Copy files from authenticated windows server to Unix server - windows

I have a set of zip files that need to be copied from an authenticated windows server to a unix server which is authenticated too.
I have tried using Pentaho but have not found any success. Is there any other alternative way with which this copy can be done like using scripts or any such method?
Thanks in advance.

Assuming your server supports ssh..
Putty comes with a utility called pscp which works the same as scp.
To copy a file you would typically do this:
pscp me#myserver:/my_directory/.
There is also winscp if you want something more GUI.

Use scp command. For more detail visit


Transfer file in Secure Shell

I use Secure Shell as a Chrome extension (
Now I have finished some programming and I need the file on my computer.
How can I transfer the file to my computer? Can I send it by email or something?
I have tried yanking all the lines in vim, but I still don't get it copied to my windows clipboard.
One entertaining (and moderately ridiculous) approach would be sprunge.
Run this on the remote machine:
cat myFile | curl -F 'sprunge=<-'
And then visit the URL it prints on your local machine. :D
I presume that you are using Windows OS and trying to download your file from a Linux like OS.
You use MobaXterm and it comes with a file transfer features.
On a CLI you can use "scp" to download and upload.
Another one is you can also use FileZilla using SFTP protocol

Windows batch command ftp

is there anyone who can tell me how to make a batch which connects to at ftp server and downloads the latest file from the server.
I only need the newest file, not the old ones.
You could use something like wget for Windows, which can be configured to download only newer files than those you currently have, like this:
wget -N ftp://username%3Apassword#FTPServerAddress/dir/*
check this.It requires powershell (all windows 7 machines have it by default).It's juest easier to compare dates with it.

scp upload file: no such file or directory

I'm using ssh to connect with a linux server. I'm trying to upload a file from my own computer(windows7) to linux.
When I type scp Desktop/H5.txt xxUserNamexx#mumble-39.xxServerNamexxx:/u/private/
I got following error:
scp Desktop/H5.txt xxUserNamexx#mumble-39.xxxServerNamexxxx:/u/private/
Desktop/H5.txt: No such file or directory
I can guarantee the server name and the file directory is correct. It seems that scp cannot find my file on my local computer.
What's the default path? What path should I type if the file I'm intending to upload is on my desktop?
Thank you
winscp is a nice option to copy files from MS to *nix. Also pscp is useful. SCP have known issues when used between MS and nix. There seems to be some misunderstanding of folder structure by scp.
drap the H5.txt from desktop to you cmd windows, this can avoid you type the wrong path
In the future you could try using winscp when you're dealing with small files. Also I think a cygwin scp should work just fine.
The slashes are incorrect. On Windows, it should be (assuming you are running Command Prompt from your Home directory):
C:\Users\user> scp Desktop\H5.txt junjue#mumble-39.xxServerNamexxx:/u/j/u/junjue/private/

How to wget a html file from a an administrative share on a Windows webserver

Is there anyway I am able to use wget in Unix to transfer a html file from a Windows administrative share?
The file path I am trying to access is like the example:$/reportfolder/index.html
This is a very obtuse way of creating a monitoring script on a OS without the use of curl / Nagios / extra perl modules.
Any help given will be greatly appreciated.
Wget works only with http, https, and ftp protocols (man page)
if you need to access Windows files from Unix, you have several choices
You might look at Samba (
You can use SSH

copy file using an URL from command line

I have a batch script that is used to collect some data and upload that on other servers, using xcopy in a windows 7 command line. I want that script to collect some files that are on share point, so I need to get them using an URL and I need to login.
xcopy can't do the job, but are there other programs that can do it?
Theoretically, you can bend cURL to download a file from a SharePoint site. If site is publicly available, it's all very simple. If not, you'll have to authenticate first, and this might be a problem.
wget for windows maybe?
The login part can be done using CURL, supplying the user name and password as post arguments. You can supply post args using -d or --data flag. Once you are logged in (and have required permission), you can fetch the required file and then simply transfer it using xcopy as you are already doing for the local files.
