How to create a temporary variables on the fly in the Immediate Window in MSVS 2013 - visual-studio-2010

I've seen on this page that temporary variables can be declared in MSVS.
Here is another Tricks (sic), you can use some “temp” variable to store those data. But you have to declare the variable at “Immediate Window”. [ Please read Tips 3 to know more about using Immediate window with Watch Window ]
However, this doesn't appear to actually work. If I were to do this for instance:
int test;
I get a type name is not allowed. If I do this:
CString s;
I get an identifier "s" is undefined.
Looking at Tip 3 doesn't appear to help.
Considering that this article is dated 2010, I'm assuming that this is for MSVS 2010, but I'd like to get this to work for MSVS 2013.


Access source code information from the Visual Studio editor

I'm trying to get into creating Visual Studio extensions. There are a few examples in the online documentation from Microsoft about creating custom stuff but I can't find anything on how to access Intellisense (or any other code analysis).
I know there are some questions about this topic (namely how do you get c++ Intellisense data in a visual Studio Extention?) but those are from 2012 or earlier and not up to date anymore (at least I hope so).
The following is only applied to C++ source code.
What I specifically want, is to examine the expression that the cursor is at. Then I want to check whether the expression is either
an object declaration / instanciation, like string s("my string");, or
a function call, like std::max(1, 2);
From those expressions I want to get the full qualified name (including the namespace) of the type / function and possibly the types of the function / constructor arguments. For example:
// ...
using namespace std;
auto x = max(1, 2);
// ...
Now, if the cursor enters max I need the full qualified name ::std::max and the argument types [int, int].
Another example:
// ...
using namespace std;
string s("my string");
// ...
Here I need the full qualified name ::std::string and the argument types [const char*, std::allocator].
Is this somehow possible? I'm also interested in partial solutions. Any guidance or hints to some sort of documentation is very welcome.
We can only get partial information via code model.

Inspect value of inline return during debug

I'm doing some mobile development and sometimes things are easiest to debug by attaching to the server. For the sake of brevity, I like to write something like this:
Public Function GetData(parameters) As FuzzBomb
Using data As New PersistentDataAccessLayer()
Return data.MakeStateChangingCall(parameters)
End Using
End Function
However, if you have a string of function calls written this way (i.e. Return GetValueFromSomeFunction), it's really hard to inspect the value being returned while debugging.
Since there are side effects, I can't simply copy/paste the function call into the watch window. I could assign the results to a temporary variable... but that seems ugly to me:
Using data As New PersistentDataAccessLayer()
Dim result = data.MakeStateChangingCall(parameters)
Return result
End Using
Is there a better way?
This features is supported in Visual Studio 2013, .NET 4.5.1. Needed values will be appear in Autos window. You can find feature description in Somasegar's blog.
In old version of Visual Studio and .NET you can use Immediate Window: just write data.MakeStateChangingCall(parameters) from debugged function and Visual Studio will evaluate target value (result of function).

Visual studio 2010: how to watch a memory hex location

I tried some suggestions found online but it does not work for me. Im using Visual Studio 2010. Basically I typed loc(kcs(1,4)) (thats my variable) and I obtained 157510036. Its hex is 9636994. So then I typed (INTEGER*)0x9636994 but on the watch window under the "value"column it says "undefined variable INTEGER". I trid lowercase integer or real and same answer. Any suggestion?
I typed (INTEGER*)0x9636994 but on the watch window under the "value"column it says "undefined variable INTEGER".
According to Restrictions on Native C++ Expressions:
Type Casting
If you cast to a type, the type must be known to the debugger. You must have another object of that type in your program. Types created using typedef statements are not supported.
Try using the underlying type. So, for example, if INTEGER is actually an int you would try to watch (int *)0x9636994.
This also assumes that the variable is fixed at 0x9636994 (basically that you're not trying to refer to something transient on the stack).

Visual Studio 2010 C++ CLR Debugging Windows: How to override 'Value' part?

I did a research on web and cannot find anything so maybe you know a way to solve my problem.
I am using MS VS 2010, and I use VS C++ (only CLR).. Let's say I have a class smt like this:
class A
int x;
float a;
char* str;
While debugging my application, I open "Locals Window" and I see my variable name, value and Type. I would like to change (write) something to my value part. Like I habe a class A object a:
Name Value Type
a x: 4 a: 2.03f str: 'Hello!' A
I hope this was a clear example. I want to override value part in locals, autos ... windows.. Any way to do it?
If the class is a managed class then you can decorate it with a DebuggerDisplayAttribute. If it is unmanaged, which your example seems to be, then you need to edit a file called autoexp.dat. There's a fairly old article on MSDN about it here, I have done this a long time ago and remember it was a pain to get working. Also, there is a bug filed on Connect that autoexp.dat doesn't work for C++/CLI projects in VS 2010, though I haven't tried this myself.

Performing expression evaluation/reduction in Visual Studio 2008

Is it possible to get Visual Studio to do mathematical expression evaluation/reduction?
For example if I type '-0.005 + -0.345' how do I get Visual Studio to reduce that (i.e. replace it with the reduction)? Do I have to write a macro? If so, are there any pre-existing macros to do this type of expression reduction?
Just to be clear, I want to be able to highlight an expression and have it replaced with the reduced result. Many are suggesting the immediate window but I fail to see how that will suffice?
Edit I should point out that this is while editing not running or debugging. The immediate window is of little to no use. I also consider this a language neutral question. I would certainly be interested in seeing alternative macros to the one I had posted.
Edit Going Once... Going Twice... (i.e. any other suggestions before I consider accepting my own answer?)
Thank you for the above answers.
There probably are better ways, but here's a quick and dirty macro that does what I need.
References to the System.Data and System.XML namespaces need to be added.
Highlight the expression you want to evaluate and run the macro (it uses the calculated column in the DataTable to evaluate the expression.) It will replace the expression with the reduced result.
Edit - Updated code below. It worked extremely well for reducing a large number of expressions. As pointed out by others there is the immediate window but this will not work for editing purposes. This macro is a language independent solution for basic expressions "(), +, -, *, /".
Sub Eval()
Dim ts As EnvDTE.TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
Using dt As New DataTable()
dt.Columns.Add("Expression", GetType(Double), ts.Text)
ts.Text = CDbl(dt.Rows(0).Item("Expression"))
End Using
End Sub
Visual Studio by default will not do any mathematical expression evaluation / reduction. I'm not sure if you can get support for that via items like ReSharper, but if it is available it will be in an add-in.
Also, it would be helpful to know the language you are working in?
Some languages may be helpful in this area. F# for instance makes it easy to evaluate expressions in the IDE via the interactive window and will display out the result. This could easily be added back into your code but it doesn't appear to be exactly what you're looking for.
Here's an answer: Yes, it is possible using the following steps. (While technically performing what you're asking for, I'm not sure it will be extremely useful. :-)
Set a breakpoint in your program that's likely to get hit when you debug the program.
Then, run your program under the Visual Studio debugger.
When the breakpoint is hit, open the Watch window.
In the Watch window, add a new watch by clicking in the Name column.
Enter your expression '-0.005 + -0.345' (without the quotes) then hit [Enter].
... You should see the Value column get populated with -0.35.
Of course, that isn't in the context of the editor window ... which is, presumably, where you'd want to perform the reduction. So again, not very useful, I imagine. An add-in is the likely way to do that in the editor window.
You could just go to the immediate window and type "?<yourExpression>"
