Ruby-Mp3Info error when saving/closing a file - ruby

I've upgraded to the new mp3info GEM and now there seems to be a problem when it comes to writing the changes to the MP3 tags. Ruby version 1.9.3, mp3info version 0.8.4, Windows 7 - 64 bit.
Simple program:
require 'mp3info'
mp3 ='a.mp3')
mp3.title = 'bogo'
Results in:
Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - (./.a.mp3.tmp, a.mp3)
from D:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-mp3info-0.8.4/lib/mp3info.rb:453:in `rename'
from D:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-mp3info-0.8.4/lib/mp3info.rb:453:in `close'
from (irb):6
from D:/Ruby193/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
I've checked permissions on the file/folder, and I'm running as Administrator in the CMD shell.

Obsolete since ruby-mp3info version 0.8.8
This answer is obsolete since ruby-mp3info version 0.8.8
I think it is a bug in mp3info, (I checked the actual version 0.8.7).
The method Mp3Info#close does not always close the internal io.
If you modify mp3info.rb like this:
###>>>Approx line 370:
# Flush pending modifications to tags and close the file
# not used when source IO is a StringIO
def close
##### ###aprox line 465
#io.close unless #io.closed? ## <<<< add this.
then the problem was solved for me.
This bug was reported and corrected in a pull request. The ruby-mp2info-gem version 0.8.8 (January 26, 2016 ) contains this correction.


Error opening a file with h5fopen_f in FORTRAN / MPI / HDF5 ( 1.10.1 )

I am using a Fortran code that uses HDF5 (1.10.1). At some point there is a call to open a file using h5fopen_f:
H5FileName = "+hdf5/Temperature_00000_00001.h5"
CALL h5fopen_f(H5FileName, H5F_ACC_RDWR_F, file, hdferr)
Scalardataset = 'Temperature_00001_0000'
call h5ltget_dataset_info_f(file, Scalardataset, dimstmp, type_class, type_size, hdferr)
call h5fclose_f(file,hdferr)
which is giving me an error:
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.1) MPI-process 0:
#000: H5F.c line 586 in H5Fopen(): unable to open file
major: File accessibilty
minor: Unable to open file
#001: H5Fint.c line 1305 in H5F_open(): unable to lock the file
major: File accessibilty
minor: Unable to open file
#002: H5FD.c line 1839 in H5FD_lock(): driver lock request failed
major: Virtual File Layer
minor: Can't update object
#003: H5FDsec2.c line 940 in H5FD_sec2_lock(): unable to lock file, errno = 11, error message = 'Resource temporarily unavailable'
major: File accessibilty
minor: Bad file ID accessed
I have checked that the file exists, it's where it should and that I have the right permissions. Also, the code works fine when I just use one process, and when I use more than one, one of the processes is able to open the file ( err=0 ), but the rest can't ( err=-1 ). Finally, I have this same code installed somewhere else and it works just fine (with version 1.8.14).
Can this be a problem with the version?
I found two ways of fixing this:
Opening the files as read only, using H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F instead of H5F_ACC_RDWR_F (this is fine for me because I don't need to write.
Recompiling everything using HDF5 1.8.14. I guess that read and write permissions are more restrictive in version 1.10.x than in version 1.8.x.
Ideally I would like to be able to use a more up to date version of HDF5 together with H5F_ACC_RDWR_F, but for now it works for me.
I had a very similar issue with HDF5 1.10.1. We are using multiple readers to access a file in H5F_ACC_RDONLY mode.
Disabling file locking by setting the environment variable seems to resolve the H5FDsec2.c line 940 in H5FD_sec2_lock(): unable to lock file, errno = 11, error message = 'Resource temporarily unavailable':
This env var is checked at runtime by hdf5. See:​

Severe problems on getting to work jedi vim (windows)

i have already read a lot of threads with similar topics and the tag jedi-vim here on stackoverflow and also other pages.
But this problem still keeps me from doing my actual work :-/.
Up to now I have already tried several steps back and forth, but basically I did the following:
1. Install latest Python3.4 (32bit)
2. Got this precompiled VIM: (https:// (32Bit)
3. Installed Pathogen
4. Installed Flake8 successfully
5. Installed Jedi (systemwide?) with pip
6. Got Jedi-vim from and unpacked the dir jedi-vim-master to:
6.1. $HOME/vimfiles/bundle/ only
6.2. $VIM/vimfiles/bundle/ only
6.3. BOTH
python and python3 both work (before I ONLY had python3).
":python3 import sys; print(sys.version)" and
":python2 import sys; print(sys.version)" give an output.
In my vimrc I force jedi-vim to use python3:
"let g:jedi#force_py_version = 3"
And now the actual error is the following:
When I type e.g. "self." in a *.py-file he searches for half a sec and says:
E117: unknown function: pythoncomplete#Complete
-- Omni completion (^O^N^P) Pattern not found
When I want to call a function and want type the parameters, something pops up / gets faded in, but it's some unclear signs and not the actual parameters.
see here
Other info:
:scriptnames :
My vimrc:
Your problem is that the jedi-vim completion function is never called.
The error message is about pythoncomplete#Complete, which is VIM's default, but it should be set to :set omnifunc=jedi#completions.
I feel like the last line in scriptnames (D:\tools\v\indent\python.vim) overwrites omnifunc. Don't know why and how it happens, but that's my gut feeling.

Chilkat ftp.SyncLocalDir with open files?

I’m having an issue with ftp.SyncLocalDir when I have an open file on the local directory.
I’m using the example from with a few minor changes. It has been working fine for a few days and then has stopped working.
I’ve found that one of the files is open on the local directory. Looking through the forum I see that one of the answers stated that
“Chilkat will detect errors that are likely permission/access errors and will continue with the remainder of the download.”
This is not happening for me. Looking at the last error text it states that the file is used by another process. Not other files get synchronized.
Is the something else I need to add to the code to force it to continue after the error?
Below is the last error text.
DllDate: Dec 5 2014
UnlockPrefix: *********
Username: *********
Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit
Language: .NET 4.0
VerboseLogging: 0
commandCharset: ansi
dirListingCharset: ansi
localDirPath: Q:\TEST
mode: 2
enabled: yes
heartbeatMs: 0
sendBufferSize: 65536
localFilename: Q:\TEST/LINE_6 _13.csv
Replacing existing local file
Failed to open file (2)
localFilePath: Q:\TEST\LINE_6 _13.csv
currentWorkingDirectory: H:\Code In Progress\LLS\Gen 3 Test And Crimp
w-network\VB Code\trunk\FTP Syncronize\bin\Debug
osErrorInfo: The process cannot access the file because it is being us
ed by another process.
localWindowsFilePath: Q:\TEST\Line 6\LINE_6 _13.csv
Failed to download file
failedFilename: /LINE_6 _13.csv
Please try this new build for the .NET 4.0 Framework:
32-bit Download:
64-bit Download:
The feature for continuing past permission/access issues had to do with issues on the remote server as opposed to the local filesystem. This new build should now also do the same for local permission errors. It will be noted in the release notes for Chilkat version when released (soon).
If you have trouble, please post the LastErrorText using this new build.

Mac OS X 10.10 merge tool git bugs

When I am attempting to use git mergetool I get the following errors.
Normal merge conflict for 'application/language/dutch/config_lang.php':
{local}: modified file
{remote}: modified file
Hit return to start merge resolution tool (opendiff):
2014-10-16 16:30:02.996 FileMerge[42541:5140761] Failed to connect (delegate) outlet from (DiffController) to (DiffController): missing setter or instance variable
2014-10-16 16:30:02.997 FileMerge[42541:5140761] Failed to connect (mainPrefPane) outlet from (DiffController) to (NSBox): missing setter or instance variable
2014-10-16 16:30:03.071 FileMerge[42541:5140761] Unable to load platform at path /Applications/
2014-10-16 16:30:03.072 FileMerge[42541:5140761] Unable to load platform at path /Applications/
What can I do to fix this? The tool launches but I cannot continue after the first file.
NOTE: This error is intermittent, but happens most of the time.
cd /Applications/
plutil -convert xml1 iPhoneOS.platform/Info.plist
plutil -convert xml1 iPhoneSimulator.platform/Info.plist
This fixes the 2nd set of warnings. This has been an issue since 10.8,
but apple ignores my bug report :)
I see the same behavior after upgrading from 10.9. According to this answer, delete both iPhoneOS.platform and iPhoneSimulator.platform. Or reinstall them properly from XCode if you need them. The former worked for me.

Why does my ATG build fail when using runAssembler?

I recently installed ATG 10.2 on my Mac using the instructions found here.
After successfully installing ATG I then tried to compile my ATG code using the runAssembler script provided, however I encountered the following error:
[ERROR] ./bin/ line 355: No such file or directory
Why does my ATG build fail?
In the spirit of SO I am answering my own question:
It turns out I encountered a known bug with the ATG installers which fail to update the <DYNAMO_HOME>/home/localconfig/ with the correct values (dasEnv.bat for Windows). The values which you need to add to this file are:
# Note: I am using WebLogic (change if you are using jBoss or WebSpere)
# e.g. export ATGJRE=/usr/bin/java
# e.g. export WL_HOME=/Users/my_user/Applications/weblogic/wlserver10_3
export WL_VERSION=10.3.6
# self explanatory ...
Please note that this bug affects Windows installs too. More information can be found here.
