FInd all files that contains both the string1 and string2 - shell

The following script finds and prints the names of all those files that contains either string1 or string2.
However I could not figure out how to make change into this code so that it prints only those files that contains both string1 and string2. Kindly suggest the required change
for file in `find -name "*.txt"`
if [ "`grep "string2\|string1" $file`" != "" ] // change has to be done here
echo "`basename $file`"
number=$((number + 1))
echo "$number"

Using grep and cut:
grep -H string1 input | grep -E '[^:]*:.*string2' | cut -d: -f1
You can use this with the find command:
find -name '*.txt' -exec grep -H string1 {} \; | grep -E '[^:]*:.*string2'
And if the patterns are not necessarily on the same line:
find -name '*.txt' -exec grep -l string1 {} \; | \
xargs -n 1 -I{} grep -l string2 {}

This solution can handle files with spaces in their names:
for file in `find -name "*.txt"`
if grep -l "string1" "$file" >/dev/null; then
if grep -l "string2" "$file" >/dev/null; then
basename "$file"
number=$((number + 1))
echo $number


Find and count compressed files by extension

I have a bash script that counts compressed files by file extension and prints the count.
FIND_COMPRESSED=$(find . -type f | sed -e 's/.*\.//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep -Ei '(deb|tgz|tar|gz|zip)$')
if [[ $COUNT_LINES -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "No archived files found!"
However, the script works only if there are NO files with .deb .tar .gz .tgz .zip.
If there are some, say and test.tar in the current folder, I get this error:
./ line 5: 1: command not found
Yet, if I copy the contents of the FIND_COMPRESSED variable into the COUNT_LINES, all works fine.
FIND_COMPRESSED=$(find . -type f | sed -e 's/.*\.//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep -Ei '(deb|tgz|tar|gz|zip)$')
COUNT_LINES=$(find . -type f | sed -e 's/.*\.//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep -Ei '(deb|tgz|tar|gz|zip)$'| wc -l)
if [[ $COUNT_LINES -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "No archived files found!"
What am I missing here?
So when you do that variable like that, it tries to execute it like a command, which is why it fails when it has contents. When it's empty, wc simply returns 0 and it marches on.
Thus, you need to change that line to this:
But, while we're at it, you can also simplify the other line with something like this:
FIND_COMPRESSED=$(find . -type f -iname "*deb" -or -iname "*tgz" -or -iname "*tar*") #etc
you can do
mapfile FIND_COMPRESSED < <(find . -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*(deb|tgz|tar|gz|zip)$" -exec bash -c '[[ "$(file {})" =~ compressed ]] && echo {}' \;)

read printf format from a bash var

I have a bash script I'm happy with::
$ printf ' Number of xml files: %s\n' `find . -name '*.xml' | wc -l`
then the message became longer:
$ printf ' Very long message here about number of xml files: %s\n' `find . -name '*.xml' | wc -l`
So I try to put it in a MSG var to stay at 80cols::
$ MSG=' Number of xml files after zip-zip extraction: %s\n'
$ printf $MSG `find xml_out -name '*.xml' | wc -l`
with no success::
$ printf $MSG `find xml_out -name '*.xml' | wc -l`
you need to put it inside double quotation
printf "$MSG" `ls | wc -l`
You can use this way:
msg=' Number of xml files after zip-zip extraction: %s\n'
printf "$msg" "$(find xml_out -name '*.xml' -exec printf '.' \; | wc -c)"
msg should be quoted in printf command.
Avoiding pipeline with wc -l to address issues when filename may contain newlines, spaces or wildcard characters.
Avoid all uppercase variables in shell.

How to find xml files and comment lines containing string 'dark'?

So far I have tried...
find . -name "*.xml" -print0 | while read -d $'\0' file; do awk '{print "<!--"$0"-->"}' "$file"; done
... which fails.
But some how awk for a single file...
awk '{print "<!--"$0"-->"}' "$file"
... works just fine.
To cover the condition "to find xml files and comment lines containing string 'dark'" exactly:
find + grep + sed solution:
find . -type f -name "*.xml" -exec sh -c \
'if grep -wq "dark" "$1"; then sed -i "s/.*dark.*/<!--&-->/" "$1"; fi' _ {} \;
You'd better not use awk for parsing XML files. Instead use an XML parser.
Here an example with xmllint:
find -name "*.xml" -exec bash -c 'xmllint --xpath "//*/world/text()" $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo $1' _ {} \;
The xpath expression looks for the tag <world> nested in any other tag.

iterate over lines in file then find in directory

I am having trouble looping and searching. It seems that the loop is not waiting for the find to finish. What am I doing wrong?
I made a loop the reads a file line by line. I then want to use that "name" to search a directory looking to see if a folder has that name. If it exists copy it to a drive.
if [ -d $DIRFIND ]; then
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
echo "$line"
FILE=`find "$DIRFIND" -type d -name "$line"`
if [ -n "$FILE" ]; then
echo "Found $FILE"
cp -a "$FILE" "$DIRCOPY"
echo "$line not found."
done < "$1"
echo "No such file or directory"
Have you tried xargs...
Proposed Solution
cat filenamelist | xargs -n1 -I {} find . -type d -name {} -print | xargs -n1 -I {} mv {} .
what the above does is pipe a list of filenames into find (one at a time), when found find prints the name and passes to xarg which moves the file...
file = yogo
yogo -> | xargs -n1 -I yogo find . -type d -name yogo -print | xargs -n1 -I {} mv ./<path>/yogo .
I hope the above helps, note that xargs has the advantage that you do not run out of command line buffer.

check if variable is set and grep

i have three variables $a, $b, $c. I don't know whether the three variables are set. I want the variable in the GREP query only if the variables are set. How do i do this?
find . -iname "*.txt" -type f | xargs grep -inw "$a" -sl | xargs grep -inw "$b" -sl | xargs grep -inw "$c" -sl
find .* -iname "*.txt" -type f | xargs grep -iw "$a|$b|$c" -sl
You can prepare multiple -e arguments on an array:
for x in "$a" "$b" "$c"; do
[[ -n $x ]] && args+=(-e "$x")
[[ ${#args[#]} -gt 0 ]] && find . -iname "*.txt" -type f | xargs grep -iw "${args[#]}" -sl
Note: Having -e "$a" -e "$b" -e "$c" is practically synonymous to "($a|$b|$c)" and might be even safer. Also if you don't intend "$a", "$b", and "$c" to be parsed as regex, you can just use fgrep or add the option -F; that which can't be done with "($a|$b|$c)".
