OS X Sprite Kit - Dirty Rects/Regions - macos

Some background:
I have an existing OS X card game app that uses OpenGL.
The window is resizable, and a 4:3 aspect ratio is always maintained.
When the window is resized, the OpenGL view is resized accordingly. All visual elements are scaled accordingly. i.e. the cards maintain their relative sizes and distances from each other.
I'm interested in moving the code to a system that either uses Sprite Kit, or one predominantly based on Core Animation layers. Sprite Kit is more attractive to me in terms of feature set for my needs, but...
... I am concerned about Sprite Kit performance (or rather, needless performance, particularly on battery-powered Macs) for a game that essentially blasts the same textures to the screen, 60fps, even when nothing much is happening. (Most of the time, the cards are static, as the player ponders their next move.)
To reduce some of the (repetitive) drawing required, particularly at very large window sizes (e.g. fullscreen on a 30" monitor), I'm interested in using a "dirty rects/region" or "as-required" drawing system.
Does Sprite Kit provide some kind of dirty-rect drawing system, or the ability to implement such a drawing system? (Or, is it basically going to draw everything over and over at 60fps, regardless of the need to redraw?)

SK is a OpenGL renderer, naturally it will redraw its contents every frame. That however doesn't make it slow. While the dirty rect drawing of UI frameworks is a way to improve performance but also to reduce power consumption, they have to use this approach because rendering in UI frameworks is typically a lot slower (often not hardware accelerated) than in an OpenGL renderer.
On the other hand SK can be slower frame over frame if the rendered scene's complexity is extreme. But that sounds highly unlikely for a card game.
Generally You shouldn't concern yourself with performance until you wrote some code to test it with. Premature optimization and all...


How to animate vector graphics on the Apple Watch?

Since most devices today have a CPU and a GPU, the usual advice for programmers wishing to do animated vector graphics (like making a circle grow or move around) is to define the graphical item once and then use linear transformations to animate it. This way, (on most platforms and frameworks) the GPU can do the animation work, because rasterization with linear transformations can be done very fast on a GPU. If the programmer chooses to draw each frame on the CPU, it would most likely be much slower and consume more energy.
I understand that the Watch is not a device you want to overload with complex animations, but at least the Home Screen certainly seems to use exactly this kind of animated linear transformations:
Also, most Watch Faces are animated in a way, e.g. the moving seconds and minutes hands.
However, the WatchKit controls do not have a .transform property, and I could not find much in the documentation - the words "animation" and "graphics" are not even mentioned there.
So, the only way I currently see is to draw the vector graphics to a CGContext and then put the result as an UIImage to a image control, as described here. But this does not really seem energy-efficient. It is exactly the kind of "CPU pixel drawing" that we usually want to avoid if possible. I think it is not energy-efficient because if I draw on a 100x100 pixels image buffer, the image has to be scaled to the actual Watch screen size, so we have two actual drawing processes per frame.
Is there a officially recommended, energy-efficient way to do animations on the Apple Watch?
Or, in other words, can we animate things like they are animated on the Home Screen or Watch Faces?
Seems SpriteKit is the answer. You can create SKScene and node objects and then display them in a WKInterfaceSKScene.

Querying graphics capabilities for deciding whether to apply GPU-intensive effects (through SpriteKit)

I have a game written with SpriteKit which uses a SKEffectNode with blur effect to blur a set of sprites, one of which has a fairly large texture, and which together cover a fairly large area of the screen. An iMac and Mac Book Pro cope quite happily with this but on a more humble Mac Book there is a notable drop in frame rate with the effect node added in. Since the effect isn't crucial to the functionality of the game, I could simply not add the SKEffectNode for machines with less powerful graphics capabilities.
So then the question: what would be a good programmatic check that I could make to determine the "power of the GPU" or "performance when applying texture effects" or [suggest better metric here] and via what API? Thanks for your suggestions!
You'll have to create a performance test using your actual blurring processes and some sample content to get an accurate idea of the time cost of it on each generation of hardware.
Blurs are really weird things, programmatically. A Box Blur can give you most of the appearance of a nice, soft gaussian blur for much less processing cost. A zoom or motion blur (that looks good) is surprisingly expensive, even on strong hardware.
And there's some amazingly effective "cheats" when doing blurs. Because there's no need for detail you can heavily optimise the operations, particularly if the blurs are strong.
Apple, it's believed, does something like this, for example, with its blurs:
Massively shrink the target image
Do a gaussian blur on this tiny image
Scale it back up, somewhat
Apply a cheap Box Blur to soften it
Fully scale back to the desired size
By way of terrible example benefitting from scaling well (with filtering set for good scaling)
This is the full sized image blurred:
And here's a version of the same image, scaled to a 16th of its original size, blurred, and then the blurred image scaled back up. As you can see, due to the good scaling and lack of detail, there's hardly any difference in the blurred image, but the blur takes MUCH less processing energy and time:

Suitability of using Core Animation on iOS vs using Cocos2D and OpenGL ES?

I finished a breakout game tutorial in a book, but the ball, which is a 20x20 pixel image, was skipping frames and not moving very smoothly. That is the case on the Simulator as well as on an iPhone 4S (the real thing). The code wasn't using NSTimer (which may be slower), but was using CADisplayLink and UIImageView setFrame to do the animation.
Is Core Animation on iOS not very suitable for development animation type of games? Say if it is a game of
Invaders (Space Invaders)
Breakout (as a game in a tutorial)
Angry Birds / Cut the Rope / Fruit Ninja
For these types of games, is Core Animation really suitable for writing (2) above? For (1), (3), and (4), either Cocos2D or OpenGL ES is more suitable of doing the job. And the performance of Cocos2D and OpenGL ES are very close. Is that true?
Cocos2D is often looked at because of its ease for programming common game logic, like collision detection and sprite animations, frame-by-frame, scaling and other processes that are quite common in game development, where you string together multiple animations, combine then, sequence them, do call backs, and more. That is one of the big benefits of the engine.
However, performance is another. Cocos offers batch nodes, which combine all graphic elements into a single OpenGL call, rather than "drawing" each to the screen separately in each frame; this can dramatically improve performance, especially for large graphics. If you had skipping frames, I wonder if batch sprites in Cocos would have been the missing link.
I'm very impressed by Core Animation and want to hope that it can hold its own with performance issues in games. My understanding is that CA is, like Cocos, also built on top of OpenGL ES, so I'd expect it possible to achieve good results in either. It could be that doing so in Cocos is easier simply because it has been designed and optimized internally for game development.
If you are having performance problems with a 2D app, this is likely caused by a lack of understanding of how to get the most efficient results from CoreGraphics as opposed to something that switching to OpenGL will fix. A 2D game will work just fine with CoreGraphics, you just need to start with the right approach. First off, you should not be rendering the entire view over again on each CADisplayLink callback. Instead, setup a UIView that contains multiple CALayer objects. Set the layer like so: CALayer.contents = (id) cgImage and then let the system take care of rendering it when the x, y, or animation elements change. You just need to position your elements and define the animations that move the elements around. With this approach, the system will cache the animating image on the graphics card behind the scenes and redraw using GPU operations.

A skinning engine in Windows: draw “dirty” regions only or the whole window at once?

I want to make a skinning engine capable of drawing custom-shaped windows with alpha blending. That is, it'll use layered windows (UpdateLayeredWindow). A typical window will contain among its background a couple dozens of other bitmaps ranging from 10×10 to, say, 300×150 pixels. In the worst case most of these elements will have smooth animation up to 30 fps. Everything will be alpha-blended and I am going to use Direct2D for this (yes, I know older Windows versions doesn't support it). In general, Winamp's modern skin engine is the closest example.
Given all this and taking in account modern PCs performance, can I just redraw the whole window every single frame or do I have to constrain to some sort of clip rectangle?
D2D required you to render with WM_Paint messages
Honneslty, use The IAnimation interface, and just let D2D and windows worry about how often to redraw , though i will let you know , winamp is done with adobe air, and layerd windows with d2d causes issues. (Kinda think you have to use a DXGI render target, but with the window being layerd it needs a DC to be returned to an end paint call so it can update it's alpha channel)
I have some experience with this.
If you need to support Windows XP, using UpdateLayeredWindow is the only choice available for solving this problem. The documentation for this call says it copies the whole bitmap to the screen each time it is called and this bottleneck showed up in my benchmarking as the real limiting factor. If your window is 300x300 you pay that price on every update, even if you are careful to modify only a couple of pixels. It would be very easy to over-optimize the rendering side for no real benefit so implement something simple, measure, and then decide if you need to optimize.
If you can drop support for Windows XP then you can avoid UpdateLayeredWindow completely and use DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea to create the same effect as a layered window. You'll write less code, avoid the UpdateLayeredWindow bottleneck, and D2D will be easier to work with.

Tackling alpha blend in OpenGL for better performance

Since having blends is hitting perfomance of our game, we tried several blending strategies for creating the "illusion" of blending. One of them is drawing a sprite every odd frame, resulting in the sprite being visible half of the time. The effect is quit good. (You'd need a proper frame rate by the way, else your sprite would be noticeably flickering)
Despite that, I would like to know if there are any good insights out there in avoiding blending in order to better the overal performance without compromising (too much) of the visual experience.
Is it the actual blending that's killing your performance? (i.e. video memory bandwidth)
What games commonly do these days to handle lots of alpha blended stuff (think large explosions that cover whole screen): render them into a smaller texture (e.g. 2x2 smaller or 4x4 smaller than screen), and composite them back onto the main screen.
Doing that might require rendering depth buffer of opaque surfaces into that smaller texture as well, to properly handle intersections with opaque geometry. On some platforms (consoles) doing multisampling or depth buffer hackery might make that a very cheap operation; no such luck on regular PC though.
See article from GPU Gems 3 for example: High-Speed, Off-Screen Particles. Christer Ericson's blog post overviews a lot of optimization approaches as well: Optimizing the rendering of a particle system
Excellent article here about rendering particle systems quickly. It covers the smaller off screen buffer technique and suggest quite a few other approaches.
You can read it here
It is not quite clear from your question what kind of application of blending hits your game's performance. Generally blending is blazingly fast. If your problems are particle system related, then what is most likely to kill framerate is the number and size of particles drawn. Particularly lots of close up (and therefore large) particles will require high memory bandwidth and fill rate of the graphics card. I have implemented a particle system myself, and while I can render tons of particles in the distance, I feel the negative impact of e.g. flying through smoke (that will fill the entire screen because the viewer is amidst of it) very much on weaker hardware.
