Extract Entire(a single string) response Using JMeter - jmeter

I am testing a site using JMeter. I am creating a GET request for getting an account number by an unique id. Which returns only the account number(in String). How can I get the account number in to a Reference Name of JMeter extractor?

Use Regular Expression Extractor.
Add Regular expression extractor (under Post Processors) as a child of your request. Provide Reference Name of your choice. Provide Regular expression as (.+?).

As you say the response has only the Account Number you are looking for,
Use a Beanshell post processor,
vars.put("ACCOUNTNUMBER", prev.getResponseDataAsString());
Then you can use ${ACCOUNTNUMBER} , in your test to get the value.


Extract values using regular expression extractor JMeter

I'm new to JMeter and I am trying to extract two values using regular expression extractor. The output below is taken out from my browser developer tool in the Params tab. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
execution: e1s1
lt: LT-834935-bEjV0TiHLqi0T6kQddxklS7GoKgOhO
First of all understand how Correlation in JMeter works..
It is the process of capturing and storing the dynamic response from the server and passing it on to subsequent requests. A response is considered dynamic when it can return different data for each iterating request, occasionally affecting successive requests.
The parameters what you have seen are dynamic , you have to identify from which request's response these values are coming.
Use regular expression extractors to extract dynamic values and pass it on to the subsequent requests.
References :
Jmeter Extraction using Regular Expressions

In jmeter : how to extract values from two different json response and use that extracted values as a parameter for new http request

In jmeter: I’m using two http requests in one thread group, so I’m getting two response from those http requests.
I need ‘member id’ from one response and some string(digest) from other response, in order to create third http request.
I have extracted 'member id' by using this regular expression: {"Id":(.+?)}
which return me correct member id.
Response from 2nd request is string(digest) : "G9V6Su9PESaobcInErdD7Y8OKNo="
I added one more regular expression to extract this string : "(.+?)"
I have added two debug sampler as I'm using two regular expression extractor.
then I pass extracted values 'member id' and string(digest) as a parameter to third http request.
When I run it I'm getting error, my 3rd http request failed.
It's failing to pass extracted 'member ID', but its correctly pass string(digest)
In first debug sampler: its showing correct extracted 'Member ID' but some different values for digest field.
In 2nd debug sampler: its showing correct extracted 'digest' field but some different value for 'Member ID'.
I’m doing it all under one thread group
I'm new to jmeter, I don’t know whether it is possible to extract field from two different response and use as parameter to create new http request.
if it possible how to do it please help me.
Thanks in advance.
I believe that it's due to including quotation marks (and who knows what else) into the "Id" regular expression, you need to surround it with quotes like:
Also the better way of working with JSON data is JSON Path Extractor which is available via JMeter Plugins project. See Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter guide (scroll down to "Parsing JSON") for more information on installation, usage, syntax, etc.

How to Re-use data generated by one Response to other request?

In my application while executing the first request one unique key is generated which key is required for Next all the request. let me how to automate such scenario in Jmeter.
The process should look as follows:
Add Post Processor to the first request
Configure it to extract the required value and store it into a JMeter Variable
Use JMeter Variable from step 2 in your next request.
Depending on response data type you have the following choices:
Regular Expression Extractor - for text
CSS/JQuery Extractor - for HTML
XPath Extractor - for XML and XHTML
JSON Path Extractor - for JSON
It is also possible to extract data from files i.e. if response is in PDF format, but it's a little bit tricky
Example configuration to store the whole response:
Reference Name: any suitable variable name, i.e. response
Regular Expression: (?s)(^.*)
Template: $1$
You can refer the extracted value as ${response} where required. You can also amend the regular expression to extract response part instead of the whole response. JMeter uses Perl5-compatible regular expressions, see Regular Expressions User Manual Chapter for details
You can use regular expression extractor to extract the key from the response of your first request and use the extracted key for subsequent requests. To achieve this:
Right click on the first request and add post processor: Regular Expression Extractor.
Create your regular expression and provide values in other required fields. Please refer to JMeter component reference http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/component_reference.html#Regular_Expression_Extractor
Extracted value will be saved in the variable given as reference name
Use this variable in subsequent requests
Here is an example test plan with results.

Feature Testing using jmeter

Can somebody please explain me how can I use JMeter for Feature testing?
I'm able to create multiple HTTP requests within a Testplan. But I need know the way to capture the previous API response and pass one of the response data to the next API request.
1.Create Account.
Request- POST: /account
Response: ID: "Value"
Read account
Request- GET: /account/
JMeter is really more of a load testing tool, and best used as such. Capturing data from responses is possible using the Regular Expression Extractor, which can store extracted values in variables for use in a subsequent request. It is a bit of a pain in the ass to use, though.
On your request, add a Regular Expression Extractor:
Field to check: body
Reference name: EXAMPLE
Regular Expression: \[.*\] #your regex here, stuff in square brackets as example
Match No.: 1
In a subsequent request, you can then use the variables defined by the extractor, e.g. ${EXAMPLE_g0} for the entire match, or ${EXAMPLE_g1} for group 1, etc.

How to handle dynamically generated values during run time via Jmeter

Scenario: I am recording a script which is fetching values from CSV name and email. I have used ${email} and ${name} at the time which candidate is registering. Every time candidate register, unique instance Id is generated on the basis of which further action is performed.
Candidate registers -> Unique Id (say 12345) -> ST : Start some test
on the website -> Some responses saved for 12345 -> FT : Finish test
on website
Need to perform the same for say 500 candidates. I am fetching unique email and name from csv.
How do i store/handle unique instance Id for each candidate dynamically and perform the entire operation?
Currently each operation is getting performed for same unique instance Id (12345) with 0% error.
Let me know if any other details needed for the same.
UPDATE from comments:
I can use say UniqueId whenever candidate registers using a RegEx Extractor or a XPath Extractor and i can pass that value in further process.
Now issue is i have to pass the stored variable in JSON.
No clue about that.
Since you've extracted UniqueId value using any extractor component it's stored in jmeter variable (pointed in the extractor's configuration) and can be referred as e.g. ${uniqueId}.
To pass into the further request you can use HTTP Request where in Post Body you can set your JSON request code with ${uniqueId} inserted in the right place.
You can use regular expression extractor in jmeter to extract required variable value and store reference it with a variable name .
Later it can be used in later requests by usin ${variablename}
In the regular expression extractor you can use perl5 regular expressions
Refer to this link for additional information:
