Magento Enterprise main content page? - magento

We are using Magento Enterprise ver. and i can't find where i have to go to edit the content of the main page? Is it accessible through the Magento dashboard interface?
I have looked through the "CMS -> Pages -> Managed Content". But i could not find it in there.
Nor is it inside of the "CMS -> Static Blocks" page.
Or in any of the System Configuration options.
So i'm thinking i'm going to have to actually edit some code, but i don't know which file that might be.
I really don't know alot about the Magento Enterprise system, so any help would be awesome!
If anyone could help out or point me to documentation on where to find the main content page that would be great! thanks! :)
*edit: by change content i mean i would like to move some things around get rid of a few things and add a new thing or two.

CMS->Pages->UrlKey: home
Have fun!


PayPal Express Review Order Page In Magento - Where I can edit code for design layout

My magento template is forcing me to have a final REVIEW ORDER page when checking out. I want to be able to edit the design of that page, but I cannot find what file the code is in. UGGH. Can someone help me? See screenshot.
I want to be able to change the font size of the words "REVIEW ORDER" to make it stand out more.
The file you are looking for resides on
But before making changes to it,its good practice of overwriting it to you theme and making changes there.
Hope, this is what you are looking for.

Joomla 1.7 - can't find Meta Titles

we moved a site for a client a while back that someone else created. Its running on Joomla 1.7.
We want to do some light SEO work for them but I can't for the life of me find the Meta/SEO title field anywhere.
All the support posts I've looked at say its here or there but for me its not. It seems to be know where! In the meta options section when editing an artcile there is a description and keyword field but no title.
Some help would be appreciated. This client can't justify a new website.
we ended up upgrading this install to 2.5, still couldn't edit the meta titles anywhere. So I installed a plugin which gave me the title field but it had no effect! Can only assume the theme hasn't been put together properly. The conclusion is that its now quicker for us to just move them to WordPress where stuff works properly! :)
I'm working more with Wordpress than Joomla, but I think that you should download an extension if you want to have a meta-title in the pages. For the home page you can change it from Menu - Main menu - Home.

Magento, category, details button

I'm trying to teach myself Magento, and basic programming.
In the product lists I have, beside the "add to cart" button is a "Details" button. It has a typo in the label, and says "Detalis".
I need to fix this, but I can't find where/which file it is in. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Generally,product list layout came from list.phtml file.
file location:app/design/frontend/default/my_theme/template/catalog/product/list.phtml
Please enable the path hints via admin panel.It's show all block paths.
How do I turn on template path hints?
To turn on template path hints in Magento:
log into the magento back-end admin
Go to System -> Configuration in the main menu
Go to Developer on the bottom left under ADVANCED
Switch to the store view on the top left to your current website or
store view.
Under the Debug tab of the same Developer config page you will see a
new option appear that will allow you to turn on/off template path
Remember to clear your cache.
Generally, I believe that the templates associated with products would be located in the
However, I am unsure of your site template files etc, especially if you are doing things yourself.
To make your life easier, I would suggest installing a program called Agent Ransack which I have found to be invaluable when searching for a needle in a haystack.

No horizontal navigation showing on Magento custom theme

I have decided to sit down and build my first custom theme in Magento and I'm using this tutorial:
However I cant for the life of me find a way to include horizontal navigation (Home | Shop | Contact etc.) along the top of my website!
I tried all the suggestions I could find including placing everything in the root category and enabling all cats in the navigation.. refreshing the cache etc.
I've been working at this for hours now and been searching everywhere for an answer. I've pretty much followed the tutorial step by step but I can't see any way to enable the Nav - can someone please point me in the right direction with this?
(I'm kind of assuming Magento have a way to do this to add categories automatically - I'm aware I could hard code the navigation bar but I'm trying to avoid this.)
Looking at the screenshot on the tutorial, it doesn't actually have the menu anyway.
I'd recommend you check out leveluptuts magento theming tutorials, who actually take the base theme and manipulates it into the desired theme. I think you'll have much more luck that way as most of the templates and layout files are already built.
For the top menu, the default theme pages call the "header.phtml" template for the header block (app/design/frontend/base/default/template/page/html/header.phtml), which in turns calls the "topmenu.phtml" template (app/design/frontend/base/default/template/page/html/topmenu.phtml) where the menu code is.
The layout files is page.xml
Hope this helps!

My Magento Site is showing up a random phrase in the navigation links

I have the following Magento site - but cannot seem to find where the random address text is coming from that is in the header.
Can anyone help please?
Kind Regards
I would try enabling the template hints in Admin > Settings > Developper to find out which template file or block is outputting the text. It generally helps a lot to understand the structure of the page.
