Symfony2 rest and oauth, can't persist session - session

I'm using FosRestBundle and FosOauthServerBundle for an api with Symfony.
I have a route /login/username/password, in this action i loggin the user manually :
$encoder_service = $this->get('security.encoder_factory');
$encoder = $encoder_service->getEncoder($user);
$encoded_pass = $encoder->encodePassword($password, $user->getSalt());
if ($user->getPassword() == $encoded_pass) {
$token = new UsernamePasswordToken($user, $password, "api", $user->getRoles());
$event = new InteractiveLoginEvent($this->get("request"), $token);
$this->get("event_dispatcher")->dispatch("security.interactive_login", $event);
If i check in my database after that (i save session in my database) i have a new line, and at the end of my action, if i check $this->getUser() i have the good one.
But after that, in another action, if i check $this->getUser() i have noting... I can't retrieve a user session from an action to another.
Do you have any ideas ?
Ediy: If i check $this->container->get('security.context')->getToken()i have :
But i haven't my user..

You should be able to fetch your user from security context. I usually define this as a separate function in the controllers where i need it :
public function getConnectedUser()
$user = null;
if ($this->get('session')->has('_security_member') && !is_null($this->get('security.context')->getToken())) {
$user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
return $user;
You can then access it from every action of your controller.
$user = $this->getConnectedUser();


Laravel retrieve deleted users multiple times

In my application, I have a button for deleting the account.
This is the function code:
public function deleteAccount()
$user = auth()->user();
return redirect(route('login'))->with([
'status' => __('Your account has been deleted')
I signed in with the same account with the "Remember" option on both Edge and Firefox browsers. When I click "Delete Account" on Edge, Laravel also dismisses me on Firefox because it deleted my account.
The problem is: On Firefox, Laravel is still trying to retrieve my account with Session and Cookies info because it hasn't been updated. And it runs again and again everywhere I use the auth() function.
How to avoid this? Or how do other sessions know that their information is out of date?
(I think it should only check once, like when it finds a user)
Demo code:
I found this in the SessionGuard class:
public function user()
if ($this->loggedOut) {
// If we've already retrieved the user for the current request we can just
// return it back immediately. We do not want to fetch the user data on
// every call to this method because that would be tremendously slow.
if (! is_null($this->user)) {
return $this->user;
$id = $this->session->get($this->getName());
// First we will try to load the user using the identifier in the session if
// one exists. Otherwise we will check for a "remember me" cookie in this
// request, and if one exists, attempt to retrieve the user using that.
if (! is_null($id) && $this->user = $this->provider->retrieveById($id)) {
// If the user is null, but we decrypt a "recaller" cookie we can attempt to
// pull the user data on that cookie which serves as a remember cookie on
// the application. Once we have a user we can return it to the caller.
if (is_null($this->user) && ! is_null($recaller = $this->recaller())) {
$this->user = $this->userFromRecaller($recaller);
if ($this->user) {
$this->fireLoginEvent($this->user, true);
return $this->user;

Laravel SAML - user automatically logged out after log in

I have connected my Laravel app to the Azure, and I'm using the SAML2 protocol for user authentication. The issue which i have is that user is logged in application (Auth::login($user)), and after that when printing auth()->user() i get logged in user object. However, somehow user session is destroyed after that, and the user is redirected to the login page. Callback for SAML response is located in a service provider boot() method and looks like this:
public function boot()
Event::listen('Aacotroneo\Saml2\Events\Saml2LoginEvent', function (Saml2LoginEvent $event) {
$messageId = $event->getSaml2Auth()->getLastMessageId();
// Add your own code preventing reuse of a $messageId to stop replay attacks
$user = $event->getSaml2User();
$userMap = config('saml2_settings.user_map');
$emailAddress = $user->getAttribute($userMap['email']);
$laravelUser = User::where('email', '=', $emailAddress[0])->first();
if ($laravelUser) {
$azureService = new AzureService();
$newUser = $azureService->createNewUserFromSaml($userMap, $user);
if ($newUser){

Laravel 5 : Does Auth::user() query the database everytime I use it?

On the edit profile page for a user, I want to show the existing values of the current logged-in user details like name, email, gender etc. My questions are as follows
Is it recommendable to user Auth::user()->name , Auth::user()->email directly to populate the form fields ? Or shall I create a variable like $user = Auth::user(); in my controller and pass it on to my view to $user like a regular object?
Does using Auth::user(), multiple times on a given view file hit my database each time I use it?
Thanks in advance.
If you look at the SessionGuard.php file in Illuminate\Auth, you'll see the method user() which is used to retrieve the currently authenticated user:
* Get the currently authenticated user.
* #return \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|null
public function user()
if ($this->loggedOut) {
// If we've already retrieved the user for the current request we can just
// return it back immediately. We do not want to fetch the user data on
// every call to this method because that would be tremendously slow.
if (! is_null($this->user)) {
return $this->user;
$id = $this->session->get($this->getName());
// First we will try to load the user using the identifier in the session if
// one exists. Otherwise we will check for a "remember me" cookie in this
// request, and if one exists, attempt to retrieve the user using that.
$user = null;
if (! is_null($id)) {
if ($user = $this->provider->retrieveById($id)) {
// If the user is null, but we decrypt a "recaller" cookie we can attempt to
// pull the user data on that cookie which serves as a remember cookie on
// the application. Once we have a user we can return it to the caller.
$recaller = $this->getRecaller();
if (is_null($user) && ! is_null($recaller)) {
$user = $this->getUserByRecaller($recaller);
if ($user) {
$this->fireLoginEvent($user, true);
return $this->user = $user;
// If we've already retrieved the user for the current request we can just return it back immediately. We do not want to fetch the user data on every call to this method because that would be tremendously slow.
if (! is_null($this->user)) {
return $this->user;
So, calling the user() multiple times won't make multiple calls to the database.
You'll get only 1 request to database, so using Auth::user() multiple times is not a problem.
I recommend you using Laravel Debugbar as the most comfortable way for app optimization.

Laravel issue with loginUsingId (Manual Authentication)

I am trying to implement a single signon on multiple domains. The concept is pretty simple i.e to send unique user tokens and then verify these tokens to find the user and then log him in.
Now after verifying the token and then grabbing the user, i do something like this
$loggedInUser = Auth::loginUsingId($user->id, true);
Now i have a custom middleware where it first checks for a logged in user, i.e
The above works fine for the first time. But on refresh Auth::check() is not validated. I have also tried using all different session drivers but still doesn't work.
I used a similar code on laravel 5.2, and it did work. But on laravel 5.3 its not validating on persistent requests.
Edit: Let me show you my Code
I have not modified AuthServiceProvider or any other guard. I do have the user model inside a directory but i have modified the path in auth.php.
Here is the route that domain1 points to:{{$role}}/{{$route}}/singlesignon/{{$token}}
This is then picked up by verifySingleSignOn method inside the loginController which takes in the role, route that the user came in from other domain and the token. The user is then redirected to the same routes, but on domain2. Here i can successfully recieve the user id before manually logging in.
public function verifySingleSignOn($role, $route, $token)
// Fetch Single Signon
$userRepository = new UserRepository();
$user = $userRepository->checkForSingleSignOnToken($token, ['id']);
// Check if Token Exists
if (isset($user->id) && is_int($user->id) && $user->id != 0) {
// Manually Logging a user (Here is successfully recieve the user id)
$loggedInUser = Auth::loginUsingId($user->id);
if (!$loggedInUser) {
// If User not logged in, then Throw exception
throw new Exception('Single SignOn: User Cannot be Signed In');
$redirectTo = $role . '/' . $route;
return redirect($redirectTo);
} else {
return Auth::logout();
Then i have this GlobalAdminAuth middleware
// Check if logged in
if( Auth::Check() ){
$user = Auth::User();
// Check if user is active and is a globaladmin
if( !$user->isGlobalAdmin() || !$user->isActive() ){
return redirect()->guest('login');
return redirect()->guest('login');
return $next($request);
Now the first time everything works fine and the user moves through the middleware successfully . but the second time the else statement is triggered.
Edit: Code for checkForSingleSignOnToken
public function checkForSingleSignOnToken($token, $columns = array('*'))
return User::where('single_signon', $token)->first($columns);
instead of
Auth::loginUsingId($user->id, true);
Cookies are restricted domain-wise. Your application on wont be able to grab cookies set by
You should be customizing the guard to use some other mechanism than cookies. Maybe use a token in the query parameters.
add this to your protected $middleware array in app\Http\Kernel.php
I think it has to do with an update in the framework
no using auth:check in middleware
using request->user() or auth::user()
Please review bellow code structure, i had made manual authentication
in laravel 5.0.
Route::get('login_user_by_id/{id?}', ['as' => 'login_user_by_id', 'uses' => 'UsersController#login_user_by_id']);
Route::get('user_logout', ['as' => 'user_logout', 'uses' => 'UsersController#user_logout']);
public function user_login_post_for_admin(){
return $this->user_login_post();
public function user_login_post(){
$User = new User();
if(isset($this->email) && !empty($this->email)){
$user_login_data = $User->check_email_password_for_login();
if(isset($user_login_data) && !empty($user_login_data)){
if (Hash::check(trim($this->password), $user_login_data[0]->password)) {
$response['MESSAGE']='Login Success.';
return Redirect::route('login_user_by_id',[$user_login_data[0]->id]);
Session::put('MESSAGE', 'Invalid Credential.');
return redirect()->back();
Session::put('MESSAGE', 'Invalid Credential.');
return redirect()->back();
Session::put('MESSAGE', 'Invalid Credential.');
return redirect()->back();
public function login_user_by_id($id=''){
$id = $_GET['id'];
$User = new User();
$Log=new Log();
$user_for_auth = $User->find($id);
Auth::login($user_for_auth, true);
return Redirect::route('admin_home');
public function user_logout(User $user){
$User=new User();
$login_user_id = AUTH::user()->id;
$response['MESSAGE']='Successfully Logout.';
return Redirect::route('admin_login');

Using Different Session Namespaces with Zend Framework 2 Authentication Component

I'm planning to use ZF2 in a future project, so I'm trying Zend Framework 2 RC1 now. I started with authentication step, and noticed that when i chose a different name than 'Zend_Auth' for session storage namespace, i can't access to object stored in session (AuthenticationService class' hasIdentity method returned false, despite User object data set in session).
namespace Application\Controller;
use Zend\Authentication\Adapter\DbTable as AuthAdapter;
use Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService;
use Zend\Authentication\Storage\Session as SessionStorage;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
use Application\Model\User;
use Application\Form\LoginForm;
class LoginController extends AbstractActionController
public function indexAction()
$auth = new AuthenticationService();
if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('application');
$form = new LoginForm();
return array('form' => $form);
public function loginAction()
$auth = new AuthenticationService();
$form = new LoginForm();
$form->get('submit')->setAttribute('value', 'Add');
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
$user = new User();
if ($form->isValid()) {
$data = $form->getData();
// Configure the instance with constructor parameters...
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('db-adapter');
$authAdapter = new AuthAdapter($dbAdapter, 'users', 'username', 'password');
// Use 'users' instead of 'Zend_Auth'
$auth->setStorage(new SessionStorage('users'));
$result = $auth->authenticate($authAdapter);
if ($result->isValid()) {
// store the identity as an object where only the username and
// real_name have been returned
$storage = $auth->getStorage();
// store the identity as an object where the password column has
// been omitted
// Redirect to list of application
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('application');
// processed if form is not valid
return array('form' => $form);
In this code, when i changed the below line,
$auth->setStorage(new SessionStorage('users'));
like this:
$auth->setStorage(new SessionStorage());
hasIdentity method returned true.
I checked two classes Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService and Zend\Authentication\Storage\Session, and didn't see a way to access session data which has different session namespace other than default.
What i need to understand is how can i access session data which has a different namespace and if there is no way to do it for now, should we define this as a bug?
I can update the question if any other information needed.
We are kinda missing one part of your code, the one where you try and receive the user identity. im guessing that you have forgotten to pass the the SessionStorage Object with the same namespace.
Also the configuration of the Authentication object should be moved to a factory so these kind of issues to not arrise.
Thats my five cents atleast :)
