Xpath to match following sibling in another node - xpath

This is my html code:
<th class="left_cont"><strong>Hello world</strong></th>
<td class="right_cont padding_left16px"><strong>Hi There</strong></td>
Now to select the text Hellow world i used.
//strong[contains(text(),'Hello world')]
Works fine for me.
Now I need to select the text Hi there relatively to the hello world text.
I need to do something like this but I can't figure out.
//strong[contains(text(),'Hello world')]/following-sibling::strong
Doesn't work out for me.

Elements with sibling relations are parent of <strong> instead of <strong> it self, so you can try this way :
//*[strong[contains(.,'Hello world')]]/following-sibling::*[strong]/strong
Or if you are sure parents involved are always <th> and <td> :
//th[strong[contains(.,'Hello world')]]/following-sibling::td[strong]/strong

2nd "strong" element is not actually sibling of the first one. But wrapping "td" elements are siblings. So you could probably use
//strong[contains(text(),'Hello world')]/../following-sibling::td/strong


XPath get only first Parent of nested HTML

I am newbie in XPath. Can someone explain how to resolve this problem:
I try to get <tr> which contains Label value, but it does not work for me,
Here is my code :
Desired result:
Can someone help me ?
This expression matches the tr that you want:
//tr[contains(td/text(), 'Label')]
Like yours, this starts by scanning all tr elements in the document, but this version uses just a single predicate. The td/text() limits the test to actual text nodes which are grandchildren of the row. If you just used td, then all of the td's descendant text nodes would be collected and concatenated, and the outer tr would match.
UPDATE: Also, for what it's worth, the reason your expression isn't working is that the ancestor axis returns elements in document order, not "outward" from the point of the context node. This is something I've run into myself, as it is somewhat unintuitive. To make your approach work, you would need to say
instead of
I had the same issue, except that the text 'Label' was sometimes in a nested span, or even further nested in the td. For example:
The previous answer only finds 'Label' if it is in a text element that is a direct child of the td. This issue is a bit harder because we need to search for a td that contains the text 'Label' in any of its children. Since the tds are nested, all tds qualify as having a descendant that contains the text 'Label'. So, the only way I found to overcome this is to add a check that makes sure that the td we select does not contain a td with the search text.
//td[contains(., 'Label') and not(.//td[contains(., 'Label')])]/ancestor::tr[1]
This says give me all of the tds that have a decedent text containing 'Label', but exclude all tds that contain a td that has a decedent text containing 'Label' (nesting ancestors). This returns the child most td that contains the text. Then you can go back to the tr that contains this td using ancestor.
Also, if you just want the lowest table that contains text use this:
//table[contains(., 'Label') and not(.//table[contains(., 'Label')])]
or you can select the tr directly:
//tr[contains(., 'Label') and not(.//tr[contains(., 'Label')])]
This seems like a common problem, but I didn't see a solution anywhere. So, I decided to post to this old unanswered question in hopes that it helps somebody.

Selenium IDE with XPath to identify cell in table based on other column

Please take a look at the snippet of html below:
<tr class="clickable">
<td id="7b8ee8f9-b66f-4fba-83c1-4cf2827130b5" class="clickable">
<a class="editLink" href="#">Single</a>
<td class="clickable">£14.00</td>
I'm trying to assert the value of td[2] when td[1] contains "Single". I've tried assorted variants of:
I've used similar notation elsewhere successfully - but to no avail here... I think it's down to td[1] having the nested element, but not sure.
Can someone enlighten as to what I'm getting wrong? :)
What about:
//tr[contains(td[1], "Single")]/td[2]
First select the <tr> containing the <td> matching the text, and then select td[2].
contains(//tr[contains(td[1], "Single")]/td[2], "£14.00")
should return True.
Or, closer to the expression you tried, you could test if this matches:
//tr[contains(td[1], "Single")]/td[2][contains(., "£14.00")]
See #JensErat's answer to find xth td with td contains in same tr xpath python .
Why not make it simple on yourself, do the if statement in your code. Psuedocode:
Select the top level tr.
Find first td within tr, check to see if it contains Single.
If it does, assert that it contains £14.00
Alternatively, you could just get the text of the top level tr and perform the checks on that text.

Complicated xpath for a rookie

I have this piece of html:
<td class="has-checkbox">
<input id="abc" class=... value=...>
<td class="has-label">
<label for="abc">Name1234</label>
I need to make an xpath that gets me the input element, based on whats in the label, in this case Name1234.
In other words, for this case, I need an xpath to the input element, and the path must contain Name1234, as its variable.
Anyone who can help me out here?
//input[#id = //label[. = 'Name1234']/#for] selects input element(s) with an id attribute value equal to the for attribute value of label elements where the contents is Name1234.
You can use /.. , this syntax use to move back to parent node. In your case:
You must move back 2 times because input tag is the child of another td tag.
Here are others introduction and example about you should read.
Here is a solution using the Axes parent and preceding-sibling:
It's not so complicated as you think:
in other words, you are looking for the 'tr' which contains 'label' with text "Name1234". If the condition is true, you are getting the 'input' element

XPath matching text in a table - Ruby - Nokigiri

I have a table that looks like this
<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0">
<td colspan="9" class="csoGreen"><b class="white">Bill Statement Detail</b></td>
<tr style="background-color: #D8E4F6;vertical-align: top;">
<td nowrap="nowrap"><b>Bill Date</b></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><b>Bill Amount</b></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><b>Bill Due Date</b></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><b>Bill (PDF)</b></td>
I am trying to create the XPATH to find this table where it contains the test Bill Statement Detail. I want the entire table and not just the td.
Here is what I have tried so far:
page.parser.xpath('//table/tbody/tr[contains(text(),"Bill Statement Detail")]')
Any Help is appreciated
Your first XPath example is the closest in that you're selecting table. The second example, if it ever matched, would select tr—this one will not work mainly because, according to your example, the text you want is in a b node, not a tr node.
This solution is as vague as I could make it, because of *. If the target text will always be under b, change it to descendant::b:
//table[contains(descendant::*, 'Bill Statement Detail')]
This is as specific, given the example, as I can make:
//table[tr[1]/td/b['Bill Statement Detail']]
You might want
//table[contains(descendant::text(),"Bill Statement Detail")]
The suggested codes don't work well if the match word is not in the first row. See the related post Find a table containing specific text

xpath nearest element to a given element

I am having trouble returning an element using xpath.
I need to get the text from the 2nd TD from a large table.
<label for="PropertyA">Some text here </label>
<td> TEXT!! </td>
I'm able to find the label element, but then I'm having trouble selecting the sibling TD to return the text.
This is how I select the label:
You are looking for the axes following-sibling. It searches in the siblings in the same parent - there it is tr. If the tds aren't in the same tr then they aren't found. If you want to it then you can use axes following.
From the label element, it should be:
And then use the DOM method from the hosting language to get the string value.
Or select the text node (something I do not recommend) with:
Or if there's going to be just this one only node, then you could use the string() function:
You can also select from the common ancestor tr like:
Getting ANY following element:
