Autoit replace string in multiple text files - windows

I have this code:
$szFile = "text.txt"
$szText = FileRead($szFile,FileGetSize($szFile))
$szText = StringReplace($szText, "before", "after")
It works but I have loads of text files to do this with and to configure the script each time is a problem. Does any one know how I could make it so it would do it for every file in that dir. I have tried $szFile = "*.txt" but that doesn't work. Thanks.

FileFindFirstFile supports wildcards. Note that the function returns a file handle which could then be used in your FileOpen call.


create a .txt file that lists all files in directory, using Matlab on Windows

I wrote this on my Matlab code for my MacOs:
folder_list = 'folder_list.txt';
if exist(folder_list) == 0
commande = ['ls >',folder_list];
Does anyone can give me the corresponding line code on Matlab Windows? Thanks a lot
Rather than using unix to get the directory listing, you should just use the built-in dir or ls to get a list of files and then write them out to a file using MATLAB's built-in ability to write to files.
files = dir(pwd);
fid = fopen('output.txt', 'wt');
fprintf(fid ,'%s\n',;

Reading Code inside Action in QTP

I want to read the code written inside an action in QTP,just as we read text file using FileSystem Object.
Is there any way to read code written in action line by line ?
So basically an action is attached to a QTP-Testcase. When you save this test case at a certain location, the code you have written is saved inside the directory named action1 or whatever action you were editing. In this folder you will find a file named script.AVCHD file. Open this in notepad and you will find your code inside it. Now all you got to do is write a simple visual basic, (or just any script you like) that will open this file and readall of the content into a variable. see if this helps. thanks.
For each test there will script.mts inside the Action1 folder.
get the script text line
filename = "C:\YourUFTTest\Action1\script.mts"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
msgbox f.ReadLine

write into file by changing the file to rtf - awk

i am stumbling over one thing:
i am sorting a bunch of files in awk and saving the sorted particles as txt. but now i need to save them as .doc and especially in landscape format. i googled a lot and found out that the only way of doing this is save the file as doc but during creating the file, write these rtf code into file and then write the real content into file.
rtf start-tag code:
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0 {\fonttbl {\f0 Courier;}}
and rtf close-tag:
the close tag will be written after the last line of the file as the last line into the new created file.
my problem is, how can i find the last line of the file inside the awk before coming to END.
this is my code.
it is huge code to know what is happenning, but the point is: the fnnID is not available in the END tag, thru this, a new file will be created if i try to append the } char to close the rtf format. can someone help me figure out the clue?
thanks a lot
Let's say you'll have a function write_header(filepath) that will write the RTF header into a file. Make this function record in some global variable all the filepaths it was passed. Then, in your END, loop over these filepaths and write the RTF footer into them.
As for your new "ls -l" question: I don't see why you need to use it.
Here's what I suggested:
function write_header(filepath) {
print "{\\rtf1\\ans .... " >> filepath
tracked[max_header++] = filepath
# You don't have to write the headers in BEGIN. Just make sure it's the
# first thing you write to the files.
# Write the footers.
for(i in tracked) {
print "}" >> tracked[i]

Ruby FTP Separating files from Folders

I'm trying to crawl FTP and pull down all the files recursively.
Up until now I was trying to pull down a directory with
ftp.list.each do |entry|
if entry.split(/\s+/)[0][0, 1] == "d"
out[:dirs] << entry.split.last unless black_dirs.include? entry.split.last
out[:files] << entry.split.last unless black_files.include? entry.split.last
But turns out, if you split the list up until last space, filenames and directories with spaces are fetched wrong.
Need a little help on the logic here.
You can avoid recursion if you list all files at once
files = ftp.nlst('**/*.*')
Directories are not included in the list but the full ftp path is still available in the name.
I'm assuming that each file name contains a dot and directory names don't. Thanks for mentioning #Niklas B.
There are a huge variety of FTP servers around.
We have clients who use some obscure proprietary, Windows-based servers and the file listing returned by them look completely different from Linux versions.
So what I ended up doing is for each file/directory entry I try changing directory into it and if this doesn't work - consider it a file :)
The following method is "bullet proof":
# Checks if the give file_name is actually a file.
def is_ftp_file?(ftp, file_name)
file_names = {|fname| is_ftp_file?(ftp, fname)}
Works like a charm, but please note: if the FTP directory has tons of files in it - this method takes a while to traverse all of them.
You can also use a regular expression. I put one together. Please verify if it works for you as well as I don't know it your dir listing look different. You have to use Ruby 1.9 btw.
reg = /^(?<type>.{1})(?<mode>\S+)\s+(?<number>\d+)\s+(?<owner>\S+)\s+(?<group>\S+)\s+(?<size>\d+)\s+(?<mod_time>.{12})\s+(?<path>.+)$/
match = entry.match(reg)
You are able to access the elements by name then
match[:type] contains a 'd' if it's a directory, a space if it's a file.
All the other elements are there as well. Most importantly match[:path].
Assuming that the FTP server returns Unix-like file listings, the following code works. At least for me.
regex = /^d[r|w|x|-]+\s+[0-9]\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+[\d|:]+\s(.+)/ do |line|
if dir = line.match(regex)
puts dir[1]
dir[1] contains the name of the directory (given that the inspected line actually represents a directory).
As #Alex pointed out, using patterns in filenames for this is hardly reliable. Directories CAN have dots in their names (.ssh for example), and listings can be very different on different servers.
His method works, but as he himself points out, takes too long.
I prefer using the .size method from Net::FTP.
It returns the size of a file, or throws an error if the file is a directory.
def item_is_file? (item)
ftp =, username, password)
if ftp.size(item).is_a? Numeric
rescue Net::FTPPermError
return false
I'll add my solution to the mix...
Using ftp.nlst('**/*.*') did not work for me... server doesn't seem to support that ** syntax.
The chdir trick with a rescue seems expensive and hackish.
Assuming that all files have at least one char, a single period, and then an extension, I did a simple recursion.
def list_all_files(ftp, folder)
entries = ftp.nlst(folder)
file_regex = /.+\.{1}.*/
files ={|e| e.match(file_regex)}
subfolders = entries.reject{|e| e.match(file_regex)}
subfolders.each do |subfolder|
files += list_all_files(ftp, subfolder)
nlst seems to return the full path to whatever it finds non-recursively... so each time you get a listing, separate the files from the folders, and then process any folder you find recrsively. Collect all the file results.
To call, you can pass a starting folder
files = list_all_files(ftp, "my_starting_folder/my_sub_folder")
files = list_all_files(ftp, ".")
files = list_all_files(ftp, "")
files = list_all_files(ftp, nil)

Concatenating images from a folder

I have a series of images saved in a folder, and I have written a short program to open two of these image files, concatenate them (preferably vertically, although for now I am trying horizontally), then save this new image to the same folder. This is what I have written so far:
function concatentateImages
%this is the folder where the original images are located path='/home/packremote/SharedDocuments/Amina/zEXAMPLE/';
file1 = strcat(cr45e__ch_21', '.pdf');
[image1,map1] = imread(graph1);
file2 = strcat('cr45f__ch_24', '.jpg');
[image2,map2] = imread(graph2);
image1 = ind2rgb(image1,map1);
image2 = ind2rgb(image2,map2);
image3 = cat(2,image1,image2);
%this is the directory where I want to save the new images
nombrejpg=strcat(dircase, 'test', jpgext)
saveas(f, nombrejpg, 'jpg')
However, I keep getting an error that my files do not exist, though I am certain the names are copied correctly.
I am currently using jpg files, but the format can be easily converted.
Any input on how to fix this error, or a nicer way of preforming this task is greatly appreciated!
[image1,map1] = imread(graph1);
[image2,map2] = imread(graph2);
[image1,map1] = imread(file1);
[image2,map2] = imread(file2);
Also check that you are in the right working directory.
In addition to the answer by #Simon, you also need to change
file1 = strcat(cr45e__ch_21', '.pdf');
file1 = strcat('cr45e__ch_21', '.pdf');
I.e. you forgot a '. Also your function doesn't seem to include a definition of jpgext. I expect you want a line like
jpgext = '.jpg';
Lastly, mostly a coding practice issue, but you might want to switch to using fullfile to build your full file path.
Also, instead of worrying about being in the correct working directory, if you use full paths you save yourself from having to keep track of what directory you're in.
SO I would suggest:
dir1 ='/home/packremote/SharedDocuments/Amina/zEXAMPLE/';
file1 = fullfile(dir1, 'cr45e__ch_21.pdf');
