters)
To do so, I played with LabelFormat property of ChartAxisLabelStyle in sfChart:
<chart:ChartAxisLabelStyle x:Name="DateAxisLabelStyle" TextColor="{StaticResource HistogramChartAxisLabelColorTheme1}">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" iOS="EEE" WinPhone="ddd" Android="EEE" />
Also, I tried to write converters, but none of them did not work.
Is there a way to overcome this?
Thanks :)
I have implemented server side jqgrid with the following code
<trirand:JQGrid ID="jQGrid1" runat="server" OnDataRequesting="jQGrid1_DataRequesting" Height="220" LoadOnce="false" OnRowSelecting="jQGrid1_RowSelecting">
<AppearanceSettings ShowRowNumbers="true" />
<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="AppId" HeaderText="Application ID" PrimaryKey="True" Width="100" />
<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="Name" HeaderText="Application Name" Width="200"/>
<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="Link" Width="280" />
<PagerSettings ScrollBarPaging="true" PageSize="20" NoRowsMessage="scroll down to fetch records" CurrentPage="1"/>
But for the onRowSelected Event when i check in my c# code i was getting selected index as some random values like jqg11,jqg25,....
why is it happening .What should i do to make one of my column to set as key when selected
I have checked below options
I don't use commercial version of jqGrid, thus the code which you posted say me almost nothing. Nevertheless the reason of ids like jqg11 and jqg25 are typically errors in filling of the grid. jqGrid requires to assign id attribute to every row. So the server response should contains the id values. The exact information depends on the format of input data which you chosen, from the version of jqGrid which you use and from other options like id property of jsonReader or the existence of key: true property in one column of colModel. I recommend you to verify the JSON/XML data which you use to fill the grid. Probably you ddidn't specified correctly the id values.
I have an ajax calendar extender, but there is a problem. Todays date is always highlighted no matter what, so if i go to pick a date it comes out as this:
todays date/d/year
And no matter what date i pick it will always end up as the chosen date is todays date, then the month as the date you picked?
which i dont want...
Can anyone help me please?
<asp:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="txtDOB"></asp:CalendarExtender>
<ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender1" runat="server" MessageValidatorTip="true" ClearMaskOnLostFocus="true" CultureName="en-GB"
<asp:MaskedEditValidator ID="MaskedEditValidator1" runat="server" ControlExtender="MaskedEditExtender1" ErrorMessage="Incorrect date"
EmptyValueMessage="Date is required"
InvalidValueMessage="Date is invalid"
TooltipMessage="Input a date"
InvalidValueBlurredMessage="Invalid date"
Never mind i have solved it, it was due to one of those weird glitches that i experience once in a while with visual studio. Simply copying and pasting the code in again, and it was working.
I have a ASPxGridView component that is filled from a SQL query
I wanted to apply a filter on my ASPX Gridview
so I wrote:
<dx:ASPxGridView runat="server" ID="gvExecReq" Visible="false" AutoGenerateColumns="true"
OnPageIndexChanged="gvExecReq_PageIndexChanged" OnBeforeColumnSortingGrouping="gvExecReq_BeforeColumnSortingGrouping">
**<Settings ShowFilterRow="True" />
<Settings ShowFilterBar="Visible" ShowHeaderFilterButton="True" />**
the filter is well established, but it is not functional
What do I need to add more?
Please Use Following Settings For Filter To Be Operational :
<Settings ShowHeaderFilterButton="true"
ShowFilterBar="Visible" ShowFilterRow="True" ShowFilterRowMenu="True" />
Also In The Columns of The Grid You Can Control The Condition of Filtering i.e. Contains, Equal, Does Not Contain etc.
<dx:GridViewDataColumn Settings-AutoFilterCondition="Contains" Settings-FilterMode="DisplayText">
if in the database filed type is string you can write part of text for search,but is type of int or decimal or so on,you should write ALL text even it can find rows