how to build g++ Makefile - makefile

Last time i asked sth about how to use CLAPACK.
Using CLAPACK undefined reference error
After that i tried to separate everything for a larger project.
Now I have "blitzLA.cpp" "InterfaceCLAPACK.cpp" "InterfaceCLAPACK.hpp"
I could successfully make it work just by calling
g++ -Wall -g InterfaceCLAPACK.cpp blitzLA.cpp -llapack -lblas -lf2c -o blitzLA
But if I do the Makefile, it gives me some errors.. My makefile is shown below.
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -Wall -g
linker = -llapack -lblas -lf2c
blitzLA: blitzLA.o InterfaceCLAPACK.o
${CC} ${CFLAGS} InterfaceCLAPACK.o blitzLA.o -o blitzLA
blitzLA.o: blitzLA.cpp InterfaceCLAPACK.hpp
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${linker} -c blitzLA.cpp
InterfaceCLAPACK.o: InterfaceCLAPACK.cpp InterfaceCLAPACK.hpp
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${linker} -c InterfaceCLAPACK.cpp
rm -rf *.o blitzLA
I guess the problem is where do i leave "-llapack -lblas -lf2c"..Now i get the errors shown below.
g++ -Wall -g -llapack -lblas -lf2c -c blitzLA.cpp
g++ -Wall -g -llapack -lblas -lf2c -c InterfaceCLAPACK.cpp
g++ -Wall -g InterfaceCLAPACK.o blitzLA.o -o blitzLA
InterfaceCLAPACK.o: In function `quantfin::interfaceCLAPACK::SolveLinear(blitz::Array<double, 2>
bunch of things here..
/home/baozi/Dropbox/Linux/LinearAlgebra/InterfaceCLAPACK.cpp:64: undefined reference to `dgttrf_'
/home/baozi/Dropbox/Linux/LinearAlgebra/InterfaceCLAPACK.cpp:67: undefined reference to `dgttrs_'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [blitzLA] Error 1
Where do i go wrong.. Help plz


How do I link a archive file with C code?

I'm trying to link a static library archive file (libx/libx.a) with a C code. The library requires 2 flags (-lx -lpthread). After linking the static library my ultimate goal is to create a shared library. I have the following Make file,
rsa-engine: rsa/rsa.c rsa/bignum.c rsa/aes.c rsa/x509parse.c rsa/pem.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/rsa.o -c rsa/rsa.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/bignum.o -c rsa/bignum.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/aes.o -c rsa/aes.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/x509parse.o -c rsa/x509parse.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/pem.o -c rsa/pem.c
gcc -fPIC rsa-engine.c libx/libx.a -L.libx/ -lx -lpthread -o rsa-engine.o
gcc -shared -o -lcrypto rsa-engine.o rsa/rsa.o rsa/bignum.o rsa/aes.o rsa/x509parse.o rsa/pem.o
rm -f *.o rsa/*.o *.so rsa-engine
After using the make command it produces the following output,
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lx
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:2: recipe for target 'rsa-engine' failed
make: *** [rsa-engine] Error 1
I found similar questions here. But that did not help. Seems like I can't make the link work. Any help with what I'm doing wrong?
I would like to achieve the same result generated by the following command,
CC := gcc
CFLAGS := -Wall -g -MD -O2 -I ../
LDFLAGS := -lx -lpthread
tests_files := hello
all: $(tests_files)
hello: hello.o ../libx/libx.a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -static $(<) -L../libx/ $(LDFLAGS) -o $(#)
It seems that your libx.a is located in libx, yet -L references .libx directory. Anyway, since you reference libx/libx.a directly, you may skip both -L.libx/ -lx and it should link just fine.

Makefile Not Recognizing Object Make Directive

I am having issues getting my Makefile to compile a very simple main function, and I can't seem to find the issue. Here is my Makefile:
main: main.o Recursion.o
gcc -Wall -o main main.o Recursion.o
main.o: main.c Recursion.c
gcc -Wall -c main.c
Recursion.o: Recursion.c Recursion.h
gcc -Wall -c Recursion.c
rm main *.o
When I enter the make command in the UNIX terminal, this is the result I get:
-bash-4.2$ make
cc -c -o main.o main.c
cc -c -o Recursion.o Recursion.c
gcc -Wall -o main main.o Recursion.o
main.o: main.c Recursion.c
make: main.o:: Command not found
make: *** [Makefile:3: main] Error 127
I cannot figure out what's wrong. It is generating the executable main, but I'm not sure what exactly the issue is on the command line. Any suggestions?
Makefiles are indentation-sensitive.
Try this:
main: main.o Recursion.o
gcc -Wall -o main main.o Recursion.o
main.o: main.c Recursion.c
gcc -Wall -c main.c
Recursion.o: Recursion.c Recursion.h
gcc -Wall -c Recursion.c
rm main *.o

What is wrong with this makefile and how to fix it?

I have got 4 files: pass1.c , pass2.c, main.c and header1.h.
Each of these files, include the file header.h
I wrote the following makefile:
assembler: pass1.o pass2.o main.o
gcc pass1.o pass2.o -o assembler
pass1.o: pass1.c
gcc -c -ansi -Wall -pedantic pass1.c -o pass1.o
pass2.o: pass2.c
gcc -c -ansi -Wall -pedantic pass2.c -o pass2.o
main.o: main.c
gcc -c -ansi -Wall -pedantic main.c -o main.o
When I did make, I got the following error:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':
(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
makefile:2: recipe for target 'assembler' failed
make: *** [assembler] Error 1
Note that I didn't write a function called 'start'.
What is the problem here and how can I fix it?
gcc pass1.o pass2.o -o assembler
should be
gcc main.o pass1.o pass2.o -o assembler
Rename main.c to assembler.c and your entire makefile can be condensed to
CFLAGS := -ansi -Wall -pedantic
objects := assembler.o pass1.o pass2.o
assembler: $(objects)
$(objects): header.h
assuming that cc on your system is a symlink to gcc.

How to use gcc to compile multiple files

I have several files needed to be compiled.
here is the command. the sample_client.c dependent on the lsp.o. Now I changed the lsp.c and lsp.h. How can I compile to get this change effective to lsp.o?
the main function is in the sample_client.c, lsp.c does not have a main function.
gcc -g -I/usr/include -g sample_client.c lsp.o lspmessage.pb-c.o -o sample_client -L/usr/lib -lprotobuf-c
Here is my makefile,
CC = gcc
TARGET = sample_client sample_server
CFLAGS += -g -I/usr/include
LDFLAGS += -g -lprotobuf-c -L/usr/lib
all: $(TARGET)
$(TARGET): lsp.o lspmessage.pb-c.o
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
rm -f *.o
rm -f $(TARGET)
However, the lprotobuf-c can not be correctly linked.
run make -f Makefile
I can get the following,
lspmessage.pb-c.o: In function `lspmessage__get_packed_size':
...: undefined reference to `protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size'
lspmessage.pb-c.o: In function `lspmessage__pack':
...: undefined reference to `protobuf_c_message_pack'
I know that I can run this command,
gcc -g -I/usr/include -g sample_client.c lsp.o lspmessage.pb-c.o -o sample_client -L/usr/lib -lprotobuf-c
But what if I change the lsp.c and lsp.h ?
It looks to me like your LDFLAGS isn't correct. Try the following:
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/lib -lprotobuf-c
It looks like you had the directory -L and the library out of order.
Also, I removed the additional call to -g for you.

Ubuntu LDFLAGS --as-needed

I have a C project that won't link correctly, and I suspect it's because of the --as-needed flag passed to the ld program by gcc. Because of that flag, gcc sees any linked library listed as an option before the *.c files as unnecessary, and won't link them.
CFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -g -Wall -I${PREFIX}/apr/include/apr-1 -I${PREFIX}/apr/include/apr-util-1
LDFLAGS=-lapr-1 -pthread -laprutil-1
all: devpkg
devpkg: bstrlib.o db.o shell.o commands.o
install: all
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/bin/
install devpkg $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/bin/
rm -f *.o
rm -f devpkg
rm -rf *.dSYM
When I run this makefile I get the following.
cc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -g -Wall -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-1 -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-util-1 -c -o bstrlib.o bstrlib.c
cc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -g -Wall -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-1 -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-util-1 -c -o db.o db.c
cc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -g -Wall -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-1 -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-util-1 -c -o shell.o shell.c
cc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -g -Wall -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-1 -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-util-1 -c -o commands.o commands.c
cc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -g -Wall -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-1 -I/usr/local/apr/include/apr-util-1 -lapr-1 -pthread -laprutil-1 devpkg.c bstrlib.o db.o shell.o commands.o -o devpkg
/tmp/ccZcAm9b.o: In function `main':
/home/zach/Desktop/devpkgzed/devpkg.c:14: undefined reference to `apr_pool_initialize'
/home/zach/Desktop/devpkgzed/devpkg.c:15: undefined reference to `apr_pool_create_ex'
/home/zach/Desktop/devpkgzed/devpkg.c:29: undefined reference to `apr_getopt_init'
/home/zach/Desktop/devpkgzed/devpkg.c:31: undefined reference to `apr_getopt'
My issue is that I don't really understand how make is coming up with these commands via the CFLAGS that are set. How can I get the linker options to follow the compilation part instead of the other way around, which is triggering this issue?
Make has built-in rules to compile source files and link executables and libraries. The commands you list are produced by these rules.
The reason this fails for you is that, when linking, libraries should be listed after object files, because the linker does a single pass through its arguments and will discard any symbols that are not unresolved at the time they are seen. To correct it, put your libraries in the LDLIBS variable, not the LDFLAGS variable (i.e. just replace LDFLAGS by LDLIBS). The LDFLAGS variable is meant for non-library options for the linker, such as -L or -shared etc
