Connect points in DHTMLX scatter chart - scatter-plot

I have about 500 XY points which I would like represent as line using DHTMLXChart. Apparently the only suitable chart (scatter) do not allowing to do it. Any idea how to solve this issue?

There is no native way to do this.
You could use line chart with markers:

Ok on that confirmation you're not bound to a DHTMLX, I would go with Google Charts it's based on opinion, but more importantly on functionality.
The Google Charts API is very easy to work with as it takes raw Javascript data and applies it to the chart and that data may be shoved into multidimensional arrays or as I prefer, JSON Data.
Additionally the Google Charts API has what you are after which is located at or alternatively...
P.S. It may be a hefty documentation to read, but learning Google Charts API pays dividends and this would Replace DHTMLX instead of being an additional plugin.
Hope that helps.


How to select a datapoint in a XamarinForms.Microchart

I am learning Xamarin and have added the Microcharts nuget package then added a LineChart to my page and populated with my data and looks great.
I'm looking for documentation on how I can make the chart "interactive", so say if a user touches a datapoint that has label of "2012-01-01" I could grab that in the Touched event and perform a query to retrieve my records for that day?
Can this be easily achieved and if so can you point me to docs for it or advise how? If not can you recommend any better charting packages that I might be better to look at?
As far as I see in this issue this is not supported as of now.
I found that charting is a bit of a sore spot in Xamarin Forms. At least if you are limited to Open Source / Non-Commercial. From what I see Oxyplot might have some interaction options though: See the documentation here.
Also Syncfusion has chart controls and under certain conditions you can apply for a free license. See here.

Trying to visualize country wise report using d3 geo chart

I am trying to create a country-wise revenue split up report, I am planning to visualize it with d3.
The drill down would be like region and then countries. I thought it would be cool to visualize it with a map. Are there any examples or 'how to' blogs out there?
You probably want to look at TopoJSON which is from Mike Bostock (same guy as D3).
There are a number of examples but I recommend you start first looking at Let's make a map which includes using it with D3. Whilst it is not US states it will get you started on the concepts you will need to use it.
Once you have got the basics you can then look at some of the more advanced examples listed in the gallery.

How to create big organization charts like google maps?

I don't know javascript (unfortunately) and I'd like to make a mindmap-like "organization chart" similar to this one:
This map should have an ability to zoom-in and zoom-out similar to google maps, and the ability to arbitrarily connect nodes. So it is more like a free graph, not like an ordinal tree. Mindomo makes this pretty well, but it is commercial and flash-oriented.
Does anybody know of a similar solution?
My research pointed me out that this could be a svg sketch, possibly generated offline, or maybe something using canvas. A click on the node should redirect to some web location.
Google maps is good because it also hides some details, and so should do this graph map in zoomed out projection.
A few important questions:
Do you need this generated in real time based on some underlying dataset?
Aside from zooming, should the user be able to manually open/close nodes?
You can manually generate this simply using some free tools:
although non-traditional, can you consider using Prezi?

Modifying d3js parsets reusable chart

I am new to D3js and working with the parsets reusable chart ( I want to make changes to this chart such as adding sort based on thickness of ribbons on mouseover, and overlaying two parallel sets over each other to compare different datasets at once (The one at the back being faded).
Being new to D3js, I am having difficulty in understanding where to start. I am currently trying to understand the code of d3.parsets.js but its not going too well. If anyone has worked with this before and understands the procedure being followed in the code, please help me out.
The best adaptation I've seen of d3.parsets.js is by Hongjian Yang: Airline Vis adapted from d3.parsets.
It may be able to accomplish some of what you're looking for, though I'm not sure you'll readily be able to overlay two datasets (nor am I sure I understand the need to do so).

Interactive Heatmap / Matrix Visualization

I would like to display on a webpage a heatmap (matrix) that I generate in R.
The matrix I have looks like this, but in my case the size is 300x300.
Basically I am looking for an interactive clustering, which would look like this :
I would like to be able to clic on a branch which would then highlight the selected group/text, and fade out the rest of the matrix.
I have had a look around and cannot find much. I don't even know what language I should use for this ? JSON, Flash, HTML5, javascript, google charts ?
Any comments and advices would be extremely appreciated here.
I think that InCHlib - Interactive Cluster Heatmap library could be the solution.
Available from
Google Visualization provides this heatmap option:
There's also this project that adapted it for more advanced uses and actually includes mouse-overs and tool-tips, as well as line magnification:
You may also want to take a look at jQuery Flot, but be warned that WSJ uses a super expensive company called Tableau for data visualization and you are unlikely to find that level of visualization eye candy in an open source or free to use package.
Unfortunately, I had the same requirement. To create a Clustergram (Heatmap + Dendrogram) for a hierarchical clustering results.
There is no direct solution for this. I used ProtovisGWT (Choosel) to create dendrogram and heatmap seperatley and later combnied them.
If you just want js library you can use just protovis or d3.js to achieve this.
I would recommend using JavaScript for this task. Save your heatmap as SVG in R
And then embed it into an HTML document as object
<object id="test-svg" width="800" height="600"
type="image/svg+xml" data="test.svg"></object>
Now, you can use JavaScript or ECMAScript to do all kinds of manipulations. I recommend to read one of the various online tutorials on this topic. E.g., you could get started with this one:
Treemap of D3.js solves this beautifully. See here
You could try . It is not written in R, but you can make an interactive clustergram by uploading a matrix file in tab-separated format and you will be returned an interactive (reorderable, searchable, filterable, etc) and shareable web-based visualization
D3heatmap provides interactive heatmaps with dendrograms in R based on the heatmap and heatmap.2 interfaces. It includes single row and column selection but does not currently allow selection of dendrogram branches.
