Updating a website to a new version of Telerik - kendo-ui

I am maintaining a website that use this version of Telerik: 2012.3.1018. With this version I have files with telerik prefix like:
The business want to update the site to a new version: telerik.ui.for.aspnetmvc.2014.1.528.commercial
I found the css, but I can't find the js files. Are they discontinued?
I am seeing just kendo.js files and I am missing telerik.js files. Can anyone help me to understand the difference between Telerik's version?

Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC has been discontinued in 2013. The successor product is Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC (ASP.NET MVC wrappers for Kendo UI). Have in mind that those products are not compatible and there are API and behavior changes. There is a migration guide available here: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/getting-started/using-kendo-with/aspnet-mvc/migration/migrating-from-telerik-extensions-for-aspnet-mvc


Cant find kendo aspnetmvc zip file download

This may be a bit of a silly question, but here goes..
I'm new to kendo UI and asp.net mvc, so i got myself a book to get me started.
However, in the exercise in the book, they use a kendo for asp.net mvc zip file.
I have looked around on the kendoUI website and it also says that you have the option to either download the msi or a zip file, but for the asp.net download, it does not give me an option, just automatically downloads the msi installer.
Anybody know how I can get the kendo UI Complete for asp.net MVC??
Will really appreciate the help.
You can check the different packages and download them here: http://www.kendoui.com/download.aspx
They have a 30 day trial for "Kendo UI Complete for ASP.NET MVC"
This is a good introduction to ASP.NET MVC and there is a link to where to find all you need.
Check also their page on ASP.NET MVC here where you can also find a link to the downloads.

Should I use App_Themes or Content/themes in MVC4?

Up until now I had been using MVC3 for my apps but with the new update of Visual Studio 2012 I got MVC4. I migrated a few of my apps and now they are broken.
I noticed that the new project template for an Internet application creates a ~/Content/themes/base folder.
And yet, up until now I had been accustomed to use the App_Themes folder for that. In fact, with VS.2013 you can use "Add ASP.NET FOlder | Themes".
So I am now confused with MVC4, has It deprecated the App_Themes folder (which seems more appropriate to me than ~/Content) ? or is there a significant difference?
App_Theme come from ASP.NET Platform and one goal of mvc is get a clean html code
One of the things that ASP.NET MVC is missing is the ability to
easily implement Themes. The older, more mature standard ASP.NET
framework includes theme support via the App_Themes folder; however
limited it can be, it’s still more than ASP.NET MVC currently has.
Well, at least until I wrote this little custom ViewEngine and
ControllerBase class to help out and allow us to very easily implement
Themes within our ASP.NET MVC applications
take a look this helpful article this link

What are these extra javascript files in my ASP.NET 4.5 WebForms project?

I created a new ASP.NET 4.5 WebForms project and found a bunch of extra javascript files pertaining to GridView, DetailsView and other data related components as well as MSAjax. I assume they are to help with AJAX on data components, but I don't know how to use them.
I read almost every ASP.net announcement and haven't heard anything about these files and searched Google and didn't find anything either.
Those files belong to the Microsoft Ajax Library,it's a collection of tools similar to jQuery. MSDN describes it like this :
"Microsoft Ajax features enable you to quickly create Web pages that provide a rich user experience and that include responsive and familiar user interface (UI) elements. Microsoft Ajax includes client-script libraries that incorporate cross-browser ECMAScript (JavaScript) and dynamic HTML (DHTML) technologies. By using Microsoft Ajax, you can improve the user experience and the efficiency of your Web applications."
You can see the reference here : Microsoft Ajax

Use html5 in asp.net mvc3 project

I've tiked html5 Checkbox when creating asp.net mvc3 prject, I wated to use tag but I couldn't access it. Also in Tools->Options->HTML->Validation->Target I found out the latest version HTML I have is 4.01
What should I do now? I need to use tag.
Your answer is very helpful.
Make sure you have installed the ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update which, among other things, adds HTML 5 design-time support. Scott Gu also blogged about it:

Removing default JavaScript files from ASP.net MVC 3 Project

I'm just starting out with ASP.net MVC 3 and I've created an empty project. I noticed that the scripts folder is populated with a number of JavaScript files, including:
jQuery 1.5.1
jQuery UI 1.8.11
Some jQuery plugins
ASP.net MVC libraries
I want to develop my application with the latest versions of jQuery and jQuery UI served from the Google AJAX CDN. My plan is to develop a single page AJAX application, and I don't see myself using too many of the build in features for model validation, however I would like to keep the option of using it open.
Will I run into any problems with my application if I clear out the Scripts folder completely? And will I run into compatibility problems using the latest versions of jQuery and jQuery UI with the ASP.net MVC libraries?
Will I run into any problems with my application if I clear out the Scripts folder completely?
No, if you don't use them.
And will I run into compatibility problems using the latest versions of jQuery and jQuery UI with the ASP.net MVC libraries?
No. The only compatibility problem I can think of was with jQuery UI and jQuery validate plugins but they are bot non-Microsoft so if you update them both to the latest version you won't have problems (this assumes of course that you are using client side validation, if you aren't its irrelevant to you).
So feel perfectly free to remove the scripts folder and reference external scripts from CDNs.
